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Interns Name ID

Eyob Bezu RU0360/12

Advisor :- Ms. Meron Asteraye

Submission date:10/5/2023
Jimma, Ethiopia

I have been working my internship experience in B.G. I Ethiopia St.George from July 2023 to
September 2023 under the guidance of Mrs Meron Asteraye(university Advisor) and Mrs Rahel
Eshetu (Faculty mentor) .During this internship I have gained many interesting and useful
knowledge including the chemical applications, processes and control techniques used in the
factory. The report has been submitted to Jimma University in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of engineering internship program in Chemical engineering department.

Name of student Signature Date

1. Eyob Bezu _____________ __________ ______

Academic mentor signature

University Advisor

Ms Meron _________________________

Company advisor __________________

Ms Rahel Eshetu: ______________

First and for most, I want to acknowledge the Almighty God for his infinite mercies without him
everything has achieved would be impossible.
Second i would like to give our gratitude to Jimma University for giving us this opportunity to
develop practical skills. I would like to thank B.G.I. Ethiopia Brew Industry for having fruitful
experience of internship with operators and workers in the company. Also, I would like to thank
all of the company technicians especially our Company adviser Mrs. Rahel for her
encouragement, advice and support. Lastly, I would like to thank our faculty advisor Ms. Meron
Who gave different advises and comments regarding to the internship & the project.

Executive Summary
This report contains historical background about B.G.I Ethiopia and also about the raw materials
used for beer production that is barley malt, hops, water and yeast and also the various unit
operations and their operating mechanisms used in this brewery. This report also contains the
challenges that I have faced and how I overcome them. And also what I have gained in terms of
improving my practical skills, what I have gained in terms of upgrading my theoretical
knowledge, what I have gained interims of improving my inter personal communication skills,
and also improving my leader ship skills and so on. And at last it contains my recommendation
to the company that I have seen some problems .On this paper I tried to do my project on
upgrading of biogas and reused for vehicle fuel which is released during the burning of biomass
in waste treatment and analyses, solving and recommended the problem occurred in bottling
section especially in filler machine.

Table of Contents

DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................. I

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................................... II

Executive Summary....................................................................................................................... III

List of tables ................................................................................................................................. VII

List of figure ............................................................................................................................... VIII

Chapter one .................................................................................................................................... 1

Background of host company ......................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Brief history ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 The Main Products and Services ........................................................................................... 3

1.3 The Main Customers or End Users ........................................................................................ 3

1.4 Vision and mission of the company ...................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Vision .............................................................................................................................. 3

1.5 overall organization and work flow....................................................................................... 4

Chapter two .................................................................................................................................... 5

Overall internship experience ......................................................................................................... 5

2.1 How we get into the company .............................................................................................. 5

The Process of Beer Production 2.1 Raw Materials of Beer Production .................................... 5

2.2 Unit Operations of Beer Production ..................................................................................... 7

2.2.2 Mashing .......................................................................................................................... 9

2.2.3 MASH FILTER................................................................................................................. 12

2.2.4 Wort Pre-run Tank ........................................................................................................ 13

2.2.5 Wort Kettle ................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.6 Wort Clarification (Whirlpool) ...................................................................................... 15

2.2.8 Wort Aeration ............................................................................................................... 15

2.2.9 Addition of Yeast (Pitching) .......................................................................................... 16

2.2.10 Fermentation .............................................................................................................. 17

2.2.11 Beer Filtration ............................................................................................................. 20

2.2.13 Beer Carbonation........................................................................................................ 22

2.2.14 Bright Beer Storage (BBT) ........................................................................................... 22

2.3 Beer packaging .................................................................................................................... 23

2.3.1 Bottling ......................................................................................................................... 23

2.3.2 Kegging ......................................................................................................................... 26

2.5 Utility ................................................................................................................................... 28

2.5.1 Boiling Plant .................................................................................................................. 28

2.5.5 Raw Water Treatment Plant ......................................................................................... 30

2.5.6 Waste Water Treatment Plant ..................................................................................... 30

Chapter Three ............................................................................................................................... 35

Overall Benefit That I have Gaine from the Internship ................................................................ 35

3.1 In Terms of Improving Practical Skills ................................................................................. 35

3.3 In Terms of Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills ............................................... 35

3.5 In Terms of Leadership Skills ............................................................................................... 35

3.6 Understanding of Work Ethics Related Issues .................................................................... 36

3.7 In Terms of Entrepreneurship Skills .................................................................................... 36

Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................... 37

Material and Energy Balance on Selected Equipment’s ............................................................... 37

4.1 Material Balance ................................................................................................................. 37

4.2 Energy Balance .................................................................................................................. 41

Chapter 5....................................................................................................................................... 45

Production of CO2 Hop Extract from Gesho ................................................................................. 45

5.1.2 Types of Kettle Hop ...................................................................................................... 46

5.1.6. Why CO2? .................................................................................................................... 50

5.2 Statement of the Problem................................................................................................... 50

5.3 Objective ............................................................................................................................. 51

5.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................................... 51

5.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................ 51

5.4 Significance of the Project ................................................................................................... 51

5.6 Literature Review ................................................................................................................ 52

5.7 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 54

5.7.1. Material and chemical ................................................................................................. 54

5.7.2 Methods........................................................................................................................ 55

5.7.3 Expected Extract Result .................................................................................................... 57

Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................................ 57

Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 59

List of tables
Table 1:Difference between Bottom fermenting and Top fermenting yeasts ---------------------- 17

Table 2:: process flow diagram of bottle beer packaging ---------------------------------------------- 27

Table 3:Equipment’s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54

List of figure
Figure 1:Organization Chart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Figure 2:malt storage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Figure 3:hammer mill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Figure 4:mush tun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Figure 5:Mash filter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Figure 6:yeast storage tank --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Figure 7:Fermentation tanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Figure 8: Filtration units ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

Figure 9:: process flow diagram of bottel beer packaging --------------------------------------------- 26

Figure 10:hop leaf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45


 L - liter

 Cl Centiliter

 Hl Hectoliter

 B.G.I Brother Group International

 CIP – Clean in Place

 TOD - Tank out Door

 BBT - Bright Beer Tank

 CO2 - Carbon dioxide

 OP - Degree of Plato

 KMS - Potassium dimethane sulphied

 VDK - Vicinal Diketones

 DMS - Dimethyl Sulphur

 ATR acid - Phosphoric acid solution

 Sept acid - Sulfuric acid solution

 HG - High gravity beer

 LCO2 - Liquid Carbon dioxide

 Kg - Kilogram mg - Milligram

 g – gram

 L-liter

Chapter one

Background of host company

1.1 Brief history

The year 1922 is way back in time to be referred to as the old days. The Ethiopia of those days
was under the rule of Empress Zewditu Menlik and Addis Ababa was not even 3 decades old. That
Addis Ababa was a scene of huge crowed of what the foreigners call tukuls (grass roofed cottages).
It was just beginning to get ready to host things like modernism, the light of civilization, new
development/progress, etc. Roads had been paved, cars were coming, construction of modern
houses began, newspapers appeared, schools opened, and the railway was streaming in. One of the
modern things that happened then was the opening of the brewery. Many got stunned at wonders
of modernity. True, people have heard about the wonderful things made in Europe and America.
But witnessing these things on one’s own land is something different.
The founder of St. George Brewery, according to some sources, is Mussie Dawit Hale who is
Belgian. Other sources say that the brewery was owned and operated by a German company. In
fact, the brewery was set up by Mussie Dawit Hale who lately sold it to a German company. Some
43 years ago, the Ethiopian Trade Journal, (Vol 1, No 1, August 1960) wrote: The St. George
Brewery is situated near the Mexico Square. Addis Ababa, and occupies an area of 20,000
Sq.Meters of land. The beer factory was started 36 years ago by a German Company and an
Ethiopian Company took it over six years ago. The brewery stands right on the same site it was 80
years ago. During the time of the last Emperor it was known as Marshal Smut Street. It was fairly
big building and it started off as one of the pioneers in Ethiopia's industrial development.

The factory started with machineries that were operated by hand and foot and work was done by
direct human labor. Transporting of the raw material to the silo, fermenting of the malt, boiling
the barley, filtering the beer, filling the bottles, etc. were all done manually. Basic raw materials
like barley and hops were imported from Europe. The management staff of the factory and the
leading technicians who controlled the brewery's activities were all foreigners. During its first
years about 200 bottles (half liter size) were produced daily.
In those days, liquor houses were not many and the people had no choice apart from drinking the

traditional tella and tejj. Going to bars, in the manner that people are doing now, was not practiced
by most people. According to some senior people in the brewery who claim to have the first
customers were members of the royalty. Some unauthentic sources say that the brewery was closed
during the five years of Italian occupation. The factory resumed its work after the occupation and
according to some reports there arose problems related to ownership. The exact nature of the
argument stood unclear. Eventually, however, an Ethiopian company took over the brewery in
1952/3. This company was said to have been organized as a shareholding entity, the larger share
of which was owned by Emperor Haile Selassie.
Generally, St. George Brewery could be said as having scored good results in the 1940s and 1950s.
Towards the end of the 1950s the annual production of the brewery has reached 50,000 hectoliters.
According to the review made on The Ethiopian Trade Journal the brewery had 53 silos, which
had the capacity of 100 hectoliters each. There were about 300 employees who worked in shifts
for 24 hours. Trucks were also introduced that transported beer throughout the empire. The brew
master and other technical staff were Ethiopians.
Some of the old machineries were changed and a few semi-automatic machines installed. Although
the brewery was modern for its time most of the work was still done manually. A testimony made
by a senior member, Ato Haddis Negash Tassew, who joined the Brewery in 1960 explains the
situation. .... There were no boilers that were heated by electrical or fuel energy. Timber wood was
used to make fire and the flame was too big to get near. In those days everything was done by
human labor, and it was tough and difficult. Workers were obliged to carry a sack full of barley up
the stairs. The filtered beer was filled by manual filter with five spouts. The bottles were also
crowned with corks by machines operated manually. Slowly, but steadily, St. George Brewery
continued to grow. In the early years of the 1970's the brewery was in good shape in terms of its
machineries, physical buildings, vehicles, marketing network, etc. It even had planned to open a
new plant for the production of soft drinks. In 1974 the brewery as nationalized. Even though this
created some obstacles the Brewery pulled through with some improvements particularly with
regard to manpower development and betterment in workers engagement. It also started to produce
draught beer that enjoyed popularity and big sales. On the other hand the Brewery was lacking the
finance it needed to introduce new technologies that came in the 1970's. The name of the Brewery
was also changed as Pilsner Brewery and later as Addis Ababa Brewery. Most of all the workers

showed great commitment and dedication to keep the Brewery and its product popular. The role
played by the Brewery was significant in supporting and promoting other social activities including
St. George Sport Club. St. George Brewery is once again privatized. The factory is now owned by
BGI, an internationally acclaimed Brewing Company that operates in many countries. It has
excellent reputation in producing quality beer and brought St. George to the same standard. Today,
St. George is the oldest beer in Ethiopia and is certainly also the youngest with the fresh dynamism.

1.2 The Main Products and Services

The main products of the B.G.I are ;
St. George beer,st. george draught beer,senq,castel beer

1.3 The Main Customers or End Users

The products are distributed across the country in different cities including: - Ambo,
DebereMarkos , Butajira , DebreBirhan, Dire Dewa, Gambella, Jimma, Minjar,Adama, Nekemt,
Weliso,Subeta, Buraue etc.. And also exports their product to the following foreign countries: -
U.S. A, Europe, Australia, Djibouti, and South Sudan.

