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Mansoura National University

Faculty of Pharmacy Medicinal Plants PG 101

Pharmacognosy Department Level one, First semester
Pharm D Clinical

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

♥ Happy and Successful new year ♥

Practical Medicinal Plants

Course for First Year Students


Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)


It is composed of:-
1-Eyepiece lens ‫العدست العينيت‬:- it magnifies‫ تكبر‬the image ‫انصىرة‬
2-Objective lens
‫و تتكىن مه ثالث عذسبث‬-: ‫انعذست انشيئيت‬
‫ أضعبف‬4 ‫( االونى عهيهب دائرة حمراء و لىة تكبيرهب‬
01 ‫& انثبويت ببنذائرة انصفراء بمىة تكبير‬
)‫ ببنهىن االزرق‬41 ‫& و انثبنثت بمىة تكبير‬

3-Stage ‫المنصت‬:- It holds ‫ تمسك‬the slide , which contains objects ‫انجسم انمراد فحصت‬

4-Coarse adjustment: - for rough focusing

5-Fine adjustment :- for precise focusing

6-Diaphragm :-control level of light reaching the object ‫يتحكم فى شذة انضىء انىاصم نهعيىت‬
7-Light source ‫مصدر االضائت‬:- to supply light to the object

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

: ‫لتحضير شريحة يجب توفر التالى‬

1. slide :- ‫شريحت‬
2. cover :- ‫غطبء‬
3. object :-‫انعيىت‬
4. mount :- ‫انسبئم انتى يىضع فيهب انعيىت نهفحص‬

Examination of epidermal cell of onion

Procedure: ‫وفصم انغشبء انرليك‬
You will be given a piece of onion: ‫انشفبف نهبصم و يىضع‬
1-Remove the thin, transparent membrane from the inner surface. ‫عهى انشريحت و تضبف‬
2-Place a flat piece of this membrane on a glass slide. ‫ومطت مبء‬
3-Cover the membrane with a drop of water and a cover glass. )Cover( ‫و يغطى ببل‬
‫و يىضع عهى انمىصت‬

A Typical plant cell from onion X40

Characters: a) Polyhedral cells with rounded angles.
b) Wide lumen.
c) Without intercellular spaces.

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

The Living
plant cell

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Plant cell ‫انخهيت انىببتيت‬

 All living things are made up of cells.
 Cells are the smallest working units of all living things.
As a model of the cell, we can examine the epidermal cells of the outer epidermis of onion
to get the typical plant cell.

 Each cell consists of living and non-living materials.

 Plant cell has three regions
1- The cell wall (Non-living)
2- The protoplast (Living)
3- The vacuoles (Non-living)

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)


Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Ergastic substances
(cell inclusions) (cell contents)

-The materials present in the vacuoles are known as ergastic.

-Ergatic substances occur in the vacuoles and in the cell wall

They are of two types:-

(1) Food-storage products (carbohydrates, proteins, fixed oils, and fats).
(2) Waste products (they are excretion of plant cells formed as a result of metabolic
activities of protoplasm, i.e., by-products of metabolism).

1-Food-storage products

a- Carbohydrates (Starch)
-Starch is found in the form of granules of various shapes , used for its identification.

Maize Starch ‫نشا الذرة‬ Potato Starch ‫نشا البطاطس‬

Character:- Characters:
1- Rectangular in shape & rounded angles 1-. Oval in shape
2- Centric and Cleft or fissured hilum 2- Eccentric , Dot hilum.
3- No striation 3- Striation present

Tests for identity

I. Microscopic Examination: to detect the source of starch: maize, potato...etc
II. Iodine test: starch gives blue color with iodine solution.

b- Proteins
A Protein molecule is made up of polymer of amino acid molecules linked together by
peptide linkages.

-Proteins are found in the form of solid granules known as aleurone grains

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

- Alerone grains are stained

1- yellow with picric acid , leaving globoid unstained .
2- Red with Millon's reagent
3- yellow-brown with iodine solution.

c- Fats

They are colored

 Brown or black with a 1% solution of osmic acid.
 Red with Suddan III and dilute tincture of Alkana.

