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April 28, 2023 ENGLISH MADHYAM

English Madhyam
(Weekly vocabulary compilation)
From 22 May 2023 to 27 May 2023

For all competitive Exams

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Note: Reading Daily editorials are more important than mugging up vocabulary. So, Must
Read editorial on daily basis, which is the best way to cover comprehensive English Subject
ranging from vocabulary to reading skill

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Table of Contents
Part - A
The Hindu Editorial – A change for the better (22 May 2023) ............................................................................. 4
The Hindu – Judging jallikattu (23 May 2023) ............................................................................................................ 7
The Hindu – Solidarity for peace (24 May 2023) ..................................................................................................... 10
The Hindu – An Unclean chit (25 May 2023) ............................................................................................................. 13
Indian Express – Women's performance (26 May 2023) ..................................................................................... 17
The tribune editorial – College sans infra (27 May 2023).................................................................................... 19
Part - B
Hindustan times – In search of a pluralistic paradigm (22 May 2023) ........................................................... 22
The Pioneer–Providing affordable health services (23 May 2023).................................................................. 25
The Hindu editorial – Slow withdrawal (24 May 2023)........................................................................................ 28
The Pioneer editorial – Words are energy (25 May 2023) .................................................................................. 31
The Hindu editorial – Ties that bind (26 May 2023) .............................................................................................. 33
The Hindu editorial – After Bakhmut (27 May 2023) ............................................................................................ 36
Part - C
Indian Express – Withdrawal of Rs 2000 note (22 May 2023) .......................................................................... 40
Pioneer editorial – Effective instrument (24 May 2023) ...................................................................................... 42
Indian Express Editorial – A test of the human spirit (26 May 2023) ............................................................. 46
Indian Express Editorial – Hope on the Inflation front (27 May 2023) .......................................................... 48

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The Hindu Editorial – A change for the better (22 May 2023)

1. A change for the better (phrase) – 11. Fulmination (noun) – Denunciation,

something new making situation better Criticism, Condemnation, Censure,
अच्छा परिवर्तन Attack यनन्दा

2. Shifting (noun) – Changing, Replacing, 12. Collegium (noun) – the Chief Justice of
switching, transferring, modifying India along with four senior-most
स्थानाांर्िण Supreme Court judges recommend
appointments and transfers of judges
3. Conflict (noun) – Dispute, Clash,
13. Tone down (phrasal verb) – Soften,
Confrontation, Discord, Struggle वववाद
Mitigate, Moderate, Temper, Reduce
4. Judiciary (noun) – The legal system, the कम किना
Bench, Magistracy, Justice System
14. Penchant (noun) – Liking, Fondness,
न्याययक प्रणाली
Preference, Taste, Affinity झक
ु ाव
5. Escalation (noun) – Increase,
Intensification, Rise, Mounting, 15. Thaw (noun) – an increase in
Augmentation वद् friendliness or cordiality. ममत्रर्ा में
ृ धि
ृ धि
6. Regime (noun) – Administration,
Government, Authority, Management, 16. Frosty (adjective) – Unfriendly,
System शासन प्रणाली unsympathetic

7. Confrontation (noun) – Face-off, 17. The executive (noun) – Administration,

Encounter, Showdown, Conflict, Government, Authority, Management,

Standoff सामना Leadership कायतकािी

8. Tenure (noun) – Term, Period of Office, 18. Vocal (adjective) – Articulate,

Term of office, Incumbency, Time in Expressive, Fluent, Vocal, Outspoken

office कायतकाल बोलनेवाला

9. Consideration (noun) – Deliberation, 19. Criticism (noun) – Denunciation,

Contemplation, Reflection, Thought, Condemnation, Critique, Review,

Review ववचाि Analysis आलोचना

10. Marked (adjective) – Noteworthy, 20. Indeed (adverb) – Certainly, Truly,

Pronounced, Significant, Conspicuous, Surely, Unquestionably, Doubtless
Evident स्पष्ट यनश्चचर् रूप से

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21. Flawed (adjective) – Faulty, defective, 33. Deem (verb) – to consider or judge
damaged, blemished, imperfect त्रटु टपूणत मानना

22. Tend (to) (verb) – Incline, have a habit 34. Constituency (noun) – an area whose
of, have a tendency of, lean toward, be residents vote for a representative
disposed, be likely to झक
ु ाव होना यनवातचन क्षेत्र

23. Trenchant (adjective) – Incisive, 35. Look for (phrasal verb) – to try to find
Cutting, Pointed, Sharp, Piercing कटु or seek something ढूांढना

24. Befit (verb) – Suit, Become, Fit, Be 36. Accommodate (verb) – to provide
suitable for, Be appropriate for उपयुक्र् space or make adjustments for
होना समायोिन किना

25. Portfolio (noun) – Responsibilities, 37. Due (adjective) – expected or

Duties, Tasks, Work, Job श्िम्मेदािी scheduled यनिातरिर्

26. Deal with (phrasal verb) – to manage 38. Stint (noun) – a period of time spent
or handle a situation or person सामना doing a certain job or activity कायतकाल

किना 39. Observation (noun) – a statement

based on something one has seen,
27. Accuse (verb) – to say that someone
heard, or noticed टटप्पणी
has done something wrong आिोप
लगाना 40. Resolution (noun) – a firm decision or
solution समािान
28. Anti– (prefix) – against or opposed to
ववरुद्ि 41. Finalisation (noun) – the act of making
a final decision about something
29. Instance (noun) – an occurrence or अांयर्मीकिण
example of something उदाहिण
42. Memorandum of procedure (noun) – a
30. Voice (verb) – to express or state detailed document describing the
something aloud व्यक्र् किना procedure or method कायतवाही का
स्मिण पत्र
31. Make public (phrase) – to reveal or
announce something to everyone 43. Emphasise (verb) – to give special
सावतियनक किना importance or value to something िोि

32. Input (noun) – information दे ना

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44. Moot (verb) – to suggest or introduce 47. Accord (verb) – to give or grant
an idea or proposal प्रस्र्ाववर् किना someone recognition or status दे ना

45. Evaluation (noun) – the process of 48. Pursue (verb) – to follow or chase with
judging or calculating the worth of determination अनुसिण किना
something मल
ू याांकन
49. Impression (noun) – a feeling or
46. Representative (noun) – a person opinion about something or someone
chosen or appointed to act or speak for प्रभाव
others प्रयर्यनधि
50. Absolute (adjective) – total or
complete पूणत

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The Hindu – Judging jallikattu (23 May 2023)

1. Judge (verb) – Arbitrate, adjudicate, 12. Legislative (adjective) – Lawmaking,

adjudge, rule on, decide, यनणतय किना regulatory, statute-making, व़ैिायनक

2. Verdict (noun) – Judgment, decision, 13. Exempt (verb) – Excuse, absolve, spare,
resolution, pronouncement, , फ़ैसला relieve, छूट दे ना

3. Uphold (verb) – Support, endorse, back 14. Rigour (noun) – Strictness, severity,
up, stand by, sustain, समथतन किना harshness, toughness, कठोि
4. Sentiment (noun) – Feeling, emotion,
view, belief, attitude, भावना 15. Amendment (noun) – Modification,
revision, alteration, change, सांशोिन
5. Matter (verb) – Signify, count, mean,
import, carry weight, मायने िखना 16. Raging (adjective) – Furious, wild,
violent, vehement, उग्र
6. Inflict (verb) – Impose, administer,
deliver, force, mete out, थोपना, सजा 17. Endless (adjective) – Infinite, unending,
दे ना everlasting, interminable, अनन्र्

7. Cruelty (noun) – Brutality, inhumanity, 18. Conflict (noun) – Dispute,

savagery, ruthlessness, क्रूिर्ा disagreement, discord, argument, सांघर्त

8. Judicial (adjective) – Legal, judicatory, 19. Activist (noun) – Campaigner,

judicative, judiciary, न्याययक reformer, advocate, protestor, objector
9. Imprimatur (noun) – Endorsement,
approval, sanction, authorization, 20. Proponent (noun) – Advocate,
इिाजर् supporter, upholder, protagonist, fan,
follower अनुयायी
10. Upsurge (noun) – Increase, rise,
growth, escalation, upturn, वद्
ृ धि 21. Culminate (verb) – End, conclude,
climax, peak, चिम बबांद ु पि पहुांचना
11. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause,
bring about, give rise to, produce, विह

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22. Argue (verb) – Debate, discuss, 34. Potential (noun) – Ability, capability,
dispute, contend, say, maintain र्कत- possibility, promise, capacity, सांभाव्य,
ववर्कत किना कायतक्षम, सामर्थयत

23. Contest (noun) – Competition, match, 35. Prevalent (adjective) – Widespread,

tournament, challenge, प्रयर्योधगर्ा common, general, predominant
24. Violate (verb) – Breach, break, infringe,
contravene, उललांघन किना 36. Wisdom (noun) – Insight, intelligence,
understanding, knowledge, insight
25. Camp (noun) – Group, faction, sector, बद्
ु धि
clique गुट
37. Constitute (verb) – Form, compose,
26. Contend (verb) – Argue, assert, represent, make-up बनाना, यनममतर्
maintain, claim, state, र्कत किना
27. Amend (verb) – Modify, alter, change,
38. Hold (verb) – (of a judge or court) rule;
revise, reform, सांशोिन किना
decide. यनणतय किना
28. Assent (noun) – Approval, agreement,
39. Embark on (verb) – Start, commence,
acceptance, endorsement, सहमयर्
begin, प्रािां भ किना
29. Settle (verb) – Resolve, solve,
40. Dilute (verb) – Weaken, reduce, lessen,
conclude, determine, यनपटाना
कमिोि किना
30. Ruling (noun) – Decision, judgement,
41. Read into (phrasal verb) – to believe
verdict, resolution, फ़ैसला that an action, remark, or situation has
a particular importance or meaning,
31. In favour of (phrase) – Supporting,
often when this is not true.
endorsing, promoting, के पक्ष में
42. Import (noun) – great significance;
32. Anchor (verb) – provide with a firm importance.
basis or foundation. पि आिारिर् होना
43. Defer (to) (verb) – Accede, comply,
33. Finding (noun) – Conclusion, result, accept, concede, bow to मान लेना,
decision, judgement, यनष्कर्त झुकना

