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What does Penelope describe as a low art?

 As Penelope describes storytelling as a “low art,” the reader may think of

the various other arts—like fiber work, which is so central to this story—
that have been described as “low,” and how these “low” art forms are
often associated with women and femininity.

What is the point of view of story a low art?

 It is mainly because in the Odyssey, only Odysseus' point of view is
being presented. His version of events was the only one being portrayed
in the story. Meanwhile in the Penelopiad, Penelope has told her side of
the story, and she said that Odysseus was tricky and a liar.

What story retells the Odyssey from Penelope's perspective?

 The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood is a novella which re-tells the story
of Homer's Odyssey from the perspective of Penelope, Odysseus' dutiful
and faithful wife who waited in Ithaca for twenty years while Odysseus
fought in the Trojan War and voyaged back home.


“A Low Art” is an excerpt from The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood.

Penelopiad opens with Penelope, the first-person narrator, quoting herself
saying, “Now that I’m dead, I know everything.” Penelope then goes on to say
that this wish did not come true, at least not totally. Death, Penelope thinks,
despite the knowledge it brings, is not worth the cost. She even says that she
would rather not know some of the things she has learned.
In Homer’s “The Odyssey”, Odysseus’ fancy and heroic adventures and
Penelope, being the bad guy, were highlighted. However, “A Low Art”, through
Penelope’s perspective discussed how Odysseus, her husband, made a fool
out of her by the versions of narrations about their relationship. Penelope
narrates how great Odysseus is in making fools for making people believe
with his versions of events. Penelope’s agony and pain was shown by “A Low
Art” with her version of story— keeping a blind eye to achieve her happy
ending. Her little story making is somehow to clear her side.


The excerpt talks about how Penelope died for waiting Odysseus, Penelope’s
description of the “sack full of words” shows the central role that stories,
rumors,gossip and myths play in the book.Penelope also stated that
Odysseus was plausible and that many people have believed that his version
of events was the true one even Penelope herself believed Odysseus.
Penelope didn’t realized that her husband will use his bag of tricks and
lies on her. Penelope stated that she was Faithful in waiting for him despite
the temptation to do the otherwise. Penelope realized how many people were
laughing at her behind her back- how they were jeering,making jokes about
her,jokes both clean and dirty, how they were turning her into a story, or into
several stories,though not the kind of stories she preferred to hear about her
self. she also stated what can she do if the gossip travels the world, if she
defends herself , she sounds guilty. So she waited some more.And now that
the others have run out of air, it was Penelope turn to do a little story-making
she owe it to herself . she had to work for herself, and how old women,
strolling beggars,blind singer,maidservants,children-folks love gossip and how
the opinion of the people down there,the opinion of shadows, of echoes, So
Penelope shall spin a thread of her own.


The Penelopiad opens with Penelope quoting herself saying, “now that I’m
dead, I know everything.” Penelope then goes on to say that this wish did not
come true, at least not totally. Death, Penelope thinks, despite the knowledge
it does bring, is not worth the cost. She even says that she would rather not
know some of the things she has learned.
Penelope begins to describe the afterlife, stating that everyone arrives to the
underworld in a sack “full of words—words you’ve spoken, words you’ve
heard, words that have been said about you.” Penelope notes that her own
sack was full of words about her husband, and that some people say that her
husband made a fool of her and got away with everything.
Odysseus’ account, Penelope thinks, was always so plausible, and many
people believed his account of things while taking the mythology with a grain
of salt. Penelope admits that even she believed him often, thinking that he
would not lie to her since she was such a loyal wife.
Bitterly, Penelope thinks that all she amounted to was a “stick used to beat
other women with,” since all the storytellers considered her the model of a
faithful wife. Penelope wanted to scream at other women and tell them not to
be like her. Penelope admits that she always knew that Odysseus was tricky,
but that she pretended not to see that side of him. Instead, she kept her
doubts to herself because she wanted happy endings. Now, though, Penelope
realizes that lots of people were mocking her in secret. They told stories about
her that Penelope calls “scandalous gossip,” but that she says will only make
her seem guilty if she denies them.


Explanation of the title:

Low art is for the masses, accessible and easily comprehended. It describes a
story wherein some parts of it are being change or altered through the change
of point of view. It is an art of storytelling wherein the storyteller revises some
part of it and make it like the real story so that the listeners may believe what
are they telling. It is also an art of gossiping.
Author/Writer: Margaret Atwood


Protagonist/s: Penelope
Antagonist/s: Odysseus


Difficult words in the literature and their definitions:

Factoids- an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print.
Plausible- possibly true: believable or realistic.
Compulsion- the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something;
Rampage- violent or excited behavior that is reckless, uncontrolled or
Jeering- make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.

Exposition: The story begins with Penelope saying "now that I'm dead, I
know everything." Penelope begins to describe the afterlife.

Rising action: Penelope admits that even she often believes to Odysseus,
thinking that he would not lie to her since she was such a loyal wife.
Odysseus was good in playing tricks and lies and he even do it to Penelope.

Climax: Penelope wanted to scream at other women and tell them not to be
like her. Penelope admits that she always knew that Odysseus was tricky, but
that she pretended not to see that side of him.

Falling action: After several days, Penelope realized that people are talking
behind her back, they were making fun of her and they were laughing behind
her back.

Denouement: Penelope will take her revenge to Odysseus. Penelope is

determined to tell her own story to show the real story that Odysseus is great
in making fools and lies and to show us that the real victim in the story is her.

Theme: Take a stand for something that you know is right.

The theme tells that we should stand for ourselves to fight for what's right.
Even if we are women, we should speak for ourselves and we should also
learn to listen on the opinions and ideas of others because we will not know
and discover the the truth if we will not listen on both sides because
sometimes the words that we are saying have a positive and a negative

Symbol/s used in the literature and their meaning:

Sack full of words- it shows that all the things that we want to hear or the
things that we have heard have some negative and positive meanings.
Sound like an owl- this line shows that people would not want to listen to
everything that Penelope would say.

Application (impact) of the literature to the present generation:

The story shows that even though we are women, we should stand for
ourselves and fight for the things that we know is right. It also shows us that in
order to make us happy, we should be open to speak and listen to others
because we wiil not know and discover the truth if we will not listen on others
opinion and if we will not speak for ourselves. The story also shows the
unequal treatment between a man and a woman. It shows that in the past or
in the history, all women are treated like a useless person and the men were
always be the protagonist. The story tells us that we need to be fair, men and
women should have an equal and fair treatment in our community.

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