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O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3

HOUR Rev. Sam
ear friend, "Fresh start" devotional is a transformative
resource designed to provide readers with daily inspiration
and guidance as they start or continue in their walk with
God. The devotional is specifically crafted to help individuals establish a
personal connection with the Holy Spirit by providing fresh insights
into well-known biblical passages. By actively engaging the devotional,
readers will discover renewed hope and a revitalized perspective on
their relationship with God.

The "Fresh Start" Bible Devotional focuses on fostering personal growth,

maturity, and transformation in readers' life journey. It offers
foundational teachings, character formation, personal and
transformation growth. It encourages growth, and provides tools for
goal se ing and progress tracking. It also recommends additional
resources for further study. Through this, readers will embark on a
purposeful and intentional path of life development, equipping them to
grow in their faith, live out biblical principles, and become transformed
individuals who reflect the love and grace of God in their daily lives.

Get ready for an awesome moment of refreshing.

DAY 01



"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and… your young men shall see
visions" Joel 2:8ESV

When the Holy Spirit comes on people, He begins to give them visions. One critical thing that God uses to grow
and expand us is vision. The Holy Spirit sows the seed of vision in your heart, and in that season everything that
does not align with that vision will begin to irritate you. If you don't understand what is going on, you will sink
into depression, but if you do, you will pause and learn the contractions required to birth what the Holy Spirit is
conceiving in your heart.

What you are grumbling about is an indication of what you are called to save. Like Gideon (Judges 6: 11-15), who
complained about the state of his country, most times, when vision pops in the heart of people, they are not
aware. You could be upset at how houses with poor quality are built at exorbitant prices. Deep within, it might be
the Lord crafting a vision of quality houses at affordable prices in your heart.

The vision of your future is always in the present. God has a deposit of grace and raw material on the inside of
everyone. If you cannot capture a moment of vision, you might lose it. When God's grace lights on your vision,
you'll perform seemingly impossible feats. What challenges people into growth is their vision. When you stop
growing, it's either you lost your vision or you've achieved your goal.

The best of God is in the future, not in the past. Therefore, the past has no capacity to intimidate the future. Vision
would often challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Often, it's not as if the future is not bright, it's that
people don't see it. Gideon never thought he could save Israel, but God put the vision in his heart. What is God
pu ing in your heart that you're ignoring? We don't feel motivated because there's nothing we're seeing; else
we'll walk towards it.

Vision makes life productive. Without a compelling vision, it's hard to measure progress. Life becomes boring.
There's nothing you can do about your past, but there's a lot you can do about your future. Leave your past and
go for your future. What to do? Have a strong vision for your life. Many times, God who grants vision has
already shown it to us. Never say it is impossible; say "how can we do it?" 1Corinthians 2:9. When it enters your
heart, don't kill it, what you need to do is to nurture it. God expands you by allowing vision enter your heart.
Water your vision.

Have a blessed day!

*Father, craft a vision of what you'll have me do in my heart. Habakkuk 2:2 Daily Bible Reading: Luke 17
*Lord, whatever you have been showing me that I've ignored, by mercy,
grant me grace to pick them up again and turn them to reality. Jeremiah 1:12
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Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
My destiny is not hopeless. I walk in purpose. Jeremiah 1:5 HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
I am a person of vision. I have a clear purpose and I make effective changes for EMQ Rev Sam Oye
the glory of God. Habakkuk 2:2
DAY 02

"Elijah said to her, "Do not fear; go and do as you have said. Just make me a li le bread from it first and bring it out to me, and afterwards, you
may make one for yourself and for your son. For this is what the Lord God of Israel says: 'The bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor shall the
jar of oil be empty until the day that the Lord sends rain [again] on the face of the earth." 1 King 17: 13 – 14 AMP

T he verses preceding the bible passage above told the story of a widow and her son who lived in
a period of famine in their country. She had decided, before Elijah's visit, to prepare the last
flour she had, eat it with her son and die. When Elijah arrived, she told him of her plans
however Elijah encouraged her, speaking life into her with his words. This passage reminds me of
2020, the year of the Covid19 virus. At the start of the lockdown in Nigeria, a man lost his job and had
to move back home to break the news to his family. They had to adjust their finances to the new
situation because he contributed significantly to the household finances. When the lockdown started,
online businesses became popular and people spent a lot of time on the internet, including him. He
realized he could sell SME Data since lots of people were online and would need cheaper data, he
spoke to a friend who already sold wholesale about reselling for his brand, and he agreed. He sold
SME data online for some time till he eventually got another job a month and a few weeks into the

Sometimes we have a juiced-up plan of how we want life to go, but our experience becomes the
opposite. Sometimes, certain situations make us question God's love and care for us, regardless of the
knowledge that bad things and good things in life are ying-yangs. The inevitability of life is why our
sole trust should not only be in our physical and mental capabilities in academia, business or family
but in trusting that God is always with us every time including periods when we are riddled with
existential questions or when our vision seems dead.

What should you do when your vision seems dead? Talk to God genuinely. Ask Him to show you
what He needs you to understand in that period, and how you should move forward. When we
approach God honestly, He begins to speak to us through the things around us and draws our
a ention to the things we might have previously missed. Remember, it's very okay to start small or
start again, it is best to view the obstacles as an opportunity to wait for something that would bring
you closer to your vision and ask God to lead you and prepare, then take action. What was the greatest
obstacle you faced? How did you overcome it?

Have a blessed day!

*Lord Jesus, renew my mind and help me to see difficulties as Daily Bible Reading: Luke 18
opportunities. Rom 12:2
*Help me to develop an honest relationship with you and create
in me an obedient heart. Ezekiel 36:26
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Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
I declare that in all seasons the spirit of the lord dwells in me teaching HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
me in the way to go and guiding me. EMQ Rev Sam Oye
I declare that my mind is renewed daily and everything I do brings
me one step closer to my vision
DAY 03

HOW TO PRAY Prophic


8: Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. 9: Fear the Lord, you his holy
people, for those who fear him lack nothing. 10: The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord
lack no good thing. Psalm 34:8-10 (NIV)

T here is a lot to learn about this topic and a lot to unlearn, and one of the basic assumptions is
that all prayers get results.

Many people prayed throughout the Bible, yet many of them did not have their prayers answered.
The reasons could be because there are principles that guide prayers.

What is Prayer? Prayer is word-based, you read the word to establish that God has done it. There are
also moments when intense doubt prevents your prayers from being answered.

Why doesn't prayer work? Thought pa erns: Most people have mastered the religious acts of prayer
i.e. praying to feel good or expressing your pain and it's not an active release of power. The heart is
disconnected from the prayer. (Mathew 15: 8) You need to know what the will of God is: Every time
you approach God and you are not sure or certain if He'll do it or not, you'll not receive. The problem
with your prayer is that you are not convinced God will do it for you. (Hebrews 11:6)

How to know God is willing: Go to His word and allow His word speak to you on a personal level.
Break up the fallow ground – your heart i.e., the thoughts, the mentality that is dry. (Hosea 10:12) See
also Psalm 51:17; Job 11:13

How to make your prayer powerful: You need to put in the work before you pray. Before you pray,
you need to know what the will of God is. That God is willing to do this for me. (Psalm 34:8-10) Go to
the word and find these scriptures. Put your heart in God's word by confessing it, and thinking about
it, i.e., see yourself in your testimony.

One of the major hindrances to prayer is praying from a place of no confidence. (1st John 5:14). The
posture of answered prayer is the posture of confidence in God's word.

Have a blessed day!