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44. Underlie (verb) – Form the basis for, 53. Mandate (verb) – Authorize, decree,
underpin, support, आिाि बनना command, order, dictate, आदे श दे ना

45. Interdict (verb) – Prohibit, forbid, ban, 54. Gear (noun) – Equipment, apparatus,
embargo, exclude, proscribe प्रयर्बांि outfit, accoutrements, kit; equipment
or apparatus that is used for a
particular purpose. साि-सामान
46. Respective (adjective) – Individual,
55. Enforce (verb) – Implement, apply,
particular, specific, सांबांधिर्
execute, carry out, administer, लागू
47. Bear (verb) – Carry, support, endure, किना
56. Barricade (noun) – Barrier, blockade,
48. Infliction (noun) – Imposition, obstruction, roadblock, hurdle, बािा
enforcement, administering,
application, applying ; the action of 57. Assertion (noun) – Affirmation,
inflicting something unpleasant or declaration, contention, claim,
painful on someone or something. proclamation, दावा
सजा, दण्ड
58. Kindness (noun) – Compassion,
49. Pose (verb) – Present, offer, set forth, sympathy, benevolence, gentleness,
establish, put forward, खडा किना generosity, दया
59. Adherence (to) (noun) – Observance,
compliance, following, obedience,
50. Undeniable (adjective) – Indisputable,
unquestionable, irrefutable, conformity, पालन किना
incontrovertible, unarguable, यनववतवाद
60. Norm (noun) – Standard, convention,
51. Hazard (noun) – Risk, danger, peril, guideline, rule, principle, मानदां ड
threat, menace, खर्िा
61. Mutually (adverb) – Reciprocally,
mutually, collectively, cooperatively,
52. Spectator (noun) – Observer, viewer,
jointly, पािस्परिक रूप से
onlooker, witness, bystander, दशतक

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The Hindu – Solidarity for peace (24 May 2023)

1. Solidarity (noun) – Unity, harmony, 9. Symbolism (noun) – Representation,

cohesion, camaraderie, unanimity metaphor, allegory, emblem, token
एकर्ा प्रर्ीक

2. Peace (noun) – Tranquility, serenity, 10. Peace memorial (noun) – Tribute to

calmness, harmony, concord शाांयर् peace, Monument of peace, Marker of
peace, Peace commemoration,
3. G–7 (noun) – The G7 is an informal Harmony tribute शाांयर् स्मािक
grouping of seven of the world's
advanced economies, including 11. Victim (noun) – Casualty, sufferer,
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, injured party, harmed individual,
the United Kingdom, and the United wounded person पीडडर्
States, as well as the European Union.
12. Disarmament (noun) –
4. Consensus (noun) – Agreement,
Demilitarization, decommissioning,
accord, harmony, unanimity,
demobilization, weapons reduction,
concurrence सहमयर्
यनिःशस ्त्रीकिण

5. Hold (verb) – Conduct, carry out,

13. Summit (noun) – Conference, meeting,
perform, organize, arrange आयोिन gathering, convention, congregation
किना मशखि सम्मेलन

6. So-called (adjective) – Alleged, 14. Underline (verb) – Emphasize,

purported, professed, self-proclaimed, highlight, stress, accentuate,
self-styled कधथर् underscore िोि दे ना

7. Send out (phrasal verb) – Broadcast, 15. Sitting (adjective) – Incumbent,

disseminate, distribute, emit, release current, in office, reigning, ruling
भेिना वर्तमान

8. In addition to (phrase) – Besides, as 16. Make a point of (phrase) – make a

well as, in conjunction with, along with, special and noticeable effort to do (a
together with इसके अलावा specified thing).

17. Arrival (noun) – Appearance, advent,

emergence, coming, entrance आगमन

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18. Enhance (verb) – Improve, augment, 28. Reflect (verb) – Indicate, show,
boost, increase, amplify बढाना demonstrate, reveal, express प्रकट
19. Turn the spotlight on (phrase) –
Highlight, emphasize, underline, bring
29. Polarised (adjective) – Divided, split,
to attention, focus on ध्यान केंटिर्
dichotomized, bifurcated ववभाश्िर्
30. Broaden (verb) – Expand, enlarge,
20. Invasion (noun) – Incursion, intrusion, extend, widen ववस्र्ारिर् किना
infringement, assault, attack आक्रमण
31. Prism (noun) – Perspective, viewpoint,
21. Humanity (noun) – Humankind, the standpoint, position दृश्ष्टकोण
human race, mankind, people, the
human species मानवर्ा 32. Recognise (verb) – Acknowledge,
accept, admit, understand स्वीकाि
22. Significant (adjective) – Important,
meaningful, substantial, consequential,
considerable महत्वपूणत 33. Grossly (adverb) – Extremely,
excessively, overly, enormously
23. Sanction (noun) – Penalty, punishment,
deterrent, retribution, discipline
प्रयर्बांि 34. Unrepresentative (adjective) – Non-
representative, exclusive,
24. Highlight (verb) – Emphasize,
undemocratic अप्रयर्यनधित्वपूणत
underline, spotlight, accentuate, stress
िोि दे ना 35. Account for (phrasal verb) – Comprise,
make up, total, represent, constitute,
25. Dialogue (noun) – Conversation,
form बनाना, यनममतर् किना
discussion, discourse, interchange,
consultation सांवाद 36. Essentially (adverb) – Basically,
fundamentally, primarily, mainly मूलर्िः
26. Black-and-white (adjective) – Clear-
cut, straightforward, unequivocal, 37. Expand (verb) – Increase, grow,
categorical, plain स्पष्ट enlarge, extend बढाना

27. Pertinent (adjective) – Relevant, 38. Contract (verb) – Decrease, shrink,

appropriate, suitable, applicable,
reduce, diminish कम होना
germane प्रासांधगक/ उधचर्

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39. Expel (verb) – Oust, remove, dismiss, 48. Greenhouse gas emission (noun) – The
eject यनकालना, बाहि किना main greenhouse gases whose
concentrations are rising are carbon
40. Annexation (noun) – Incorporation, dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
addition, attachment, acquisition hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs),
ववलय, समामेलन hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and ozone
in the lower atmosphere.
41. Economies (noun) – Countries in terms
of GDP 49. Propose (verb) – Suggest, put forward,
offer, present, submit प्रस्र्ाववर् किना
42. Promote (verb) – Encourage, foster,
stimulate, advance बढावा दे ना 50. Concrete (adjective) – Tangible, solid,
real, substantial, definite ठोस
43. Transparent (adjective) – Clear, see-
through, translucent, lucid पािदशी 51. Defray (verb) – Pay, cover, foot the bill,
bear the cost, fund टहसाब चक
ु ाना,
44. Financing (noun) – money that a
भुगर्ान किना
person or company borrows for a
particular purpose
52. Shift the spotlight (phrase) – Draw
45. Debt sustainability (noun) – the ability attention, focus attention, point up,
of a country to meet its debt highlight ध्यान आकवर्तर् किना
obligations without requiring debt
relief or accumulating arrears. 53. Inclusive (adjective) – All-embracing,
comprehensive, encompassing,
46. Compensate (for) (verb) – Make up for, integrated, inclusive सश्म्ममलर्
offset, counterbalance, balance
प्रयर्पूयर्त किना 54. Outlook (noun) – Perspective,
viewpoint, attitude, stance, approach
47. Global warming (noun) – a gradual दृश्ष्टकोण
increase in the earth’s temperature
generally due to the greenhouse effect 55. Comprehensive (adjective) – Thorough,
caused by increased levels of carbon complete, all-inclusive, exhaustive, full
dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. ववस्र्र्

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The Hindu – An Unclean chit (25 May 2023)

1. Allegation (noun) – Accusation, charge, 9. Cite (verb) – Mention, refer to, make
contention, assertion, claim आिोप reference to, quote हवाला दे ना

2. Functioning (noun) – Operation, 10. Complexity (noun) – Intricacy,

working, running, performance, complication, convolutedness,
conduct कायत perplexity िटटलर्ा

3. Grant (verb) – Give, accord, bestow, 11. Unravel (verb) – Solve, resolve, clear
award, allocate प्रदान किना up, untangle, unfold सुलझाना

4. Malfeasance (noun) – Misconduct, 12. Layered (adjective) – used to describe

wrongdoing, misbehavior, crime, abuse something that is complicated and
भ्रष्टाचाि interesting because it has many
different levels or features बहुस्र्िीय
5. Stock price manipulation (noun) – It is
conduct designed to deceive investors 13. Deem (verb) – Consider, regard, view
by controlling or artificially affecting as, see as मानना
the price of securities.
14. Suspicious (adjective) – Doubtful,
6. Violation (noun) – Breach,
questionable, dubious, suspect,
infringement, contravention,
mistrustful सांटदग्ि
infraction, non-compliance उललांघन
15. Watchdog (noun) – Guardian,
7. Minimum public shareholding (noun) –
protector, defender, overseer,
The Minimum Public Shareholding
supervisor िााँचनेवाला
(MPS) rule requires all listed companies
in India to ensure that at least 25% of 16. Reprieve (noun) – Respite,
their equity shares are held by non- postponement, delay, stay,
promoters (public). This rule was
adjournment मोहलर्
implemented after the amendment of
Securities Contracts Regulation Rules 17. Findings (noun) – Results, discoveries,
by SEBI in 2010.
conclusions, observations नर्ीिे
8. Seek (verb) – Ask for , call for, demand,
18. Task (verb) – To allot task by someone
solicit on माांगना
ववशेर् कायत दे ना

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19. Review (verb) – Examine, inspect, 29. Contravention (noun) – Violation,

scrutinize, evaluate, assess समीक्षा breach, infringement, disobedience

30. In relation to (phrase) – Concerning,

20. Framework (noun) – Structure, system,
regarding, with respect to, in terms of
organization, arrangement ढाांचा
सांबांि में
21. In the wake of (phrase) – Following,
31. Far from (phrase) – Not at all, hardly,
subsequent to, after, as a result of
scarcely, barely, nowhere near से दिू

32. Emphatic (adjective) – Decisive,

22. Dizzying (adjective) – Bewildering,
categorical, absolute, unambiguous,
confusing, astonishing, startling चककर्
definite प्रभावी
किने वाला
33. For instance (phrase) – For example, as
23. Volatility (noun) – Unpredictability,
an example, such as, like उदाहिण के
changeability, instability, variability

34. Throw up (phrasal verb) – Produce,

24. Inspire (verb) – Motivate, stimulate,
generate, yield, give off, create उत्पन्न
encourage, influence, arouse प्रेरिर्

35. Result in (phrasal verb) – Lead to,

25. Expedient (adjective) – Convenient,
cause, bring about, effect
practical, advantageous, beneficial
परिणामस्वरूप होना

36. Foreign portfolio investor (FPI) (noun)

26. Vital (adjective) – Crucial, essential,
– Foreign portfolio investment or FPI is
necessary, indispensable महत्वपूणत
a form of investment wherein investors
27. Deal with (phrasal verb) – Handle, hold assets and securities outside their
manage, cope with, attend to, tackle country.

