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Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167


Numerical investigation of influence sensitivity of a gas foil bearing

parameters on the dynamic coefficients
Debanshu S. Khamari1 · Jitesh Kumar1 · Suraj K. Behera1

Received: 19 August 2020 / Accepted: 29 January 2021 / Published online: 26 February 2021
© The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2021

Most studies on dynamic coefficients of bearings are focused on evaluation using different analytical methods. Minimal
emphasis is given to the level of influence of each geometrical variable, the corresponding range of these variables for opti-
mum stiffness and damping and the measure of performance of the analytical method used. The objective of this paper was
to study the influence and sensitivity of length-to-diameter ratio, eccentricity ratio, bearing number, whirl ratio, and bearing
compliance on the stiffness and damping of gas foil bearing. A numerical model is developed by utilizing the finite differ-
ence method to evaluate the dynamic coefficients. The results reveal that the normalized stiffness increases with the bearing
number and decreases with increased bearing compliance whereas the normalized damping shows an opposite nature. Further,
the stiffness coefficients tend to increase and the damping coefficients tend to decrease corresponding to increase in speed
up to 240 krpm. The characteristic data sets obtained from the analysis is used to train an artificial neural network (ANN).
Performance of ANN network is evaluated though computation of root-mean-square error (RSME) and regression coefficient
(R2) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Utilizing the neural network results, a Sobol’s sensitivity test is carried out to identify
most effective parameters which have a significant influence on the dynamic coefficients of gas foil bearing. After that, an
adaptive neurofuzzy interface system (ANFIS) is established to determine the optimum range of data for which maximum
stiffness and damping can be obtained. The results deduce that the neural network shows high efficacy in predicting the
output variables correctly with a regression of more than 95%. It is also observed that the variation of dynamic coefficients
is the highest for eccentricity ratio whereas lowest for whirl ratio. The maximum stiffness and damping coefficients are also
obtained for a wide range of geometrical variables which can help in designing the gas foil bearing.

Keywords Dynamic coefficients · Artificial neural network · Sobol’s sensitivity test · Adaptive neurofuzzy interface
system · Gas foil journal bearing
List of symbols E Young’s modulus (N/m 2)
R Radius of the journal (mm) tb Bump foil thickness (mm)
h Film thickness (mm) p Non-dimensional pressure (p/p a)
hb Bump height (mm) C Nominal bearing clearance (mm)
Rb Bump radius (mm) h Non-dimensional film thickness (h/C)
C Radial clearance (mm) t Normalized time variable (ν t)
p Aerodynamic pressure (N/m 2) L/D Length-to-diameter ratio
s Pitch of bump (mm) h0,hx,hy,h0. ,hx. ,hy. Perturbation components of h
P Atmospheric pressure (N/m 2) Δ x, Δ y Normalized perturbations
2 l Length of bump (mm) p0, px, py, p0. , px. , py. Perturbation components of p
K mn Normalized stiffness of bearing
(cK mn ∕pa R2)
Technical Editor: Daniel Onofre de Almeida Cruz. Cmn Normalized damping of bearing
(c𝜔Cmn ∕pa R2)
* Debanshu S. Khamari k Normalized stiffness of the founda-
tion ( kc∕pa)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, u Normalized foil deflection (u/c)
Rourkela, Odisha 769008, India Fx,Fy Resultant forces in x and y directions

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W Normalized bearing load (W∕pa R2) damping. So it is a matter of importance to identify the key
z Normalized axial coordinate factors influencing the dynamic coefficients. Furthermore,
θ Circumferential coordinate the optimum range of the design parameters for reliable stiff-
ness and damping of the GFJB must be identified.
Greek symbols There are many methods dealing with the dynamic coef-
Α Compliance number ( pa ∕ck) ficients of GFJB. Perturbation analysis and Simpson’s rule
γ Whirl frequency ratio (ν/ω) of integration are vastly utilized to decide the dynamic coef-
Λ Bearing number (6𝜇𝜔R2 ∕pa c2) ficients of GFJB [1]. Equations of fluid model are generally
Ε Eccentricity ratio paired with the equations of structural model. The equations
μ Lubricant viscosity of the model are finally resolved by using the SOR approach
ν Whirl frequency (Successive Over Relaxation) [2]. Hydrodynamic behavior
ω Rotor angular velocity of GFJB is estimated by utilizing this model because it takes
Acronyms in to account both compressibility as well as compliance.
MLP Multi-layer perceptron The performance is predicted by evaluating the pressure
MF Membership function and load [3]. One of the earliest attempt toward solving the
MAE Mean absolute error GFJB problem is done by Heshmat et al. [4]. The finite dif-
RMSE Root-mean-squared error ference formulations are evaluated using Newton Raphson
approach for calculating both collinear as well as cross cou-
pled dynamic coefficients. Both single-pad and multipad
1 Introduction structure are used for the analysis to calculate the effect of
operating variables on bearing behavior. Later, Kim et al.
Gas Foil Journal Bearings (GFJBs) are self-acting hydrody- [5] considered the air foil bearing of four different types and
namic bearings which are used to overcome the limitations analyzed their stiffness and damping. The investigation leads
of oil lubricated bearings like contamination of oil particles to the conclusion that stiffness variation of bump foil does
and low stiffness and damping characteristics. There are also not significantly affect the load capacity. After that, Paulsen
several merits of GFJBs over conventional rigid bearings et al. [6] determined the dynamic coefficients and load by
such as high load carrying capacity, low friction at steady solving Reynold’s equation. The dynamic coefficients are
operation, and endurance to foreign matter. GFJBs basically also evaluated.
contains a bump foil and top foil over it which creates an Later, Howard et al. [7] tested foil bearing steady state
elastic structure and behaves as a spring bed responsible for stiffness with increasing temperature and observed that
increasing bearing stiffness as shown in Fig. 1. The dynamic the stiffness is decreased by a factor of two with respect to
coefficients of GFJB rely on behavior of the gas film as well increasing temperature. Carpino et al. [8] modelled a finite
as foil structure. Proper prediction of dynamic coefficients element approach in which the film thickness, foil deflection
of the GFJB accounts for the rotor stability and performance. and gas pressure are perturbed to evaluate the dynamic coef-
Both its structure and used material makes the prediction ficients. Further, Lamhar et al. [9] determined the dynamic
process of these coefficients more complicated as there coefficients for certain frequency of excitation by using the
are various parameters which influences the stiffness and first-order perturbation. Outcomes reveal dependence of
excitation frequency rises with rise in dynamic coefficients.

