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EXAM: UT-2 Question Bank-Sub: PE.

STD: XI (Sci / Com)

Q.1) List any two advantages and disadvantages of interval training.

Q 2) Discuss any three types of coordinative abilities.

Q.3) Differentiate between differentiation ability and adaptation ability.

Q.4) Differentiate between basic endurance and general endurance.

Q.5) Discuss pace runs to develop speed.

Q 6) Differentiate between active flexibility and passive flexibility.

Q.7) What is Endurance ? Give two factors which determine endurance.

Q 8) Discuss the types of strength.

Q.9) Define speed and explain any one method to develop it.

Q.10) What is fartlek training? Write in brief.

Q.11) What do you mean by circuit training ? Discuss its main characteristics.

Q.12) Define motivation and discuss its types.

Q.13) Explain any three benefits of exercise in detail.

Q.14) Describe the type of personality.

Q.15) Isometric exercises are a very popular method for developing physical fitness.
Describe what you understand about them.

Q.16) What are Psychological attributes in sports?

Q.17) Discuss any two methods of improving endurance.

Q.18) Define Flexibility and Explain its types and any two methods to develop flexibility.

Q.19) What is aerobic and anaerobic endurance ?

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