1.4 Vision and mission of the company

1.4.1 Vision
i) To be leader in countries beer industries with respect to quality, competitive price, using high
technology and international orients as well as sample for the overall industrial sector in the
ii) To make B.G.I the central venue for quality beer celebrities.
1.4.2 Mission
i) It is an endowment form established to contribute for the development of a region
introducing and selling customer proffered quality beer at competition reasonable and
generate a reasonable price.
ii) To by generated profit to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of the whole region.
iii) To product and seek quality beer at reasonable profit.

1.5 overall organization and work flow
BGI Ethiopia is a For-Profit organization meaning it is formed to make money, or profits by
offering products or services. The management structure of BGI is a very common one and is
called the functional structure (grouping by similar work specialties). The management structure
of the brewery can be represented in an organization chart. This chart shows the formal lines of
authority and the organization’s official positions and work specializations.

Figure 1:Organization Chart

Chapter two

Overall internship experience

2.1 How we get into the company
Chemical engineering department in Jimma University has an internship program for
eighth semester students. Since I am a Chemical engineering student here in Jimma
University, I applied an internship request to different industries in my locality and BGI Ethiopia
was one of those industries who accepted my request. So I got in to the company.

The Process of Beer Production

2.1 Raw Materials of Beer Production

The main raw materials for beer production are:

-Malt, mainly barley
- Hops

Malt: B.G.I brewery uses barley malt from Assela malt factory and by importing from aboard.
Currently out of the total malt amount used for one brew of St.George beer which weighs about
7500 Kg. half is malt from Assela and the remaining is imported malt.

Water:- Water makes up 95% of beer. Apart from brewing, cleaning the plant using manual or
clean- ing-in-place (CIP) system, cooling, heating (either as hot water or after conversion into
system in a boiler), water to occupy the lines before and after running beer through them, for
loading filter aids such as kieselguhr, for washing yeast and for slurring and conveying away waste
as well as for washing beer containers such as tanks, kegs, and returnable bottles.

Hops: It is useful to note here that from the brewery stand point the most important hop resins are
the alpha-acids. Alpha-acids provide bitter taste/flavor and act as preservatives. Oils from the plant
add flavor and aroma to beer. Hops are by far the most expensive raw material used in beer
production. The composition of the hops is extremely important for the quality of the beer
production. At B.G.I, two types of hops are used and they are called CO₂ extract and IKE. The
CO₂ extract is added at the initial stage of boiling because it needs time for the hop components
isomerizes whereas the IKE is added around the end of boiling because it is an already isomerizes

Yeast: is the most important and mysterious ingredient which turns wort into beer and produces
more of itself. Through anaerobic respiration, it converts the malt sugar into alcohol, CO2, and
other by-products. In a brewery, the quantity of yeast required for fermentation is obtained by
propagation of a pure yeast culture. This consists of isolating suitable vigorous yeast cells and
multiplying their number until there is sufficient to pitch in to a fermenter. The yeasts are often
removed after fermentation and can be reused after being stored in a suitable environment.

Other than yeast, water, hops and malted barley, there are some other things added that affects the
quality and effectiveness of the processed beer. These include: -
a) H2SO4/HCl: for adjustment of pH since the malt enzymes are affected by pH.
b) CaCl2: for mineral source for yeast and protein precipitation purpose.
c) Hitampase : is a commercial enzyme used for aiding barley enzymes.
d) Biogulucanase HAB: is a commercial enzyme used for aiding degradation of betaglucan.
e) Caramel: for color adjustment/caramelization.
f) Sugar: for extra source of carbon for yeast to undergo fermentation and produce high gravity
g) H3PO4: for adjusting pH of hot water for mashing.
h) ZnSO4: yeasts need zinc for their growth. It is an important building component of
yeast’s nucleic activity.
i) Anti-foam: agent that can be used during fermentation to eliminate messy blow off. It can also
be added in during boiling to reduce the risk of blow over.

j) Maturex: to reach targeted VDK concentration with time saving in TOD occupancy.
It lowers the time required for VDK reduction.
k) Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C): used because malt has a very low vitamin C content and
it is an oxygen scavenger so it is added to draught beer for a longer shelf life.
l) Tetra Hop: used when the filtered beer is not bitter enough due to bitterness loss in
fermentation and filtration.
m) KMS: is an oxygen scavenger added to bottle beer for longer shelf life.
n) CaSO4: For mineral source of yeast and yeast flocculation purpose.

2.2 Unit Operations of Beer Production

2.2.1 Malt Storage and Milling malt storage in silo

Silos are vertically installed cylindrical containers used for malt storage purpose. In B.G.I. there
are 4 silos installed each having 700 tons of capacity and are only used to store imported malt. The
imported malt enters the silo at the rate of 35tons/hr. It is brought in large containers and putted
on the sack unloading ramp which will be, mechanically, send to the intake transfer whereas the
local malt is manually fed from sacks to the intake transfer manually. Dust will be separated using
the dust separate using air, provided by the air compressor plant in utility section, from the
imported malt before entering to the silo. The amount of dust separated is considerable and is about
0.2 to 0.3 Kg per 100 Kg of malt charge. Stones, metallic substances, heavy unwanted materials
will be removed using destoner and magnet from the imported malt and will be stored using sacks.

Transport system for malt to be transferred to and from the silo to milling machine and also for
local malt to milling machine is by a pneumatic conveyor with a carrying capacity of 10 tons/hr. a
heavy-duty pump propels the malt u to the milling station. The outlet pipe mean while returns the
filtered air back to the nozzle filter. Along the way it sucks all the dusts out of the malts using the

Figure 2:malt storage

In order to give the malt enzyme, the opportunity, during mashing, to act on the malt contents and
break down them, the malt must be broken in to smaller fragments, this process is called Milling.
The objectives of milling are to break up malt and adjuncts to such an extent that the greatest yield
of extract is produced in the shortest time in the mashing equipment in use. The milled malt is
called the grist and the amount used in brewing is called grist charge.Before malt enters the milling
chamber, once again all iron and other unwanted bodies must be removed so that the mill sieve is
not damage. The local and imported malt are milled in 50%- 50%combination sequentially and
the mill has with a capacity of milling 9 tons of malt per hour.The milling chamber contains a
spinning rotor (e.g. turning at 1500rpm) on which are mounted freely swinging pieces of metal,
the beaters or 'hammers', which travels at about 100m/s. the inertia of the rotors is such that they
may take 20-30 min to stop. The mash size will on 2.75mm. The powder grist is carried out of the
mill in the airflow, which transports it to the grist bin.

Figure 3:hammer mill

8 Grist Bin
It is storage for milled malt (grist). Since it is equipped with a mass measurement system at its
bottom, it not only stores the grist but also measures its amount in mass (Kilograms).

2.2.2 Mashing Meca Masher

The grist from the grist bin will be transferred to this unit and mixed with both hot and cold water,
from raw water treatment plant, to attain the preferred temperature for enzyme activation. Using
automatic system, the water temperature will be set around 50°C-60°c.

Mixing of the process water and grist must be done in such a way as to minimize clumping and
oxygen uptake. Clumping reduces extract recovery, and no segregation of the grist components.
The meca masher in BGI has a capacity of mixing 50tons/hr and it is basically a tube where the
entering grist is sprayed with water and the wetted grist is driven along the tube by a screw
conveyor and is then mixed by a series of short beater-rods mounted on the same shaft as the
conveyor screw. After this the mash will be transferred to the mash tun.

For adjuncts

Adjuncts, such as rice or corn, are carefully selected based on the desired beer recipe, then milled
to achieve the desired particle size, similar to malted barley. Milled adjuncts transfer to premasher.
premasher’s primary function is to prepare and mix grains, adjuncts with hot water before
transferring to the main mash tun. It allows for initial gelatinization of starches in the adjuncts,
promoting uniformity and efficient conversion of starches into sugars during mashing. Then mash
copper, a mixture of adjuncts combined with hot water. The temperature and time are carefully
controlled to activate enzymes, convert starches into fermentable sugars, and create wort then
adjunct mixed with barley in mash tun. MASH TUN

Mashing is the most important process in wort production. In this process starch is converted to
simple fermentable sugar called sweet wort by enzymes found in the malt namely a-amylase and
During mashing the grist and water are mixed together (mashed) and the contents of the malt are
there by brought in to solution and the extract obtained. The process of mashing refers to the
conversion of brewing materials in the presence of enzymes, in to a fermentable extract suitable
for yeast growth and beer production.

The aim of mashing is to form an extract with a desired profile of sugars and a desired level of
proteins and other minor chemical constituents.

During mashing: -

i) Cell wall components may be broken to release the starch.

ii) Proteins are broken down to amino acids.

iii) Starch is broken and converted to fermentable sugar.

iv) The PH drops.

There are two types of mashing methods. These are

a) Infusion mashing

b) Decoction mashing

A. Infusion mashing: - the entire mash is heated up (with appropriate rest times) to the final
mashing temperature. It works batch wise which means no mash will be transferred during the
mashing process.

B. Decoction mashing: the temperature is increased by moving part of the mash from the mash
tun to the wort kettle where it is boiled (possibly also with carbohydrate rest periods in the mash
cooker) then pumping it back to the remainder of the mash the temperature of the total mash is
increased to the next higher temperature.We use infusion mashing in bgi.

This process has 3 steps:-

1) Gelatinization - is the swelling and bursting of starch granules in hot aqueous solution. The
starch molecules set free in to this viscous solution are more easily attacked by amylases than non-
gelatinized starch.

2) Liquefaction is meant the size reduction of long chained gelatinized starch by alpha amylase.

3) Saccharification is meant the complete degradation of starch to glucose, maltose,maltotriose

and dextrin's by alpha and beta amylases.

Iodine Test - starch degradation is one of the changes which will occur in mashing process and for
the yeasts to convert the fermentable sugar to alcohol, starch must be fully- degraded. This will be
known though iodine test. A sample of the wort will be taken and a drop of iodine will be added.
If the wort color changes to blue-black, it means the starch did not fully-degraded therefore the
mash tun will continue its work till the iodine test shows yellowish color which indicates full

Processes after starch degradation:

A. Beta glucan degradation

Cell wall of barley is mainly composed of beta glucan and hemi-cellulose. If beta glucan is not
degraded sufficiently, filtration problems in mash & beer filter will occur and also haze problem
may occur.

B. Protein degradation

Protein degradation is one of the reactions that takes place during mashing. Degraded protein
products has an influence on beer flavor, beer foam, color, PH and stability of the beer.

C. Starch degradation

This degradation step is the most important of all. Starch will be degraded using the enzymes in
the malt called alpha and beta amylase. The mash tun in B.G.I. is made of stainless steel and is
jacketed by a coil of semicircular stainless steel pipes welded on its body and bottom. The steam
enters through these pipes and leaves them as condensate. The jacket is insulated with fibers so

that there is minimum loss of heat to the surrounding. The mash tun is also equipped with a stirrer
for maintaining uniform temperature.

Figure 4:mush tun


At the end of mashing process, the mash consists of a watery mixture of dissolved and undis-
solved substances. The aqueous solution of the extract is called wort and the insoluble part is
referred as the spent grains.

