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Unit 1: GOD Unveiled His Plan

Reference: Echoes of God’s Love 7

pages 2-9
2 Timothy 3:14-17
▪ The Sacred Scripture
▪ The Canon of Scriptures
1. The Pentateuch
2. The Historical Narratives
3. The Wisdom, Literature and Poetry
4. The Prophetic Books
5. The Four Gospels
6. The Acts of the Apostles
7. The Letters of Epistles
8. Revelation
▪ The Sacred Scripture is the source of God’s self-
revelation. Reading the Bible will help us deepen our
knowledge of God, with the guidance of the Holy Sprit.

▪ Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single

sacred deposit of the “Word of GOD” in which, as in a
mirror the pilgrim Church contemplates GOD, the
source of all riches.
In order to reveal Himself to men, in the
condescension of His goodness, God speaks to them
in human words: Indeed the words of God expressed
in the words of men, are in every way like human
language, just as the Word of the eternal Father,
when He took on Himself the flesh of human
weakness, became like men.

Catechism of the Catholic Church #97, 101-102

▪ The Canon of Scriptures
- The complete list of sacred books/ canon of
Scriptures: 46 books of the Old Testament (45 if we count
Jeremiah and Lamentations as one) and 27 for the New.
- The Old Testament is indispensable part of the
Sacred Picture.
- Its books are divinely inspired and retained a
permanent value, for the Old Covenant has never been
The books of the Old Testament bear witness to
the whole divine pedagogy of God’s saving love:
these writings “are a storehouse of sublime teaching
of God and of sound wisdom on human life, as well as
a wonderful treasurer of prayers, in them too, the
mystery of our salvation is present in a hidden way.”
CCC # 120- 122
The Pentateuch
-the first five books of Jewish and Christian Scriptures
-In Judaism, they are the five books: Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. They are also known
as the Law or Torah.
- described the primitive history of mankind presented in a
mythological setting.
-It showed how Yahweh formed His chosen people. It also
contains religious legislation covering the way of life of the
Jewish race and culture.
promise land

Israel and

-And even the exile and return from exile.

I and II Chronicles Judith
I and II Maccabees Esther
▪ The Wisdom, Literature and Poetry
- are the collection of wisdom sayings in the form of poetry,
prayer, liturgy and love songs. These books include: Job, Song of
Solomon, Psalms, Wisdom, Proverbs, Sirach and

▪ The Prophetic Books

- these books contain the life of the prophets.
- persons who are famous not only during the ancient
times but the entire literary history of the world.
• They are preachers who courageously inspired
to lead God’s people to reform and go back to
God. These books include: Isiah, Jeremiah,
Lamentation, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel,
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micha,
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai and

❖ The Word of God- the power of God for

salvation to everyone who has faith, is set forth
and displays its power in a most wonderful way
in the writings of the New Testament which
hand on the ultimate truth of God’s revelation.
▪ The central object is Jesus Christ: God’s incarnate Son; His
acts, teachings, passion and glorification and His Church’s
beginnings under the Spirit’s guidance.

▪ The Gospels are the heart of all the Scriptures “because

they are our principal source for the life and teaching of
the Incarnate Word, our Savior.”

CCC # 124-125
▪ The Four gospels give a rough outline of Christ’s life and teaching.
The first three called, the synoptic gospels, closely resemble
one another.

1. Matthew- emphasized that Christ is the promise Messiah.

It stressed how Christ fulfilled the messianic prophecies.

2. Mark- the oldest and the shortest gospel. It showed that

God has come and saved us through Jesus.
3. Luke- It stressed that Christ is the friend of the
poor, sinners, outcasts, sufferers and

4. John- It focused on the divine nature of Jesus

Christ, eternal Son of God. It stressed Christ’s
“signs” particularly the sacraments of
Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
▪ The Acts of the Apostles
- It describes the beginning of the Christian Church,
how the early Christians professed their faith and lived as a
community of believers.

▪ The letters of Epistles

- The first 13 letters from Romans to Philemon were
written by St. Paul, who led the advance of Christianity to
Non-Jewish people.
- These are letters of instruction,
guidance, admonition to
strengthen the faith of the early
- These letters include: Romans,
1 and 2 Corinthians,
Galatians, Ephesians,
Philippians, 1 and 2
Thessalonians, 1 and 2
Timothy, Titus and Philemon.
- No one knows who wrote the
letters to the Hebrews.
- It interprets the Old Testament,
explaining the many Jewish
practices as symbol that prepared
the way of Christ.

- The seven Catholic Epistles are

letters addressed to the Church in
general. These are James, 1 and 2
Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John and Jude.
▪ Revelation
- is a book of vision and symbols. It is the only New
Testament book that concentrates on Prophecy. It completes
the story began in Genesis of the cosmic battle between
good and evil being waged on Earth. It ends with the picture
of new heaven and new Earth.
▪ In the Sacred Scripture, one will personally encounter God in
the person of Jesus Christ. The people of God should
wholeheartedly welcome Him to penetrate more deeply and to
live more fully from the gift of divine revelation.

▪ In the Sacred Scriptures, the Church constantly finds her

nourishment and he strength, for she welcomes it not as a
human word, “but as what it really is the word of God.”

▪ “In the sacred books, the father who is in heaven comes

lovingly to meet His children, and talks with them.”
▪ What have you learned?

▪ What are the different Sacred Scriptures?

▪ How did these help deepen our faith?

▪ Who are the Apostles which are the sources of the Gospel?

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