2- Waste Products
A-Calcium Carbonate Crystal (cystolith)

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

B-Calcium Oxalate Crystals

Forms of Crystals may be :-
1-Prisms 2- Raphides 3- Clusters

1- ...................... are colored brown or black with a 1% solution of osmic acid.
2- Aleurone grains are stained red with ......................
3- Maize starch granule is characterized by ………………………. hilum while potato
starch granule is characterized by ……………………….. hilum
4- The starch granules acquire ………………. color in aqueous iodine solution, while
aleurone grains acquire ………………… Color in picric acid
5- Proteins are stored in plants as ……………………….grains while carbohydrates as

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

The plant

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Plant tissue definition: They are group of cells, which may be

1-Meristematic Tissue ( in which their cells are actively divided )and responsible for
growth of the plant
2-Permanent Tissue (in which their cells loss
their activity for division)

Types of permanent plant tissues:

(1) Dermal tissues
(2) Ground tissues
(3) Vascular tissues (conducting tissue)
(4) Secretory tissues

1- Dermal ( Protective) Tissue

Function :- protection of the plant

Character:- have large vacuoles , no intercellular spaces between them except only in leaves
& green stems where stomata occurred
The cells may be formed of isodiametric cells as in dicot plants.
Or formed of elongated cells as in monocot plants.

- Dermal tissue appendages

A- Stomata
B- Hairs or Trichomes

A- Stomata ‫الثغور‬

It's composed of opening known as Osteol enclosed by guard cells which may be :
a- Two kidney shaped cells  as in dicot plants.
b- Two dumble shaped cells  as in monocot plants.
- These guard cells are enclosed by subsidiary cells (accessory cells).

Function of Stomata :- Water and gas exchange

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Types of Stomata

1- Monocot 2- Dicot stomata

Stomata Diacytic Paracytic Anomocytic Anisocytic
Stomata: Stomata Stomata Stomata
It has guard cells In which the In which two It has more It has more than
with dumble shape , subsidiary cells subsidiary than two two subsidiary
with elongated are two cells and cell arranged subsidiary cells but contains
epidermal arranged parallel to the cells that have one cell smaller
cells perpendicular to access of the the same size. than other
access of the guard subsidiary cells.
guard cells.

B-Trichomes (hairs)

1. Non-Glandular trichomes
( 1- non- branched & 2- branched)
2. Glandular trichomes
( 1- non- branched & 2- branched)

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

1. Non-Glandular trichomes
It consists of stalk only and its function :for protection

1-Non- branched hair 2-Branched hair

Unicellular Multicellular non- glandular Candelabra Stellate
non- glandular hair Trichome trichome
hair Multicellular , Multicellular , consisting of Radiating
uniseriate biseriate unicellular unicellular
non- glandular non- glandular branches branches
hair hair coming from coming from
one common one point.

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

2.Glandular trichomes
It consists of stalk and head and its function is : secretion.
Capitate Bicapitate Multicellular Branched Clavate hair Labiaceous hair
trichome Trichome Uniseriate stalk, glandular
unicellular head trichome
gl. Trichome
unicellular stalk,
unicellular unicellular stalk, Multicellular unicellular stalk, multicellular head
stalk, bicellular head branched stalk, multicellular (not forming of( 6-8cells
unicellular gl. unicellular head gl. originated from originated from same
head gl. Trichome Trichome same point) head gl. point) Which are
Trichome Trichome radiated, gl.

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

2. Ground Tissue
It may be : A-parenchyma B- collenchyma C- Sclerenchyma
A- Parenchyma ‫الخاليا البزانشيميت‬
- They are living cells, having thin cellulosic walls and inter cellular spaces and a
large vacuole & Isodiametric or elongated in shape ,it may be :
a- Normal b- Chlorenchyma c- Aerenchyma
They are isodiametric or It contains chlorophyll and Parenchyma with large
elongated cells in shape, present in leaf. intercellular spaces
( It forms palisade layer & which filled with air.
spongy tissue)
Function : store for Function : Function: floating of
food and water. photosynthesis. the aquatic plants.

B- Collenchyma
They are living cells , More elongated and narrower than
parenchyma and having thicker cellulosic wall
Function: responsible for stretching power and supporting.

C- Sclerenchyma
They are non-living cells with thick lignified wall
Function: for supporting.
-Gives red color with phloroglucinol/conc. HCl
a- Fibers b- Sclerides (stone cells) ‫الخاليا‬

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

1- Both palisade and spongy tissue characterized by containing
............................................. giving ............................................. color.
2- Dicot stomata has ……………………… shaped guard cells while monocot
stomata has …………………….. shaped guard cells
3- Parenchyma tissue has various types as ……………………………… and
4- ………………….. is the protective tissue in young plants while
…………………….. is the one in older plants.
5- Tissues are generally divided into ……………………….and

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Vascular tissues (conducting tissue)

Xylem (Water conducting tissues )- it may be Phloem.(Food conducting tissues )- it may be
Vessels Sieve Tube
Short cells with perforated ends connected together to form a Companion cell
continuous tube which Lignified to prevent collapsing of vessels. &
conducting water through perforated ends.