Filtration process is done by the help of compressed air running through diaphragm in the frame
were mash enters. When the composed air enters the diaphragms, it will expand steer by pushing
the slurry beside it. At this point, the wort will be squeezed in to the adjacent plates through the
filter cloth whereas the spent grain stains mounted on the frame. At his stage, the wort draining off
from the spent grains is called the first wort.The wort recovered is called the second wort, duration
at this stage exceeds 85 min. and the ex- tract of the second wort is 0.8 °P. During sparing, the
pressure of ingoing stream is gradually in- creased due to the deposition of the cake hence the
resistance of the cake to flow.

Finally, the last running of work is recovered by compression of the plate and frames. The last
running wort had an extract of 0.52°P. The machine is operating at 1.5 bar pressure. These days
the spent grain is a good nutrition source for animal feed.

Figure 5:Mash filter

2.2.4 Wort Pre-run Tank

The wort that runs off from the mash filter is collected in wort pre-run tank which is used as a
reservoir of the wort. The wort, before entering into the wort kettle, is preheated using Preheater
which will be supplied of steam from wort kettle evaporating process. This genius energy recovery
process saves not only energy but also time used for boiling process in wort kettle unit.

2.2.5 Wort Kettle

The wort from wort pre-run tank will be transferred to wort kettle and boiled for 2 hours while hop
will be added to the hop dosage tanks which are installed beside the wort kettle.

There are several reasons for boiling of the wort. This includes:

1) To sterilize the wort-Brewing raw materials such as malt, hops and occasionally brewing water
itself are infected by micro-organisms. Therefore, have to be killed during the brewing process to
prevent wort and beer spoilage.

2) To stabilize the wort-Above 50-80°C, enzyme structure is broken down and the enzymes lose
their activity. It is important that all enzymes are destroyed by boiling, otherwise they would
continue working, which would change the profile of the beer.

3) To evaporate away unpleasant aromas associated with the wort. DMS, the sulphury character
found in lagers is generated on the malt kiln and during boiling. It is volatile and is boiled of in the
wort kettle.

4)To dissolve the bittering resins from the hops and to stabilize them. Hops or hop extracts are
added because the bitter resins (alpha acids) dissolve better in hot wort. These alpha acids need to
be modified by isomerization reactions which are heat induced to stabilize the bitterness that is
typical of beer flavor.

5)To dissolve oils that contribute to hop aroma in the final product, though these generally only
remain if the hops are added late, and oils are not given time to be off.

6) To denature and coagulate some of the protein derived from the malt. Protein has the potential
to make packaged beer go cloudy as it ages. Its removal at this stage will help protect the beer's

7) Wort PH continues to fall during wort boiling. The drop in PH is mainly due to the reaction of
Ca2+ compounds with phosphates and polypeptides. These form insoluble compounds releasing
H' so reducing the PH.

Additives in wort kettle

i) CO₂ Hop Extract - to give the beer its specific bitterness, flavor and aroma.

ii) Caramel- for color adjustment/caramelization.

iii) CaSO4 - for mineral source of yeast and yeast flocculation purpose.

iv) ZnSO4 (20 Kg) - yeasts need zinc for their growth. It is an important building component of
yeast's nucleic activities.

In B.G.I., Steam from boiler plant will be supplied for boiling process in wort kettle unit and a
specific kind of hop namely CO₂ hop extract is used. This specifically extracted hop is imported
from foreign countries which contains the necessary a-acids, B-acids and hop oils for the brewing
process and will be added in the starting of the boiling process because it needs time to isomerize.
The main resins (a-acids) is modified during the boiling process when it is changed to isomerized
a-acid, which is more bitter, more stable and more soluble than the original a-acid. The isomerized
form survives in the finished beer to give the beer its bitter flavor.

2.2.6 Wort Clarification (Whirlpool)
For this process an equipment (unit) called clarisaver will be used. It is an empty tank where a
physical separation occurs separating coarse trub from the clear wort. After boiling process is done,
the wort will be pumped to the clarisaver tangentially at 30o tangent to the vessel wall which
causes the hot wort to rotate and deposit the coarse trub at the center bottom of the clarisaver tank.
The vessel is usually filled in 10 - 15mins and after 15 - 20mins of resting time the clear wort will
be separated from the trub. The coarse trub is usually composed of coagulated proteins, Tannin
material from the malt husk and from hops, lipids or fatty acids (mainly from the malt), spent hops
or debris from hop addition.
2.2.7 Wort Cooling (Wort Chiller)
Yeast cells are mesophilic microorganisms. They only tolerate ambient temperature (4-200c).
However, the wort leaving the whirlpool is at very high temperature (80-900C) due to boiling in
the kettle. Hence the wort must be cooled so that the yeasts can undergo fermentation on the wort
with in the fermentation cellar at their optimum working temperature. After clarification, the hot
wort must be cooled to the temperature at which it is pitched (inoculated) with yeast.
In B.G.I., this stage is achieved through a plate and frame heat exchanger. A plate heat exchanger
has many plates, which form two separate paths. The wort is pumped into the heat exchanger, and
goes through every other gap between the plates. The cooling medium, usually water, goes through
the other gaps. The ridges in the plates ensure turbulent flow. A good heat exchanger can
drop wort at 80oC to 8oC, while warming the cooling medium from about 5oC to 80oC. The last
few plates often use a cooling medium which can be cooled to below the freezing point, which
a finer control over the wort-outlet temperature, and also enables cooling to around 10oC. At
B.G.I., the casting temperature of wort is 8oC.

2.2.8 Wort Aeration

Yeasts has the ability to respire anaerobically during fermentation, releasing energy from sugars,
and subsequent growth of yeast without constant presence of oxygen. However, yeast needs fatty
acids and sterols for cell wall formation and successful replication. These are absent in wort, but
the yeast can synthesis these if there is sufficient oxygen dissolved in the wort.

The absence of sufficient oxygen in the wort for the yeast to make these sterols and fatty acids lead
a) Sluggish fermentation – high final PH and other flavor changes.
b) Early finish to fermentation resulting in high final gravities.
c) Poor yeast growth – insufficient for repitching..

Before the wort is send to the fermentation tanks, air oxygen is introduced to it. To dissolve the air
in cold wort the air must be injected by venture pipes as very small bubbles and turbulently mixed
with the cold wort but before all that we can’t be 100% sure the oxygen is pure so the air oxygen
will first pass through an air filter to achieve maximum purification of the air and avoid any
contaminations because the air is directly injected to the cold wort and we need to be sure it is

2.2.9 Addition of Yeast (Pitching)

Addition of yeast plays a crucial role on fermentation process. At the starting days of fermentation,
rapid yeast growth is encouraged and can be achieved by introduction of oxygen and efficient
mixing of the added yeast with the wort. At B.G.I, yeast is dosed to the wort in a spiraling way as
it passes to the fermentation tank to cause turbulent mixing which is good for effective mixing.

At B.G.I yeast is pitched either by returning from previous fermentation tanks checking its viability
& consistency or as a fresh if the used yeast couldn’t produce adequate products maintained in
yeast storage tanks as a slurry at <5oC.

The aim of selecting the correct pitching yeast are to:-

i. Ferment the wort to the desired temperature and gravity profile

ii. Achieve the desired flavor profile in the final beer.

iii. To obtain sufficient healthy yeast for re-pitching typically

Figure 6:yeast storage tank

-There are two kinds of yeasts brewers use for fermentation process, Top Fermenting Yeast (ale)
& Bottom Fermenting Yeast (lager). Here in B.G.I they use bottom fermenting yeast.

Table 1:Difference between Bottom fermenting and Top fermenting yeasts

Saccharomyces Cervisiae (Ale Yeast) Saccharomyces Pastorianus (Lager Yeast)

The top yeast used for fermenting ales The bottom yeast used for fermenting lagers.

It floats to the top of the vessel at the end of It sinks to the base of the vessel at the end of
fermentation because the CO2 bubbles stick fermentation because it has a different kind of
to the yeast’s cell walls. cell wall.

It thrives on relatively high fermentation It likes low fermentation temperatures, for

temperatures, for example 20℃ and example 10℃ and fermentation are slower,
Consequently fermentation are fast, for for example 7 days.
example 3 days.

Ale strains can’t grow at 37℃ Lager strains can’t grow above 34℃

Often needs high wort oxygen level

2.2.10 Fermentation

This is where the action happens. The main objective of fermentation is accessing the yeast
capability to convert the fermentable sugar to Ethanol and CO2 (main products) and Esters, acids
& Higher alcohols which contribute to flavor.

The main purpose of the breakdown glucose to alcohol and CO2 is to generate energy necessary
for yeast cells to survive and grow.

Fermentation is dependent on the following factors:

A. The pitching rate of yeast

B. The yeast strain - including flocculation characteristics
C. The age of the yeast - older yeasts tend to produce more sluggish / abnormal
D. The wort oxygenation level
E. The wort temperature - including the control of the temperature rise
F. The wort composition in terms of nutrients - minerals, vitamins, amino acids.
G. The sugar concentration
H. The amount of alcohol produces associated with the alcohol tolerance of the yeast strain
There are 3 stages to fermentation process. These are Primary fermentation, Secondary
fermentation and Conditioning (Laagering). Primary Fermentation

The primary stage of fermentation process starts when yeast is pitched to the cooled and aerated
wort. The main objective here is to ferment wort to the desired gravity which is called required
degree of attenuation. The yeast quickly utilize the available oxygen to produce sterols, a vital
compound for culture expansion. When the oxygen is gone, the yeast switch to the anaerobic phase
where the majority of wort sugars are reduced to ethanol and CO2.

Yeast growth occurs during primary fermentation. The extent of fermentation is measured by
Saccharometer in the lab. The wort’s PH falls as ammonium ions and amino acids are taken from
the wort by the yeast and organic acids are secreted. The beer at the end of the primary fermentation
is called green beer.

During this yeast growth stage,

a. Flavoring compounds like VDK will be produced
b. Most of the sugar will be consumed
c. Ethanol and CO2 will be produced
d. PH will be decreased
The extent and rate of yeast growth is directly related to the amount of production of alcohol,
aroma and flavor compounds.
Here in B.G.I, The temperature of primary fermentation is about 12℃ for 4 days. After primary
fermentation, the amount of VDK and temperature are checked at the laboratory. Secondary Fermentation

The secondary stage of fermentation refers to the stage of fermentation after the majority of the
wort sugar have been consumed and there is a sharp decrease in the rate of fermentation. During
this period, most of the final sugars are depleted and some secondary metabolites are converted by
the yeast. The temperature is raised to 15oC until VDK concentration is reduced. Once VDK
concentration is reduced, the temperature is lowered to 9oC. At this time, the yeast starts to settle
at the bottom of the fermenter tank. Yeast flocculation and settling begins to occur due to the
increase in alcohol content and the depletion of sugar and nutrients. Yeasts are collected and sent
to either yeast storage tank for re-pitching recycled up to 8 generations by checking their
consistency, viability and thickness or to the thermolizer if no longer needed to be boiled and this stage Yeast flocculation (clumping together) and settling is reached Conditioning (Laagering)

The conditioning stage takes place when the terminal gravity has been reached and the tank is
cooled to refrigeration temperature. The processed beer from secondary fermentation stage will be
cooled to 1.5oC .The beer in TOD is laagered to 0.5oC to-2°c for 1 - 2 days. The mature beer will
have mature aroma substances. These include higher alcohols and esters. These determine the
aroma of the beer and their presence is essential for high quality beer.