*Father, help me to pray from a place of confidence knowing that you're Daily Bible Reading: Luke 19
willing and able to do that which you have promised. Hebrews 11:6
*My Father, My Father, I am so grateful that you hear me and you delight in
granting me speedy response to my prayers according to your word. Isaiah 65:24 Join Us Online On
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
Father, I thank you because you are willing. You are able to do exceedingly, and
abundantly and have made provisions for my goals. Ephesians 3:2
DAY 04



"When Jesus saw him lyYou can only go as far as you see; no man can arrive at a future he cannot see.
Genesis 13:14-15ing there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do
you want to get well?" John 5:6 (NIV)

How far can you see? weight for example, you will have to cut down on
The first thing you need for your future to manifest is certain meals, this could include your favorite meals
to see it; if it is greatness you see in your future, that is or control how you eat to accomplish that.
what will come to manifest in your life.
Sometimes, it is too early to se le, we should dream
In Genesis 13:14-15 (NIV) "14 The Lord said to big and large, we should not se le down to the
Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Look around standard of others. You can use the intangible to
from where you are, to the north and south, to the create tangible things as long as you don't get stu
east and west. 15 All the land that you see I will give to ck in your mind. Once you get stuck in your mind,
you and your offspring forever.” you become stuck in life. Visions a ract resources.

It's only your vision that limits your prayers and Why Visions Die? A Vision dies when it is self-
blessings, because when you dream small you will centered; if you want to make your vision strong, do
pray small. We need to ask God for things only He not make it all about yourself, involve others in this
can do, we should learn to challenge God. Even after vision. Hannah had prayed for a child for a very long
Joseph was sold as a slave and locked up in prison, he time, but the first time she made her prayer about
still dreamt, he never gave up. Leaving your Life to helping someone else other than herself, her prayer
chance gives you no chance in life. How far you see was answered 1 Samuel 1:9-20. Visions powered by
determines how far you go. No ma er what is going love never fails.
on in your life, do not let anyone stop you from
dreaming. Vision helps you become selective of who
you hang out with, or places you find yourself. Your What Do You Do When You Have A Vision?
vision helps you make be er decisions, God expands 1. Learn to put your vision to heart. Proverbs 16:19
you through your vision, He changes your life 2. Be Mindful of your vision, Genesis 6:5, Hebrew
through a vision. 11:15 Mindfulness of your vision creates
opportunities. When you see only limitations, you
What Vision can you accommodate that will expand don't see opportunities, what you worry about the
you? People do not like visions because they can be most are the things that begin happen in your life
uncomfortable. They take you outside your comfort .
zone, and a vision can limit your choices, even when "Opportunities are not scarce, Mindfulness
there are a lot of choices. You have to discipline determines opportunities".
yourself to achieve a certain goal; if you want to lose
Have a blessed day!

*Father God, give me a heart filled with love so that I can accommodate other Daily Bible Reading: Luke 20
people's need in my vision 1 Samuel 1:9-20
*My Father, My Father, help me focus on my visions even through times that
they seem impossible, Genesis 40:5-22
*Father may every dream and goal that has been revealed to me come into Join Us Online On
manifestation. Genesis 37:5-9, Genesis 42:6
Confession HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*I believe in my dreams and visions and I believe I can do all things EMQ Rev Sam Oye
through Christ which strengthens me.
*I confess that my problems or conditions do not limit my dreams
DAY 05



For physical training is of some value but Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present
life and the life to come. 1Timothy 4:8 (NIV)

If Jesus was all about religion, being pious and upright, He wouldn't have assembled such a band of
what people would have called "misfits" in our time. With all their fallibility, Jesus' values
began to rub off on them. In living and dining with Him, they began to embody His person, act and
speak like him and consequently improved themselves and became Godly leaders. (Ma hew 9:12-

Not everyone, you will come across will share your beliefs or religion. If you do, then who would you
be trying to influence among them? However, when you meet people who are different from you,
deal with each one of them with tolerance. Never be wise in your own eyes but keep aspiring to excel
and lead them by the godly values you live by. Walk everyday with the Holy Spirit to bring out the
best in you and always walk the talk. (Romans 12:18)

Have a blessed day!

Prayer points
*Lord, grant me patience and love as I interact with others. Daily Bible Reading: Luke 21
(Ephesians 4:2)
*Grant me humility and guidance to lead with godly values
(1 Corinthians 10:31) Join Us Online On
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
Confession: EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*I am on the path of true leadership anointed with the oil of
ease to walk the Christian journey.
DAY 06



You are the world's seasoning, to make it tolerable. If you lose your flavor, what will happen to the world? And you yourselves will be thrown out
and trampled underfoot as worthless. You are the world's light—a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. 15-16 Don't hide your light!
Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father." – Ma hew 5: 13 – 16 (TLB)

You were created to be a transformer – a catalyst of positive change and influence. To be able to
transform your environment, start with people. Beautify your environment all you want, but never
forget to contribute something to the improvement of people because, in no time, things will return to
the status quo. Make it a point to contribute to the process of moving people to their desired mindset
because that is what everyone is called to do. Do your part and let the Holy Spirit change people's
hearts. Ma hew 5:16

While you are still here on earth, make sure your influence lives even after you – not only through the
gospel you preach, but also by the way you live. Colossians 3:17

Have a blessed day!

Prayer points
Lord, use me as a catalyst for positive change in lives. Philippians 2:13 Daily Bible Reading: Luke 22

May my influence reflect Your love and transform hearts forever. Ma hew 5:16

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Confession: Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
I am a transformer and catalyst for change. My environment lives around me HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
for be er
DAY 07

BE THE Prophic

Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but
by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the
gates of Hades will not overcome it. Ma hew 16:17-18 (NIV)

ou have the ability to move people from point A to point B through your words and

actions. Even though Jesus spent three and a half years with people of different mindsets,

He was still able to influence them to move away from their old ways, through His words

and actions. This capacity is very relevant in becoming a transformational and influential person. (2

Corinthians 5:17)

To be a transformer, you will be required to reflect Jesus Christ in all that you do. You will have to

reflect His refreshing love and display His greatness to everyone you encounter. Be the reflection of

Christ when people look at you, starting today! (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Have a blessed day!

Prayer points:
Father, help me reflect Christ's love and greatness in all Daily Bible Reading: Luke 23
encounters (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Oh Lord, make me a reflection of Christ, transforming lives Join Us Online On

through His grace. (Ma hew 5:16) Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
Confession: EMQ Rev Sam Oye
represent Christ and I express His vision for the world through
my words and actions.
DAY 08

HOW TO USE Prophic


Acts 19:11-15 (KJV)

Some people often wonder if the name of Jesus works. They assert that despite praying in Jesus' name, they received no result.
Then they reach a conclusion, "Does the name really work?". There are instances in the bible where people used the name of Jesus
and it didn't work, see (Acts 19:11-15 KJV). You might be curious to know why the name of Jesus didn't work; the explanation is
that we do not know how to use the name.

P hilippians 2:9-10) – talks about the name of

Jesus as an AUTHORITY. The problem is that
we keep saying the name, but the power is not
in saying the name, the power is standing in the
authority of what the name means.
Why is there authority in His name?
The name of Jesus was obtained in three ways. When
you understand how the name was go en, you can
understand the authority that comes with it.
1. Jesus' name is an inheritance of the Father. The
name is powerful because it is the name of God
Does the name work? (Acts 3:16) The name works, (Hebrews 1:4 KJV)
but do you know how to use it? Do you know the
authority behind the name of Jesus? 2. The name of Jesus is powerful because it is
superior to every other authority (Ephesians 1:16-21
What does the name mean to you? What is the name KJV)
of Jesus? The name of Jesus is not talking about J-E-S-
U-S; rather it refers to the authority of Jesus. You 3. The na
don't assume authority; authority comes by me was obtained by conquest. Conquest means
knowledge. Most Christians are unable to function in Jesus defeated Satan. The name is higher because He
the name of Jesus because they do not know be er. can and He has dealt with them. (Colossians 2:15
They don't know what the name means. Therefore, it KJV) "And having spoiled principalities and powers,
is important for you to learn about the authority of he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over
Jesus. them in it".

