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MTH1103/MTX1103 Foundations of Mathematics 2023/2024 [3 CU]


Mahadi Ddamulira, B.Sc.Ed.(Mak), M.Sc.(Kumasi), Dip.Math.(Trieste), Dr.rer.nat.(Graz)

Email: Office: Room 301, Department of Mathematics

This is a core course taught to first-year undergraduate students pursuing B.Sc., B.Sc.Ed., and B.Sc.EXT.
with Mathematics as a subject at the Department of Mathematics, School of Physical Sciences, College of
Natural Sciences, Makerere University. This course introduces students to basic mathematical concepts, how
to organize these concepts into a hierarchy of more and less fundamental concepts, how to set up axioms and
rules of proof in a systematic way and lastly, a study of properties and limitations of such formal systems.
Also, the course introduces students to the notion of difference equations and basic combinatorial arguments.

Course Outline
1. Näive Set Theory. Sets and examples, Venn diagrams, universal, null and power sets, size of finite
sets, set operations, partitions and set algebras. Cartesian products and set relations (equivalence
relations, order and mappings), statement of the Axiom of Choice. Binary operations (commutative
and associative). (14 Lecture hours)
2. Logic. Statements and predicates, logical connectives and quantifiers (truth tables, tautologies,
contradictions, logically equivalent forms, de Morgan’s laws, logical implication, contrapositive, converse,
inverse, quantifiers). Arguments. Boolean Algebra: Boolean functions, representations, logic gates,
logic circuits, minimization of circuits, and Karnaugh maps. (12 Lecture hours)
3. Proof Theory. Axiomatic system (axioms, theorems, lemmas, propositions, corollaries, and conjectures).
Proof techniques and common pitfalls (direct proofs –by exhaustion, deduction, construction, counter
example, and indirect proofs – by contradiction, contrapositive). (10 Lecture hours)
4. Difference Equations1 . Definitions and terms used. Solution to first order difference equations.
Second order difference constant coefficient equations, linear independence and the Casoratian. Generating
function method. (9 Lecture hours)

Reading Text in addition to the lecture notes prepared by the lecturer:

1. S. Lipschutz (1964), Theory and Problems of Set Theory and Related Topics, Shaum’s Outline Series.
2. C. Roberts (2014), Introduction to Mathematical Proofs, CRC Press.
3. W. Walis (2011), A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics, Springer.

Assessment and Grading:

Coursework (At least two tests/assignments + attendance): 30% Final Exam: 70% Passmark: 50%.

Lecture Times:
• BSCI (Science) Wednesday 8 – 10 AM (JICA 205) and Thursday 3 – 4 PM (JICA 205).
• BSED (Education) Wednesday 2 – 3 PM (CMT) and Thursday 9 – 11 AM (CMT).
• BSCX (External) To be arranged!
Material to be covered depending on the interests of the audience and availability of time.

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