In this stage:

i. Most of the yeast is removed from the beer

ii. Formation and Precipitation of haze forming proteins
iii. Reduction of harsh flavors and having a pleasing flavor through aging
iv. Reduction of sulfur compounds, diacetyl and acetaldehyde

v. Flavor stabilization
Fermentation at B.G.I is batch wise, B.G.I uses 24 fermentation tanks with different holding
capacity ratio. 2 TODs capable of storing 2100 Hl, 10 TODs capable of storing 2000 Hl, 6 TODs
capable of storing 1250 HL and 6 TODs capable of storing 1000 Hl.
These tanks are jacketed and cylindroconical shape which makes it easy for yeast removal because
B.G.I. uses bottom fermentation type of process. Since fermentation is an exothermic process and
releases heat, it is imperative to cool down the tank using a coolant for the yeasts to continue their
work. Yeasts can only work in range of 4 - 20oC. Here in B.G.I, glycol is used as a coolant flowing
through the jacketed fermentation tank and cooling the process. This cooling mechanism is
controlled by an automatic valve.

Figure 7:Fermentation tanks

2.2.11 Beer Filtration

Filtration process stabilizes the flavor, gives beer its polished shine. In B.G.I, this is achieved by
Centrifuge and Plate and Frame Filter. Centrifuge
Centrifuges are machines that separate suspended materials from the medium they are mixed
with, here in this case mainly yeasts. This is done by spinning closed containers of the mixture
very quickly around a fixed, central point. These devices are used to separate yeast from the high
gravity beer that’s coming from fermentation. Here at B.G.I, centrifuge is used to reduce the load
on the subsequent unit operation, the Plate and Frame filtration. The high gravity beer from
fermentation tanks will be passed through lanterns to control the operating pressure and reduce
bubble formation then send to the centrifuge. The beer before pass to buffer tank 1 we add silica
gel used to coagulate protein.

2.2.11. 2 Buffer Tank 1

The beer from centrifuge machine will be sent to Buffer tank 1 (BT1) which is used as storage
and also used for retention time for protein coagulation. After buffer tank1 we add Filter aids
work by creating a porous medium through which the beer is passed, trapping solid particles,
yeast, and other impurities. Plate and Frame Filter

Beer from Buffer Tank 1 will be transferred to the plate and frame filter for further and more
purified filtration. Plate and frame filter consists of a frame in which alternating square frames and
plates are suspended. Filter sheets are hung over the plates on both sides and form seal between
the frames and the plates. The filter sheets are used together with filter aids. After filtration, the
filter aids is sprayed off and the filter sheet can be used again. Filter aids are powdery substances
such as kieselguhr (KG), filter aid and super air which are deposited on the filter sheet and facilitate
the filtration process, as a result of their shape and arrangement make filtration possible and

A) centrifuge B) plate and frame filter

Figure 8: Filtration units Buffer Tank 2

The filtered beer from the plate and frame filter will be transferred to buffer tank 2 (BT2) as used
before, this one is also used as a storage.

2.2.12 Beer Blending
Here in B.G.I, first high gravity beer is brewed which is an advantage to blend it with deaerated
water after in terms of capacity and supply of beer. The high gravity beer produced is 17oP. The
high gravity beer is blended with deaerated water in order to prevent oxygen pickup which converts
the alcohol (Ethanol) to aldehydes due to oxidation and cause off flavor to the beer.
Additives used during blending
1. Tetra Hop - is an isomerized form of hop which is used adjust bitterness & aroma if the filtered
beer does not contain the required amount of bitterness & aroma compounds due to loss of content
in fermentation both for bottle and draught beer per as needed amount.
2. Caramel - is used adjust color change due to fermentation process for both bottle and draught
beer as per needed amount.

3. Vitamin C - is used to increase life time and only for draught beer.
4. KMS - is an oxygen scavenger used for longer shelf-life bottle beer only as per needed amount.

2.2.13 Beer Carbonation

The purpose of carbonation is to increase the level of CO2 dissolved in the beer to the
requiredlevel. CO2 is a very important consistent of beer. It imparts sparkle and ‘mouth feel’ and
sharpness associated with its properties as an acid gas. Beer that lacks CO2 are lifeless and dull.
This gas is another product of fermentation process which will be processed in utility section and
dosed to the beer by carbonation process. The blended beer must be dosed with CO2 before
transferred to bright beer tank with 6.2 g/l and 5.4 g/l for bottle and draught beer respectively.

2.2.14 Bright Beer Storage (BBT)

The Filtered & processed beer from filtration room is transferred using pumps to the bright beer
storages for 2 - 3 days. These tanks are jacketed buffer vessels which are installed between the
filter and the filler. Using glycol as a coolant, these tanks are cooled to 0 - 2oC.

2.3 Beer packaging
It is the last section of beer production system where stored and cooled beer is packed and be ready
for customers to use. It constitutes a very modern and complex machines, mostly automatic, to
maintain high beer quality. In these section two types of beers are packed.

i. Bottled beer

ii. Kegged (Draught) beer

2.3.1 Bottling

In this section, beer from bright beer tanks (BBTs) is filled into the properly treated bottles, capped,
pasteurized and then labeled. To perform all this work, different machines are used and according
mentioned below.

1) De palletize

Crates having empty bottles are manually putted to the roller conveyer using forklift from the
storage room. This roller conveyer has its own signal sensors which will send response if the
convey needs to roll or not which will depend on if next machine is available or not. The de
palletizer unit has the capacity to move 29crates per minute.

2) Decammatic

This machine is used to remove empty bottles from their crates. It works pneumatically (using air).

Here in B.G.I, this machine has 6 grippe head of each has a capability of removing 48,000
bottles/hr. This grippe heads are plastics and as they are lowered down and hold the bottle’s,
compressed air is supplied which will tighten up the heads and hold a good grip. After the bottles
are separated from their crates, they are transferred to the bottle washer for cleanup using belt and
roller conveyers for straight and curved paths respectively.

3) Bottle Washer

Here the empty bottles are washed thoroughly using water, steam and soda. This machine’s
objective is to remove dirt both from inside and outside of the bottle and sterilize it. It can wash
40,000 bottles/hr. In order to do this, it follows certain cleaning steps which are listed below.

i) Prewashing - water is sprayed to moisturize the bottles.

ii) Soaking - two step of soda washing is done here.

First using 2.5M NaOH with hot water at 75oC then secondly, 2.15M NaOH again with hot water
at the same temperature. After that, only using water the bottles will be rinsed.

iii) Drying - the rinsed bottles will be drier.

4) EBI (Empty Bottle Inspection)

Using hi-tech machine like this one, B.G.I inspects bottles with defects before filling such as:
Bottles with cracks or notches Bottles with adhesive residues or contaminations Bottles with
foreign bodies.

5) Filler

The matured and cooled beer is pumped and transferred to filling machine from the BBTs. Filling
process has its own steps which are:

 First the bottles are vacuumed with air to remove any liquid or gas.

 Then bottles are vacuumed to purge CO2 in order to decrease the chance of oxidation due
to O2 contact with the beer.

 Using vent tube, CO2 will be removed and the bottles will be filled with the beer.

 After filling cork will be punched to each bottle as they go out through the system. Filler,
in B.G.I, can fill 35,000 bottles/hr and is washed with soda and steam once a month and
with steam once a day.

6) FBI (Full Bottle Inspection) 1Due to the fast process of filling machine, there may be some
problems. This machine therefore separate or removes the defected bottles from the group. These
include under fill, uncapped and broken bottles.

.7) Pasteurizer: Pasteurization is killing of micro-organisms in aqueous solution by means of heat

for the beer to have a long shelf life. Here in B.G.I, this is achieved by steaming the filled bottles
to 30oC for some time then increase the temperature to 65 -70oC then after that cooling down to
the first 30oC. The whole process takes about 30 - 45 minutes. The pasteurizer unit can sterilize
36,500 bottles/hr.

8) Labeler

The pasteurized bottles are send to the labeler through the belt conveyor. This machine stamps the
company’s label on the neck and body of the bottle using glue as a sticking material. It can label
40,000 bottles/hr.

9) Domino

It stamps the product and Expiration dates of the processed beer at the bottom of the bottle.


It operates pneumatically for the purpose of packaging the filled bottles into their crates. It can
operate on 48,000 bottles/hr.

11) Palletization Again using forklifts, the crates are moved to the storage room manually waiting
for customers. The forklift in B.G.I, can move 50 crates at a time.

Figure 9:: process flow diagram of bottel beer packaging

2.3.2 Kegging

A keg is a very largely standardized cylindrical metal barrel, made from chrome nickel steel which
possesses a special permanently installed fitting for filling, emptying, cleaning and sterilization.
These processes can be automated with kegs. The tare weight of chrome nickel steel kegs is 7.9 -
12.5 Kg/30l or 10 - 15Kg/50l with a wall thickness of 1 - 2mm.Here in B.G.I, the draught beer
from the bright beer tanks goes straight to a sterilization system before getting packed. The
sterilization system is a plate type heat exchanger which has a heating and cooling section. The
draught beer is heated to 720 c by steam goes out of the heat exchanger in a zigzag pipe to cool to
ambient temperatures and goes back to the heat exchanger to be cooled to 0 to 10c by glycol. After
getting sterilized, the draught beer is directed to a buffer tank. The buffer tank is previously counter
pressured with CO2 and then the beer is filled in it. Once the buffer tank is filled, the beer can be
filled in the kegs. The keg filler machine in BGI are ten in number each having six heads having a
capacity of filling 180Hl/hr. The heads are fitted on the machines and the keg is fitted to the head’s
upside down.

These heads have different purpose. Which are:

i. First head-for rinsing the keg with hot water

ii. Second head-for hot wash with ATR acid

iii. Third head-for rinsing the keg with hot water. Fourth head-Resting, no cleanings.
iv. Fifth head-for drying with steam and counter pressuring with CO2.

v. Sixth head-for filling beer in to the keg from the buffer tank. Bottled and draught beer
have difference starting from sterilization system they use, CO2 content and so on.

Difference between Bottled and Draught Beer

Table 2:: process flow diagram of bottle beer packaging

Bottled Beer Draught Beer

It is packed with bottle It is packed with short cylindrical Kegs.

It can last about a year before expiration . It is packed with short cylindrical Kegs.

Pasteurization is done after filling at Pasteurization is done before filling at

different temperatures for about 45 73oC for 30 seconds.

2.4 CIP (Cleaning in Place)

Cleaning in place of brewing has largely replaced traditional methods where plant was
dismantled for manual cleaning. It is the circulation of detergents, water rinses and sterilant
through fixed plant without dismantling. In order to achieve this, tanks have to be fitted with
spray balls/heads and pipework has to be linked into a ring main.
In B.G.I, chemicals that are used to disinfect (clean) equipment’s are listed below.
1. Caustic Soda (NaOH) - is a cleaning agent used to remove organic compounds and
disinfect from microorganisms. The Caustic Soda tank has the capability of holding 50Hl
with 1% concentration.

2. Sept Acid (desi) & ATR Acid - are used to remove inorganic matter and for the purpose
of neutralization. These acids are, mainly, used to clean dirty materials after Caustic Soda
cleaning. Each acid tanks have the capability of holding 50Hl and concentration of 0.5%
& 1.5% for Sept acid and ATR acid respectively.

3. Super Oxide - is a cleaning agent used to clean (disinfect) equipment’s soundly. Some of
this equipment’s include beer line and production section units.

Here in B.G.I, they use two kinds of CIP systems.

A. Cold CIP
B. Hot CIP
A. Cold CIP - in this case, cold water from cold water tank is mixed with caustic soda and other
chemicals before application. Fermentation tanks and Bright beer tanks are some of the equipment
which use Cold CIP.