Praying in the name of Jesus means, the authority How does the name of Jesus work?
Jesus Christ has given to us. So, we go to the Father in 1. By understanding the authority in the name. You
the authority of Jesus (John 14:6). Praying through may ask: "How do I understand authority?"
Jesus and praying in the name of Jesus are two Authority is not assumed, you read and study,
different things. We are not asked to pray through because the more you know the authority, you can
Jesus, we are asked to pray in the name (in the stand in it.
authority) of Jesus.
2. Through Faith in His name
Where is the power in the name of Jesus? (Micah 4:5) What will you do with the name today? It's like an
The Power in the name of Jesus is understanding His debit card that has been given to you. You have a
authority. When you don't know this, you can't take
authority because authority is based on knowledge. power of a orney to the name. With the name, you
Many Christians do not use the name of Jesus can command, you can declare, you can release.
effectively and they continue to do what others do
because they have not studied for themselves, and Have a blessed day!
they wonder why it's not working.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 24
*Father, I go about my daily activities in the name of Jesus (Proverbs 18:10)

Confessions Join Us Online On

*I am able to do exploits in the name of Jesus (Daniel 11:32b) PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
* I have unwavering faith in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:16) EMQ Rev Sam Oye
DAY 09


9: ''Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the burnt offering: It is the burnt offering, because of the burning upon
the altar all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it''.
Leviticus 6:9 and 12 (KJV

I n verse 12 of our anchor scripture, "And the fire upon

the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out:
and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning,
and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall
burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings"
the Lord will have to change it. NO! If the fire is going to
burn, it is your responsibility to put the fire and work on
the fire.

Things that can kill fire include success, failure, and delay,
among other things. Some Christians are stuck in their
Christian life because the fire in the Spirit is going out. As
The core of this topic is on discipleship and growing the priest, it is your responsibility to keep the fire burning
deeper in Christ. We will look specifically at priesthood and your fire is sustained by sacrifice. (Hebrews 5:1 KJV).
and how the Lord has called us to be a royal priesthood.
The First Sacrifice:
You are the altar and sacrifice. Therefore, you are the first
There is a popular concept of an "altar" and it is usually sacrifice and a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1). Being a
referred to as a physical platform. living sacrifice means that you have your will but it is
In the Old Testament, the altar was a place to worship and enmeshed or swallowed up in God's will. All God has to do
the priest would bring the sacrifice to the altar, but in the is to pull you and when He does, do you resist or respond?
New Testament, the priest is the sacrifice, altar and temple.
One thing to note is; The lesser your sacrifice, the lesser
(1st Corinthians 3:16 - KJV) says: ''Know ye not that ye are your spiritual advancement is. Sacrifice and spiritual
the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in growth are tied together. The more sacrificial you are, the
you?'' This means that if you're the temple of God, more you grow spiritually. The less sacrificial you are the
therefore your altar is within. As a Christian, you shouldn't less you grow spiritually.
have an altar mentality. i.e., it shouldn't be until you come The Second Sacrifice (Hebrews 5:1 and Proverbs 3: 9 KJV)
The second sacrifice is our giving. As a Christian, our
to church or touch anything on the altar before you know giving is a sign of acknowledgment that God is involved in
God has answered your prayer. We're in the New our finances (Proverbs 3:9 KJV)
Testament, and there has been a democratization of God's
presence. He is no longer in a building; He is living in us The Third Sacrifice (Psalm 141:2 KJV)
now. The third sacrifice is a spiritual sacrifice. Here,
Our "prayer" is the incense i.e. I bring incense by my
Responsibilities of a Priest: "Lifting up our hands" is the offer of sacrifice i.e., as a priest
As a priest, one of your core responsibilities is to ensure I offer evening sacrifices by lifting up my hands.
that the fire on the altar is burning and this means the fire The fruits of my lips are the offering of calves (Hosea 14:2
within your Spirit. However, what kills the fire? -- Life. It's KJV). It's a deeper fellowship, in which you're not praying
like having a lantern with fire in it; after a while, if it isn't for things but rather praying for fellowship; here you're
offering the calves of your lips.
refilled with kerosene, the fire goes ou
Questions to ask yourself today: Do you have a plan to
keep the fire burning in your life? What is God trying to
Many Christians experience spiritual stagnation because
take from you that you are holding back?
they are unaware that they have to renew the fire on the
inside. They believe that if the fire is low,t. Have blessed day!

*Father, thank You for calling me into a deeper place with you. Daily Bible Reading: John 1
*Father, help me to keep my fire ever burning for you Leviticus 6:13

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Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
I declare that I am chosen for the things that pertain to God. I am a HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
royal priesthood. 1st Peter 2:9 EMQ Rev Sam Oye
DAY 10

"When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked
him, "Do you want to get well?" John 5:6 (NIV)

Change often comes from two basic areas, from the right belief system and right action. Most people
seeking change usually do very li le to trigger change or end up doing things that are extremely
unhelpful. As humans, we tend to gravitate towards what is familiar and not necessarily what is
effective. To have lasting change, we must shift from what we are familiar with to what is needed to
facilitate such change.

In John 5:1-7, the response of the cripple by the pool shows that he had given up on the possibility of
receiving a miracle. Instead of giving a response that required "Yes or No", he went on to tell a sorry
tale of how he is unable to get into the pool. This paints a clear image of someone that has lost faith in
ge ing help. After experiencing series of setbacks, most people think and believe that they are
genuinely helpless and they stop actively believing for a change. "Hope deferred maketh the heart
sick; But when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." Prov 13:12 (KJV)

What happens when someone is helpless? They believe they have no control over their outcome.
They believe that their effort or input has no connection to their outcome for success so they stop

There is a lot of low self-confidence, they become inconsistent in the things they ought to do.
They unconsciously engage in habits that sabotage their likelihood for success.

How to get out of helplessness?

1. Change your perspective. If the man at the pool knew that he would be healed by the one that sends
the angel, his response to Jesus would have been different.
2. Be clear on what you want. This helps you ask and communicate effectively in prayer.
3. Tame your feelings and expectations. Don't make decisions based on feelings, we walk by faith and
not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). You are not what you're feeling.
4. Faith enables us take responsibility towards our goals. Like the response Jesus gave to the man at the
pool in John 5:8, he was told to rise and take up his bed and walk. These are actions that are in sync
with the goal of his healing.

Have a Blessed day!

*My Father, I bring under subjection every negative feeling and belief Daily Bible Reading: John 2
system that tries to beli le the grace of God upon my life. Isaiah 59:19
*Every false report about me, my business or goals in life is cancelled by
the promises of God. Psalm 52:8b Join Us Online On
Confession PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*I declare that I am helped by the Lord and favored on all sides. I declare EMQ Rev Sam Oye
that I know what to do at all times because the Spirit of the Lord lives in me.
I am not helpless; I am not hopeless.
DAY 11



"I am giving all this land, as far as you can see, to you and your descendants as a permanent possession."
Genesis 13:15 (NLT)

G od has so much in store for you and His plan for you is that of peace, but how big you can think
and how far you can see will determine how much you'll grow financially.

Growing up as kids, some of us probably didn't live in so much abundance and had to watch parents
who worked extra hard to provide daily needs. For some others, you probably didn't have that
experience but have had your investment disappear into thin air. Maybe yours are just statements
you've heard like women cannot be wealthy, or you have to leave Nigeria to be wealthy.

Now these experiences and beliefs have built a mindset that tells you it's impossible to be wealthy, or
investments are the worst thing to make. This then holds you back from chasing opportunities that
will change your life and lead you to financial breakthroughs. We all dream of stepping into the next
level of our financial life, building multimillion dollar businesses, and ge ing everything nice,
including that Ferrari.

But it's important to know that your thinking can put a limit on your faith and it's impossible to
become a financial giant with a mentality that's so small. The kind of pond you have, will determine
the kind of fish you'll catch - the kind of mentality you have will determine the kind of wealth you'll
a ract.

What thinking is breaking the flow of God's abundance in your life? Romans 12:2 (KJV) says, "…be
ye transformed by the renewing of your mind". So, it's time to reprogram your mind, step out of the
pond and step into the ocean. Get into God's word.