सामना किना 37. Juxtapose (verb) – Place side by side,

set side by side, compare, contrast साथ
28. Alleged (adjective) – Supposed, so-
called, claimed, professed, purported में िखना, ममलाना

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38. Probe (noun) – Investigation, 49. Cautiously (adverb) – Carefully, with

examination, inquiry, inspection िाांच care, warily, vigilantly सर्कतर्ा से

39. Potential (adjective) – Possible, likely, 50. Hint (verb) – Suggest, imply, indicate
prospective, future सांभाववर् सांकेर् दे ना

40. Norm (noun) – Standard, rule, 51. Constraint (noun) – Restriction,

guideline, convention, criterion मानदां ड limitation, restraint, check बािा

41. Underway (verb) – In progress, 52. Indeed (adverb) – In fact, truly,

happening, occurring, taking place certainly, unquestionably, no doubt
प्रकक्रया में वास्र्व में

42. Compel (verb) – Force, coerce, make, 53. Coherent (adjective) – Logical,
oblige मिबिू किना consistent, clear, well-organized,
unified सुसांगर्
43. Conclude (verb) – Decide, resolve,
determine यनष्कर्त यनकालना 54. Enforcement (noun) – Implementation,
execution, application, imposition,
44. Prima facie (noun) – On the face of it, administration प्रवर्तन
apparently, seemingly, ostensibly प्रथम
55. Draw a blank (phrase) – Fail to produce
दृश्ष्ट में
a result, come up empty, get nowhere,
45. Stress (verb) – Emphasize, highlight, find nothing यनष्फल होना
underline, underscore िोि दे ना
56. Ultimate (adjective) – Final, eventual,
46. Time-bound (adjective) – Scheduled, conclusive, decisive, supreme अांयर्म
under a deadline, with a time limit
57. Beneficiary (noun) – Recipient,
receiver, payee, donee, inheritor
47. Flag (verb) – Signal, indicate, sign, point लाभाथी
out सूधचर् किना
58. Sizeable (adjective) – Substantial,
48. Inference (noun) – Conclusion, considerable, significant, large, hefty
deduction, assumption, presumption काफी बडा

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59. Stake (noun) – Share, interest, existed first and which caused the
investment, involvement, claim other one मश्ु चकल श्स्थयर्; दवु विा
65. Capricious (adjective) – Unpredictable,
60. Regulator (noun) – Controller, inconsistent, changeable, variable,
supervisor, overseer, authority, volatile अश्स्थि, मनमौिी
administrator यनयामक
66. Legislation (noun) – Law, statute,
61. Tweak (verb) – Adjust, modify, fine- enactment, bill, ordinance कानन

tune, change, alter सांशोिन किना
67. Diverge (verb) – Deviate, differ, drift,
62. Obfuscation (noun) – Confusion, stray, vary अलग होना, मभन्न होना
complication, bewilderment,
mystification, perplexity उलझन 68. Trigger (verb) – Cause, lead to,
provoke, precipitate, generate उत्पन्न
63. Self-inflicted (adjective) – caused by
your own actions

64. Chicken and egg situation (phrase) – 69. Mandate (noun) – Directive,
Dilemma, quandary, predicament, instruction, command, order, decree
vicious circle; a situation in which it is आदे श
impossible to say which of two things

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Indian Express – Women's performance (26 May 2023)

1. Milestone (noun) – Achievement, 11. Make it (phrase) – Succeed, achieve

highpoint, aim, target, landmark success, accomplish, prevail, triumph
सफल होना
2. Elite (adjective) – Superior, high-class, top-
notch, exclusive, select श्रेष्ठ 12. Array (noun) – Assortment, range,
collection, variety, selection मसलमसला
3. Yield (verb) – Produce, generate, give,
provide, deliver दे ना 13. Rigorous (adjective) – Strict, severe,
stringent, exacting, tough कठोि
4. Heartening (adjective) – Encouraging,
uplifting, inspiring, reassuring, comforting
14. Representation (noun) – Portrayal,
उत्साहिनक depiction, image, presentation, reflection
5. Statistic (noun) – Figure, data, number,
measure, fact आांकडा 15. Struggle (with) (verb) – Battle, grapple,
wrestle, confront, challenge सांघर्त किना
6. Recruit (noun) – Newcomer, novice,
entrant, beginner, rookie भर्ी 16. Gender diversity (noun) – Gender
diversity is equitable or fair representation
7. Bureaucracy (noun) – Administration,
of people of different genders मलांग
officialdom, system, establishment,
management दफ्र्िशाही, अधिकािी-वगत वववविर्ा

8. Unusual (adjective) – Uncommon, 17. Fall to someone (phrase) – Be someone's

atypical, out-of-the-ordinary, rare, strange responsibility or duty ककसी की श्िम्मेदािी
असामान्य बनना

9. Substantive (adjective) – Significant, 18. Ensure (verb) – Guarantee, assure,

meaningful, important, considerable, confirm, secure, make certain सुयनश्चचर्
major ठोस
10. Intake (noun) – Influx, entry, admission,
19. A flash in the pan (phrase) – something
enrollment, incoming प्रवेश
that happened only once or for a short
time and was not repeated एक बाि की

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20. Endure (verb) – Last, continue, persist, 31. Sobering (adjective) – Serious, solemn,
remain, go on चालू िहना grave; creating a more serious, sensible, or
solemn mood. गांभीि
21. Non-discriminatory (adjective) – Fair,
impartial, unbiased, equal, just ग़ैि- 32. Workforce (noun) – Labour force,
workers, employees, कमतचारियों

33. Precipitously (adverb) – Steeply, sharply,

22. Redressal (noun) – Correction, remedy,
abruptly, अचानक
resolution, rectification, reparation सुिाि

34. Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of

23. Mechanism (noun) – Process, system,
method, procedure, technique र्ांत्र
35. Hold down (phrasal verb) – Restrain,
24. Rampant (adjective) – Uncontrolled,
hinder, impede, काबू में िखना
unchecked, unrestrained, अयनयांबत्रर्
36. Patriarchy (noun) – a society in which the
25. Claim (verb) – Assert, state, declare, oldest male is the leader of the family
proclaim, दावा किना वपर्स
ृ त्ता

26. Revel (verb) – Delight, relish, enjoy 37. Affluent (adjective) – Wealthy, rich,
greatly, celebrate, खश
ु होना prosperous, well-off, िनी

27. Prestige (noun) – Status, reputation, 38. Abysmal (adjective) – Terrible, appalling,
esteem, आदि-प्रयर्ष्ठा dreadful, awful, appalling भयानक

28. Social mobility (noun) – Social mobility 39. Attain (verb) – Achieve, reach, accomplish,
refers to the shift in an individual's social
get, प्राप्र् किना
status from one status to another`
40. Economic (adjective) – Financial, fiscal,
29. Prospect (noun) – Outlook, expectation,
monetary, आधथतक
possibility, hope, outlook आशा

41. Potential (noun) – Possibility, capability,

30. Rung (noun) – Level, position, rank,
capacity, ability, aptitude क्षमर्ा

English Madhyam 18
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The tribune editorial – College sans infra (27 May 2023)

1. Sans (preposition) – Without, lacking, के 11. Seem (verb) – Appear, Look, Come across
as, Give the impression प्रर्ीर् होना

12. Turn blind eye to (phrase) – Ignore,

2. Defy (verb) – Disobey, rebel, resist, flout,
Overlook, Disregard, Neglect, Oversee
disregard अवहे लना किना
अनदे खा किना
3. Requisite (adjective) – Necessary,
13. Exemplify (verb) – Demonstrate, Illustrate,
Essential, Required, Obligatory, Mandatory
Show, Represent, Embody उदाहिण स्वरूप
4. Infrastructure (noun) – Facilities,
Structure, System, Services, Framework 14. Sorry state of affair (phrase) – Unhappy
ू सांिचना condition, Unfortunate situation, Dire
situation, Miserable condition,
5. In place (phrase) – Established, Set up, Disheartening situation खेदिनक श्स्थयर्
Organized, Implemented, Arranged
स्थावपर् 15. Lack (verb) – Miss, Be without, Fall short,
Be deficient, Be inadequate कमी होना
6. Unsuspecting (adjective) – Unaware,
Innocent, Unwitting, Naive, Unprepared 16. Concluded (adjective) – Finished,
अनमभज्ञ, बेख़बि Completed, Ended, Finalized,
Accomplished समाप्र्
7. Enroll (verb) – Register, Sign up, Join,
Apply, Enter पांिीकृर् किना 17. Concerned (adjective) – Involved, related,
affected, related to सांबांधिर्
8. Unethical (adjective) – Immoral,
Dishonest, Unprincipled, Wrong, Unfair 18. Let (verb) – Allow, Permit, Enable, Give
अऩैयर्क permission होने दे ना

9. Jeopardise (verb) – Endanger, Threaten, 19. Prevail (verb) – Dominate, Predominate,

Risk, Imperil, Compromise खर्िे में डालना Overrule, Reign, Rule प्रबल होना

10. Clearance (noun) – Authorization, 20. Plea (noun) – Appeal, Petition, Request,
Approval, Consent, Permission, Sanction Claim, Entreaty अपील
मांििू ी