B. Hot CIP - in this case, hot water from hot water tank is mixed with detergent chemicals before
application. Bottling line, Beer line, filling line, Yeast storage tanks, Filter, Yeast line are some of
the units which use Hot CIP.

2.5 Utility
In B.G.I. , Utility is the power house of the brewery which supplies steam, Purified CO2, Process
and service water, glycol and compressed air. Utility is composed of 6 plants. These are Boiling
plant, CO2 recovery plant, Air compressor plant, Cooling plant, Raw water treatment plant and
Waste water treatment plant.

2.5.1 Boiling Plant

Boilers are closed containers with arranged pipe which produce steam at higher than atmospheric
pressure and temperature. The main objective of this plant is steam generation. It uses softened
water for steam generation to prevent scale creation due to minerals deposition during boiling. So,
hard (service) water from raw water treatment plant is pumped to carbon filter vessels to remove
chlorine. Then to minimize hardness, the chlorine free water is send to the softener tank to remove
hardening minerals using caustic soda. Softened water before entering to the boiler, it is preheated
to 105oC with a preheater by steam supplied from the boiler evaporation outlet. Using this
preheater before the boiler reduced the time and energy cost and also remove 90% oxygen. After
the water is preheated, Amercite (NaSO4) is added to remove the remaining 10% oxygen from the
water to prevent corrosion.

Here in B.G.I, the type of boiler they use to produce steam is called fire tube boiler. It is double
tube container with insulation coverage. In the inner tube, fossil fuel with oxygen injection will be
burned at 180oC where on the outer tube preheated softened water will pass by picking the heat
from the inner tube through conduction and converting to steam. Controlling device called servo
meter balances the fuel per oxygen level needed for the process.

B.G.I has 2 boiler units of which producing 10t/h and 12t/h steam. Some of units (Sections) which
need steam are Brew House, Bottling, CIP and Utilities

.2.5.2 CO2 Recovery Plant

Here CO2 is recovered and treated from the fermentation tanks. First the CO2 from the
fermentation tanks are pumped and send to the foam trapper. The foam trapper removes foam
particles from the gas while the gas is going to be collected in the CO2 gas container. Then using
water scrubber, water soluble impurities are removed and the gas is stored in a plastic balloon.
Using compressors, the CO2 gas is compressed to 2bars then 17bars then finally cooled. Cooled
CO2 gas will pass through activated carbon filters to remove odor forming substances. After that,
the gas will be dried by a drier to reduce moisture content of the gas. Using NH3, the gas will be
condensed to 25oC and 15bars. For storage purpose, the CO2 will be cooled to 27oC in a solid
form. Filtration and Bottling are the major sections which use CO2.
2.5.3 Air Compressor Plant
Air is sucked from the atmosphere and passed through dust filter to remove unwanted particles.
The filtered gas is send to vacuum suction to form pressure difference to have the capability of
transferring the air to a desired location. Using compressor, the air is compressed to a desired
pressure with respect to temperature. The compressed air will be cooled and transferred to a storage
tank to be used for pneumatic systems to operate.
2.5.4 Cooling Plant
Glycol is used as a cooling agent, which itself is cooled by ammonia using heat exchanger, used
to chill beer to a desired temperature. First ammonia is cooled by water and air then ammonia is
used to cool glycol to a certain temperature. Because glycol has a low freezing point (can be in
liquid form) as low as -5oC, it’s the perfect cooling agent to be pumped through tubes to the needed

place such as fermentation tanks easily without ice formation. TODs, Ice water tanks and Beer
chillers are the major users of glycol.

2.5.5 Raw Water Treatment Plant

Water is the most important raw material for a plant, so before using the raw water for different
purpose it must be treated. The treatment is required because the raw water is not pure and might
contain microorganisms. These must be reduced before using the water, hence by using different
mechanism and disinfectant chemicals the water treatment plant reduces the impurity of water.
First water from underground is pumped to a storage tanks. Then water, from these storage tanks,
will be dosed with NaOCl (Sodium Hypo chloride) as it passes through a sand filter to remove
coarse impurities and will be stored in another storage tank. From the current storage tank, water
will be sent to pressure tank to be pressurized to acquire amount, using compressed air from air
compressor plant, to reach the desired place. In this plant, two types of waters are produced.
Process water also known as permeate water is used for beer processing and Service water also
called blend water is used for other cleaning purposes. Two water streams will be created after
pressurized tank. Service water will have no more treatment and directed to desired place in
other hand the process water will be sent to CO2 degasser for removal of CO2. Hydrex & Sodium
metabisulfite will be used to remove Cl2 before the process water enters to reverse osmosis system
for further treatment and ultra-separation because Cl2 damages the filter membranes. After
removal of Cl2, the Cl2 free water will be sent to activated carbon filter and then the treated process
water will be sent to storage tank until needed for usage.

2.5.6 Waste Water Treatment Plant

It is necessary to treat waste water before it is discharge to the environment. B.G.I uses anaerobical
system to treat water that after usage before release. Brew house and bottling are the major
contributors of waste water to this plant. So, water from brew house will be collected to brew
house pump pit and water from bottling house will be sent to filling line pump pit. These pits start
to pump waste water to the next process as their sensor indicates 80% for brew house pump pit
and 60% for filling line pump pit. From these pits, water will be passed through primary screen
for removal of plastics. Then water will be transferred to influent pit which has deflator that
removes oil from water using density difference.

The oil free water will pass through static screen which traps materials that are larger than 0.5mm
in diameter. Then water will be pumped to equalization tank. In this tank, Sodium Hydroxide
(NaOH) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) will be used simultaneously to adjust the water’s PH. But if
this didn’t work, using PH correction tank it will be regulated. After that, the water will be sent to
anaerobic reactor which has an artificial bacterium at the bottom of the tank that will decompose
the sludge in the water. Here methane gas will be produced due to decomposition process but small
in amount. Methane gas can’t be used for bio-gas purpose due to small amount of production. So
it used to be separated and burnt using Bio-gas torch. But since last year the bio torch is out of
service so using bio filter methane is extracted and released to the atmosphere. And the water pass
through reparation tank for good mixing and air sacking before released to the nearby river Quality control program

In general, for quality control of beer, the quantitative determination of these parameters below is
of high importance.
A. Wort Production: Process quality control parameters for wort production should be; extract,
color, bitterness (BU), PH and dissolved oxygen.
B. Pitching: Process quality control parameters for pitching yeast should be; cell count, dead cell
and yeast pitching rate. (Wort bacteria, wild yeast and lactic acid bacterial infection may also be
C. Fermentation: Process quality control parameters for beer fermentation should be; Apparent
extract (o Plato), temperature, pressure, cell count, dead cell, growth rate, pH, VDK and Flavor
control. (Wort bacteria, wild yeast and lactic acid bacterial infection may also be applied).
D. Maturation: Process quality control parameters for beer maturation should be; temperature,
pressure, original extract (o Plato), alcohol, apparent extract, bitterness, pH, VDK, and flavor
control. (Wild yeast and lactic acid bacterial infection may also be applied).
E. Filtration: Process quality control parameters for filtration should be; turbidity (haze),
dissolved oxygen, CO2 content, original extract and alcohol. (Wild yeast and lactic acid bacterial
infection may also be applied).
F. Bright beer Handling: Process quality control parameters for bright beer handling should be ;
original extract, alcohol, real and apparent degree of fermentation(RDF and ADF) ,pH ,color,
turbidity(Haze), CO2 content, dissolved oxygen, head retention(foam stability),bitterness, VDK
and flavor control. (Wild yeast and lactic acid bacterial infection may also be applied).
G. Packaging: Process quality control parameters for packaging should be; CO2 content, total
oxygenase content and air in head space.

Now let’s see some of the procedures done on mash, wort and finished beer.

A. Iodine reaction of mash:

i) Objective - the quantitative determination of starch in mash/wort using iodine solution.
ii) Field of application - The method can be applied to all pale worts.
iii) Principle - To all products to be examined, a dilute iodine solution is added. A blue-
black color developed at the interface of iodine solution and wort indicates the presence of
starch. No color change, i.e. when the wort keeps its yellow color, it indicates the complete
degradation of starch.

B. pH measurement:

i. Objective - pH determination.
ii. Field of application - the method is applicable for wort and beer.
iii. Principle - getting the pH from a working pH meter. Uniformity of sample can be
attained by using a magnetic stirrer or pH meter with combined glass electrode.

C. Vicinal Diketones, VDK:

i. Objective - determination of vicinal diketone content in beer.

ii. Field of application - The method can be applied to all filtered beers. In unmatured
beers, the precursors (indicators) of vicicinal diketones are also measured.

iii. Principle - The vicinal diketones, diacetyl and pentanedione are distilled from beer and
then combined with α-phenylene diamine to form derivatives of quinoxaline. The amount
of these compounds is measured by the absorbance at 335nm by a spectrophotometer
against a blank of distilled water.

D. Color:

i. Objective - Determination of the color of wort and beers using spectrophotometers.

ii. Field of application - The method can be applied to all types of wort and beers.

iii. Principle - by a spectrophotometer, the absorbance of the sample against distilled water
is measured at 430nm then multiplied by an appropriate factor. Turbid samples are first
clarified by a centrifuge. The unit of measurement for color is EBC.

E. Bitterness:

i. Objective - Determination of bitterness.

ii. Field of application - wort and beer with bitterness content up to 70BU (bitterness
unit). The method shows a blank value of 8 BU for wort and 2-3 BU for beer.

iii. Principle - The results are only valid if the beer doesn’t contain the following compounds;
n-heptyl-4-hydroxybenzoate, saccharin, salicylic acid, sorbic acid. These compounds are
extracted by isooctane and absorb at 275nm but their presence can be detected because
they change the shape of the absorption curve.

F. Dissolved Oxygen:

i) Objective - Determination of oxygen content.

ii) Field of application - Applied to all filtered beers, bright beers and beer in packaging.

iii) Principle - getting the oxygen content from a properly working oxymeter.

G. CO2:
i) Objective - Determination of CO2 content.
ii) Field of application - Applied to all fermented beers, filtered beers, bright beers and beer in
iii) Principle - getting the CO2 content from a properly working galtmeter.
H. Haze(Turbidity):
i) Objective - Determination of haze stability of beer.
ii) Field of application - Applied to all filtered beers, bright beers and beer in
iii) Principle - sample of degassed beer is inserted in turbidity meter equipment and the

corresponding value is read from it at two different angles namely; 90o & 25o
I. Foam Stability:
i) Objective - Determination of the foam stability of beer.
ii) Field of application - Applied to bright beers and beer in packaging.
iii) Principle - sample of the beer in a glass cup where the entire beer is first change to foam is
inserted in a foam stability tester and the amount of seconds the foam keeps its height is recorded.

J. Polyphenol Content:
i) Objective - The determination of total polyphenols in beer by spectrophotometer.
ii) Field of application - The method can be applied to all beers.
iii) Principle. Treatment of the sample with a solution of carboxymethyl cellulose and EDTA.
K. Foreign gases:
i) Objective - the determination of foreign gases in bottled beer.
ii) Field of application - The method can be applied to all beers.
iii) Principle - Transferring all the dissolved gas in beer into the Zham absorption burette and
reading the volume of the gas.
L. Total Hardness of water:
i) Objective - determination of total hardness.
ii) Field of application - treated and untreated water.
iii) Principle - Taking a sample of water and adding a pinch of EBT which will give the water a
violet color. Then titrate the sample with an EDTA solution at pH 9.5-10 until end point is reached.
We will know end point is reached when the violet color changes to blue black.