God changes your financial fortune by changing your thinking, and He does it through His word. His
word is active and powerful (Heb 4:12), study it prayerfully to identify the negative mentalities
holding you back. As you do this, light will begin to shine in the corners of your life, revelation will
begin to unfold in your spirit and wisdom will be made available to you.

Have a blessed day!

My Father, shine your light on my path and reveal to me negative Daily Bible Reading: John 3
mentalities holding me back from breaking forth. (Psalm 119 vs 105)

My Father, give me the grace to lay down all negative mindsets and lay
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hold of all you have in store for me.
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
I have the mind of Christ and I can do all things through Christ which EMQ Rev Sam Oye
strengthens me. The word of God is a light unto my feet and a light unto
my path, I have a wealth-producing mindset.
DAY 12

BE SELF Prophic

Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular
checkups. You need first hand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. 2 Corinthians 13 vs 5 MSG

It's important to understand ourselves so that we can leverage our strengths and take advantage of
opportunities. Focusing too much on our weaknesses can hold us back from reaching our full
potential. We need to be aware of our limitations and work on them only when they are obstacles to
our progress.

As we strive for wisdom, let us put as top priority self-awareness and seek to know ourselves be er, so
that we can grow, thrive, and make progress

Proverbs 4:7(NIV) "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get

It's important for us to develop a good knowledge and judgment about ourselves, which is known as
self-awareness. Without knowing our strengths and weaknesses, our growth can be hindered. Self-
awareness helps us identify areas that need improvement and areas where we excel.

But sometimes, we may wonder whether we should focus on our strengths or weaknesses. The
answer depends on where we are in life. While we are growing, we may need to do a lot of things and
work on both our strengths and weaknesses. However, as we progress in our careers, it's crucial to
focus on our strengths and delegate our weaknesses to others so that we can make the most of the gifts
and talents that God has given us as His children.

Have a blessed day!

*Dear God, thank you for creating me uniquely with my own strengths and Daily Bible Reading: John 4
weaknesses. Help me to be self-aware and understand myself be er. Guide me
in identifying areas that need improvement and areas where I can excel. Psalm 139 vs 14

*Heavenly Father, help me to know who I am and what I am capable of. Give me Join Us Online On
the discernment to prioritize my strengths and not be held back by my weaknesses. Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
2 Corinthians 13 vs 5 PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
Confession EMQ Rev Sam Oye
I declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God, with unique talents
and abilities. Psalm 139 vs 14
DAY 13



Proverb 25:25 (KJV): As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.

H ave you ever been in desperate need of a cup of cold water to quench your
thirst? How did you feel after you quenched your thirst?

That feeling of refreshment and satisfaction you feel is the same feeling men get when
you lead them to Christ.

The gospel is good news, and the gospel quenches the thirst of men and their endless
search for satisfaction. (Proverbs 25:25)

The good news you have is what the people need to hear. Don't deprive people of
quenching their thirst because you think they act uninterested or show they don't
believe in God's existence.

Go out of your way to share the good news because unlike physical thirst, spiritually
thirsty people do not realize they are actually thirsty and so you have to keep pushing
until they drink and realize how thirsty they are.

Do all it takes to share the good news. Carry tracts around with you, be friendly, and
willing to share the burden of those around you.

Invite a colleague from work to church, go out of your way to help that mother babysit
her child. Pay for that person's transport fare. And above all, be spiritually sensitive to
the nudging of the SPIRIT.

Like Phillip with the Ethiopian Eunuch, an honest question can open up a conversation.
(Galatians 6:9)

Have a blessed day!

Father, I thank you for the privilege to share the good news. Daily Bible Reading: John 5
Please embolden me to go the extra mile and ensure that everyone
I come across has their spiritual thirst quenched their in Jesus name,
Amen (2Timothy 1:7) Join Us Online On
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
Confession EMQ Rev Sam Oye
Father, I thank you that I have water that quenches men's thirst.
DAY 14


And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter
came down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and
beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me." Ma hew 14:28 -‬ 30 (KJV)

Fear is a distraction that will deter you from financial growth. Don't be like Peter, keep your eyes on
the prize, for God has got you covered. Many times, I've come across business & career opportunities
where I didn't think I had the necessary skills to execute, but went ahead to apply and ended up
ge ing and crushing it. Some other times, I've just stayed back from opportunities because I kept
thinking in my head, "it's a large company and only those with connections can get you in".

How many opportunities for financial growth have you let go just because you were afraid? How
many dreams have died because you thought it was too big for you to accomplish?

Fear is not a currency in God's kingdom. That's why in Isaiah 41:10, He tells us to fear not, for he is
with us; be not dismayed

, for he is our God; He will strengthen us, He will help us, he will uphold us with his righteous right
Fear distorts clarity. It makes you misinterpret divine signals, preventing you from hearing what God
is trying to tell you. So, in those moments when it seems impossible to expand your business or you're
scared of losing that investment that has the potential of changing your financial status, remember
that "God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2Tim 1:7.
When fear says, 'you can't get it, no one has made that amount of money in your family', tell yourself
you can get it and you will get it. When fear says, 'you can't succeed', tell yourself you can and speak
God's words into your life.

You have to sink first to walk on water. When it seems like you're sinking and you can't achieve the
financial goal, do not be like Peter. Keep going. Do not allow fear to kill your potential.

Have a blessed day!

*My father, may fear not abort your plans and purpose for my life. Daily Bible Reading: John 6
*Dear Lord, fill me with your spirit and take away every fear hindering
me from growing financially
Join Us Online On
Confessions Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*The Lord is my light and my salvation; I shall not fear. (Psalm 27:1) PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*The Lord is the stronghold of my life; I shall not fear anyone or any situation. EMQ Rev Sam Oye
(Psalm 27:1)
God has great plans for me, I will trust him and not be afraid. (Jeremiah 29:11)
DAY 15


For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adop on as sons, by whom
we cry, "Abba! Father!" Romans 8:15(ESV)

For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of
adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!" Romans 8:15(ESV)

"I dare you to come closer!"

I try to imagine a bully in a fighting stance with seething rage saying this to me as a teenager, there are
two responses that would come to mind: Am I strong enough to dare this person or should I just run? I
was a tiny teenager, so I would have taken to my heels. However, I picture the scenario differently
again, this time with a stronger older brother behind me telling me to move closer.

I know my brother is strong enough to handle the situation if it escalates to fist cuffs and I would likely
emerge from the situation unscathed, or not as badly bruised as the bully. The bully and their words,
are manifestations of fear we face in our daily lives, and the big brother is God who encourages us to
overcome because He is stronger, fighting off every obstacle we may face.

Fear is our brain protecting us from harm, it is the reason a person would not walk into a burning
building or swim across the Atlantic Ocean. However, when the presence of protection becomes a
growth barrier, it needs to be called to question. For instance, a person would not eat pasta with a
spoon because a fork can stab the throat, instead, they use a fork but eat carefully.

Real growth in life requires us to move away from our comfort zone, and that can be scary. It may look
like going from a nice bed to sleeping on a hard cemented floor, which is uncomfortable despite the
end goal. To take such decisions and follow through, an additional factor, Faith is required. Faith fuels
the move from a place of comfort through the process of growth and development resulting in a
heightened sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

Furthermore, displaying faith requires action, which is why the bible reassures us that we are not to be
given to fear because of the spirit of God that is at work within us. Rom 8:15. God expects us, His
children, to take action and make a difference in this world. He needs us to know that we already have
all that we need, and our faith through actions is the requirement to manifest these answers. James
2:17 admonishes the church to embrace faith and works to live a balanced life. What part of your life
would you display faith and action today?

Have a blessed day!