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21. Depute (verb) – Appoint, Assign, 31. Pupil (noun) – Student, learner, scholar,
Designate, Commission, Entrust कायतस्थान disciple, trainee छात्र
पि यनयुक्र् किना
32. Accommodate (verb) – Adapt, fit, suit,
22. Specious (adjective) – Misleading, reconcile, adjust समायोिन किना
Deceptive, False, Untruthful, Feigned
33. Apparently (adverb) – Seemingly,
ostensibly, evidently, speciously,
23. Unfair (adjective) – Biased, Unjust, Partial, superficially प्रकट रूप से
Discriminatory, Prejudiced अनधु चर्
34. Grave (adjective) – Serious, severe, critical,
24. Deprive (of) (verb) – Dispossess, Strip, solemn, consequential गांभीि
Deny, Withhold, Remove from वांधचर् किना
35. Concern (noun) – Anxiety, worry, unease,
25. Exhibit (verb) – Display, Show, apprehension, fear धचांर्ा
Demonstrate, Present, Manifest टदखाना
36. Function (verb) – Operate, work, perform,
26. Lackadaisical (adjective) – Apathetic, run काम किना
careless, lazy, lethargic, indifferent उदासीन
37. Comply (with) (verb) – Abide by, adhere
27. Deficiency (noun) – Shortage, lack, to, conform to, follow, obey का पालन किना
scarcity, dearth, inadequacy कमी
38. Statutory (adjective) – Legal, lawful,
constitutional, sanctioned, authorized
28. Prohibit (verb) – Forbid, ban, bar, interdict,
outlaw िोकना

39. Corrective (adjective) – Remedial,

29. Appalling (adjective) – Horrifying, dreadful,
restorative, curative, rectifying सुिािात्मक
shocking, awful, terrible भयावह

40. Must (noun) – Requirement, necessity,

30. Debar (verb) – Exclude, prevent, forbid,
essential, prerequisite, need जरूिर्
disallow, ostracize वश्ितर् किना

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English Madhyam 21
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Hindustan times – In search of a pluralistic paradigm (22 May 2023)

1. Pluralistic (adjective) – Varied, mixed, 11. Seamlessly (adverb) – Smoothly, flawlessly,

diverse, pluralist, multicultural बहुलवादी without interruption, continuously,
uninterruptedly सहिर्ा से
2. Paradigm (noun) – Model, framework,
archetype, pattern, standard आदशत 12. Hold up (phrasal verb) – Support, uphold,
sustain, maintain, preserve समथतन किना
3. Hermeneutical (adjective) – Interpretative,
explanatory, expository, elucidative, 13. Multiplicity (noun) – Variety, diversity,
exegetical व्याख्यात्मक multitude, abundance, plenty बहुलर्ा

4. At the heart of (phrase) – Central to, crucial 14. Perspective (noun) – Viewpoint, point of
to, pivotal to, core of, essence of के केंि में view, outlook, angle, stance परिप्रेक्ष्य

5. Assemble (verb) – Gather, convene, 15. Treasure (verb) – Value, cherish, appreciate,
congregate, collect, muster इकट्ठा किना esteem, prize सांिोना

6. Resemble (verb) – Mirror, echo, mimic, 16. Notion (noun) – Idea, concept, belief,
match, imitate समान होना opinion, view िािणा

7. Framework (noun) – Structure, scheme, 17. Assimilation (noun) – Integration,

system, organization, arrangement ढाांचा incorporation, absorption, inclusion,
amalgamation समाहाि
8. Sustainable development (noun) – Balanced
growth, eco-friendly development, long- 18. Diverse (adjective) – Different, various,
term progress, green development, assorted, myriad, sundry ववववि
responsible development सर्र् ववकास
19. Characterise (verb) – Describe, define,
9. UNESCO (noun) – The United Nations portray, depict, represent वणतन किना
Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization is a specialized agency of the 20. Indic (adjective) – Of or relating to Indian
United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting भािर्ीय
world peace and security through
international cooperation in education, arts, 21. Time immemorial (phrase) – From the
sciences and culture. distant past, for a very long time, age-old,
ancient, from time out of mind अनाटद काल से
10. Realisation (noun) – Awareness,
understanding, comprehension, recognition,
22. Theme (noun) – Topic, subject, concept,
acknowledgment समझ
motif, idea ववर्य

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23. Synthesis (noun) – Combination, 36. Invoke (verb) – Call on, appeal to, summon,
amalgamation, integration, union, fusion entreat, implore; use, employ, utilise
सांगर्न पुकािना; इस्र्ेमाल किना

24. Aspect (noun) – Facet, feature, component, 37. The Elan Vital (noun) – Life force, vital force,
element, detail पहलू spirit, essence, animating principle िीवन
25. Turbulent (adjective) – Unsettled, unstable,
tumultuous, chaotic, disorderly अशाांर् 38. Thrust (noun) – Drive, force, impetus, push,
momentum िक्का
26. Upanishadic (adjective) – Vedantic,
scriptural, spiritual, philosophical, doctrinal 39. Pilgrimage (noun) – Holy journey, hajj,
उपयनर्दीय spiritual journey, mission, religious
expedition र्ीथतयात्रा
27. Lay down (phrasal verb) – Establish, dictate,
set, prescribe, impose यनिातरिर् किना 40. Circumscribe (verb) – Restrict, limit, confine,
bound, enclose परिसीममर् किना
28. Spiritual (adjective) – Religious, holy, sacred,
divine, celestial आध्याश्त्मक 41. Philosophical (adjective) – Thoughtful,
reflective, contemplative, introspective,
29. Aspiration (noun) – Ambition, aim, goal,
meditative दाशतयनक
desire, pursuit महत्वाकाांक्षा
42. Debate (noun) – Discussion, argument,
30. Governing (adjective) – Leading, ruling,
dialogue, discourse, deliberation वववाद
controlling, commanding, overseeing शासन
43. Thereby (adverb) – Consequently, as a
31. Core (noun) – Heart, center, essence,
result, thus, hence, therefore श्िसके चलर्े
nucleus, crux केंि
44. Overturn (verb) – Overthrow, reverse,
32. Give rise to (phrase) – Cause, lead to, bring
revoke, nullify, invalidate उलट दे ना
about, generate, produce उत्पन्न किना
45. Epistemological (adjective) – Knowledge-
33. Manifold (adjective) – Multiple, various, related, cognitive, informational, theoretical,
numerous, diverse, many बहुर्िह के philosophical ज्ञान सांबांिी
34. Approach (verb) – Reach, advance, near, 46. Enrich (verb) – Enhance, improve, augment,
proceed, draw closer पहुांचना amplify, boost बढाना
35. The Eternal (noun) – The infinite, the 47. Rationale (noun) – Reasoning, basis, logic,
everlasting, the perpetual, the timeless, the
grounds, justification र्कत
undying- अनन्र्

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48. Phenomenon (noun) – Event, occurrence, 54. Perspective (noun) – Viewpoint, standpoint,
incident, happening, fact घटना position, angle दृश्ष्टकोण

49. Driving force (noun) – Motivation, stimulus, 55. Evolutionary (adjective) – Progressive,
impetus, spur, inspiration प्रेिणा developing, advancing, growing ववकासात्मक

50. Mutual (adjective) – Reciprocal, shared, 56. Consciousness (noun) – Awareness,

joint, common, collective पािस्परिक perception, realization, cognition चेर्ना

51. Intellectual (adjective) – Academic, 57. Aspiration (noun) – Ambition, goal, aim,
scholarly, learned, erudite, cultured बौद्धिक objective आकाांक्षा

52. Dimension (noun) – Aspect, facet, side, 58. Transform (verb) – Change, alter, modify,
element, feature आयाम convert परिवयर्तर् किना

53. Stem from (phrasal verb) – Originate from, 59. Aesthetic (noun) – Beauty, attractiveness,
arise from, derive from, evolve from से elegance, style सौंदयत
उत्पन्न होना

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The Pioneer–Providing affordable health services (23 May 2023)

1. Affordable (adjective) – Reasonable, 11. Irrespective of (phrase) – Regardless

inexpensive, cheap, reasonably priced of, notwithstanding, despite, no
सस्र्ी matter, की पिवाह ककए बबना

2. Envisage (verb) – Foresee, anticipate, 12. Presidency (noun) – Administration,

predict, expect, envisage सोचना, regime, tenure, term अध्यक्षर्ा
कलपना किना
13. Address (verb) – Deal with, tackle,
3. Promote (verb) – Encourage, foster, confront, approach यनपटना
stimulate, boost बढावा दे ना
14. Disparity (noun) – Inequality,
4. Pharmaceutical (noun) – Medicine, imbalance, unevenness, gap असमानर्ा
drug, remedy, medication और्धि
15. Advocate (verb) – Support, back,
5. Centres of excellence (noun) – a place uphold, endorse समथतन किना
where the highest standards are
16. Holistic (adjective) – Comprehensive,
maintained. उत्कृष्टर्ा केंि
total, all-inclusive, integrated समग्र
6. Hazard (noun) – Risk, danger, peril,
17. Wellbeing (noun) – Health, welfare,
threat खर्िा
wellness, comfort स्वास्र्थय/ भलाई
7. Exacerbate (verb) – Worsen, aggravate,
18. Resonate (verb) – Echo, reverberate,
intensify, amplify बढाना
ring, resound गूांिना
8. Essential (adjective) – Vital, crucial,
19. Emergency (noun) – Crisis, urgency,
necessary, important आवचयक
exigency, emergency आपार्कालीन
9. Accessible (adjective) – Available, श्स्थयर्
reachable, obtainable, accessible पहुांच
20. Preparedness (noun) – Readiness,
preparation, fitness, preparedness
10. Equitably (adverb) – Fairly, justly, ऱ्ैयािी
impartially, equitably समान रूप से

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21. Comprehensively (adverb) – 32. Address (verb) – Deal with, tackle,

Thoroughly, completely, fully, confront, handle यनपटना, सामना किना
extensively व्यापक रूप से
33. Disparity (noun) – Inequality,
22. Worrisome (adjective) – Disturbing, difference, imbalance, gap असमानर्ा
disconcerting, troubling, unsettling
धचांर्ािनक 34. Attribute (noun) – Characteristic, trait,
feature, quality ववशेर्र्ा
23. Owing to (phrase) – Because of, due to,
as a result of के कािण 35. Comprehensive (adjective) – Thorough,
complete, exhaustive, inclusive व्यापक
24. Put out (phrasal verb) – Publish,
release, circulate, disseminate, 36. Integrative (adjective) – Unifying,
broadcast प्रकामशर् किना combining, amalgamating,
incorporating समाटहर् किनेवाला
25. Self-reliant (adjective) – Independent,
self-sufficient, self-standing, self- 37. Recognise (verb) – Identify,
supporting, self-sustained स्वावलांबी acknowledge, accept, admit मानना