Chapter Three
Overall Benefit That I have Gaine from the Internship

3.1 In Terms of Improving Practical Skills

In process control operations i could get skills about the following issues:
i. Demonstration of the control of the quality of each raw material
ii. Flow rate of each raw material
iii. Process parameters used at each unit operation
iv. The operating principle of each machine
v. Stages where inspection or testing is done
vi. Effective material handling at all parts of the production line
3.2 In Terms of Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge
improve theoretical knowledge by relating the knowledge that to the production processes and by
further reading the operation manual of the processes as well as from different books internet

3.3 In Terms of Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills

By identifying problems and trying to find out the solution by discussing with the workers and our
friends we could improve interpersonal communication skills.
3.4 In Terms of Team Playing Skills
Being with different students with different ideas and knowledge has given an opportunity to
discuss different issues and to come to a conclusion by sharing different ideas.

3.5 In Terms of Leadership Skills

The supervision of different activities in the production line needs knowledge of the processes,
parameters of process control, etc. and this could give an idea of company process leadership

3.6 Understanding of Work Ethics Related Issues
I try to understand the importance of work ethics related issues such as punctuality, reliability,
honesty, cooperation with others, etc. while we were practicing in the factory.

3.7 In Terms of Entrepreneurship Skills

The internship program has given a chance to know about entire premiership, i.e. the creation of
different work and job opportunities for different people by observing problems and setting

Chapter 4
Material and Energy Balance on Selected Equipment’s

4.1 Material Balance

1. Meca Masher
Grist = 7,500Kg
Water = 152Hl

Mash in Kg?

Overall material balance

Grist + water = Mash

Input water = 152Hl = 15,200l (Since 1Hl= 100l

Density of Water = Mass of water/Volume of water

Mass of Water = Density of Water * Volume of Water

= 1 Kg/l * 15200l
= 15,200 Kg.
Mash = Grist + mass of water = 7500Kg + 15200Kg = 22,700 Kg

2. Mash Tun
Mash in = 22,700Kg
HCl = 6Kg
Hitammpase = 0.5Kg
Bioglucanase = 1.7Kg
CaCl2 = 7Kg
Mash out in Kg?
Overall mass balance
Mash Out = Mash in + HCl + Hitammpase + Bioglucanase + CaCl2
Mash out = 22,700Kg + 6Kg + 0.5Kg + 1.7Kg + 7Kg
Mash out = 22,715.2 Kg

3. Mash Filter
Wort in = 22,715.2Kg
Sparging Water = 152Hl

Wort out = 345 Hl
Spent Grain in Kg?
Volume of wort = 345Hl = 34,500l
Volume of Sparging water = 152Hl = 15,200l
Density of Sparging water = Mass of Sparging water/Volume of Sparging water
Mass of Sparging water = Density of Sparging water * Volume of Sparging water
= 1Kg/l * 15,200l
= 15,200 Kg
Wort extract content is 18.02oP (from laboratory mass percent of the wort)
Specific gravity = (extract content of wort * 0.004) + 1 = 1.07208.
Density of final wort = specific gravity * density of the water
=1.07208 * 1Kg/l
= 1.07208Kg/l.

Now finding for sweet wort,

Mass of sweet wort = volume of wort * density of final wort
= 34,500l * 1.07208Kg/l
= 36,986.76Kg.
Sweet wort = volume of 1st wort + volume of Sparging wort
But volume of Sparging wort = volume of Sparging water + volume of 2nd wort
So, Sweet wort = volume of 1st wort + volume of Sparging water + volume of 2nd wort
Extracted pure wort (without water) = extracted wort - volume of Sparging water
= 36,986.76Kg - 15,200Kg
= 21,786.76Kg.

Now, finding for spent grain

Input = Output
Mash in + Sparging water = extracted wort + spent grain
Spent grain = (Mash in + Sparging water) -extracted wort
= 22,715.2 + 15,200 - 36,986.76
= 928.44 Kg.
So, the mash filter from one brew of 21,786.76Kg wort filters 928.44Kg of spent grains.

4. Wort Kettle

Extracted wort = 36,986.76Kg
CO2 Hop Extract = 7Kg
Caramel = 7.5Kg
CaSO4 = 7Kg
ZnSO4 = 20Kg

Sugar = 900Kg

Cast wort = 336Hl
Evaporated water in Kg?
Extracted wort = 36,986.76Kg
Volume of cast wort = 336Hl = 33,600l
Mass of cast wort = volume of cast wort * density of cast wort
Finding for density of cast wort,

Density of cast wort = specific gravity of cast wort * density of water

Finding for specific gravity of cast wort (just like we did before),
S.G of cast wort = (19.14 * 0.004) +1
= 1.07656.

Density of the cast wort = specific gravity of cast wort * density of water

= 1.07656 * 1Kg/l
= 1.07656Kg/l.
Now for mass of the cast,
Mass of cast wort = volume of cast wort * density of cast wort
= 33,600l * 1.07656Kg/l
= 36,172.416Kg.
Finding for Evaporated water,

Overall material balance

Inputs = mass of evaporated water + output (cast wort)
Mass of evaporated water = (36,986.76 +7 + 7.5 + 7 + 20 + 900) Kg - 36,172.416Kg
= 1755.844Kg

5. Whirlpool

Cast wort = 336Hl
Clear wort = 320Hl

Mass of trub in Kg?

Cast wort = 336Hl = 33,600l

Clear wort = 320Hl = 32,000l
Mass clear wort = Density of clear wort * Volume of clear wort

= 1.07656Kg/l * 32,000l
= 34,449.92Kg.
Overall material balance

Input = output

Volume of trub = Cast wort - Clear wort

= 336Hl - 320Hl
= 16Hl
Or in terms of Kilograms,
Mass of trub = mass of cast wort- mass of clear wort
= 36,172.41Kg - 34,449.92Kg
= 1722.496Kg

4.2 Energy Balance

1. Hammer Mill
Energy consumption of Hammer Mill
E/M = 0.136 Wi [(1/Dpb^ 0.5) - (1/Dpa^ 0.5)]

Wi - working index
Dpa - Size of malt before milling
Dpb - Size of malt after milling
M - Mass of malt

Wi = 12.74
Dpa = 3mm
Dpb = 2.75mm
M = 7,500Kg

Energy, E in KJ?

E = 0.136 Wi M [(1/Dpb ^0.5) - (1/Dpa^0.5)]

= 0.136 * 12.74 * 7500 [(1/2.750.5) - (1/30.5)]
= 750KW (i.e. for 7,500Kg of malt, the hammer mill uses 750KW)

2. Mash Tun
Q = Ms * Hfg@T=420

Ms - Mass flow rate of steam
Hfg - Vaporization enthalpy of steam

Ms = 2,700Kg/hr.
Hfg@T=420k = 2,123KJ/Kg
Qsupplied by the steam
Qsupplied by the steam = Ms * Hfg@420k
= 2,700 Kg/hr. * 2,123KJ/Kg
= 5.7 KJ/hr. (i.e. the mash tun needs 5.7KJ of heat hourly)

3. Wort Kettle
Mv = 1,755.844Kg
Hfg@T=566.4K = 1429KJ/Kg & Hfg@T=420K = 2123KJ/Kg

Qsupplied by the steam
Mv - Mass of evaporated water
Hfg - Vaporization enthalpy of steam

Ms - Mass of steam
Qsupplied by the steam = Qgained by the wort 0
Qsupplied by the steam = Qlatent heat of the wort +Q sensible heat of the wort
Qsupplied by the steam = Qlatent heat of the wort
Ms = (Mv Hfg@T=566.4k)/ (Hfg@T=420k)
Ms = (1,755.844 * 1,429KJ/Kg) / (2,123KJ/Kg)
Ms = 1,181.865Kg
Qsupplied by the steam = 1,181.865Kg * 2,123KJ/Kg = 2.509 GJ is supplied by the steam.

4. Fermentation
TOD’s capacity is 8 brew
Using last generation of yeast
Eliminating purge yeast

- Pitching Quality
- Amount of CO2 produced and sent to the CO2 recovery plant
Quality of yeast pitching (PQ) can be calculated as
PQ = [(VTOD * 100)/ (V * C)] * DR

VTOD - Volume of TOD = 2,560 Hl
V - Viability = 92.1%
C - Consistency = 51%
DR - Dosing rate = 60Kg/Hl
PQ = [(2,560 * 100)/ (92.1 * 51)] * DR

PQ = 3270.103 Kg

General material balance

Cold wort + yeast = HG beer + CO2
Cold wort = 2,560Hl (from the 8 brews) = 256,000l * 1.072Kg/l = 274,432Kg
HG beer = 2328.4Hl = 232,840l * 1.072Kg/l = 249,604.48Kg
Yeast = 3,270.103Kg

CO2 = Cold wort + yeast - HG beer

= (274,432 + 3270.103 – 249,604.48) Kg
= 28,097.623 Kg

5. Centrifuge Efficiency
Counting by electro-microscope
Before centrifuge = 30 million cells as measured by a hymocytometer slide.

After centrifuge = 8 million cells as measured by a hymocytometer slide.

η = in – out * 100%
= 30*106– 8*106*100%
30*106 = 73.33% (i.e., Our centrifuge is efficient)

Chapter 5

Production of CO2 Hop Extract from Gesho

5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 What are Hops?
Hops (Humulus lupulus) are a perennial (self-renewal) plant of the Cannab4.aceae family that also
includes the genus Cannabis. In the production of beer, hop is an essential component. Hops
provide bitterness to balance the sweetness of malt sugars, as well as flavors, aromas, resins that
increase head retention, and antiseptics to retard spoilage. Raw hop contains alpha acids, beta
acids, Hard resins (up to 25% in total), hop oils (up to 3%), hop polyphenols (up to 14%), cellulose
(up to 50%), water (up to 12%), protein (up to 22%), minerals (up to 10%) and lipids, waxes,
pectin and carbohydrates (each 2-3%). The composition of hops varies depending on the variety,
crop year and location. The lupulin glands of hop provide the essential components that brewers
need. These are the bittering compounds (α & ß acids) and hop oils.

Figure 10:hop leaf

Brewery industries use different types of hops as their interest, capacity to produce beer and kind
of process they use. Hops can be added at several points in the brewing process to enhance
bitterness, flavor and aroma. While most hops are added in the boil kettle, they can be added
atvarious stages prior to and after the boil as well. Kettle hops is the name given to those hops
added to the kettle during boiling process. These include early addition for bitterness and late
addition for flavor and aroma.

5.1.2 Types of Kettle Hop

1. Bittering Hops - Bitterness from hops comes from alpha acids found in the lupulin glands of
the hop flowers. The main alpha acids are humulone, cohumulone and adhumulone. Inorder to
become bitter these acids must be chemically altered, isomerized, by boiling.
Isomerization is a chemical process in which a compound is changed into another form with the
same chemical composition but a different structure. The percentage of the potential alpha acid
that is isomerized is referred to as utilization. Because the length of the boil determines degree of
utilization, bittering hops are usually added at the beginning of the boil or with at least 60minutes
of boiling time remaining.
2. Flavor Hops - Hop flavor and aroma are derived from essential oils found in the lupulin glands.
These oils include humulene, myrcene, geraniol, and limonene, among others. The flavors are
released as these oils become dissolved into the wort during the boil. However, these oils are highly
volatile and are to a large degree lost to evaporation. For this reason, flavor hops are added with
twenty to forty minutes remaining in the boil. This provides a compromise between isomerization
of the alpha acids and loss of essential oils.
3. Aroma Hops - Because the aromatic essential oils are highly volatile, aroma hops are added in
the last minutes of the boil to minimize their loss to evaporation.
In Ethiopia, Domestic beverages such as tella and tej are produced using the leaves and stems of
Rhamnus prinoides (Amharic name, Gesho). It is used to provide a special aroma and flavor.
Different chemical substances are found in Rhamnus prinoides such as chrysophanol, physcion,
emodin, prinoidin, musizin, β-sorigenin, rhamnocitrin, rhamnazin, quercetin and 3-
O�methylquercetin but from all these naphthalenic glucoside (Geshoidin) is the basic bittering
agent for beverages. Geshoidin is a non-toxic substance found in abundance amount in the stem
and leaves of Rhamnus Prinoides. Although Gesho may have antibacterial effect against some
groups of bacteria during fermentation process, its main purpose in the process is believed to
impart the typical bitter taste to local beer (tella or tej).