*Lord Jesus, help me to conquer my fear by faith and action today. Holy Daily Bible Reading: John 7
Spirit, direct and strengthen me, in the way I should go. Psalm 25:4

Confession Join Us Online On

*I declare that I do not have the spirit of fear but of power, love and sound PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
mind. 2Tim 1:7
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*I declare that the Spirit of God inside me strengthens me to walk in faith and
take steps towards my goal. Rom 8:11
DAY 16



"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

W hen we're bringing our concerns to the Lord again and again, we can grow tired of waiting.
We can begin to feel like our prayers are falling on deaf ears. Often our desire is to take

Waiting on God motivates us to look to Him. It casts our eyes rightly to Christ as the source of our faith
and the assurance of our salvation. It reminds us that Christ's death and resurrection are the reason we
can be filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Trials cause us to persevere by deepening our knowledge of God and relying on him more
One of the key ingredients to receiving from God is the word, "patience." I think few Christians realize
its importance! You need patience to be an overcomer. Jesus said, "In your patience possess ye your
souls" (Luke 21:19). Some things don't happen overnight, and it takes patience to get there.

Our spoken words during the period of waiting are a show of patience or lack of it thereof. We know of
the story of Daniel's waiting in Dan 10. In verse 12, the Angel that brought his answered prayer told
him "I have come because of your words". Proverbs says "A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the
fruit of his mouth".

Stand firm then. Note that the word "stand" is repeated three times. In standing, shed all confidence in
man including self, don't be afraid for your weakness to show so His power can be made perfect (2 Cor
12:8-9). Continue to stand firm in Christ and live fully for Him, trusting in His perfect will despite any
present difficulties.

No ma er what you're going through, having done the will of God, you need patience to obtain the
promise. For your patience allows God to perfect all that concerns the promise. So, relax in Christ,
stand, have patience and faith in God, and you will obtain the promise.

Have a blessed day!

*My Father, My Father, help me to see more clearly how You are at work Daily Bible Reading: John 8
in my life. Ephesians 1:18
*Lord, help me to trust You in the process of your transformation
for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 Join Us Online On
Confession PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*I am equipped for greatness; hence every delay is a double portion of EMQ Rev Sam Oye
blessing for my patience. I shall not be weary in the time of challenges.
Psalm 27:13-14
DAY 17

"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by ac on, is dead." James 2:17 (NIV)

H ave you ever wondered how to make your faith produce real results? The Bible tells us in
James 2:17 that faith without action is like a body without life. It means that if we have faith
but don't put it into action, it becomes useless. So, how can we practically apply our faith to
see tangible results?

Firstly, pray with expectation and believe that God will answer your prayers. In Ma hew 21:22, Jesus
said, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Have faith that God is listening
and will respond according to His perfect will.

Secondly, take steps of obedience. When God speaks to you through His Word or His Spirit, obey
Him. Trust that He knows what's best for you, even if it doesn't make sense at the moment. As you take
action in line with God's guidance, He will lead you to the results He has planned.

Lastly, surround yourself with supportive believers by joining a small group, where you find
meaningful relationships. In Hebrews 10:24-25, we're encouraged to spur one another on toward love
and good deeds. Being part of a small group can provide encouragement, accountability, and
guidance as you seek to live out your faith.

Additional Scriptural References:

Hebrews 11:6 (NIV) - "And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to
Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." Trust that God
rewards those who seek Him with faith and action.

James 2:26 (NIV) - "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."
This verse reinforces the importance of combining faith with action. Remember, faith is not just a
belief in our hearts; it's meant to be lived out in our everyday lives. As you pray with expectation, obey
God's leading, and surround yourself with fellow believers, you'll see your faith produce real results.
Don't just talk about faith, but put it into action, and watch how God works wonders in and through

Have a blessed day!

*My Father, I am deeply grateful to you for consistently guiding me towards Daily Bible Reading: John 9
triumphant achievements and remarkable success (2 Corinthians 2:14).
*In the name of Jesus, I begin to experience the manifestation of extraordinary
results through the constant exercise of my faith in You. Join Us Online On
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*I declare that I am a man/woman of Faith. I hear God clearly and I walk daily I
n His leading. And as I follow, I achieve supernatural results every time!
DAY 18



He said to them, "This is what I told you while I was s ll with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is wri en about me in the Law of Moses, the
Prophets and the Psalms." 45: Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures Luke 24:44-45 (NIV)

T he understanding of the scripture requires grace and enablement by the Spirit of God as it cannot be
treated like a regular literature or fiction book. There are several instances where it seems the scripture
made a mistake or was wrongly presented, however with proper understanding, the meaning of the
scripture becomes clearer. Some of the principles for understanding the scriptures are:

Law of Context
An example was Paul's le er to the church in Corinth regarding a report of a member engaged in fornication
with his father's wife. I Corinthians 5:4-6.

Based on the literal interpretation, it would seem like Paul recommended that the church should hand over the
offender to Satan as mentioned in verse 5. However, a patient student of the word, under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit will understand that such a statement shouldn't be taken literally because God's nature is not to use
the Devil to punish his children.

So, what then does that statement "hand over to Satan" imply? Verse 9 of that same chapter provides context;
Paul's recommendation is that such a person should be cast out of the church. This is clearly expressed in verses
7 "Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch".

Why is it necessary to do so? Because like verse 6 states "…Don't you know that a li le yeast leavens the whole
batch of dough?" Meaning, that the continued presence of the adulterer will only corrupt other members of the
church and the entire community becomes at risk of indulging in the same act. The purpose of casting such a
person out, is intended to punish the body in order to save the spirit through repentance. So, the need to punish
an errant member is not to destroy them, but to help them come to a realization of their wrongful act and trigger
the desire to seek repentance as a means of restoration back to the body.

2 Timothy 3: 16-17 "16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 17. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished
unto all good works".

Once again, God does not use Satan to punish anyone, he uses his words to rebuke us. God speaks to us as
contained in the bible, through the Holy Spirit to encourage, to rebuke and to correct us when the need arises.

Have a blessed day!

*Father, I declare that your word is honoured in my life, I am submi ed Daily Bible Reading: John 10
to your word. Ma hew 24:35
*My Father, My Father, as I live by your word, I declare that every aspect
of my life will bring Glory to your name. 2 Timothy 2:21
Join Us Online On
Confessions PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*I'm a principality, a power and a force to reckon with. By the declaration
of the word, I frustrate the kingdom of darkness and enforce the will of God EMQ Rev Sam Oye
here on earth. John 10:34-35
DAY 19



"Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the
Father does the Son also does." John 5:19 (NIV)

H ow do you make decisions? Are you a Spirit-dependent Christian or you are a mental-
dependent Christian?

What is Spiritual Dependency? Spiritual dependency is relying and prioritizing the partnership of
the Holy Spirit in our lives. Prioritizing means that what the Holy Spirit says counts.
Also, you cannot be dependent on God and not be prayerful. It shows humility, that is, you are pu ing
your weight on the Holy Ghost and expecting Him to carry you.

Questions to ask yourself:

a) Is God's presence with me?
b) In this change I'm making, is God's presence with me?

Why is it important to be Spiritually dependent?

1. Spiritual dependence brings about Spiritual intelligence. This is when you begin to get information
from the Holy Spirit. (2nd Kings 6:8-10). Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence about life that comes
directly from God. The beauty of fore knowledge, is that you can anticipate and position ahead.

2. For interventions. Sometimes everyone in life will have a situation where there will be a gap
between what is required and what you can do. For example, you can have a business idea but there's
no funding and you will need some kind of intervention. (Judges 5:20)

The strength of the Christian life is in the person of the Holy Spirit and it's time for us to yield to Him
and become Spirit dependent. Don't make major decisions without praying, put your whole weight
on the Holy Spirit. To read more see Exodus 33:14. Here we see Moses seeking the presence of God.

Have a blessed day!

