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Functional Requirement

R1: Complaints
Description: Citizen can complaint about any municipal services including water drainage, electricity, telephone lines, health, pale depo, octroi, illegal construction, roads and foot paths etc. Citizen fills form online for the complaint and that form will be sent to respective department. R 1.1: Fill complaint form State: The home page is opened in browser on which link to the complaint category page exists. Input: Complaint category, Applicant, Email ID, Phone No, Subject, Address. Output: Confirmation message along with Complaint number. Processing: After clicking on submit button the complaint and that form will be sent to respective department. R 1.2: View Complaints (MC Staff) State: The Log In page is displayed on the Complaint page. Input: User Name and Password. Output: All the complaints regarding the respective department are displayed. Processing: As officer logs in, complaints regarding to his/her department are fetched from database and displayed on the page.

R2: Property Tax Description: This option avails citizen to get details of paid tax and due tax. Also tax calculator is provided. R 2.1: Paid Tax Details State: The property tax page is displayed on the browser. Input: Tenement Number. Output: Owner information and payment information will be showed. R 2.2: Due Tax Details State: The property tax page is displayed on the browser. Input: Tenement Number.

Output: Owner information, due/credit tax amount, net payable amount.

R 2.3: Tax Calculations State: Tax calculator is displayed on the page. Input: Tenement number. Output: Ownership, Area, age of building, Usage, Usage type, tax amount.

R3: Vehicle Tax Description: This will avail citizen to view vehicle tax details, check tax amount. He/she can see owner information from vehicle registration number. We can also search by specific name, address or vehicle registration number. R 3.1: Paid Tax Details State: The vehicle tax page is displayed on the browser. Input: Vehicle Registration Number. Output: Owner information, registration date and payment information will be showed. R 3.2: Due Tax Details State: The vehicle tax page is displayed on the browser. Input: Vehicle Registration Number. Output: Owner information, due tax amount, net payable amount. R 3.3: Search for Registration Number State: The vehicle tax page is displayed on the browser. Input: Registration number. Output: Owner Information, date of purchase. R 3.4: Search by Name and Address State: The vehicle tax page is displayed on the browser. Input: name and address Output: Vehicle registration number(s) of specified owner and his/her information.

R4: Building Plans Description: This option will provide facility to view/download forms, affidavits and bonds related to building planning. It also shows the reserved plots zone wise. Estate notices are also shown in this area. All the registered professionals with their reg. no are listed in the registered professional option. R 4.1: Zone wise Reserve Plots State: The Building Plan page is displayed on the browser. Input: None Output: List of selected zones reserve plot is displayed. R 4.2: Download Preliminary Forms State: The Building Plan page is displayed on the browser. Input: None. Output: The list of all available form is displayed. R 4.3: Estate Notice State: The Building Plan page is displayed on the browser. Input: None. Output: List of all notice is displayed on the page. Processing: Selected estate notice is downloaded to the clients machine. R 4.4: Bonds and Affidavits State: The Building Plan page is displayed on the browser. Input: None. Output: List of all affidavits is displayed on the page. Processing: Selected affidavit is downloaded to the clients machine. R 4.5: Registered Professionals State: The Building Plan page is displayed on the browser. Input: Type of professional. Output: List of all registered professional from selected category is displayed.

R5: Hall and Party plot booking Description: This option avails citizen to check the status of a hall or party plot online. He/she can view rate of a specific hall or party plot and can check its availability on specific date. This option also provides facility to download Booking Form. R 5.1: Download Booking Form State: The Hall and Party plot booking page is displayed on the browser. Input: None. Output: None. Processing: Booking form is downloaded to the clients machine. R 5.2: Status of Hall/Party plot State: The Hall and Party plot booking page is displayed on the browser. Input: date, hall/party plot name. Output: Whether the selected venue is available on the specified date or not is displayed. Processing: Status of the hall/party plot is fetched from database for the specific date. R 5.3: Rates State: The Hall and Party plot booking page is displayed on the browser. Input: None. Output: None. Processing: Document containing rate of party plots/halls is downloaded to clients machine.

R6: Downloads State: The home page is opened in browser on which link to the download page exists. Input: None. Output: list of all advertisements, notices and declaration is displayed. Processing: Selected document will be downloaded to clients machine.

R7: Tenders State: List of tenders is displayed on the page. Input: Selects tender/tender cancellation notice. Output: None. Processing: Selected tender is downloaded to clients machine.

R8: External Links Description: This option contains various links to other departments of government. A citizen can get information about any department through Right to Information Act. This page contains name of consultant officer for Right to Information Act for specific department. In budget section citizen can view/download budget document(s). R 8.1: Right To information Act State: Content of the external link page is displayed. Input: Department name Output: None. Processing: Selected document will be downloaded to clients machine. R 8.2: Budget State: Content of the external link page is displayed. Input: Budget Year. Output: None. Processing: Selected years budget will be displayed in the page.

Non Functional Requirements:

Secure access of confidential data. 24x7 availability Fault Tolerance: System is protected from unauthorized access, power failure.

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