Fig. 1  Geometrical parameters


Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 3 of 19 167

Later, Rao et al. [10] developed expressions for more sophis- network to predict the performance of the model. Numeri-
ticated calculation of stiffness and damping and studied the cal models used for gas bearings always require an efficient
effect of dynamic coefficients and speed for different ratios iterative method to satisfy the order of accuracy and fast
of length and diameter. Feng et al. [11] presented numerical convergence rate. As a result of which the analysis requires
model of a GFJB by taking in to account the dynamic forces a large quantity of accurate data which can never be deter-
in the structure of the foil. Springs are used to replicate every mined with complete accuracy. Furthermore, the computa-
bump. Results show that the frequency and friction factor tional resources can hardly entertain the increasing refine-
are the major factors influencing the dynamic characteristics ment and complexity of the numerical analysis. For the
of the GFJB. Recently, Larsen et al. [12] investigated the studies on neural networks for gas bearings, the literature
mechanical bump foil behavior at different friction coeffi- is mainly focused on speed as output parameter. The cur-
cients. The numerical model also showed that stiffness is rent work using ANN and ANFIS is focused on length-to-
underestimated in analytical model. Moreover, Larsen et al. diameter ratio, eccentricity ratio, bearing number, whirl ratio
[13] solved an equation of zeroth-order using Successive and bearing compliance as input parameters and stiffness
under relaxation approach. The pressure profiles are ana- and damping as output parameters. As neural networks cali-
lyzed by implicitly considering the deformations in the lay- brate a given random vector of inputs with corresponding
ers of the compliant foil. Further, Rubio et al. [14] deduced output, it is more of a data driven technique without neces-
that the structural stiffness obtained from two identical bear- sarily involving physics of the entire process. But such an
ings and found an increasing nature of the structural stiff- approach alone based entirely on data-driven pattern has
ness with the increasing foil deflection. Later, Le Lez et al. not received wide acknowledgement from the community
[15] developed the foil bearing model corresponding to set who traditionally believes in the physics-based approach. So
of interacting bumps of multi-degree of freedom. Further, we have therefore tried to combine both numerical as well
effect of structure of the foil bearing on dynamic coefficients as data driven techniques in this work for prediction of gas
is observed. Feng et al. [16] examined a number of param- bearing parameters for a wide range of variables. The range
eters such as load capacity, flow rate, mid-plane pressure, of these parameters not only helps in improvement of design
dynamic coefficients corresponding to the eccentricity ratio, of the bearing but also for fabrication aspects of the bearing
and speed. It is found that with increase in speed, the stiff- to carry out experimental investigation. This paper further
ness increases whereas change in the damping is very mar- aims to clinch the literature gap by conducting a Sobol’s
ginal. Guo et al. [17] calculated the dynamic coefficients sensitivity test to identify major non-dimensional variables
of GFJB using the perturbation method corresponding to which influence the stiffness and damping of the gas bearing.
certain nominal clearances. Nonlinear rotordynamic behav- In this paper, the dynamic coefficients of the gas foil bear-
ior is also predicted by using a loss factor model. Recently, ing are predicted using a finite difference method. Behavior
Lai et al. [18] reviewed the performance of a high-speed of normalized stiffness and damping is observed with the
turboexpander. Influence of dynamic coefficients on the change in bearing number and bearing compliance. Further,
rotor behavior are also presented for reliable operation of the effect on changing stiffness and damping coefficients
the turbomachinery. is estimated up to a speed of 240krpm. A neural network
Good amount of work is done based upon various numer- is simulated to evaluated the performance of the model.
ical models but little importance is given to the use of neural After that, a sensitivity test is conducted to estimate the
network in the field of bearings. Hasan et al. [19] reported most sensitive parameters among the parameters length-
the training of a neural network to analyze the overall numer- to-diameter ratio, eccentricity ratio, bearing number, whirl
ical GFJB model. The model is subjected to different input ratio and bearing compliance. Then, a fuzzy interface system
data sets over a wide range of speeds. It is found that the is designed to determine the range of these parameters for
neural network successfully identifies the numerical model maximum stiffness and damping.
of the GFJB through different validation studies. Qin et al.
[20] demonstrated the training of neural network model and
studied the motion aspect of a rigid rotor. From the compu- 2 Artificial neural network (ANN)
tational results, motion behavior of neural network is found
to be identical to that of numerical model. Manoj et al. [21] ANN is a simulation and predicting tool designed on the
recently have reported the use of ANN and ANFIS model basis of biological neural network of human brain. The net-
based on the geometrical data sets to predict and maximize work comprises of many interconnecting entities known as
the efficiency of the turbine for a cryogenic turboexpander. neurons (nodes or processing units) connecting linear and
A detailed literature review reveals that there is huge nonlinear functions. ANN is a type of modelling tool which
amount of work available on numerical methods to pre- converts nonlinear functions into input and output during
dict the dynamic coefficients, but none of them use neural training. The feed forward types multi-layer perceptron

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(MLP) network is selected with back propagation algorithm ∑N �


− yn,exp �
n=1 �� n,pred
for current study. Back propagation algorithm uses both for- MAE = � (4)
ward and backward pass to calculate the difference between N
the desired output and actual output. MLP of a network where N is the number of data points, yn,pred is the predicted
comprises of an input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. value, yn,exp is the actual value, ym is the average of the actual
MLP is the most widely used architecture as it gives the values and n is the index of data.
required complexity for neural network processing. There
are no restrictions on the number of hidden layers required
for training a network but it is well justified that at least one 3 Methodology
hidden layer is sufficient to train the network successfully.
Figure 2 represents the schematic diagram of a MLP with a A combined numerical-ANN model is established which is
single hidden layer. composed of a numerical model and an ANN. The numerical
There are several inputs in a network, say xi. Every input model takes into account various parameters to evaluate the
is multiplied by its corresponding hidden weight of neurons dynamic coefficients by utilizing the perturbation process.
(wi) and then summed up. The output of this represented in The ANN is not directly used to estimate the output of the
the form of activation function z as mentioned below. GFJB model but is utilized as a collaborator. The ANN takes
∑ into account the output of the numerical model as one of
z= wi xi + b (1) the inputs. While calibrating, a target space is defined based
i=1 upon the input parameters.
Here, b is known as bias and z will be used as an acti-
vation function f(z). The output of this function is neuron 3.1 The combined numerical‑ANN model
output. Output of the hidden layer is fed as an input to the
next layer and the process continues in a forward direction. The utilization of the combined model is carried out in two
Finally, the model is developed using three transfer func- steps: 1. establishing the numerical model and 2. establish-
tions, i.e., Losgig (logarithmic sigmoid), Purelin (pure lin- ing the ANN. Presentation of a flowchart is given in Fig. 3.
ear), and Tansig (tangent sigmoid) [22]. The training func- The numerical model is preliminarily tested and all the
tion required for training the network is selected as Trainlm results are determined to improve the accuracy of the model.
(Levenberg–Marquardt). The performance of the model is The solution of the combined model begins with identify-
verified by the three errors named: R-squared (R2), mean ing the operating parameters of GFJB. A simple and widely
absolute error (MAE) and root-mean-squared error (RMSE), used foil deformation model [1] is used for obtaining the
as it can predict accuracy of the developed model and are parametric data for the ANN and avoid the complexity of the
mentioned below. solution. Thereafter, the ANN model is constructed which
acts as a collaborator for the numerical model. A target space

∑N is defined based upon the input data sets.
(y − yn,exp )2
n=1 n,pred (2) The numerical model is generated based upon the fol-
N lowing equations.
Zeroth-order equations
(yn,pred − yn,exp )2 ( )
R = 1 − ∑N ( ) ( )2 ( ) 𝜕 p h
3 𝜕p 3 𝜕p 0 0
n=1 (yn,exp − ym )2 𝜕
p0 h0 0 +
R 𝜕
p0 h0 0 = Λ (5)
𝜕𝜃 𝜕𝜃 L 𝜕z 𝜕z 𝜕𝜃

Fig. 2  Structure of MLP net-

work for ANN

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 5 of 19 167

Fig. 3  The flowchart for the

solution of the combined model

( ( ) )
h0 = 1 + 𝜀cos𝜃 + 𝛼p0 (6) 𝜕 3 𝜕 p0 py 𝜕p0
h + 3p0 h0 hy +
𝜕𝜃 0 𝜕𝜃 𝜕𝜃
First-order equations ( ( ) )
( ( ) ) ( )2 3 𝜕 p0 py 𝜕p0
R 𝜕
𝜕 3 𝜕 p0 px 𝜕p0 + h + 3p0 h0 hy +
h + 3p0 h0 hx + L 𝜕z 0 𝜕z 𝜕z
𝜕𝜃 0 𝜕𝜃 𝜕𝜃 ( )
( ( ) ) 𝜕 p0 hy + py h0 ( )
( )2 3 𝜕 p0 px 𝜕p0
R 𝜕 =Λ − 2Λ𝛾 p0 hẏ + pẏ h0
+ h + 3p0 h0 hx + 𝜕𝜃 (9)
L 𝜕z 0 𝜕z 𝜕z
( )
𝜕 p0 hx + px h0 ( ) hy = 𝛼py − cos𝜃 (10)
=Λ − 2Λ𝛾 p0 hẋ + pẋ h0
𝜕𝜃 (7)

hx = 𝛼px + sin𝜃 (8)

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Table 1  Details of ANN training process { } l{ 2𝜋 }

∫ ∫
Fx sin𝜃
Parameter Value =− p Rd𝜃dz (18)
Fy −cos𝜃
0 0
Network type MLP
Training function TRAINLM The stiffness and damping are given as:
Number of hidden layers 1 { } ( )
Number of hidden neurons 10 K xx K xy 1 Kxx Kxy
Training algorithm Back propagation K yx K yy pa L Kyx Kyy
Number of epochs 1000 ( ) (19)
1 2𝜋

R ∫0 ∫ 0
L px sin𝜃 py sin𝜃
=− d𝜃dz
−px cos𝜃 −py cos𝜃
( ( ) )
𝜕 3 𝜕 p0 pẋ 𝜕p0
h + 3p0 h0 hẋ + { } ( )
𝜕𝜃 0 𝜕𝜃 𝜕𝜃 Cxx Cxy 𝜔 Cxx Cxy
( ( ) ) =
( )2 3 𝜕 p0 pẋ 𝜕p0 Cyx Cyy pa L Cyx Cyy
R 𝜕
+ h + 3p0 h0 hẋ + 1 2𝜋 ( )
L 𝜕z 0 𝜕z
R ∫0 ∫0
𝜕z L pẋ sin𝜃 pẏ sin𝜃
( ) =− d𝜃dz
−pẋ cos𝜃 −pẏ cos𝜃 (20)
𝜕 p0 hẋ + pẋ h0 ( )

