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That is so small and light it can fit comfortably in your

pocket, but at the same time can open out to give you

a full size screen.

do so many good such as help people with physical

disabilities to access quickly and easy all the functions

on their computer
business people who
and home
for a small
are able to carry
a car that can park itself lining itself up in the parking
have to carry
don't want place and doing all that awkward manoeuvring for me!

an e-paper based special reader Remarkable2, that can be

used for review of technical documentation, having an impor-
tant option - possibility of making comments on the document

a simple idea, having all of my beloving relatives with me

Speech recognition in a peaceful place, far away from the civilization, in full
electronic and social network silence.
navigate your computer
write documents
using keyboard speech

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