Reticulate Bordered
vessels pitted

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Xylem (Water conducting tissues ) Phloem (Food conducting tissues)


Elongated cell ,Dead Lignified element

with Bordered pitted And Imperforated tapering ends
-conducting water through their bordered pits

Note all lignified elements detected by using phloroglucinol/Hcl

→ red color

1. Identify………………….. Questions:-
2. The function of this element is ……………. 1) Identify…………………..
3. This element belongs to ……………… tissues 2) This element is ……………………….
4. This element with Phloroglucinol /Hcl gives 3) The function of this element is …………….
…………………..color 4) This element belongs to ……………… tissues

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Vascular Bundles

There are 4 types of vascular bundles, collateral, bicollateral,

radial and concentric.
In stem and leaf, there are 2 types, collateral and bicollateral
vascular bundles
1. Collateral V. B. is divided into 2 types :-, open collateral (in Dicot.) and
closed collateral (in Monocot.)
2. Bi collateral V. B. (in Dicot.) only

3-In Root there is only one type, radial vascular bundle in both Dicot. and
Monocot. Plants

4- -Concentric (V.B) :may be

(1-Amphivasal (when xylem surrounds phloem
& 2- Amphicribral :when phloem surrounds xylem )

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

1) Collateral V. B
a) Open collateral (V,B). b) Closed collateral (V.B.)

1-Identify ……………… Questions:-
2-The type of V.B is…………… 1-Identify ………………
3-This V.B present in 2-The type of V.B is……………
………………. 3-Xylem arrangement is…………..
4-Xylem arrangement is………….. 4-Closed V.B is surrounded by
5-The Lignified Elements Are ………….

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

2) Bicollateral V.B 3) Radial V.B

Questions:- Questions:-
1-Identify ……………… 1-Identify ………………
2-The type of V.B is…………… 2-The type of V.B is……………
3-Xylem arrangement is………….. 3-Xylem arrangement is…………..

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

of stem

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Anatomy of Stems
Items dicot stem monocot stem
Stomata Dicot stomata if present Monocot stomata if present
Hypodermal layer May be all of types of Mostly sclerenchyma
ground tissues
Cortex and pith Found Not found

V. B. Open or bicollateral Closed collateral

Dicot stem Monocot stem

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

1- In dicot stems the arrangement of xylem vessels is .............................................
2- Ground tissue of dicot stem is differniated into …………..&…………
3- Compare between young dicot stem and monocot stem.
4- The type of vascular bundles in dicot stems are ……………………….or

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

of root

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Anatomy Of Dicot & monocot Roots

Dicot root Monocot root

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

1- In monocot roots the casparian strips are found on .............................................
walls of endodermis, while in dicot roots, they are found on
............................................. walls.
2- Epidermis of the root characterized by having ............................................. but
not ..............................................
3- Endodermis of root, upon addition of phloroglucinol/ HCl give ……………..
color due to……………………….

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

of leaf

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Dicot Leaves
Dorsiventral leaf Isobilateral leaf

Monocot Leaves

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

Items Dicot leaf Monocot leaf

Stomata Dicot stomata types Monocot stomata

Epidermis Usually polygonal or Usually elongated cells

polyhedral cells
Mesophyll differentiated undifferentiated
V. B. Open or bicollateral Closed collateral

1- ............................................. leaves have palisade tissue on upper epidermis,
while ............................................. leaves have palisade tissue on both upper and
lower epidermis.
2- In monocot leaves, vascular bundles of ............................................. type is
found in large number on ............................................. epidermis.
3- Compare between dicot leaf and monocot leaf.
4- Draw T.S. in isobilateral leaf.
5- Draw T.S. in monocot leaf.

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

 Glimn-Lacy, J., Kaufman, P. B., 2006. Botany illustrated: introduction to plants, major
groups, flowering plant families. Springer Science & Business Media.

 Cutler, D. F., Botha, C. E. J., Stevenson, D. W., William, D., 2008. Plant anatomy: an
applied approach (No. QK641 C87). Oxford: Blackwell.

 Fahn, A., 1967. Plant anatomy. Pergamon Press.

 Svoboda, K. P., Svoboda, T. G., Syred, A. D., 2000. Secretory structures of aromatic
and medicinal plants: a review and atlas of micrographs. microscopic publications.

Pharm D Level 1 Medicinal plants (PG 101)

The living plant cell…………………………………………………………….5
Ergastic substances……………………….……..…..………………………….7
The plant tissues……………...………………………….……..…………….11
Dermal tissue………………...………………………….……..…...………….12
Ground tissue………………….……..…..…………………………………....16
Vascular tissue…………………………………...…….…………………..….18
Anatomy of stem………………………………………………….………..….23
Anatomy of root ………………………………………….………………..….26
Anatomy of leaf …………………………………………...…………………..29
References …………………………………………………………………….33

This is the last page.

…♥ Best wishes ♥…


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