+ 2Λ𝛾 p0 hẋ + pẋ h0
(11) The numerical procedure begins after dividing the bear-
ing surface into number of grids (Δ θ × Δ z). MATLAB
programming tool is used to calculate the pressure at each
hẋ = 𝛼pẋ (12) point. The solution starts with solving the equations first by
( ) discretization then calculation begins with the use of itera-
( )
𝜕 3 𝜕 p0 pẏ 𝜕p0 tive method know as successive over relaxation method. The
h + 3p0 h0 hẏ + convergence found in order of accuracy is maintaining by
𝜕𝜃 0 𝜕𝜃 𝜕𝜃
( ( ) ) the 0.0001% of error. The perturbed pressures are found out
( )2
R 𝜕 3 𝜕 p0 pẏ 𝜕p0 at each grid point, the perturbed pressures are integrated
+ h + 3p0 h0 hẏ +
L 𝜕z 0 𝜕z 𝜕z using Simpson’s rule. The integration gives the values of
( ) dynamic coefficients.
𝜕 p0 hẏ + pẏ h0 ( ) The output data from the numerical model is given as
=Λ + 2Λ𝛾 p0 hẏ + pẏ h0 input to the ANN. A target space is generated for predicting
𝜕𝜃 (13)
the new dynamic coefficients.
The ANN model is developed using five input param-
hẏ = 𝛼pẏ (14) eters, i.e., L/D (length-to-diameter ratio), ε, Λ, γ & α and
The boundary conditions are given as: different output variables, i.e., normalized bearing stiffness
( K xx,K xy,K yx,K yy) and damping ( Cxx,Cxy,Cyx,Cyy). The results
( ) ( )
p0 z = 0 = p0 z = 1 = 1 obtained from the finite difference model is used to develop
px = py = pẋ = pẏ = 1 (15) the combined model. The neural network is created with the
training function as: Trainlm. The literature review suggests
( ) that single hidden layer is enough for ’universal approxima-
p0 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = 1
( ) tion property’, but requires a higher number of neurons [23].
h0 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = 1 + 𝜀cos𝜃1 So one hidden layer and ten neurons are taken. Typically,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
px 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = py 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = pẋ 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = pẏ 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = 1 many epochs in order of thousands at a time, are required
( ) ( ) to train the neural network efficiently. Also, three transfer
hx 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = sin𝜃1 hy 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = cos𝜃1 functions are used to compare predicted results, i.e., Losgig,
( ) ( )
hẋ 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = hẏ 𝜃 = 𝜃1 = 0 Purelin, and Tansig. The other details regarding training of
(16) neural network is shown in Table 1.
( ) ( )
p0 𝜃 = 𝜃1 + 2𝜋 = 1px 𝜃 = 𝜃1 + 2𝜋 = py 3.2 Preliminary testing of the numerical model
( ) ( ) ( )
𝜃 = 𝜃1 + 2𝜋 = pẋ 𝜃 = 𝜃1 + 2𝜋 = pẏ 𝜃 = 𝜃1 + 2𝜋 = 1
(17) The data presented in Table 2 is used to test the numerical
The bearing forces is found by integrating the pressure model and predict the behavior of the fluid film.
over the bearing surface and is given as:

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 7 of 19 167

Table 2  Geometrical, structural, Parameter Value Parameter Value

and operating parameters of
GFJB Length of bearing (L) 16 mm Eccentricity Ratio (ε) 0.8
The radius of the shaft (R) 8 mm Bump Length (2 l) 2.64 mm
Bump Foil Thickness (tb) 0.1 mm Speed of the shaft (N) 2,40,000 rpm
Radial Clearance (C) 25 μ m Viscosity of He (μ) 19.6 × 10 −12 N-s/mm2
Pitch of Bump (s) 4.20 mm Young’s Modulus (E) 210 GPa
Poisson’s Ratio (ν) 0.272

Fig. 4  Non-dimensional pressure profile of GFJB

Fig. 6  Mid-plane pressure distribution corresponding to the angular

location at different eccentricity ratios

Fig. 5  Non-dimensional film thickness profile of GFJB

The steady-state pressure distribution and the film thick-

ness is represented in the form of contour as shown in Fig. 4
and Fig. 5, respectively.
After obtaining the pressure profile and film thickness, Fig. 7  Mid-plane film thickness with respect to angular location at
the pressure distribution and film thickness is calculated for various eccentricity ratios
varying eccentricities. Figure 6 shows that with the rise of
ε, there is an increase in the pressure. Further from Fig. 7, it
is noted that there is a decrease in the film thickness value the region of minimum film thickness. This results in an
as the eccentricity ratio rises. With the rise of ε, the clear- increase in pressure at the region as shown in Fig. 6.
ance between the journal and the top foil decreases and Figure 8 shows the influence of bearing compliance on
thereby decreasing the film thickness. Further, the air gets the stiffness of the bearing. It is observed that the normal-
compressed at the angular location around 180° which is ized stiffness for a foil bearing decreases with rising bearing

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compliance. This nature corresponds to the increase in the is negative, i.e., the journal velocity in the y direction always
deflection of the foil with the compliance. It is also seen that supplies energy, rather than dissipating energy, to the motion
the stiffness increase with the bearing number and attains a in the x (loading) direction. The other three components of
steady value at higher bearing number. This trend is because the damping are positive, so they dissipate energy from the
at low speeds or small bearing numbers, the compliance of system.
the bearing depends primarily on the lubricant film which is Figure 10 shows the change in stiffness coefficients cor-
relatively soft compared to the stiffness of the foil. So when responding to increase in speed up to 240 krpm. Here it
the bearing number is low, the stiffness tends to approach is observed that with the increase in speed, the stiffness
the same value independent of the value of bearing compli- increases promptly owing to the larger film thickness. While,
ance, whereas, at high speeds or large bearing numbers, the rise of stiffness with the increase in speed decreases gradu-
stiffness of the gas film is large compared to the stiffness ally. It may stabilize when the speed attains a higher value.
of the foil and the compliance of the bearing is primarily It can be described as with the increase in speed, the film
dependent on the foil. This effect is observed as the values of of the lubricant deliberately gets stiffer. Further, the bearing
the bearing stiffness are relatively constant for larger bearing compliance significantly depends on the bump foil acting as
compliances. the elastic foundation.
Figure 9 depicts that there is a decreasing trend in the The damping coefficients are also calculated for the same
normalized damping as the bearing number rises. The trend varying speeds as shown in Fig. 11. It depicts that as the
becomes constant for larger bearing number. Further the speed increases, all the coefficients of damping tends to
damping values tend to increase with the increasing bear- decline except Cxy . Stiffer lubricant restricts the dissipation
ing compliance. The results depict that for the cross-coupled of energy in the film of the gas, and hence decreasing coef-
coefficients of damping are contradictory in nature. Cxy term ficients of damping at greater speed of rotation.