From all the components gesho has, its leaf contain 1.13% w/w essential oil and 18.46% w/w total
resin & its stem contain 0.6% w/w essential oil and 17.16% w/w total resin.
5.1.3 The Big Three
There are three main chemicals that hop contributes to the brewery process:
A. Alpha acids (α - acids) - are a class of chemical compounds primarily of importance to the
production of beer. They are found in the resin glands of the flowers of the hop plant. They have
two main purposes in beer.

First, they give beer that unique bitter taste. Alpha acids may be isomerized to form iso-alpha acids
by application of heat in solution. Isoalpha acids (Iso -α - acids) are typically produced in beer
from the addition of hops to the boiling wort. The degree of isomerization and amount of bitter
flavor produced by the addition of hops is highly dependent on the length of time hops are boiled.
Longer boiling times will result in isomerization of more alpha acids and thus increased bitterness.
Another very important aspect of alpha acids are there antiseptic nature. Before the usage of hops,
high alcohol content was the only way to make beer last a long time.

The addition of hops (especially the alpha acids) to beer helped prevent unwanted growth of
bacteria, and on the other hand enhanced the ability of yeasts to grow and ferment the wort to beer.
Special care has to be taken with alpha acids though. If Iso-alpha acids are allowed to react with
light, and riboflavin (vitamin B2 coming from the malt), the beer will produce unpleasant smell.
This is why beers are bottled in brown glass, to prevent certain wavelengths of light from starting
this process.
Primary alpha acids include:
a) Humulone
b) Cohumulone
c) Adhumulone
B. Beta acids (β - acids) - do not contribute much to the beer as a whole, but help in two areas.
First, beta acids contribute some to the bitter flavor of the beer. Although the bitterness from the
beta acids are harsher than the alpha acids, due to their insolubility, not much comes off in the
beer. The beta acids do not isomerize like there alpha counterpart, but rather oxide in the beer to
produce bitter flavor.
Beta acids have also been shown to have great antiseptic qualities for the beer, aiding in shelf life
and yeast’s ability to grow. Some research has been done using from H. lupulus to aid in the
preservation of foods.
Primary beta acids include:

a) Lupulone
b) Colupulone

c) Adlupulone

C. Essential oils - are another key component of hop cones, adding aroma and flavor. Extracting
the oils takes very little time when brewing beer. Due to their volatile nature, most of the initial
oils from the starting hops (bittering hops) are evaporated off during the boil. The strength of the
oils is seen in the last minutes of boiling (around 5 minutes). These oils produce most of the hop
flavor and aroma smelled in beer. “Grassy” , “piney”, “earthy” ,”citrus”, or “spicy” are all the
terms and fragrances that essential oils give to the beer.

5.1.4 What is CO2 Hop Extract?

CO2 Hop Extract (CO2 Extract) is a hop product developed from the extraction of the components
of hops that are important to brewers in the production of beer namely the alpha-acids and essential
oils that contribute to beer’s bitterness, aroma, foam, and microbiological stability. These are the
compounds of the most benefit to brewers that are utilized from whole hops and hop pellets in the
brew kettle during the brewing process that follow through into the final beer.
CO2 Extract eliminates a great deal of the inert materials that come with the vegetative portion of
hops and hop pellets, and thereby reduces weight, handling, and residual hop material that needs
to be removed from the wort during brewing.
CO2 Extract is designed for use in the brew kettle or whirlpool on the hot side of brewing. Because
the extract provides hop alpha acids - the same as those found in whole hops and hop pellets - the
isomerization of these alpha acids into iso-alpha acids is still necessary by means of the boiling
process in the brew kettle (and to a lesser extent in the whirlpool). Also, as with whole hops and

hop pellets, the timing of the addition of CO2 Extract in the process will influence the utilization
of the various hop essential oils important in the flavor development in beer. Hop utilization refers
to how well the hops have imparted their taste and aroma into the beer.
CO2 Extracts have many advantages over other hop kettle products:

i. They are the most stable form of hop product. Pure resin extracts can be stored for several
years at ambient temperature with negligible loss of brewing value.
ii. Hop extract provides better utilization of alpha acids compared to other traditional non-
isomerized kettle products.
iii. Hop extracts are extremely uniform. The alpha acids content in the container can be
adjusted to customer specifications for optimum consistency.
iv. Shipping, storage weight, and volume are substantially reduced, as only the extract
material is retained and packaged (typically 20 to 25% of the original hop material for
high-alpha hops).

There are two types of CO2 hop extract productions; using subcritical or supercritical system.
Using subcritical system tends to pull out mostly light oils (Essential oils) and soft resins
(mostly the beer bittering acids) and leaves behind waxes, paraffin and hard resins. Extraction
time can be longer and yields can be lower due to its high selectivity. While supercritical
system extracts the higher molecular weight materials (like waxes, paraffin, lipids and hard
resins) and chlorophyll which give beer off-flavors and interfere with the solubility of iso-α-
acids also its higher temperature and pressure (120oF and 5000psi) can cause thermal
degradation of the essential oils.

5.1.6. Why CO2?

There are a lot of reasons for the preference of CO2 as a solvent for hop extraction. These include:
1) It is a harmless by-product of fermentation.
2) It is an effective solvent for soft resin and essential oils.
3) It is an effective solvent at sub-ambient temperatures.
4) It is a solvent that was chemically inert with respect to the compounds being extracted
5) It is a solvent that provided its own inert atmosphere and hence prevented the access of
oxygen to the extracted material.
6) It is a solvent that exhibited unparalleled selectivity for the hop components of interest.
7) Using other solvents such as Methanol, Ethanol and Hexane might give us a good yield but
these solvents extract not only the bittering acids and essential oils but also all the heavy weight
materials such as hard resins, waxes and chlorophyll which are not needed during the brewery
process. But the bittering acids and essential oils dissolve to the liquid CO2 at sub-critical
condition due to its high selectivity to only extract the hop component of desire.
8) Using other solvents such as ethanol and methanol, might change the extract flavor but not
9) If an extracting plant is installed in a brewery factory, it’ll have abundant CO2 feed for the
extraction process from fermentation and since the extraction system uses cyclic process using
CO2 again and again, this will reduce the production cost further.

5.2 Statement of the Problem

The brewing industry is becoming more competitive and constantly looking for ways to improve
beer quality and reduce manufacturing costs in the worldwide. In tropical countries like Ethiopia,
Hops has been imported from other temperate countries and this involves the expenditure of
scarce foreign exchange. Rhamnus prinoides (Amharic, name: Gesho) is a cultivated indigenous
shrub which is also known to occur far west as Cameroon and as far south as South Africa, and
Ethiopia. It has a potential use as a commercial hopping agent in the beer industry. Gesho is a
new potential substitute for imported hops which can be used as an alternative substrate and also
raise economic benefits through import substitution.

5.3 Objective

5.3.1 General Objective

Production of CO2 hop extract from Rhamnus prinoides (Gesho)

5.3.2 Specific Objectives

 To extract CO2 hop extract

 To analyze the extract.

 To give guidance on how to find the bittering yield of the extract on beer

 To identify the proper processing parameters such as temperature and pressure for
maximum and efficient hop extraction.

5.4 Significance of the Project

The reason behind doing this project is because: -
i) It provides an economically feasible option to produce hops locally, which will play a
major role to substitute the imported hops which saves foreign currency and create job
opportunity for people.
ii) It introduces the Gesho as a local raw material for use in the beer production process.
iii) It helps to encourage import substitution to meet growth and transformation plan.
iv) It helps to satisfy the brewery industry ensuring stability and sustainability of input raw
v) It creates opportunity to increase domestic agricultural products as a raw material in the
industrialization effort.
5.5 Scope of the Project
Since we did not do any experimental work, we can only show this project as a future work, that
can be commenced later, which ranges from extracting hop using CO2 as a solvent at sub-critical
temperature and pressure, analyzing and determination of the extract content and recommending
proper parameters for efficient extraction.
5.6 Literature Review
I. S. Daoudand and S. Kusinski investigated both Liquid CO2 and Ethanol Hop extraction with
optimal parameters. For ethanol extraction first, Hop cones and pellets were milled through a 1
mm screen using a Wiley Knife mill then 1.5 kg of the milled hops was placed in a 10 liter glass
jar and 5 liters of AR quality ethanol was added. The jar was fitted with a lid and the contents
stirred vigorously for 5 hours at 30oC. The mixture was filtered through a Buchner Funnel and the
residual hops were washed with 500 ml of ethanol. The filtrate was sorted for 24 in a refrigerator.
The hop residue was returned to the glass jar, covered with 3 liters ethanol and mixed thoroughly
before being left unstirred at 30°C. After a further 24 hours the contents of the glass jar were
filtered through a Buchner Funnel and the residue washed with 1 liter ethanol. The two filtrates
were combined and the resulting solution evaporated slowly under reduced pressure to remove the
ethanol and for Liquid CO2 extraction, they used a twin column pilot scale extractor to extract
hops for 7-8 hours at a temperature of 7oC and at a pressure of 700-800 psig, using LCO2 flow
rates between 20 and 35 kg/hr. A description of the plant is given elsewhere for Commercial hop
pellets were milled through a 1 mm sieve using a Wiley Knife mill. Up to 4.3 kg of the powered
hops were then packed into each extraction column, which could be used separately or in series.
The liquid leaving the columns was passed into an evaporator at 40°C where the CO2 was boiled
off. The extract was collected periodically by opening the tap at the bottom of the evaporator. The
gaseous CO2 was passed through a column packed with activated charcoal before being discharged
to atmosphere. Finally they concluded that, the maximum achievable extraction efficiency of alpha
acids depends on the alpha acids content of the hops at the time of extraction [1].

Fekadu Ashine studied ethanol hop extract using local hop (Gesho) in well manner. First,
extraction of well vented and dried samples of Gesho was performed by socking in 97% ethanol
as an extracting agent. A weight of 750g of the dried and powdered Rhamnus prinoides leaves
with stem put in 2000 ml Erlenmeyer flask was soaked in 1500ml of 97% ethanol for a period of
about 72 hours with by shaking on a shaker Hy-5A Manoeuvre. Fresh solvent was used in every
12hr socking extract was filtered through a medium density filter paper fitted in Buchner funnel.
And the extract of Rhamnus prinoides i.e. ethanol extracted concentrated using rotary evaporator.
After ethanol extraction, using the extract he brewed a beer and found out that Rhamnus Priniodes

(Gesho) could give comparable bitterness and aroma and finally recommended that partial
replacement of imported hop would give a better result out of the two[2].