26. Pledge (noun) – Promise, oath, vow, 38. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause,
commitment प्रयर्ज्ञा bring about, give rise to, विह बनना

27. Augur (verb) – Foretell, predict, 39. Humongous (adjective) – Huge,

prophesy, indicate भववष्यवाणी किना enormous, massive, gigantic ववशाल

28. Domain (noun) – Field, area, sector, 40. Agenda (noun) – Plan, schedule,
realm क्षेत्र program, itinerary कायतसूची

29. Moreover (adverb) – Furthermore, in 41. Preparedness (noun) – Readiness,

addition, also, besides इसके अलावा alertness, readiness to respond ऱ्ैयािी

30. Leverage (verb) – Utilize, use, exploit, 42. Meet (verb) – encounter or experience
capitalize on उपयोग किना (a particular situation or attitude).
सामना किना
31. Accreditation (noun) – Certification,
endorsement, approval, sanction 43. Propose (verb) – Suggest, offer, put
मान्यर्ा forward प्रस्र्ाववर् किना

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44. Establish (verb) – Set up, start, begin, 54. Allocation (noun) – Distribution,
initiate स्थावपर् किना allotment, assignment, provision
45. Eliminate (verb) – Remove, get rid of,
eradicate हटाना 55. Emphasize (verb) – Highlight, stress,
accentuate, underscore िोि दे ना
46. Sickle Cell Anaemia (noun) – A group
of disorders that cause red blood cells 56. Broaden (verb) – Expand, enlarge,
to become misshapen and break down, extend, widen ववस्र्ाि किना
with severe and chronic health
consequences मसकल सेल एनीममया 57. Simultaneously (adverb) –
Concurrently, at the same time,
47. Entail (verb) – Involve, necessitate, together, simultaneously समानाांर्ि रूप
require, demand, call for शाममल किना

48. Universal (adjective) – General,

58. Framework (noun) – Structure, system,
widespread, common, global,
organization, scheme ढाांचा
worldwide सावतभौममक
59. Architecture (noun) – Design,
49. Screening (noun) – Examination,
structure, composition, construction
inspection, check, assessment िाांच

50. Collaborative (adjective) –

60. Envisage (verb) – Foresee, predict,
Cooperative, coordinated, collective,
anticipate, envision कलपना किना
joint सहयोगी
61. Equip (verb) – Prepare, ready, set up,
51. Pronounce (verb) – Declare, announce,
outfit उपकिण प्रदान किना
proclaim, state घोवर्र् किना
62. Robust (adjective) – Strong, sturdy,
52. Integrate (verb) – Merge, combine,
durable, resilient मिबूर्
amalgamate, unify एकीकृर् किना
63. Come into existence (noun) – Emerge,
53. Ecosystem (noun) – Environment,
appear, arise, develop, materialize
habitat, biosphere, surroundings
अश्स्र्त्व में आना
पारिश्स्थयर्की र्ांत्र

English Madhyam 27
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The Hindu editorial – Slow withdrawal (24 May 2023)

1. Deadline (noun) – Limit, time limit, cut-off- 11. Rescind (verb) – Cancel, revoke, repeal,
date, समयसीमा retract, nullify िद्द किना

2. Gradually (adverb) – Slowly, progressively, 12. Legal tender (noun) – money, especially a
regularly, increasingly, steadily िीिे िीिे particular coin or banknote, which is
officially part of a country's currency at a
3. Withdrawal (noun) – Retraction, removal, particular time
extraction, pullback, recall यनकासी
13. Ostensibly (adverb) – Apparently,
4. Circulation (noun) – Distribution, seemingly, on the surface, to all
dissemination, spreading, diffusion, appearances, presumably प्रकट रूप से
transmission मुिाचलन
14. Combat (verb) – Fight, battle, confront,
5. Economically (adverb) – Frugally, contest, oppose लडना
efficiently, conservatively, thriftily,
15. Assert (verb) – Declare, affirm, state,
sparingly आधथतक रूप से
claim, maintain दावा किना
6. Deleterious (adjective) – Harmful,
16. Move (noun) – Action, step, initiative,
injurious, detrimental, damaging, ruinous
measure, maneuver कदम

17. In pursuance of (phrase) – In the process

7. Demonetisation (noun) – the process in
of achieving, following, seeking, in
which the old notes and coins being used
for a currency in an economy is replaced accordance with के अनस
ु ाि
by new ones ववमुिीकिण
18. Alter (verb) – Change, modify, adjust, vary,
8. Trigger (verb) – Initiate, cause, spark off, transform परिवर्तन किना
set off, incite उत्पन्न किना
19. Thereby (adverb) – Consequently, as a
9. Déjà vu ( noun) – a feeling that one has result, hence, thus, therefore इस प्रकाि,
seen or heard something before ऐसा श्िसके चलर्े
अहसास कक ककसी ने पहले कुछ दे खा या सुना ह़ै
20. Wage (noun) – Salary, pay, earnings,
10. Abruptly (adverb) – Suddenly, income, remuneration वेर्न
unexpectedly, precipitously, hastily,
promptly अचानक

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21. Given (preposition) – Considering, taking 33. Life-span (noun) – Duration, length of life,
into account, in view of, bearing in mind, lifetime, existence आयु
granting दे खर्े हुए
34. Bills (noun) – Notes, currency, cash,
22. Acknowledge (verb) – Recognize, accept, money, banknotes नोट
admit, concede, confirm स्वीकाि किना
35. For instance (phrase) – For example, as an
23. Rationale (noun) – Reason, basis, example, such as, like उदाहिण के मलए
justification, explanation, logic कािण,
36. Prior (to) (preposition) – Before,
ू ािाि
preceding, earlier than, ahead of पहले
24. State (verb) – Declare, announce,
37. Decade (noun) – Ten years, ten-year
proclaim, express, assert कहना, प्रकट किना
period दशक
25. Expeditious (adjective) – Quick, swift,
38. Reasoning (noun) – Thinking, thought
rapid, prompt, fast र्ेज/िलदी से
process, logic, rationality र्कत
26. Following (preposition) – After,
39. Retain (verb) – Keep, maintain, preserve,
subsequent to, succeeding, in the wake of,
hold on to बनाए िखना
post के बाद
40. Deem (verb) – Consider, regard as, view as,
27. Denomination (noun) – Type of currency
see as मानना
28. Adequately (adverb) – Sufficiently,
suitably, satisfactorily, appropriately 41. Mandate (noun) – Authority, directive,
पयातप्र् रूप से command, instruction, order आदे श

29. Obviate (verb) – Prevent, avoid, avert, 42. Transparency (noun) – Clarity, openness,
stave off, preclude िोकना, टालना honesty, accountability, clearness
30. Contend (verb) – Argue, assert, maintain,
insist, claim दावा किना 43. Administrative (adjective) – Managerial,
executive, organizational, supervisory,
31. Seek (verb) – try, attempt, endeavour, bureaucratic प्रशासयनक
प्रयास किना
44. Flip-flops (noun) – Reversal, U-turn, volte-
32. Estimated (adjective) – Approximated, face, about-face, backtracking पलटाव
calculated, projected, predicted, expected

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45. Enhance (verb) – Improve, amplify, 47. Face value (noun) – the value printed or
augment, boost, elevate बढाना depicted on a coin, banknote, postage
stamp, ticket, etc., especially when less
46. Pay the bearer (noun) – it means the giver than the actual value. अांककर् मूलय
of currency note promise to
receiver(bearer) of that note to give
money mentioned on that currency note.

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The Pioneer editorial – Words are energy (25 May 2023)

1. Cautiously (adverb) – Carefully, watchfully, 12. Communicate (verb) – Convey, transmit,

thoughtfully, vigilantly, gingerly साविानी से impart, disseminate, relay कहना

2. Hammer (noun) – Mallet, gavel, maul, 13. Conduct (verb) – Manage, administer,
pestle, sledgehammer हथौडा orchestrate, oversee, carry out आचिण
3. Swing around (phrasal verb) – To spin or
turn rapidly around in the opposite
14. Discipline (verb) – Train, instruct, drill,
direction. बदलना, मुडना
coach, guide अनुशामसर् किना

4. Recklessly (adverb) – Carelessly,

15. Convince (verb) – Persuade, assure, satisfy,
heedlessly, rashly, haphazardly, impulsively
reassure, influence मनाना
लापिवाही से
16. Aspect (noun) – Facet, feature, element,
5. Stuff (noun) – Material, substance, items,
component, part पहलु
goods, things सामग्री
17. Enormous (adjective) – Huge, massive,
6. Worthwhile (adjective) – Valuable,
gigantic, colossal, vast ववशाल
beneficial, meaningful, substantial,
rewarding साथतक 18. Weight (noun) – Importance, significance,
influence, sway, heft महत्व
7. Knowing (noun) – Awareness,
comprehension, understanding, 19. Humiliated (adjective) – Embarrassed,
knowledge, cognition िानकािी shamed, abashed, degraded, demeaned
8. Willing (noun) – Eagerness, readiness,
preparedness, inclination, desire इच्छा 20. Give out (phrasal verb) – Emit, release,
radiate, exude, ooze बाहि यनकलना
9. Harsh (adjective) – Cruel, severe, brutal,
stern, tough कठोि 21. Evoke (verb) – Elicit, induce, provoke,
spark, incite प़ैदा किना
10. Kind (adjective) – Gentle, considerate,
compassionate, benevolent, caring दयालु 22. Set the tone for (phrase) – Establish the
mood for, determine the atmosphere for,
11. Shower (verb) – Bestow, pour, lavish,
give direction to यनिातरिर् किना
grant, heap बिसाना