Fig. 8  Effect of bearing compliance on normalized bearing stiffness a K xx,b K yy,c K xy,d K yx for L/D = 1, ε = 0.5

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 9 of 19 167

Fig. 9  Effect of bearing compliance on normalized bearing damping a Cxx,b Cyy,c Cxy,d Cyx for L/D = 1, ε = 0.5

Fig. 10  Variation of stiffness coefficients with rotational speed Fig. 11  Variation of damping coefficients with rotational speed

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4 Sobol’s sensitivity analysis N

∑ ∑
f (x) = fo + fi (xi ) + fij (xi , xj ) + … + f1,2,…,k (x1 , … xk )
i =1 1≤i≤j≤k
Sobol’s sensitivity test is basically used for estimating the (23)
extent of dependence of model output upon the input param-
eters. Not only single parameter, it also gives an insight in For Eq. 13 to hold, fo must be constant and integral of any
to the interaction between a number of parameters. The key summand must be zero [25].
points of Sobol’s sensitivity analysis include.
∫ (24)
fi1,… ,is (xi1 , … , xis )dxk = 0
• determination of the contribution of each input parameter
and their interactions to the overall model output vari- Because of this property, squaring Eq. 14 and integrating
ance. yield:
• more uniform distribution than the pseudorandom num- k
bers as it is a low-discrepancy sequence. ∑ ∑
D= Di + Dij + … + D1,2,… ,k (25)
• faster convergence and better accuracy [24]. i =1 1≤i≤j≤k

The present paper deals with Sobol’s sensitivity analysis where D is the total variance of the output functions. Hence,
for GFJB to distinguish the variables having larger influence the sensitivity indices are defined as:
on stiffness and damping. Di1,… is
With a view to interpret how the output variance be Si1,… is = (26)
attributed to individual input variables, sensitivity indi-
ces are calculated to accurately reflect the influence of the For instance, Si = Di is the first-order sensitivity index of

individual input parameter upon the output. To determine th D

i variable toward the output variance and Sij = Dij is used
sensitivity indices, consider an input parametric space as to compute the second-order sensitivity index between ith
x = x1 , x2 , … , xk and i = 1, 2, … , k . So, the output of the and jth parameters.
model whose sensitivity to the input parameters need to be The whole parametric data for calculation is taken from
predicted is a function of x, say f(x). The mean ( fo) and vari- the combined model. Here f (x1 ) represents K xx for the input
ance (D) of the output variable space can be mentioned as: parameter space x1 which consists of L/D, ε, Λ, γ and α.
N Here, four input parameter spaces are taken to consider a
∫ x
f0 = f dx = f (x ) (21) wide range of variations and f (x2 ), f (x3 ) and f (x4 ) are cal-
N k=1 k culated. Using these and Eqs. 21 and 22, variance D11 is cal-
culated. This concludes only one set of inputs which results
N in four outputs. Correspondingly, the input parameters are

D= f (x)2 dx − f02 = f (x )2 − f02 (22) varied and four sets of inputs are used to calculate a total of
N k=1 k 16 outputs. Mean of D11,D12,D13 and D14 gives D1. Further
using the four sets of inputs, all the different permutations
The Sobol’s analysis is based on the decomposition of
and combinations are taken to calculate another 48 outputs
D in to contributions from single input parameters on the
of K xx . Using these outputs D2 , D3 and D4 are calculated.
output function as mentioned in Eq. 22. This is done by first
Mean of these four gives D. Then corresponding sensitivity
decomposing an output function as mentioned in Eq. 23.

Fig. 12   Layers of ANFIS


Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 11 of 19 167

Fig. 13   Structure of ANFIS

Table 3  ANFIS network design indices are calculated by dividing each with D as given in
Eq. 26. This concludes the sensitivity test for one output
MFs type of input parameter Gbell,
Gaussmf and K xx . Utilizing the same procedure, sensitivity analysis for
Gauss2mf stiffness ( K xy,K yx,K yy ) and damping ( Cxx,Cxy,Cyx,Cyy ) are
also evaluated.
MF type of output parameter Linear
While this test indicates the most influencing parameters,
Number of MFs 3
it is also important to calibrate the optimum range of these
Optimization method Hybrid
parameters for better performance of GFJB. The optimised
Error tolerance 0.0001
range of these parameters is evaluated by using artificial
Number of epochs 100

Fig. 14  Numerical model vs Combined model for L/D = 1, ε = 0.5 and α = 1

167 Page 12 of 19 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167

Fig. 15  Predicted Data fits

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 13 of 19 167

Table 4  Results of the numerical model

Input parameters Output parameters
L/D ε Λ γ α K xx K xy K yx K yy Cxx Cxy Cyx Cyy

