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Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, khanpur

kalan ,Sonipat

Presentation Topic :Interpritation of Satan’ Character

Presented to : Dr. Shalini Attri

Presented by : AMISHA
Roll No. : 20032001
The character of Satan is one of the greatest creation in English
Literature. The grand figure of Milton's classical epic "Paradise Lost" is
classical creation to make a poet and the poem famous and popular. It is
about Satan who is Heavenly angel but transfer from Heaven to Hell as
hellish serpent, from his first and last role might highly surprising and
zest. Satan dominates 'Paradise Lost' from beginning to end of the poem.
Several reader has has gone to extent and calling him a hero of the epic,
and identifying him with the poet 'Milton' himself. Whatever it might be, it
is true to say that Satan in the story of all man.
The grandeur of Satan in 'Paradise Lost' is Milton's own creation.
Milton gives him the role of villain but the look of the hero. Milton of
course pains to point out Satan's face which once surpassed the sun
in splendeour. His original beauty might have deserted him, but what
remains reflects the image of an undounted heroic soul. In his first
speech he makes hollow but high fun of God's military power. He
consider himself greater than God in individual strength. Even in the
midst of all this suffering and humiliation his brain is busy to evolving
plans for another war.
Satan's unshaken determination for revenge is another foremost
feature of his character. His possition is totally shaken but his
determination remains unshaken. His determination is the main
inspiration for fallen angels by his firm determination. We admire that
the firm determination of Satan, which he never submit or yield. He
makes his evil intention quite clear. He is prompted by undying hatred
for God and a desire for revenge. Milton shows the two side of Satan's
A hero is a man of action. Courage is the outstanding traits in Satan's character.
God hurled him into the 'Bottomless' pit, and some time he realize that, he is
helpless in tha lake of liquid fire. But on regaining conciousness, he refuses to lie
in that helpless state. Beelzebub his next his command, he think that the fallen
angels is now doomed to live forever in the dark caves in Hell. But Satan is
determined to excricate himself from that object situatuon and with word of
courage he removes their fears and give them new hope. Then with the mighty
speech he raises their droping spirit and infusess courage and energy in them.
Although he defeated but not afraid to declare his war with the grat enemy.
Niether the power of God, nor the pains of hell can defeated his courage as He is
really proved as a leader as he guided others.
Three key qualities of ideal leader to make him an admirable commander: First his
oratory, second his politics and third his control. We see his rare oratory in his
speeches full of inspiration. We see his political sense by ability to set - up a
systmatic ministory for fallen angels. This is a true quality of an great leader and
heroic man. A real hero is one who not possesess heroic qualities, but also creates
similar qualities in other. In 'Puritans' he is a vain leader but in "Renaissance" he is a
universal model of ideal leadership.

Satan is great sinner of God and man but on the Renaissance or artistic lever of
Milton's creative imsgination. He is truely grand , even in book 1st basically good hero.
He only appears grand but is not great and thus. No hero but product of heroic poetry.
Summing up the picture of Satan which Milton has paint in the first book
of "Paradise Lost" is very unique and grand. There is no doubt that Milton
has used his poetic and dramatic powers for Satan's character and we
have seen Satan is not only rebel and tyrant, but he has heroic qualities
also, as we have seen, he is brave, strong and self -sacrificing.

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