*Father, help me to depend on You. Daily Bible Reading: John 11
*Father, help me not to lean on my own understanding,
but to trust You completely
Join Us Online On
Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*Father, I declare in the name of Jesus that my eyes are continually HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
fixed on the Lord. I will not lose focus of this. Father, I declare in EMQ Rev Sam Oye
the name of Jesus that my sufficiency is of the Lord.
DAY 20



"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he
will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

ife can be challenging, and sometimes we struggle to know how to navigate through its ups and downs.
In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are given a simple yet powerful instruction on how to apply faith in our everyday
lives. It tells us to trust God wholeheartedly, not relying solely on our own understanding, but instead
submi ing to Him in all areas of our lives. When we do this, God promises to make our paths straight, guiding
us in the right direction.

Trusting in the Lord means believing that He is faithful and capable of leading us, even when things seem
uncertain or confusing. It means surrendering our own plans and desires to His perfect will. It's like handing
over the steering wheel of our lives to God, knowing that He will navigate us in the best way possible.
Additional Scriptural References:

Psalm 37:5 (NIV) - "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this." This verse reminds us that
when we commit our ways to God and trust Him, He will act on our behalf.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God has good plans for us, and when we trust Him, He will
guide us toward those plans.

Applying faith in everyday life means relying on God's wisdom and guidance rather than solely depending on
our own limited understanding. It involves trusting Him with our decisions, relationships, dreams, and
challenges. As we submit to God and seek His direction, He promises to make our paths straight, leading us
toward a future filled with hope and purpose. So, let us trust in the Lord wholeheartedly, knowing that He is
our faithful guide through every aspect of our lives.

Have a blessed day!

1. Father teach me to trust you wholeheartedly, so that I may find rest in you. Daily Bible Reading: John 12
2. My Father My Father, I let go of every struggle and I lean on your wisdom,
your guidance and your Spirit.
Join Us Online On
Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*I declare that I live a life full of faith in God. I am not anxious about
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
anything, instead I relax in God and He rewards my trust with all round answers
DAY 21



"Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running
over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back." Luke 6:38 (NLT)

any times, people wonder how giving can actually increase the giver, and that's what we
will talk about today. In Luke 6:38, Jesus tells us that when we give, we also receive. It's not
just about the act of giving, but about the blessings and increase that come from a generous

When we give, we experience an expansion in different areas of our lives. Firstly, giving increases our
joy. It brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to know that we've made a positive impact on
someone else's life. The joy that comes from giving is beyond measure and brings a richness to our
own lives.

Secondly, giving increases our faith. As we step out in generosity, we place our trust in God's
provision. We learn to rely on His faithfulness and experience firsthand His abundant provision in
our own lives.

Additional Scriptural References:

Proverbs 11:25 (AMP) - "The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and
enriched, and he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown]."
Generosity leads to prosperity and enrichment in various aspects of life.

Acts 20:35 (MSG) - "You're far happier giving than ge ing." Giving brings happiness and
contentment that surpasses the joy of receiving.

Giving is not just about meeting the needs of others; it is a way for us to experience increase in our own
lives. As we give generously, we are blessed with increased joy, faith, and contentment. Let us
embrace the principle of giving, knowing that as we pour out, God pours back into our lives in
overflowing measure. Open your heart to the joy and growth that comes from being a generous giver.

Have a blessed day!

*Father, thank you for blessing me, so that I can be a blessing to others. Daily Bible Reading: John 13
*Father, please increase my capacity to give. Philippians 2:13

Confession Join Us Online On

*In the name of Jesus, I proclaim that my capacity grows abundantly as PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
I give selflessly. I declare an ongoing influx of joy and fulfilment EMQ Rev Sam Oye
derived from the act of giving.
DAY 22


I said, "You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men, And fall like one of the
princes." Psalm 82:6-7NKJV

A father is the head of his household, but once outside the house the dynamics may change. He could
bark commands at the kids at home, but humbly take orders from the boss at work. The difference?
Authority is the 'right' to make decisions, give orders and enforce obedience. Authority is the essence of our
lordship in Christ. It is the stuff kings are made of.
Many years ago, I was a boarding student. I walked into the hostel one Sunday evening and saw my bunkmate
opening a pack of cabin biscuits. I was hungry so and hoped he would give me some. He casually looked up
and asked if I wanted some. I said yes! He invited me. I took one, then two and then three biscuits. I said thank
you and made ready to leave thinking I would be overstepping my boundary if I continued. Then he casually
said, "Err your elder brother visited. We looked for you but could not find you, so he asked me to give you these
biscuits…." The rest was history…lol
Yes, Christ has come, Yes, He has died, Yes, He is risen, Yes, He is seated at the right side of God above all
powers and principalities.
But what does this mean for us? This means He has fully paid the price for Adam's disobedience, displaced the
devil from the position Adam gave him, and fully restored our original God given rights – right to access and
use the power that God wields, right to rule and dominate our world, right to be all that God wants us to be!
You see the devil wants to keep eating the biscuit of your peace and prosperity. He does not want you to know
that it is yours by right. He wants you to keep begging for bits instead of demanding for the whole pack! The
opening scripture talks about gods dying like mere men for one simple reason, they know NOT (vs 5). What a
But when you understand who you are in Christ, you take your rightful place and bring the glory of God into
your world and environment. You become an effective minister of the gospel. God is honored this way.
Conclusion: To walk in this Authority, it is very important to understand it and enforce it.
Understand - A revelation that comes from exposure to the word of God and not just head knowledge. This is
very spiritual. As you expose your heart to the word (study, listening to messages etc) God shows you who you
are in Christ. 2Cor3:18,
Enforce – In prayer make demands in faith and according to the revelation of who you are in Christ and take
down every opposition by your words. Opposition could be thoughts/mindsets or demonic influences.

A king might make a statement and his subjects would say "but sir…". But when the king stands his ground,
everyone bows. This is exactly what happens as you understand and enforce. All 'buts' in your life will bow.

Have a blessed day!

*My Father My Father, I pray that you enlighten the eyes of my understanding, Daily Bible Reading: John 14
that I may see myself the way you see me and fully comprehend my place in
Christ. Colossians 1:9 - 11
*My Father My Father, thank you for making me an overcomer. 1st John 5:4
Join Us Online On
Confessions Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
power and dominion. Hence, I have authority to cause desired changes in my life.
Ephesians 1:20b,21.
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, nothing is beyond my
capacity. Philippians 4:13
DAY 23



"There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother".
Prov 18:24 (NLT)

here is this popular quote that goes, "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future."
This literally means that the people you roll or build relationships with have a great impact
on how your future will turn out. Even Jesus carefully selected His disciples.

How do you identify the right relationships? Know the purpose of the relationship, this helps you
know your boundaries and how to behave in the relationship. (Amos 3:3) The guidance of the spirit
(Acts 10:30)

One of the enviable relationships in the bible was between David and Jonathan. God uses our
relationships to make us stronger. Sometimes God blesses us with a family member, colleague or
friend who is super special. Our hearts feel tied so closely to this person, we want to be like them and
live to bless them. This is how it was with David and Jonathan in the Bible. Jonathan was King Saul's
son. Even though a son would normally be in line to become king, Jonathan knew David was chosen
by God to be king after Saul. Jonathan could have been jealous of David. But he trusted God and loved

Identify your relationships with those around you and make intentional efforts to build these
relationships. We can start choosing the right people from today!

Have a blessed day!

My Father, my father! Grant me the grace to cultivate healthy and valuable Daily Bible Reading: John 15
relationships that will enable me express my full potential in life, career and
ministry. Pro 27:17(NLT)
Join Us Online On
Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
I declare that the wisdom of the Holy spirit will guide my decision not to
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
walk into destructive relationships
DAY 24



You didn't choose me, but I've chosen and commissioned you to go into the world to bear fruit. And your fruit will
last, because whatever you ask of my Father, for my sake, He will give it to you! John 15:16 TPT

hen I think of results, I think of High School Graduation Ceremonies. 6 years of growth,
hard work, learning, reading and tough final exams and yup, it's Graduation Day. The
smiles of victory, the joy of our parents, and the happiness we feel that our friends are
graduating too is immeasurable. If we are lucky, everyone we started the journey with would be
graduating with us. That feeling is unmatched! Yet, graduations don't just happen everywhere, there
are schools where students didn't finish the race for various reasons, and there are students that
finished but would not be graduating because they have no tangible results.