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23. Back-and-forth (adjective) – Reciprocal, 33. Thought (noun) – Idea, Reflection,

mutual, shared, joint, common आदान- Consideration, View, Belief ववचाि
34. Concrete (adjective) – Tangible, Real, Solid,
24. Abundance (noun) – Plenty, affluence, Substantial, Material ठोस
wealth, copiousness, profusion प्रचिु र्ा
35. Spark (verb) – Ignite, Trigger, Stimulate,
25. Break down (phrasal verb) – Destroy, Provoke, Inspire प़ैदा किना
knock down, smash down, र्ोडना
36. Curiosity (noun) – Interest, Inquisitiveness,
26. Appreciate (verb) – Recognize, Value, Wonder, Fascination, Eagerness श्िज्ञासा
Respect, Cherish, Praise प्रशांसा किना
37. Front (noun) – a particular situation or
27. Hamper (verb) – Obstruct, Hinder, Block, sphere of operation मोचे/ पहलू
Restrain, Impede बािा डालना
38. Inspire (verb) – Motivate, Encourage,
28. Context (noun) – Background, Stimulate, Influence, Instigate प्रेरिर् किना
Circumstances, Situation, Framework,
39. Fight-or-flight response (noun) – an
Setting सांदभत
automatic physiological reaction to an
event that is perceived as stressful or
29. Outlook (noun) – Perspective, Attitude,
frightening. लडने या भागने की प्रयर्कक्रया
Viewpoint, Mindset, Approach दृश्ष्टकोण

40. Sense (verb) – Perceive, Feel, Detect,

30. Strive (verb) – Endeavor, Struggle, Work
Recognize, Discern महसूस किना
hard, Aim, Seek प्रयास किना

41. Discrepancy (noun) – Disagreement,

31. Cast spells (phrase) – Enchant, Bewitch,
Difference, Inconsistency, Divergence,
Enthrall, Captivate, Mesmerize मांत्र मग्ु ि
Variation असांगयर्
42. Strive (noun) – Striving, Endeavour, Effort,
32. Transform (verb) – Change, Alter, Modify,
Aim, Pursuit प्रयास
Revolutionize, Convert परिवर्तन किना

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The Hindu editorial – Ties that bind (26 May 2023)

1. Ties (noun) – Bond, connection, relation, 13. Pull out (phrasal verb) – Withdraw,
link, join सांबांि remove, retreat, depart, extract हटना

2. Bind (verb) – Connect, link, tie, attach, 14. Constraint (noun) – Restriction, limitation,
fasten बााँिना restraint, impediment बािा

3. Add to (phrasal verb) – Enhance, augment, 15. Follow suit (phrase) – Imitate, mimic, copy,
increase, raise, amplify बढाना emulate दस
ू िे का अनुसिण किना

4. Bipartisan (adjective) – Cross-party, two- 16. Shortened (adjective) – Reduced,

party, dual-party द्ववपक्षीय truncated, abridged, diminished, curtailed
5. Strength (noun) – Might, power, potency,
vigor, force शश्क्र् 17. As a result (phrase) – Consequently,
therefore, thus, hence नर्ीिर्न
6. Bond (noun) – Affinity, association,
alliance, attachment, liaison सम्बांि 18. Sojourn (noun) – a temporary stay/visit
7. Coincide (with) (verb) – Sync, match,
correspond, concur, parallel साथ मेल खाना 19. In the spotlight (phrase) – Under scrutiny,
in focus, under observation, in the
8. Fillip (noun) – Boost, uplift, stimulation, limelight सर्ु खतयों में
encouragement, impetus प्रोत्साहन
20. Address (noun) – Speech, discourse, talk,
9. Multilateral (adjective) – Multiple-sided, oration, presentation भार्ण
many-sided, multi-party बहुपक्षीय
21. Consulate (noun) – Embassy, diplomatic
10. Quad (noun) – QUAD Group is an informal office, legation दर्
ू ावास
strategic forum comprising India, Japan,
Australia and the United States of America. 22. Migration (noun) – Relocation, movement,
shift, transfer प्रवासन
11. Transform (verb) – Alter, modify, change,
convert, revamp बदलना 23. Mobility (noun) – the ability to move or be
moved freely and easily गयर्शीलर्ा
12. Bilateral (adjective) – Two-sided,
reciprocal, mutual द्ववपक्षीय

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24. Critical (adjective) – Crucial, vital, essential, 33. Indo-Pacific (noun) – The Indo-Pacific
pivotal, important महत्वपण
ू त region is one of the most populous and
economically active regions of the world
25. Substantive (adjective) – Significant, which includes four continents: Asia,
considerable, major, substantial, weighty Africa, Australia and America
34. Deal with (phrasal verb) – Handle,
26. Agenda (noun) – Schedule, program, manage, cope with, tackle, confront सामना
itinerary, plan, docket कायतसच
ू ी किना

27. Comprehensive Economic Cooperation 35. Concern (noun) – Worry, anxiety, unease,
Agreement (CECA) (noun) – The aim of the apprehension, distress धचांर्ा
agreement is to enhance economic and
social benefits, improve living standards 36. Overshadow (verb) – appear more
and ensure high and steady growth in real prominent or important than. प्रमुख होना
incomes in their respective territories by
expansion of trade and investment flows, 37. Exult (verb) – Rejoice, celebrate, delight,
to promote economics development and revel, be elated बहुर् प्रसन्न होना
to promote investment between Malaysia
and India. 38. Mammoth (adjective) – Massive, huge,
gigantic, colossal, enormous ववशाल
28. Differing (adjective) – Contrasting, varying,
divergent, disparate, dissimilar अलग-अलग 39. Subsequent (adjective) – Following,
succeeding, later, ensuing, next बाद का,
29. Stance (noun) – Position, viewpoint,
attitude, stand, perspective रुख अगला

30. Invasion (noun) – Incursion, intrusion, 40. Conflict (noun) – Dispute, disagreement,
onslaught, aggression, infringement clash, confrontation, strife सांघर्त
41. Trace back to (phrase) – Originate from,
31. Sanction (noun) – Restriction, penalty, stem from, arise from, derive from, spring
ban, punishment, injunction, measure from उत्पवत्त होना
42. Vandalism (noun) – Defacement,
32. Maintain (verb) – Preserve, uphold, destruction, damage, defiling, desecration

sustain, keep, continue बनाए िखना बबतिर्ा

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43. Deface (verb) – Mar, ruin, damage, spoil, 47. By no means (phrase) – Not at all, certainly
disfigure बबगाडना not, in no way, not by any means ककसी भी
र्िह से नहीां
44. Pro–(prefix) – In favor of, supportive of,
endorsing, advocating, backing समथतन 48. Conducive (to) (adjective) – Favorable,
किनेवाला beneficial, advantageous, helpful,
supportive सहायक
45. Graffiti (noun) – writing or drawings
scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on 49. Strength (verb) – Reinforce, fortify,
a wall or other surface in a public place. bolster, toughen, harden मिबर्
ू किना
दीवाि मलखावट
50. Diaspora (noun) – Expatriates, emigrants,
46. Valid (adjective) – Legitimate, lawful, legal, expats, immigrants, displaced people
rightful, valid मान्य प्रवासी

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The Hindu editorial – After Bakhmut (27 May 2023)

1. Phase (noun) – Stage, point, segment, 11. Claim (verb) – Assert, state, declare,
period, rung, चिण affirm, contend, दावा किना

2. Seem (verb) – Appear, look, give the 12. Troop (noun) – Squad, unit, crew,
impression, strike as, come across as, team, group, सेना
13. Defend (verb) – Protect, guard,
3. Determined (adjective) – Resolute, safeguard, shield, secure, बचाव किना
firm, unyielding, persistent, steadfast,
दृढयनचचयी 14. Advance (on) (verb) – Proceed,
progress, move forward, march,
4. Revolutionary (noun) – Insurgent, approach, आगे बढना
rebel, radical, revolutionary, agitator,
क्राांयर्कािी 15. Flank (noun) – Side, wing, edge,
border, margin, ककनािा
5. Clinch (verb) – Secure, finalize, confirm,
seal, decide, सुयनश्चचर् किना 16. Admit (verb) – Acknowledge, confess,
concede, accept, grant, स्वीकाि किना
6. Decisive (adjective) – Conclusive,
definitive, determinative, deciding, 17. Invade (verb) – Attack, assault, raid,
final, यनणातयक intrude, penetrate, आक्रमण किना

7. Victory (noun) – Triumph, win, success, 18. Much-needed (adjective) – Essential,

conquest, achievement, वविय vital, necessary, crucial, imperative,
8. Trajectory (noun) – Path, route, course,
track, direction, पथ 19. Setback (noun) – failure, obstacle,
hindrance, barrier, impediment,
9. Territorial (adjective) – Geographical, नाकामयाबी
regional, zonal, sectorial, local, क्षेत्रीय
20. Beat back (phrase) – Repel, drive back,
10. Neighbouring (adjective) – Adjacent, push back, fend off, ward off, वापस
adjoining, contiguous, nearby, close,

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21. Potentially (adverb) – Possibly, 30. Fortification (noun) – Defence,

conceivably, feasibly, perhaps, maybe, protection, stronghold, barricade,
सांभवर्िः reinforcement, सिु क्षा का बांदोबस्र्

22. Counteroffensive (noun) – 31. Frontline (noun) – Forefront, vanguard,

Counterattack, reprisal, retaliation, cutting edge, first line, advance guard,
response, reply, िवाबी काित वाई सम्मुख िे खा

23. The end of the road (phrase) – Final 32. Undergo (verb) – Experience, endure,
stage, ultimate, climax, culmination, face, suffer, go through, से गुजिना
termination, अांयर्म चिण
33. Supposed (to) (adjective) – Expected,
24. Thrust (noun) – move or advance intended, presumed, assumed,
forcibly. हमला, आक्रमण planned, माना िार्ा ह़ै

