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(Enter - exhaustion)

*Sighs heavily, taking slow, takes steps to the front*

You, yes, you—no, the one next to—yes, you!
Have you by chance seen a peculiar fellow? I would say stands about a mere fraction of my
own stature, veiled in obscurity like a lunar eclipse. I would say he embodies aspects such
as timidity, reserve, and a habit of leaving first. If you happened to miss him, fear not, I shall
go and I shall find him. It's an unfinished duty I should've attended to a while ago, but first,
now that I already have your eyes and ears, let me take a seat.

(Another sigh)
There are times when I find myself lost in my labyrinth. I recollect the saying that
emphasizes the grandeur of mountains and the enigma of the oceans. From the highest
peak to the deepest abyss, they offer no apologies. They exist as they are, resilient in their
identity. The mountains yearn to unveil the sky within your arm's reach. The ocean aspires
to reveal the unfathomable depths that lay beneath your very feet.

We, too, as the sun and moon must not doubt our essence when the brilliance of our
existence already shines. It's giving hidden radiant energy. We should unmask ourselves,
unearth our dreams and aspirations, so that we may live the life we must, or dare to live the
ones we desire. The abysmal death is nothing to fear, for nothing is truly lost unless it is
willingly surrendered. Thus, with a lot of compassion towards myself, I exclaim: "Get a life!"
You need not worry, no need for leaps to distant stars, but in each step we take every day.

My friend once shared the wisdom of healing your neglected self. We gain knowledge from
the person we once were, the actions we once took, and the dreams we yearned to pursue.
A moment of silence to the self that built castles from the sands of distant shores. Whether
we abandoned, burnt, buried, tossed aside, or ran from our younger selves, let's go back.
Return, embrace them with a hug, and say thanks. Through such reconciliation, we shall
gain wisdom that might impact ourselves and generations.

Silence is the embodiment of inner peace, like undisturbed meadows filled with imprints of
lying travelers. So, ask yourself, how loud are you? Do your fields rustle with wind or sounds
of war? But make no mistake to acknowledge the volume of what inhabits you, for within it
might reside that peculiar fellow. There beeth lies greatness and the restless tomb of a

So I best be on my way (standing up) onward to my journey. You only live once, But, You
only live once.

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