That is the burden of growth with no result. When you think about it, everyone grows because it's a
constant, we are supposed to age, yet growing does not equate to producing impactful or tangible
results. Producing tangible results requires intentionality, grit, resilience and desire towards a
defined goal. When we have good results, we forget all the hard work that created the result, we get
lost momentarily in the euphoric feeling of achievement that increases our confidence levels. A
byproduct of achieving such positive results is the belief in our ability to achieve great success at will.

How does God grow us to achieve tangible results? Tangible results are not by-products of wishful
thinking, they require time, energy, dedication and a significant amount of hard work plus an
unwavering belief in the process. God helps us achieve tangible results by pu ing a hunger in us
towards specific objectives. This hunger makes us uncomfortable and leads us towards the necessary
action required to achieve success in our chosen endeavors. He gives us revelation and assurance
through the scriptures while we are in our growth phases, so we are comforted, driven and fueled to
reach the finish line. Finally, God grants us encounters, these encounters impact our perspectives on
what we believe is possible in God. Isa. 55:9-10.

What area of your life do you need to work with God for growth and tangible results this season?

Have a blessed day!

*Thank you Lord because you love me and you care about my success in life. Jer 29:11 Daily Bible Reading: John 16
*Father, please give me the strength, willpower and ability to bear fruits in every area
of my life. John 15:8

Confessions Join Us Online On

*I declare that I bear good fruits in all areas of my life. Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*I declare that I am helped by God and I achieve tangible results in all that I set my mind to. HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*I declare today that I radiate the glory of God, exuding the spirit of excellence in all that I do. EMQ Rev Sam Oye
DAY 25

Get rid of all bi erness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one
another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

L i le yellow leaves from the front yard tree dance across the porch and driveway. As their bright green
color fades, it seems they fall almost as quickly as they change. I love summer affectionately and part of
me longs to whisper to the tree "Hold on a li le longer. Come on; you got this. Think green!" But
graciously the tree listens to its Maker rather than my foolish whispers. In order to flourish in the new season,
the tree must let go of its decayed leaves. They have performed well for the term, but their time has drawn to a
c l o s e .

Autumn is a wonderful time to observe nature. As I watch the swirling leaves stirred by the wind, I am
reminded that they display an important lesson for all of us to follow suit in a way. Just as the trees don't
stubbornly hold on to their dead leaves, so we shouldn't hold on to any unnecessary weight in our lives. When
we long to enter a new season, the old can easily inhibit the new if we allow it. God's Word reminds us to:
( E c c l e s i a s t e s 3 : 1 ) , ( E p h e s i a n s 4 : 2 2 - 2 4 )
Prayer point
To get rid of negativity in our lives, we must first identify it. How can we do this?
*Dear Lord, help me release the unnecessary weight in my life and embrace the new
» By reading God's Word. (Psalm 119:105)
season of growth and transformation (Isaiah 43:18-19)
» By allowing His Spirit to show us the necessary heart changes we need. (Ezekiel 36:26)
» By being*Grant
to shun
wisdompractices such as
to release thebiold
erness and anger.change.
and embrace (Ephesians 4:31) 3:13-14)
» By asking God to help us let go of the guilt from the past. (1 John 1:9)

God longs to empower and strengthen us for the new season ahead! If we're not sure of the issues detaining a
kind and compassionate spirit, He will show us when we ask. And if guilt from the past is preventing this
beautiful new season, we have His promises like this one to remember: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the
past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and
s t r e a m s i n t h e w a s t e l a n d . I s a i a h 4 3 : 1 8 , 1 9 ( N I V )

What are you holding on to that is preventing a freshness to the season ahead? Could it be that the decayed
leaves are piling up and your heart needs to discard them for good? If so, why not reach out to the Lord in
prayer? He longs to hear from you. Ask Him to shine light on any thoughts, circumstances, habits or other
"decayed leaves" you might be clinging to. As you watch the leaves fall this season, our prayer is that you are
reminded to let go of anything that would hinder a fresh relationship with God.

Have a blessed day!

Prayer point
*Dear Lord, help me release the unnecessary weight in my life and embrace Daily Bible Reading: John 17
the new season of growth and transformation (Isaiah 43:18-19)
*Grant me wisdom to release the old and embrace change. (Philippians 3:13-14)
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HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
EMQ Rev Sam Oye
DAY 26



Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!" 22 "Have faith in God," Jesus
answered. Mark 11:21-22. NIV

M ost of the children of Israel didn't make it to the promised land because they doubted
God and they began to exhibit behaviors that were rebellious against God.

Unbelief has a way of preventing Christians from being able to enjoy the fullness of God's grace. Those
that operate in unbelief will find it very difficult to experience the manifestation of Grace. Unbelief
affects our behavior; our behavior affects our performance which in turn dictates our outcome.

We see a fascinating story in Mark 11:21-22; The father of the sick child came to Jesus to see if his child
can be healed probably because he's heard stories, not necessarily because he had faith; hence his
approach which showed when he said, "if you will..." That statement projected his fear and doubt, but
Jesus, being compassionate, flipped the narrative "If you believe". Sometimes when people go
through a problem for a prolonged period, they become more problem-focused than solution

You don't believe what you see, you see what you believe. It's easier to declare affirmative words, but
our heart ultimately expresses our real belief. It drives our action.

How do you believe in something? Through consistent exposure to it. So, to change your belief, you
will need to change what you are exposed to. When Mary was informed about her immaculate
conception, she was sent to Elizabeth, her cousin, in order to help build and sustain her faith in the
word of the Angel. Luke 1:39-45.

Through encounters. Encounters are intended to open our minds to be able to appreciate the bigger
things that have been promised. Just like God used signs and wonders to introduce Moses before
Pharaoh. The purpose was to help Moses build confidence in the word.

Through Testimonies. Testimonies are used to help to form a reality based on past experience.
Testimonies help to build our faith, especially if these past events are very similar to our current

Our belief system leads us to take actions that reflect what we believe about ourselves. Just like we
respond to our names based on the fact that over time, we have become associated with the names we
were given at birth or called by our parents or those around us.

*The Lord grants me encounters that change the capacity of my inner mind Daily Bible Reading: John 18
in the name of Jesus. Ephesians 4:22-23
*I receive grace to overcome every obstacle and lifting of any gates that seem
to have been shut against me. I receive grace to access help from unusual sources. Join Us Online On
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
Confession EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*This season, I walk into strategic relationships. Relationships that will amplify
my dreams. Proverbs 13:20.
DAY 27

"You yourselves are our le er, wri en on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a le er from Christ, the result of our
ministry, wri en not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human heart." 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

Very often, people desire to do and be more but have no clue how to achieve it. Excellence can be brought out of
everyone with patience and guidance. As a leader who builds formidable teams, you must have capacity and
increase it daily. Just as building your competence as a leader is great, building the competence of others
around you is greater. That's how greatness is made common, for mankind and most importantly for God.
(Proverbs 27:17)

Are you transforming your team or people around you to become formidable? Pep talks and motivational
speeches are great, but transforming lives is way be er! Make a decision today to develop people and
aggregate their talent for the kingdom. (2 Timothy 2:2)
Have a blessed day

Have a blessed day!

Prayer point
*Lord, empower me to lead and uplift others towards excellence and Daily Bible Reading: John 19
purpose. (Philippians 2:3)
*Lord, use me to ignite potential and build formidable leaders for your
glory. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Join Us Online On
Confession PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*God's word is wri en in my heart and I build formidable influences EMQ Rev Sam Oye
for Him in Jesus name
DAY 28



And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick. Isaiah 33:24KJV

Sometimes, you find Christians who are crying to God for healing. It's a contradiction, because the Christian is
an associate of the God-kind; he's therefore not meant to be sick. Why then are many sick? Psalm 82:5-7KJV
gives the answer. It says, "They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the
foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

Ignorance has been the bane of many, because, really, the Christian has a life that isn't susceptible to sickness or
disease. It's for the same reason that Jesus said in Mark 16:18KJV, "…if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not
hurt them…." Nothing, absolutely nothing, is supposed to hurt you enough to make you sick, let alone take
your life.