0.75 0.6 0.9 0.4 1 1.135313 0.157581 0.231555 0.974566 0.559593 − 0.288124 0.274568 0.574568
0.75 0.7 1.3 0.4 1 1.393524 0.131859 0.301246 1.084512 0.523298 − 0.275124 0.254685 0.551243
1 0.625 2.3 0.5 0.7 1.679026 0.269772 0.456489 1.594561 0.482398 − 0.254123 0.236598 0.478123
1 0.725 2.7 0.5 0.7 1.819124 0.247282 0.521345 1.591245 0.458581 − 0.214556 0.201325 0.484512
1.25 0.525 3.2 0.6 0.5 1.739304 0.427183 0.594623 1.645712 0.479065 − 0.224513 0.1912457 0.451236
1.25 0.8 4.3 0.6 0.5 2.136474 0.319473 0.631458 1.801246 0.418252 − 0.2014578 0.184523 0.443135
1.5 0.675 5.1 0.7 0.3 2.230287 0.462737 0.684663 1.858711 0.407005 − 0.175896 0.1336545 0.351247
1.5 0.7 5.2 0.7 0.3 2.261400 0.441717 0.6813466 1.869746 0.401848 − 0.165239 0.135213 0.39124
1.75 0.5 5.7 1 0.1 2.239615 0.619462 0.711253 2.17322 0.416539 − 0.155789 0.117268 0.354711
1.75 0.575 6 1 0.1 2.430642 0.591673 0.721345 2.214567 0.387169 − 0.145236 0.124623 0.294578

intelligence technique ANFIS. The construction of ANFIS f1 = p1 x + q1 y + r1

structure is described below.
Rule 2: if x = A2 and y = B2 then
f2 = p2 x + q2 y + r2
5 ANFIS Methodology
where, pi, qi and ri are the designed parameters which need
5.1 Adaptive neurofuzzy interface system (ANFIS) to be determined through training process of ANFIS. Ai and
Bi are the variables of the MFs. ANFIS model incorporates
The fuzzy system is a type of computing framework consist- five different neuron layers. Neuron in every single layer
ing: if–then rules and fuzzy reasoning. In association with behave as a processing element. It contains activation func-
neural network, it has advantages of ANN and has utiliza- tion to achieve desired result. Five different layers are shown
tion similar to fuzzy inference. Also, the fuzzy logic has an in Fig. 12 and are further discussed in detail.
important part in modelling a network which will predict an The first layer of the structure has input variables in the
optimal range of the input variables for a GFJB. Hence, the form of MFs. It has three adaptable parameters (say ai, bi and
preference of membership functions (MFs), rules as well as ci) which are linked to MFs and transfers the output of first
choice of input parameters is an important task to predict layer as input to next layer. The second layer (also known as
desired output. Two learning algorithms are required for membership layer). The input values from previous layer acts
ANFIS which are mentioned below. as MFS of this layer. It basically examines the weights of the
• Structure learning algorithm: Needed to obtain fuzzy MFs. The neurons of this layer are non-adaptive, multiplies the
rules. incoming signal and in output shows the firing strength of the
• Parameter learning algorithm: Needed to modify the rule. The third layer (known as fuzzy layer) is non adaptive and
MFs. calculates activation level for each rule. The weight of the neu-
Fuzzy models basically work by assigning predictors rons is normalized and represented as a ratio of firing strength
to fuzzy memberships instead of solid binary data unlike of the rule to sum of firing strength of all the rules. The next
other modeling methods. If–then rules of ANFIS are layer (known as defuzzification layer) generates the output.
incorporated to take into account the predominant uncer- The nodes in this layer are adaptive. The output is obtained by
tainty and imprecision of real systems. Here, there are the product of normalized firing strength and first order poly-
two if–then rules which are needed to express the ANFIS nomial function. While layer five is non adaptive which sums
structure. These rules are derived from Takagi–Sugeno all input signals and converts into single output.
(T-S) model. T-S model is used here as it is linguistically
understandable and possess an excellent interpretation for 5.2 ANFIS model development
static and dynamic process modelling. The rules can be
represented as: The ANFIS model is developed by first selecting the appro-
Rule 1: if x = A1 and y = B1 then priated MFs out of all available MFs. Out of all, three MFs

167 Page 14 of 19 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167

Table 5  Predicted results of the TANSIG

combined model using different
transfer functions K xx K xy K yx K yy Cxx Cxy Cyx Cyy

1.140500 0.158469 0.246019 0.915796 0.559804 -0.287536 0.264599 0.547933

1.393247 0.132145 0.301701 1.057868 0.522972 -0.280076 0.260462 0.543709
1.678270 0.275598 0.462602 1.56028 0.482395 -0.245430 0.209268 0.481530
1.820869 0.248112 0.521588 1.595310 0.458705 -0.237799 0.213595 0.481848
1.739678 0.423806 0.586790 1.633745 0.478943 -0.221572 0.195047 0.457461
2.127833 0.324682 0.638037 1.785824 0.416522 -0.213391 0.183320 0.431559
2.231053 0.462073 0.679953 1.869706 0.405774 -0.1734762 0.133848 0.374795
2.264368 0.449830 0.685257 1.878752 0.397677 -0.174746 0.133316 0.370635
2.242004 0.609000 0.718432 2.199541 0.415763 -0.156214 0.107263 0.34269
2.425506 0.600931 0.724749 2.213015 0.38489 -0.134285 0.110898 0.312560
R2 0.99984 0.99918 0.99922 0.99787 0.99806 0.9869 0.97234 0.97384
MAE 0.002134 0.004470 0.005139 0.020883 0.014108 0.006865 0.011244 0.015646
RMSE 0.009578 0.006335 0.007045 0.030305 0.018754 0.009027 0.013733 0.019325
1.136069 0.15866 0.24085 0.936900 0.561210 -0.278132 0.264500 0.539536
1.390130 0.133755 0.29531 1.047497 0.520305 -0.275459 0.258182 0.533941
1.679849 0.27352 0.45617 1.560897 0.484523 -0.248866 0.219190 0.4832438
1.823662 0.248433 0.519687 1.594609 0.456983 -0.237130 0.212548 0.487232
1.739213 0.418699 0.588203 1.641074 0.479089 -0.216420 0.195197 0.4553331
2.129789 0.319087 0.631862 1.787089 0.418571 -0.212344 0.17696 0.431848
2.227337 0.451103 0.681939 1.8662195 0.406272 -0.1748309 0.135928 0.379865
2.263210 0.443049 0.688085 1.9066528 0.399642 -0.175352 0.133496 0.37665
2.239035 0.602381 0.713776 2.19517 0.417716 -0.146301 0.114518 0.330910
2.431063 0.598277 0.726597 2.211380 0.389904 -0.134640 0.110641 0.321261
R 0.99971 0.9981 0.99937 0.99683 0.99878 0.9852 0.97265 0.97306
MAE 0.006687 0.006150 0.004665 0.022957 0.002660 0.007769 0.010378 0.016022
RMSE 0.02245 0.009528 0.0061032 0.037075 0.004150 0.009585 0.013761 0.019708
1.166439 0.15750 0.262017 0.963270 0.549135 -0.280907 0.265472 0.547128
1.330273 0.139704 0.287491 1.011372 0.527077 -0.278614 0.260633 0.537003
1.607847 0.26896 0.46449 1.473766 0.493285 -0.25460 0.227160 0.503264
1.823531 0.229981 0.514933 1.568921 0.461216 -0.249006 0.219364 0.488136
1.699714 0.4276211 0.548873 1.649991 0.485408 -0.225191 0.189605 0.458159
2.251947 0.301526 0.658101 1.913949 0.397874 -0.204098 0.16736 0.411320
2.281228 0.468751 0.695710 2.052919 0.397784 -0.171682 0.137964 0.371883
2.320477 0.45897 0.70092 2.073473 0.390849 -0.169976 0.136561 0.368472
2.227581 0.577690 0.713672 2.138938 0.412427 -0.148857 0.119909 0.346261
2.347132 0.5657865 0.724832 2.193517 0.390763 -0.145241 0.117224 0.338517
R2 0.98162 0.99473 0.99384 0.97117 0.98167 0.97433 0.97091 0.96067
MAE 0.081364 0.013990 0.014282 0.082121 0.010442 0.009290 0.011458 0.019884
RMSE 0.097410 0.017456 0.018779 0.109480 0.013778 0.012753 0.014108 0.023760