On another study in Germany, Whole hops were mixed with a 90% ethanol and water solution in
a wt grinding mill. The slurry of hop powder and ethanol is the pumped into the continuous
counter-current extractor. Countercurrent to the flow of hops, ethanol is constantly percolated
though the hop bed and in this way it is enriched with hop components. After the hops have passed
through the extractor, they leave the extraction as spent material...The solution of ethanol and polar
hop material - referred to as “miscella” - is pumped to the evaporation stage. The ethanol is
removed by evaporation in a multistage vacuum evaporator. The resulting raw extract contains
hop acids as well as water soluble components such as polyphenols. After further reduction of the
ethanol content, the raw extract is separated into resin and hot water extract by means of separators.
The polyphenols polymerize due to thermal treatment. After the study, 25 � 55% w/w of α- acids,
15 – 35% of β-acids, up to 10ml/100gm of essential oils with viscous kind liquid of obtained [3].

F. R. Sharpe and D. Crabb milled the hop in a Wiley mill previously cooled with solid carbon
dioxide and containing a screen of 1 mm nominal mesh. The Milled hops (1 kg) were packed into
one of two stainless steel columns (internal diameter 2 in, length 8ft). The columns were connected
to a stainless steel tube evaporator (internal diameter 1 in, length 5 ft.). The empty column was
isolated and the column in use was filled with liquid CO2 previously sub-cooled to 6°C in a cooling
bath. The pressure of the system was then between 625 and 900 psig. Then the solution was heated
to 40°C by circulating water through a jacket via a thermostatically controlled water bath. The
evaporator was then connected in series with a carbon filter, a heater and a differential pressure
cell. The outlet from the differential pressure cell was led to waste. The filter removed particulate
matter and highly volatile hop components. The heater ensured that the CO2 was above its critical
temperature and the differential pressure cell controlled the rate of bleed of gaseous CO2 from the
system. The differential pressure cell adjusted the gaseous carbon dioxide flow rate to be 200 liters
per minute. The result shown that the extract performs as well as, and in some cases better than,
hops or conventional hop extracts, giving high utilizations and beers with longer shelf lives [4].

of beta-acids were detected. The alpha-acids content in the samples of series B was the highest in
the extract of the Magnum cultivar (It is a bitter variety of hop).The low contents of alpha-acids
in all the other hop samples resulted in extracts with low alpha-acids content, i.e. that contents
were under the prescribed alpha-acids content. In order to prevent the thermal decomposition of
hop compounds, the temperature of 40°C was selected for the SFE CO2.Two steps were used for
the SFE-CO2 to obtain extracts containing aroma and bitterness hop compounds: SFE-CO2
extraction of hop at 150bar, i.e., a solvent density of 0.790g/cm3, for 2.5h (Samples of series A)
and, subsequently, same sample of hop was extracted at 300bar, i.e., a solvent density of
0.915g/cm3,for2.5h(Samples of series B). These samples showed, of course, a higher content of
alpha-acids than the native hop sample sand, again, the highest alpha-acids content in CO2-exract
were obtained for Magnum hop cultivar (41.0%). Finally from the investigation it was concluded
that the extracts of the investigated hop varieties are different in terms of their qualitative and
quantitative composition [7].

5.7 Methodology

5.7.1. Material and chemical


Table 3:Equipment’s

For Extraction Purpose
Miller to make the hop easy to handle and increase surface area
CO2 Storage to store liquid CO2 before further usage
Condenser to liquefy CO2 from gas state
CO2 Pump to compress CO2 to the desired pressure
Column Vessel to store hops and being a vessel for mixing with liquid
Filter To separate the extract containing solution from the Spent
Carbon Filter to filter the CO2 gas efficiently for reuse
Sub cooler to cool CO2 to a separation temperature
Extract Storage to store extract that comes out of Evaporator
Pressure control valve (PCV) to adjust separation pressure for CO2
Heat Exchanger to adjust separation condition for CO2
Evaporator to separate CO2 from desired extract

For Analysis Purpose
Round bottom flask used in hop oil determination for distillation process
Distillation Column used in essential oil content determination to separate
water and oil content

High performance liquid used to determine α & β acids concentration


CO2 – used as a solvent in the extraction process.
Methanol – used in HPLC method of determining α&β acids concentration.
Distilled Water – used in essential oil concentration determination.

5.7.2 Methods Liquid carbon dioxide hop extraction process

Gesho leaves & stems will be collected from the local market with a sum amount of 1Kg in total.To
reduce the water content, the sample will be dried in an open air for about 5 days protected from
direct exposure to sunlight. After that, to obtain maximum surface area and efficient amount of
extracted hop, the dried hop (Gesho) will be powdered using hammer mill till 1mm nominal mesh
is gained. This dried and powdered gesho will be putted into the column vessel. At atmospheric
temperature and pressure, CO2 is gaseous so the CO2 pump will compress CO2 to the desired
pressure ~ 63 bars and the heat exchanger will temper CO2 to about 7oC to liquefying CO2. The
liquid CO2 will flow into the column vessel at about 4ml/min mixing and extracting the essential
components from the milled hop by the use of internally fitted stirrer for about 4hrs. Then using
filter, the hop component containing solution will be filtrated and spent hops will be removed at
the bottom of the filter. The PCV (pressure control valve) will depressurize reducing the operating
pressure to atmospheric pressure (1 atm) for purpose of separation. Then the solution will be sent
to the evaporator to separate liquid CO2 from the extract at 40oC. The extract will be collected at
the bottom of the evaporator and CO2 gas will be sent to the carbon filter to ensure its quality since
it has been mixed with the extract. After that, using a condenser CO2 gas will becooled to storage

condition before sent into the CO2 storage tank. Using a sub cooler, the gaseous CO2 will be
liquefied to 7oC followed by compression ~63 bars by CO2 pump for further usage (cyclic
process). Extract Analysis

Determination of α-acids and β-acids by High Performance Liquid
High performance liquid chromatography is a technique in analytical chemistry used to separate,
identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. It relies on pumps to pass a pressurized
liquid solvent containing the sample mixture through a column filed with a solid adsorbent
material. Each component in the sample interacts slightly differently with the adsorbent material,
causing different flow rates for the different components and leading to the separation of the
components as they flow out of the column.
A sample of hop extract (~ 2 gm) will be accurately weighed and dissolved (dispersed) in 100 ml
with methanol. A Sample of the solution 5 ml to be exact will be diluted to volume (50 ml) with
methanol. The diluted methanolic sample will be mixed with an internal standard solution and
the resultant solution will be analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Determination of Total Essential Oil Content
A sample (10 g) of powdered hops will be placed in a round-bottomed flask (3-L) with distilled
water (1,500 ml). The mixture will be distilled with cohobation (repeatedly distilled by
subjecting the distillate to a new act of distillation) for about 2 hrs and the essential oil layer
being collected in an oil trap. At the end of the distillation period the volume of oil will be

Yield of bitter substance

Bitterness yield of the CO2 hop extract from Gesho can be obtained by taking the ratio between
the remaining bitter substances after beer from gesho has been produced and amount of the
bittering substances which are mainly the alpha acids, in this case Geshoidin, dosed in the wort
kettle measured in AAU (alpha acid unit). So according to the following rule:

Yield = bitter compounds in the finished beer * 100%

Bitter hops dosed in wort kettle

And is calculated as the isomerization rate as follows:

Rate of isomerization = iso-alpha-acids in the final beer * 100%

Alpha-acids dosed
Utilization of alpha acids is normally 25 - 45 %, typically 35%
Determination of proper parameters for maximum hop extraction
The maximum achievable extraction efficiency of alpha-acids depends upon the alpha-acids
contents of the hops at the timepecifically, maximum extraction efficiency increases with alpha-
acid content. Improper storage of hops before extraction leads to hop deterioration (loss of alpha
acid) which has a great effect on quantity and quality of extraction.
Also the conditions (Temperature & Pressure) of the extracting solvent, in this case CO2, during
extraction has a huge outcome of the final extract. A lot of studied have been done to know the
optimum extracting condition for CO2 and using food grade CO2 at extraction temperature of 5 -
15oC (41 -59oF) and Extraction Pressure 55 -70bar has shown to give a good of yield of extract.

5.7.3 Expected Extract Result

Since there was no experimental work, we can only predict the outcome based on previous studies.
After the extraction process, we should be able to find golden yellow colored solvent largely
consisting of α-acids, β-acids, essential oils and moisture.
From different literatures we have found that, the maximum achievable extraction efficiency of
hop depends upon the desired components of hop contents at the time of extraction, the extraction
solvent characteristics and extracting conditions, amount of time taken for the extraction.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Internships are arrangements in which university students lend their talents to companies in return
for an opportunity to develop business skills and gain exposure to the work environment. With this
regard, we found the internship program to be such an interesting phenomenon. From the

experience we had, we concluded that internship provides benefits not only for the intern, but also
for the hosting company. The benefits that the company gains could be increasing productivity,
finding future employees, advertising and so on. Beside this, the organization has the opportunity
to observe a student at work and review work habits, technical abilities, interpersonal skills and
adaptability before making a full time commitment.
Generally, beer is an alcohol beverage made by fermentation from fermentable sugar obtained
from starchy material which is barley in form of malt. The aim of malting to bring forth enzyme
that will hydrolyze the starch and protein to less complex water soluble compounds, i.e. amino
acids, fermentable sugars and small peptides. These compounds are dissolved in water resulting in
a liquid known as wort. Generally, there are also two types of yeast in brewing that is top and
bottom type but in B.G.I Company it used the bottom type one due to which does not usually for
spore. This is well adapted slow fermentation at low temperature and settles to the bottom of the
tank at the end of fermentation. Last but not least, filtration commenced, this process is a separation
process in which the yeast cells and other turbidity causing still presents in the beer are removed
from the beer. At the same time substance is which would, in the course of the next weeks or
months, they precipitate and make the beer turbid. Once the desired quality of the beer is attained
in the bright beer tank, the beer will finally ready to be filled in the bottle or keg.
B.G.I uses silos made from stainless steel to store the imported malt. The problem is there is no
system (mechanism) installed in the silos to control the internal environment like humidity and
temperature. If the malt is not handled adequately, we won’t get the needed yield later in the
production process. So B.G.I should install temperature and humidity sensors inside the silos and
apply systems such as ventilations to control these parameters. After bottles are filled, they need
to be capped (sealed) in order not to have contamination.

1. I.S. Daoud and S. Kusinki, Liquid and Ethanol Extraction of Hops, Brewing Research
Foundation, Nutfield, Redhill, January-February, 1992,
2. Fekadu Ashine, Production of barley malt beer using Gesho (Rhamnus priniodes) in
Ethiopia Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, 2015
3. HHV Hallertauer Hopfenveredlungs GmbH, Germany
4. F.R. Sharpe and D. Crabb, Pilot plant extraction of hops with liquid carbon dioxide, Brewing
research foundation, Nutfilled, March - April 1980, Vol 86, pp. 60 - 64.
5. C.L. Bodkin et al, Preparation and Analysis of Liquid CO2 Hop Extracts, Carlton and Breweries
Limited, Melbourne, Autralia, May 14,1980
6. Derek R.J et al, Production of Solvent - free Isomerized Extract, Brewery Research Foundation,
Nutfield, Surry, Britain
7. Zoran al, Super Critical Fluid Extraction of Hops,Serbia,2006
8. The General Certificate in Brewing (GCB), Institute of Brewing and Distilling, 2014
9. The operational Manuals of different departments of B.G.I factory
10. Wolfgang Kunz, Technology of Brewing and Malting, 2nd Revised Edition, 1999


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