Did you know that there's nowhere in the Scripture where God asked that you pray for healing for yourself?
The reason is that divine health is your nature; you were born with it the day you were born again. In the first
level of spiritual growth, you get sick and then you get well, and then the cycle continues; you're always
"believing" God for healing.

In the second and higher level, you declare, "Divine health is mine!" Your faith works for divine health. When
you feel the symptoms of sickness in your body, you don't fret; you simply declare, "In the Name of Jesus, I
command the pain to cease!" and it happens! However, you've got to move to the higher class, where you don't
get sick at all or recognise sickness or disease. Our opening verse says, they that dwell in Zion shall not say, "I
am sick." Who are those that dwell in Zion? It's those of us who are born again; God's people. The Bible says in
Hebrews 12:22KJV, "But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels." We live in Zion now; we're at home in Christ, where
sickness is illegal; it's alien to us. If you ever feel the symptoms of sickness in your body, it's a "lying vanity"; a
mirage; shake it off in the name of Jesus. Walk in divine health and refuse to be sick.

Have a blessed day!

*My Father My Father, thank you because by your stripes, I have been made Daily Bible Reading: John 20
whole. 1 Peter 2:25
*My Father My Father, everything you have not planted in my body is uprooted
in Jesus Name. Ma hew 15:13 Join Us Online On
Confession: PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
*The divine life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and EMQ Rev Sam Oye
in every bone of my body! Romans 8:11 I walk is divine health. Isaiah 33:24
DAY 29

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the
flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)

The word 'living sacrifice' is a bit of a contradiction. The word sacrifices connotes that the subject ma er is dead,
and yet the word 'living' is added to it. What does this mean?

The first part of Gal 2:20 says, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me" –

I have died. Yet I live. But it's not really me that lives. It's Christ that lives in me. The life in me belongs to Christ. I
'lost' my life and Christ gave me His own, or Christ lives His life through me as my own life is no more.
Have you ever borrowed clothes for a party? You would not move around freely, and you would be very
conscious of where you sit etc. You are in a peculiar position. Other guests at the party believe the clothes are
yours but, they are not really yours. You know they are not yours.

When Adam sinned, he (Adam) lost the presence of God. He 'died'. But when Christ came, He (Christ) brought
back the presence so now we 'live'. So as believers the state we are in is that we are 'dead' to our old self but alive
to Him. Unbelievers might think our lives belong to us, but we know that is not true.

But just like the person that borrowed clothes to a party, there is a tendency to forget that the 'clothes' are not
ours and that we will have to give 'account' to the owner of the clothes. As Christians we must always live with
the consciousness that the life we live is not ours. We must continually die to self that we may live for Christ.
Luke 9:23 calls it carrying our cross daily. The cross represents death, so it says for us to 'kill' the old self daily.
How do we do this?

The flesh loves to feed the senses (sight, taste, touch, sound, smell). The flesh wants to indulge in excesses (food,
sleep, fun activities etc). But we constantly subdue these tendencies by feeding our Spirit instead (the word,
prayers, worship, fasting, meditation, and fellowship with believers).

Please note that it is not a one-off thing. It must be daily, a habit. It is not just about doing a 7-day dry fast. It is
about living a 'fasted' life. It is not just about praying all night once. It is about living a prayerful life.

Will you take up your cross today?

And then tomorrow, and the day after…?
The Spirit of God beckons!

Have a blessed day!

*My Father My Father, teach me to walk with you daily. Galatians 5:16 Daily Bible Reading: John 21
*My Father My Father, help me be more conscious of your presence
everywhere I go. 1st Corinthians 6:19
Join Us Online On
Confessions Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*I declare that I die to self-daily as I let the Spirit have His way in me. PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
1st Corinthians 15:31 EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*Whatever habits that are not of God in my life, by the Spirit I uproot them.
Ma hew 15:13
DAY 30


Because zeal for Your house has eaten me up, and the reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on
me. Psalm 69:9

Have you ever seen people that love each other? The first thing you will notice is that they are always
communicating. They are always in touch – visits, calls, messages etc. They will talk about practically
anything. The fact that they are talking even becomes more important than what is being talked about.

Our relationship with God should follow a similar pa ern. He loves us and is always eager to
communicate with us. As we open our hearts to Him, our love relationship with Him deepens.
Communication becomes more and more seamless. Things that are not immediately obvious also

· His nature rubs off on us and we become more and more like Him in nature - Our thoughts,
reasoning, response to situations, humility, love, faith etc. 2 Corinthians 3:18
· Because we become more like Him, we command more respect in the spiritual realm. Acts
· We notice that we obtain more results in our day-to-day life. We are able to deploy His power
for results in our lives more and more - Hebrews 11:32-34

We find that the need to gratify self keeps reducing and it's more about pleasing Him. Ego is tossed
This is what happens when we are burning for God. We move from 'all that ma ers is me' to 'all that
ma ers is God'. Jesus called John the Baptist a 'burning and shining light' (John 5:35). This is what John
said in John 3:30KJV - He must increase, but I must decrease.

This is the essence of burning for God. It's not in the shouts. It's not in the physical demonstration. It is
not in calling down fire from heaven. It is in you decreasing so that He may increase. Are you burning
for God?

Have a blessed day!

*My Father My Father, teach me to walk with you daily. Galatians 5:16 Daily Bible Reading: Acts 1
*My Father My Father, help me be more conscious of your presence
everywhere I go. 1st Corinthians 6:19
Join Us Online On
Confessions Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*I declare that I die to self-daily as I let the Spirit have His way in me. PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
1st Corinthians 15:31 EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*Whatever habits that are not of God in my life, by the Spirit I uproot them.
Ma hew 15:13
DAY 31

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."
Psalm 100:4 (NIV)

Have you ever wondered why thanksgiving is so important? In Psalm 100:4, we are encouraged to enter into
God's presence with thanksgiving and praise. It means that when we approach God with a heart full of
gratitude, it opens the door to experiencing His presence and goodness in our lives.

Thanksgiving is more than just saying "thank you." It's an a itude of the heart that acknowledges God's
faithfulness, provision, and love. When we express gratitude, we shift our focus from what we lack to what God
has done and is doing for us. It helps us cultivate a positive and joyful outlook to life.

Additionally, thanksgiving has the power to transform our perspective. It reminds us that we are not alone and
that God is actively working in our lives. It strengthens our faith and trust in Him, knowing that He is always
with us and has a plan for our lives.

Additional Scriptural References:

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) - "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
This verse emphasizes the importance of giving thanks in all situations, recognizing that God's will for us
includes a heart of gratitude.”

Philippians 4:6 (NIV) - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God." When we approach God with thanksgiving, it helps alleviate
anxiety and brings us into a place of trust and peace.

The power of thanksgiving lies in its ability to draw us closer to God, shift our perspective, and cultivate a heart
of trust and joy. As we enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise, we experience His goodness, peace,
and guidance. So, let us develop a habit of gratitude, recognizing and thanking God for His blessings, both big
and small. In doing so, we open ourselves to a deeper relationship with Him and a life filled with His abundant

Have a blessed day!

*My Father, I express my gratitude for your goodness and kindness towards Daily Bible Reading: Acts 2
me and all those associated with me. Psalm 136:1 2.
*Father, I ask that you enrich my speech with words of thankfulness Psalm 71:8
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Confession Prophic MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
*"In the name of Jesus, I continually brim with gratitude in my speech. I rebuke PRAYER
HOUR 5:50am W.A.T
any traces of anxiety in the powerful name of Jesus. EMQ Rev Sam Oye
*Father, I declare that my mouth is constantly filled with thanksgiving.

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