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 15 of 19 167

are selected: gbellmf, gaussmf and gauss2mf for input param-

eters. For output parameters, a linear MF is opted. The addi-
tional information for ANFIS structure and model is shown
in Fig. 13 and Table 3.

6 Results and discussion

The results include validation, performance and surface plots

of the combined model presented hereafter.

6.1 Validation of the combined model

The combined numerical-ANN is trained with the given

input parameters. The numerical model is validated with
Fig. 16  Sensitivity analysis of different parameters

Table 6  Predicted results for gbellmf

different MFs
L/D ε Λ γ α K xx K xy K yx K yy Cxx Cxy Cyx Cyy

0.75 0.6 0.9 0.4 1 1.14 0.16 0.259 0.903 0.552 −0.284 0.272 0.546
0.75 0.7 1.3 0.4 1 1.23 0.145 0.301 1.08 0.554 −0.294 0.264 0.559
1 0.625 2.3 0.5 0.7 1.55 0.272 0.463 1.6 0.488 −0.244 0.224 0.484
1 0.725 2.7 0.5 0.7 1.94 0.277 0.516 1.64 0.458 −0.241 0.21 0.466
1.25 0.525 3.2 0.6 0.5 1.81 0.381 0.577 1.7 0.442 −0.214 0.199 0.442
1.25 0.8 4.3 0.6 0.5 2.22 0.297 0.664 1.73 0.43 −0.221 0.189 0.454
1.5 0.675 5.1 0.7 0.3 2.19 0.492 0.697 1.91 0.416 −0.184 0.138 0.386
1.5 0.7 5.2 0.7 0.3 2.22 0.488 0.7 1.94 0.405 −0.183 0.136 0.379
1.75 0.5 5.7 1 0.1 2.39 0.591 0.748 2.1 0.41 −0.169 0.109 0.321
1.75 0.575 6 1 0.1 2.48 0.594 0.751 2.29 0.354 −0.158 0.11 0.291
0.75 0.6 0.9 0.4 1 1.11 0.158 0.255 0.9 0.557 −0.282 0.275 0.538
0.75 0.7 1.3 0.4 1 1.18 0.144 0.3 1.086 0.546 −0.296 0.266 0.553
1 0.625 2.3 0.5 0.7 1.53 0.27 0.465 1.62 0.484 −0.247 0.222 0.487
1 0.725 2.7 0.5 0.7 1.89 0.274 0.516 1.641 0.476 −0.231 0.215 0.463
1.25 0.525 3.2 0.6 0.5 1.82 0.38 0.574 1.701 0.454 −0.211 0.192 0.439
1.25 0.8 4.3 0.6 0.5 2.17 0.295 0.665 1.73 0.415 −0.228 0.175 0.448
1.5 0.675 5.1 0.7 0.3 2.2 0.496 0.692 1.912 0.408 −0.186 0.127 0.382
1.5 0.7 5.2 0.7 0.3 2.23 0.484 0.7 1.941 0.399 −0.173 0.135 0.377
1.75 0.5 5.7 1 0.1 2.39 0.59 0.741 2.15 0.408 −0.166 0.104 0.327
1.75 0.575 6 1 0.1 2.48 0.594 0.75 2.289 0.363 −0.154 0.115 0.295
0.75 0.6 0.9 0.4 1 1.28 0.149 0.247 0.9 0.569 −0.278 0.288 0.55
0.75 0.7 1.3 0.4 1 1.43 0.141 0.3 1.078 0.52 −0.286 0.26 0.553
1 0.625 2.3 0.5 0.7 1.67 0.27 0.464 1.602 0.461 −0.245 0.23 0.487
1 0.725 2.7 0.5 0.7 1.87 0.276 0.515 1.641 0.405 −0.24 0.217 0.464
1.25 0.525 3.2 0.6 0.5 1.42 0.38 0.572 1.71 0.485 −0.213 0.196 0.44
1.25 0.8 4.3 0.6 0.5 1.95 0.297 0.664 1.729 0.464 −0.226 0.185 0.457
1.5 0.675 5.1 0.7 0.3 2.24 0.489 0.692 1.907 0.401 −0.175 0.133 0.386
1.5 0.7 5.2 0.7 0.3 2.26 0.482 0.701 1.942 0.393 −0.18 0.136 0.373
1.75 0.5 5.7 1 0.1 2.17 0.59 0.742 2.11 0.396 −0.165 0.109 0.32
1.75 0.575 6 1 0.1 2.48 0.596 0.749 2.288 0.369 −0.157 0.11 0.29

