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Submitted by;
Anthony m. apin

Submitted to;
Jomar n. ramil

1. Setting: The movie "A Walk in the Clouds" is primarily set in the picturesque
vineyards of Napa Valley, California, against a backdrop of lush landscapes, rolling
hills, and family-owned wineries.

The movie, set in the vineyards of Northern California in the months right after World
War II, tells the story of a young man and woman who meet at a time of crisis in both of
their lives, who agree to pretend to be married, and who end up desperately in love just
when the pretense is about to fail.

2. Character: Paul Sutton, Don Pedro Aragon, Alberto Aragon, Victoria Aragon, Marie
Jose Aragon, Jose's Musical Son, Betty Sutton, Pedro Aragon, Jr, Guadelupe Aragon,

Father Coturri.

3. Plot: When soldier Paul Sutton (Keanu Reeves) is on his way home after World War
II, he realizes that he barely knows his young wife, Betty (Debra Messing). With the
couple's relationship strained and Paul haunted by memories of the war, he is happy to
have a diversion in the form of beautiful traveler Victoria Aragon (Aitana Sánchez-
Gijón). Circumstances force Paul to pose as Victoria's new husband for her close-knit
Mexican-American family, a situation that brings tension and unexpected results.

4. Conflict: The conflict in the movie revolves around the clash between tradition and
personal desires. There is a person vs. society conflict as Paul and Victoria challenge the
conservative values of her family. Additionally, Paul's inner conflict regarding his
marriage and his newfound love for Victoria creates tension throughout the story.
5. Theme: The movie "A Walk in the Clouds" explores themes of love, family, duty,
tradition, and the transformative power of relationships, set against the backdrop of a


1. What thoughts does this movie spur in you? What does it make you think about?

"A Walk in the Clouds" prompts thoughts on the beauty of love's ability to transcend
barriers and traditions. It underscores the importance of family and the enchanting
allure of vineyards and their timeless appeal.

2.What is your emotional response to this movie?

Good movies embed us in another world, eliciting powerful emotions and triggering
biological processes in our brain. Suddenly being awash in tears shows a strong
empathy response.

3.What moments, characters, or ideas resonated with you while watching this movie?
What about them? The moments that resonated with me were the scenes portraying the
vineyard and the picturesque landscapes, which added a sense of serenity and beauty
to the story. I also connected with the characters' struggles to reconcile their own desires
with their responsibilities towards others.

4.What themes are present in this movie?

"A Walk in the Clouds" is a glorious romantic fantasy, aflame with passion and
bittersweet longing. One needs perhaps to have a little of these qualities in one's soul to
respond fully to the film, which to a jaundiced eye might look like overworked
melodrama, but that to me sang with innocence and trust.

5. What is this movie saying about our world?

"A Walk in the Clouds" showcases the power of love and the potential for healing and
redemption in our world. It also highlights the conflicts that arise when societal
expectations clash with individual desires and the importance of breaking free from
traditional norms.

6. Why would someone want to watch this film?

Someone might want to watch "A Walk in the Clouds" for its captivating romance,
picturesque vineyard settings, and compelling exploration of love, family, and personal
transformation, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a heartfelt and visually
stunning film.

7. What is one good or winsome thing you could say about this movie to someone else?
One enchanting aspect of "A Walk in the Clouds" is the timeless beauty of the vineyard
landscapes, which serve as a breathtaking backdrop for a heartfelt love story, creating
an unforgettable and visually stunning cinematic experience.

8. What does this movie have to say about the big story we are in?

Reflects the idea that love, family, and personal growth are integral parts of life's grand
narrative. It shows how unexpected connections can lead to profound, transformative
experiences within this larger story.

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