25. Meet (verb) – Fulfil, satisfy, match, 34. Reveal (verb) – Disclose, unveil,
comply with, live up to, पूिा किना expose, divulge, make known, प्रकट
26. War of attrition (noun) – a prolonged
period of conflict during which each
35. Thanks to (phrase) – Due to, because
side seeks to gradually wear down the
of, owing to, as a result of, के कािण
other by a series of small-scale actions.
लांबी अवधि का सांघर्त 36. The West (noun) – Western countries,
developed nations, the occident, the
27. Tactic (noun) – Strategy, plan,
first world, पश्चचमी दे श
approach, method, manoeuvre,
िणनीयर् 37. Carry out (phrasal verb) – Execute,
implement, perform, accomplish,
28. Coordination (noun) – Cooperation,
conduct, कायातश्न्वर् किना
collaboration, organization,
synchronization, arrangement, समन्वय 38. Drone (noun) – a remote-controlled
pilotless aircraft or small flying device.,
29. Mobilised (adjective) – (of a country or
its government) prepare and organize
(troops) for active service िट
ु ाए 39. Saboteur (noun) – Wrecker, vandal,
disrupter, destroyer; a person who
engages in sabotage र्ोडफोड किने वाला

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40. Advanced (adjective) – Progressive, 45. Capitalise (on) (verb) – Take advantage
developed, sophisticated, high-tech, of, exploit, benefit from, gain from,
advanced-level, ववकमसर् फायदा उठाना

41. Weaponry (noun) – Arms, weapons, 46. Momentum (noun) – Impetus, force,
ordnance, armaments, munitions, thrust, drive, गयर्
47. Peace (noun) – Harmony, tranquility,
42. Disruption (noun) – Interruption, calm, peace of mind, शाांयर्
disturbance, disorder, chaos, व्यविान
48. On the horizon (phrase) –
43. Regain (verb) – Recover, retrieve, Approaching, forthcoming, upcoming,
reclaim, recapture, कफि से प्राप्र् किना imminent, near future, यनकट भववष्य में

44. Territory (noun) – Area, region,

province, district, sector, क्षेत्र

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Indian Express – Withdrawal of Rs 2000 note (22 May 2023)

1. Revive (verb) – Renew, restore, restart, 11. Claim (noun) – Assertion, contention,
stimulate, reawaken पुनििीववर् किना declaration, statement, allegation दावा

2. Echo (noun) – Resonance, 12. Strike (noun) – Attack, offensive, hit,

reverberation, reflection, repetition, raid, assault हमला
reiteration गूांि
13. Perspective (noun) – Viewpoint,
3. Denomination (noun) – Value, money, standpoint, position, stance, approach
coinage, penny मूलयवगत दृश्ष्टकोण

4. Noticeable (adjective) – Perceptible, 14. Disposal (noun) – Removal, clearance,

visible, clear, discernible, distinct ध्यान elimination, riddance, eradication
दे ने योग्य यनपटान

5. Departure (noun) – Deviation, 15. Soiled (adjective) – Dirty, grimy, filthy,

divergence, difference, shift, change mucky, stained सडे-गले
16. Steadily (adverb) – Constantly,
6. Demonetisation (noun) – The process continuously, persistently,
of eliminating the lawful acceptance unswervingly, steadily श्स्थिर्ा से
status of a monetary unit ववमुिीकिण
17. In effect (phrase) – Essentially,
7. Legal tender (noun) – a form of money basically, practically, in essence,
that courts of law are required to fundamentally वास्र्व में
recognize as satisfactory payment for
18. Account for (phrasal verb) – comprise,
any monetary debt. व़ैि मुिा
make up, total, represent, constitute,
8. Window (noun) – Opportunity, उत्तिदयी होना
interval, timeframe, period, duration
19. Imply (verb) – Suggest, hint, insinuate,
infer, indicate सूधचर् किना
9. Reinforce (verb) – Strengthen, fortify,
20. Phase out (phrasal verb) – Gradual
bolster, intensify, augment मिबूर्
removal, withdraw gradually,
किना discontinue, wind down, eliminate िीिे -

10. Contradict (verb) – Deny, dispute, िीिे समाप्र् किना

oppose, challenge, counter वविोि किना

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21. Disruption (noun) – Disturbance, 29. Liberalised remittance scheme (LRS)

interruption, interference, hindrance, (noun) – An RBI initiative that allows
impediment ववघ्न, बािा resident individuals to remit a certain
amount of money during a financial
22. Inconvenience (noun) – Discomfort, year to another country for investment
annoyance, difficulty, trouble, bother and expenditure
30. Shine light on (phrase) – Illuminate,
clarify, elucidate, highlight, spotlight
23. In its wisdom (phrase) – used ironically
to suggest that someone's action is not प्रकाश डालना
well judged. अपनी बुद्धि से
31. Unflattering (adjective) –
Uncomplimentary, disparaging,
24. Stipulate (verb) – Specify, set down, lay
derogatory, deprecating, pejorative
down, demand, require यनिातरिर् किना
25. Disruptive (adjective) – Destabilizing,
32. Policy-making (noun) – The act of
disturbing, disorderly, chaotic,
creating or changing laws, rules, or
tumultuous ववघटनकािी
procedures नीयर्-यनमातण
26. Transparency (noun) – Clarity,
33. Address (verb) – Tackle, deal with,
openness, lucidity, pellucidity,
attend to, take care of, handle
clearness पािदमशतर्ा
सुलझाना, यनपटाना
27. Outstrip (verb) – Surpass, exceed,
34. Apprehension (noun) – Anxiety, worry,
outdo, eclipse, transcend बढ चक
ु े हैं, बढ
unease, nervousness, misgiving धचांर्ा

28. Presumed (adjective) – Assumed,

supposed, presumed, inferred,
postulated माना गया

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Pioneer editorial – Effective instrument (24 May 2023)

1. Misconception (noun) – Fallacy, 11. Mark (noun) – Sign, symbol, indicator,

delusion, misapprehension, token, emblem, सांकेर्
misunderstanding, error, ग़लर्फहमी
12. Solidarity (noun) – Unity, unanimity,
2. Synonymous (adjective) – Equivalent, harmony, cooperation, cohesion,
analogous, comparable, identical, एकिट
ु र्ा
akin, पयातयवाची
13. Peace (noun) – Tranquility, calm,
3. Bold (adjective) – Courageous, brave, serenity, harmony, quiet, शाांयर्
dauntless, audacious, fearless, साहसी
14. Resonate (verb) – Echo, reverberate,
4. Misguided (adjective) – Ill-advised, resound, ring, vibrate, गांि
ू ना
mistaken, misconceived, misdirected,
astray, गलर् टदशा में ले िाने वाला 15. Inspire (verb) – Motivate, stimulate,
encourage, influence, spur, प्रेरिर् किना
5. Unveil (verb) – Reveal, disclose,
expose, divulge, uncover, उद्घाटन 16. Address (verb) – Speak to, talk to,
किना discourse to, give a speech to, सांबोधिर्
6. Bust (noun) – Sculpture, statue, effigy,
figure, image, मूयर्त 17. Strife (noun) – Conflict, discord,
disagreement, dissension, dispute,
7. Goodwill (noun) – Benevolence, कलह
kindness, generosity, charity, altruism,
सद्भाव 18. Conflict (noun) – Dispute, quarrel,
altercation, argument, row, वववाद
8. Adjacent (to) (adjective) – next to or
very near a specified location. नजदीक 19. Mindfulness (noun) – Awareness,
attentiveness, alertness, heedfulness,
consciousness, सचेर्र्ा
9. A-Bomb Dome (noun) – a symbol of
Hiroshima and its appearance conveys 20. Illuminate (verb) – Light up, brighten,
the horror of nuclear weapons. enlighten, illumine, shine, प्रकामशर्
किना, िोशनी किना
10. Alike (adjective) – Similar, identical,
indistinguishable, analogous, akin,
21. Profound (adjective) – Deep, intense,
heartfelt, sincere, earnest, गहिा

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22. Philosophy (noun) – Doctrine, theory, 33. Acknowledge (verb) – Admit, accept,
beliefs, principles, ideology, शास्र recognize, concede, confess, स्वीकाि
23. Indelible (adjective) – Ineradicable,
permanent, lasting, enduring, 34. Existence (noun) – Being, reality,
unerasable, अममट, िो ममट न सके presence, life, subsistence, अश्स्र्त्व
24. Transcend (verb) – Surpass, exceed, 35. Suffering (noun) – Pain, distress,
outstrip, outdo, eclipse, पाि किना agony, torment, affliction, पीडा
25. Countless (adjective) – Innumerable, 36. Liberation (noun) – Freedom,
myriad, multitudinous, numerous, emancipation, release, deliverance,
endless, अनधगनर् rescue, मुश्क्र्
26. Strive (for) (verb) – Endeavor, 37. Eightfold (adjective) – eight times,
struggle, work hard, aspire, toil, सांघर्त आठगुना
38. Livelihood (noun) – Sustenance, living,
27. Embrace (verb) – Adopt, accept, means of support, income,
welcome, encompass, integrate, subsistence, िीववका
स्वीकाि किना
39. Perpetuate (verb) – Continue, sustain,
28. Means (noun) – Method, way, mode, maintain, uphold, preserve, बनाए
mechanism, procedure, सािन िखना
29. Resolution (noun) – Solution, 40. Advocate (verb) – Support, champion,
settlement, conclusion, decision,
uphold, endorse, promote, समथतन
determination, समािान
30. Emphasize (verb) – Stress, highlight,
41. Compassionate (adjective) –
underscore, accentuate, focus on, िोि
Sympathetic, empathetic,
दे ना understanding, caring, kind, दयालु
31. Transformation (noun) – Change, 42. Cultivate (verb) – Develop, nurture,
metamorphosis, conversion, shift,
foster, encourage, promote, ववकमसर्
evolution, परिवर्तन
32. Lasting (adjective) – Enduring,
persistent, permanent, everlasting, 43. Empathy (noun) – Understanding,
compassion, sensitivity, sympathy,
long-term, टटकाऊ

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44. Forgiveness (noun) – Pardon, 55. Fast (noun) – Hunger strike,

absolution, exoneration, acquittal, abstention, fasting, self-denial, self-
mercy, क्षमा deprivation, उपवास

45. Foster (verb) – Encourage, promote, 56. Self-purification (noun) – Cleansing,

stimulate, develop, nurture, प्रोत्साटहर् purification, sanctification, absolution,