167 Page 16 of 19 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167

Fig. 17  Effect of a L/D and ε, (b)L/D and Λ, (c)L/D and γ, (d)L/D and α

the combined model for stiffness and damping as shown in The performance of the model is estimated from Table 5.
Fig. 14. In all the transfer functions used, the R 2 is found to be more
It is observed that the data set of the combined model than 95% which concludes the performance of the combined
shows a deviation when there is clear spike or decline in the model is satisfactory. Further the MAE and RMSE values
data set of the numerical model. Otherwise the combined are found to be less than 0.1 which is generally considered
model is well in agreement with the numerical model. to be acceptable. It is also clear that the ‘Purelin’ transfer
function has the least amount of error.
6.2 Performance of the combined model
6.3 Significant variables influencing stiffness
Hereafter, taking in to account different combinations, a and damping
large amount of data sets is calibrated to get a clear picture
of the performance of the combined model. The results are The sensitivity indices of all the input variables are calcu-
also compared with the numerical model. The regression lated and shown in Fig. 16.
curves are drawn to estimate the curve fit between the input It is found that L/D, ε, Λ and α have significant effect on
and the output as shown in Fig. 15. The numerical model the bearing stiffness and damping whereas γ has minimal
results are given in Table 4. The data predicted through the effect as compared to other parameters. Hence, it can be
combined model using transfer functions Logsig, Purelin concluded that change in γ does not result much change in
and Tansig are shown in Table 5. Mean square error (RSME) the dynamic coefficients. Further, it is observed that ε is the
and regression coefficient (R2) and Mean Absolute Error most sensitive parameter among these. Change in a small
(MAE) are calibrated to estimate the performance of the fraction of ε results in a significant change in the value of
model. dynamic coefficients.

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 17 of 19 167

Fig. 18  Effect of a ε and Λ, b ε and γ,c ε and α

Fig. 19  Effect of a Λ and γ, b Λ and α

167 Page 18 of 19 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167

7 Conclusions

In this study, a combined model is developed by utilizing the

numerical model and the neural network technique to predict
the stiffness and damping of the GFJB. The numerical model
is preliminarily tested to analyze the bearing behavior. It is
observed that the normalized stiffness increase with the rise in
bearing number and decrease with the rise in bearing compli-
ance. The damping shows an opposite trend to that of the stiff-
ness. Further, the stiffness coefficients tend to increase with
the speed whereas the damping coefficients tend to decrease.
Fig. 20  Effect of γ and α Based on the data sets, different transfer functions such as
Losgig, Purelin and Tansig are used to develop the neural
network. The calibrated R2 error is found to be more than 95%
6.4 Optimum range of variables for maximum and both the MAE and RMSE values are found to be less than
stiffness and damping 0.1 which concludes the performance of the neural network is
satisfactory. Out of the various transfer functions used, ‘Pure-
The results from the ANFIS training are given in Table 6. lin’ transfer function is found to have the least amount of error.
Different types of MFs (Gbell, Gauss, Gauss2) are used Further, the regression curves are estimated to show a good
throughout the training process. The decision surfaces agreement between the numerical data and the predicted data
obtained from the ANFIS network gives insight into the sets. It is found that, the combined model is well equipped to
range of parametric data for maximization and minimiza- predict the dynamic coefficients as the performance param-
tion of the bearing stiffness ( K xx,K xy,K yx,K yy ) and damping eters of the model show appropriate results. Sobol’s sensitiv-
( Cxx,Cxy,Cyx,Cyy). ity analysis suggests that L/D, ε, Λ and α have significant
The surface plots for K xx are shown hereafter. effect on the bearing stiffness and damping whereas γ has the
Figure 17 illustrates that K xx reaches a maximum when least effect. Being the most effective parameter, change in a
L/D is in the range of 1.2–1.4 and ε, Λ, γ and α are in the small fraction of ε results in a significant change in the value
range of 0.5–0.8, 6–7, 0.6–0.7 and 0.1–0.3 respectively. of dynamic coefficients. The neurofuzzy interface system is
Figure 18 shows that for any value of ε, K xx is higher for utilized to investigate the optimal range of various param-
6–7 of Λ, 0.6–0.7 of γ and 0.1–0.3 of α. Figure 19 depicts eters through different membership functions such as gbellmf,
that K xx is maximum when Λ is in the range of 6–7 and γ gaussmf and gauss2mf. The maximum stiffness and damping
and α are in the range of 0.6–0.7 and 0.1–0.3 respectively. are obtained for length-to-diameter ratio, eccentricity ratio,
Figure 20 shows that for a range of 0.6–0.7 of γ, K xx is bearing number, whirl ratio and bearing compliance through
higher for 0.1–0.3 of α. The results for maximization of surface plots. Neural network technique can be used to predict
all the dynamic coefficients are found accordingly and are the parametric data and its range to design the gas foil journal
given in Table 7. bearing.

Table 7  Predicted range of Parameter Predicted range

various parameters
K xx K xy K yx K yy Cxx Cxy Cyx Cyy

L/D 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4 1.2–1.4

ε 0.5–0.8 0.5–0.8 0.5–0.6 0.5–0.6 0.5–0.6 0.7–0.75 0.6–0.7 0.6–0.7
Λ 6–7 4–7 6–7 2–5 6–7 2–3 1–2 1–2
γ 0.6–0.7 0.6–0.7 0.6–0.7 0.6–0.7 0.4–0.5 0.5–0.6 0.6–0.7 0.5–0.6
α 0.1–0.3 0.1–0.3 0.1–0.3 0.1–0.3 0.5–0.6 0.2–0.4 0.1–0.3 0.1–0.3

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:167 Page 19 of 19 167

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