किना refinement, आत्मशुद्धि

46. Draw (verb) – Derive, obtain, extract, 57. Reflection (noun) – Contemplation,
consideration, meditation,
gain, acquire, प्राप्र् किना
deliberation, pondering, धचांर्न
47. Adapt (verb) – Adjust, acclimate,
58. Spiritual (adjective) – Sacred, divine,
conform, accommodate, alter, अनुकूल
religious, holy, celestial, आध्याश्त्मक
59. Quest (noun) – Search, pursuit, hunt,
48. Context (noun) – Circumstances,
journey, expedition, खोि
situation, background, framework,
conditions, प्रसांग 60. Intrinsic (adjective) – Inherent, innate,
natural, built-in, ingrained, आांर्रिक
49. Root (in) (verb) – Base, originate,
derive, stem, come from, में यनटहर् 61. Worth (noun) – Value, merit,
होना importance, significance, usefulness,
50. Resistance (noun) – Opposition,
defiance, objection, protest, refusal, 62. Dignity (noun) – Self-respect, honour,
वविोि self-esteem, prestige, status, गरिमा

51. Address (verb) – Tackle, confront, deal 63. Seek (verb) – Pursue, search for, strive
with, attend to, approach, यनपटना for, aim for, aspire to, का प्रयास किना

52. Employ (verb) – Utilize, use, apply, 64. Promote (verb) – Encourage, advance,
implement, exploit, उपयोग किना boost, foster, stimulate, बढावा दे ना

53. Civil disobedience (noun) – Non- 65. Compassion (noun) – Sympathy,

compliance, defiance, nonconformity, empathy, understanding, concern,
resistance, dissent, नागरिक अवज्ञा kindness, दया

54. Boycott (noun) – Ban, exclusion, 66. Stress (verb) – Emphasize, underline,
rejection, embargo, ostracism, spotlight, underscore, accentuate, िोि
बटहष्काि दे ना

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67. Prerequisite (noun) – Requirement, 76. Anti-apartheid (adjective) – Anti-

condition, necessity, stipulation, segregation, anti-discrimination, anti-
essential, िरूिी, पहले से आवचयक racism, egalitarian, integrative, िां गभेद
68. Renowned (adjective) – Famous,
celebrated, distinguished, notable, 77. Pursue (verb) – Chase, follow, seek,
esteemed, प्रमसद्ि strive for, work towards, अनुसिण
69. Disciple (noun) – Follower, adherent, किना
devotee, believer, pupil, मशष्य
78. Courageous (adjective) – Brave,
70. Alleviate (verb) – Reduce, lessen, fearless, bold, valiant, intrepid, साहसी
diminish, relieve, ease, कम किना
79. Resort (verb) – Turn to, make use of,
71. Wisdom (noun) – Knowledge, insight, utilize, employ, exploit सहािा लेना
understanding, intelligence, sagacity,
80. Plague (verb) – Afflict, trouble,
torment, harass, beset, सर्ाना
72. Passive (adjective) – Non-resistant,
submissive, compliant, acquiescent, 81. Dialogue (noun) – Conversation,
discussion, discourse, exchange,
unresisting, यनश्ष्क्रय
colloquy, सांवाद
73. Resignation (noun) – submission,
acquiescence, compliance, surrender, 82. Diverse (adjective) – Varied, different,
परित्याग dissimilar, assorted, mixed, ववववि

74. Embodiment (noun) – Incarnation, 83. Champion (verb) – Support, defend,

personification, manifestation, uphold, advocate, back, समथतन किना
epitome, exemplification, प्रर्ीक
84. Resilience (noun) – Adaptability,
75. Iconic (adjective) – Symbolic, flexibility, durability, toughness,
emblematic, representative, recoverability, मिबूर्ी
significant, indicative, प्रयर्श्ष्ठर्
85. Navigate (verb) – Maneuver, steer,
guide, control, pilot, मागत दशतन किना

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Indian Express Editorial – A test of the human spirit (26 May 2023)

1. Spirit (noun) – the prevailing or typical 11. Surpass (verb) – Outdo, exceed,
quality, mood, or attitude of a person, transcend, outstrip, outperform आगे
group, or period of time. भावना यनकलना
2. As far as ––––––––– is concerned 12. Sheer (adjective) – Complete, utter,
(phrase) – as regards the interests or total, absolute, unadulterated
case of — िहाां र्क –––––––– का सांबांि ह़ै
13. Gruelling (adjective) – Exhausting,
3. Endurance (noun) – Persistence, strenuous, tiring, arduous, strenuous
perseverance, tenacity, continuance, कटठन
survival ि़ैयत
14. Climb (noun) – Ascent, hike, trek, rise,
4. Straddle (verb) – Span, bridge, uprise चढाई
bestride, traverse, range across पाि
15. Grave (adjective) – Serious, critical,
severe, urgent, crucial गांभीि
5. The Extreme (noun) – Utmost, furthest
16. Perilous (adjective) – Dangerous, risky,
point, limit, pinnacle, zenith यनटहर्ाथतर्ा
hazardous, unsafe, treacherous
6. Mountaineer (noun) – Climber, खर्िनाक
hillwalker, alpinist, cliff-hanger, rock
17. Reward (noun) – Prize, award, honor,
climber पवतर्ािोही
bonus, bounty पिु स्काि
7. Trail (noun) – Path, track, route, way,
18. Ego (noun) – Self-esteem, self-
course पगडांडी
importance, self-worth, pride, vanity
8. Wind down (phrasal verb) – Diminish, अहां काि
lessen, decrease, relax, ease off िीिे -
19. Argument (noun) – Debate, discussion,
िीिे समाप्र् होना discourse, contention, disagreement
9. Climb (verb) – Ascend, rise, elevate,
mount, scale चढना 20. The heart of the matter (phrase) – The
crux, the main point, the essence, the
10. Merely (adverb) – Just, only, simply,
core, the nucleus मुद्दे का केंि
purely, solely केवल

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21. Confront (verb) – Face, encounter, 24. Insignificant (adjective) – Unimportant,

meet, challenge, contend with सामना irrelevant, meaningless, negligible,

किना trivial अप्रभावशाली

22. Awe-inspiring (adjective) – Impressive, 25. Peak (noun) – Summit, pinnacle, apex,
magnificent, wonderful, amazing, zenith, height चोटी
stunning अद्भुर्
26. Underfoot (adjective) – Underneath,
23. Dwarf (verb) – Overshadow, tower beneath, below, at one's feet प़ैिों के
above, loom over, dominate, outshine नीचे
छोटा टदखना

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Indian Express Editorial – Hope on the Inflation front (27 May 2023)

1. Front (noun) – a particular area of 10. Room (noun) – Space, capacity,

activity मोचात allowance, opportunity, scope गांज
ु ाइश

2. Edge (verb) – to move slowly with 11. Complacency (noun) – Self-satisfaction,

gradual movements or in gradual smugness, self-approval, self-
stages िीिे -िीिे बढना commendation आत्मसांर्श्ु ष्ट

3. Inflation targeting framework (noun) – 12. Drive (verb) – Cause something to

a framework in which the central bank happen
uses monetary policy tools, especially
13. Momentum (noun) – Impetus, force,
the control of short-term interest rates,
to keep inflation in line with a given energy, thrust, drive गयर्
14. Base effect (noun) – An effect in
4. Retail inflation (noun) – an increase in economics, a distortion in inflation
the cost of goods and services sold to figures that results from abnormally
consumers. खद
ु िा मुिास्फीयर् high or low levels of inflation in the
year-ago month.
5. Thereafter (adverb) – subsequently,
15. Softening (noun) – Easing, lessening,
later, thenceforth, afterwards उसके बाद
mitigation, relief, alleviation कमी
6. Consumer price index (noun) – a
16. Core inflation (noun) – the change in
measure of the average change in
prices of goods and services, except for
prices of goods and services consumed
those from the food and energy
by households.
7. Optimism (noun) – Hopefulness,
17. Headline (adjective) – Main, chief,
positivity, buoyancy, confidence,
principal, leading, primary प्रमख

cheerfulness आशावाद
18. Peg (verb) – Fix, set, establish,
8. Caution (verb) – Warn, alert, advise,
determine, decide ठहिाना
counsel, forewarn सर्कत किना
19. Imply (verb) – Suggest, indicate, hint,
9. Moderation (noun) – reduction,
diminishing, lessening, decrease, intimate, insinuate सांकेर् किना
contraction कमी/निमी

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20. End up (phrasal verb) – Conclude, 29. Merchandise (noun) – Goods,

finish, stop, terminate समाप्र् होना Commodities, Wares, Products, Stock
व्यापारिक माल
21. Forecast (noun) – Prediction,
prognosis, projection, estimate, guess 30. El Nino (noun) – A climatic
भववष्यवाणी phenomenon that involves the
warming of the Pacific Ocean off the
22. Point towards (phrasal verb) – South American coast, causing
Indicate, suggest, hint, signify इशािा atmospheric changes

किना 31. Sanguine (adjective) – Optimistic,

Positive, Hopeful, Upbeat, Bullish
23. Project (verb) – Forecast, predict,
estimate, calculate, envisage
परिकलपना किना 32. Pace (noun) – Speed, Rate, Tempo,
Rhythm, Velocity गयर्
24. Analyst (noun) – Evaluator, Examiner,
Reviewer, Assessor, Investigator 33. For instance (phrase) – For example, As
ववचलेर्क an example, To illustrate, Such as, Like
उदाहिण के मलए
25. Considerably (adverb) – Significantly,
Substantially, Noticeably, Remarkably, 34. Moderate (verb) – Lessen, Reduce,
Markedly काफी हद र्क Diminish, Decrease, Dampen कम होना

26. Divergence (noun) – Separation, 35. Subdued (adjective) – Downcast, quiet,

Difference, Deviation, Discrepancy,
submissive, passive, restrained सुस्र्
Variance ववचलन
36. Firm up (phrasal verb) – Strengthen,
27. Economist (noun) – Financial Expert, Consolidate, Secure, Stabilize, Solidify;
Economic Analyst, Economic become or make something more
Consultant, Financial Analyst, Financial
definite; मजबूर् किना
Planner अथतशास्त्री
37. Pivot (verb) – Turn, revolve, whirl,
28. Flag (verb) – Signal, Indicate, Point Out,
swing की ओि मड
ु ना
Highlight, Draw Attention To सांकेर्
किना 38. Ease (verb) – Lessen, Alleviate, Reduce,
Relieve, Lighten कम किना

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