Research Draft 1

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Mikko Niño M.

Contemporary Social Issues

Title Proposal:

“Perceived Implication of the Kariton Klasrum Activity on

Setonian’s ECQ/MS Development”

Elizabeth Seton School is a Catholic educational institution that pledges to create opportunities
for the learners in building a just, equitable, and peaceful society. In the spirit of mission, the school is
continuously leading the whole community in the service of God. Through these initiatives, the religious
and values formation of the learners coincides with their way of life and, as such, their identity of being

The Community Extension Programs serve as a link between learning and living a life of service.
These programs provide the Seton community the experiences of awareness, discernment, and
immersion with the conditions and needs of their less privileged brothers and sisters. The CEP’s
coordinate sustained partnerships with the school and the community organizations. This community
organization is composed of people who live in proximity to each other that acts in their shared interest.
Who promote more– consensual community building, community organizers generally assume that
social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for
the powerless (Ariola, 2017). Anchored in the core values of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, such as faith, love,
and selfless service, stakeholders are being involved in many ways to set a culture of collaboration in the
aspect of humanitarian and ecclesial development for social justice. The human person is a social animal
because her or his nature makes her or him so. Thus, sociability is a natural instinct (Cornejo and Ebia,
2017). These endeavors unite the Church and the local government’s purpose to bring a dignified life for
all citizens under its jurisdiction.

On the other hand, there are multiple activities under CEP. One of those is the Kariton Klasrum
that was inspired by the Cavite born teacher and resident, Efren Peñaflorida or Kuya “F” who was
selected as the CNN Hero of the Year in 2009. Being born and raised in a poor community, he wanted to
help those around him. His mission was to make education accessible to everyone, especially street
children. He and his team made this possible through the “pushcart classrooms.” With his consent and
blessing, the kariton klasrum followed this concept with the street kids.
The abovementioned activity is now integrated in the specialized religion subject of the school
called Catholic Christian Formation or CCF, a unique program of Elizabeth Seton School that serves as
the counterpart of Religious and Values Education. For the past 10 years, ESS Grade 10 learners have
taken part and have been contributing to this program. The program enables learners to share and hone
their skills in imparting knowledge by teaching street kids and out-of-school youth within the vicinity.
This program is part of the CAT program of ESS-South. The three pushcarts or kariton named Klasrum,
Klinika and Kantina serve the out-of-school youth following the modules used by the Dynamic teen
Company (DTC), the youth group founded by Mr. Peñaflorida.

Kariton Klasrum Project is one of the best features of Elizabeth Seton School during PAASCU
Accreditation. It is a performance-based activity that enables learners to create their own teaching
program drawn in an outreach style. They must collaborate with a community-organization in their
planned activities such are:

1. Living the charism of Elizabeth Seton (Teaching)

2. Providing material/ clinical support

3. Conducting feeding program

There are three pushcarts (kariton) provided by the school. Each Kariton has a specific theme:

• KARITON KLASRUM (Teach/ Provide School Materials)

• KARITON KLINIKA (Teach about Health/ Provide medical or hygiene Kits)

• KARITON KANTINA (Teach about Nutrition/ Provide food/ feeding)

Furthermore, the study aims to assess the development of the learners’ values after having the
Kariton Klasrum Activity during CCF Course Performance Task. It seeks to identify the relevance and
implication of such strategy to form the learner’s character anchored on the Setonian Graduate
attributes. Using the ECQ/MS as the main criteria, the researcher will be evaluating the learners. This
basis will define their moral status— a characteristic that human moral agents attribute to entities, by
virtue of which they matter morally for their own sake (Dwyer, 2011). In addition, descriptions for each
institutional value shall be presented in the instrument survey to arrive at clear understanding of the
scope. The researcher would like to emphasize that doing such research about the subject matter would
support claims on the impact of the teaching strategy (Kariton Klasrum) specifically in values formation.
This entails the significance of contributing to the social and moral transformation of the learners as the
ESS institution pledges to provide quality educational programs anchored on Constructivism. This study
also responds to the recommendation of the PAASCU Accreditors to evaluate the program for future
enhancement of the strategy.

This paper is based on a quantitative descriptive research design. Methods used in descriptive
research help outline the features of the variables being examined (Unimrkt, 2022). It aims to gather
measurable data to aid the statistical analysis of a sample population. The researcher will send parents
and guardians with a letter that seeks parental consent to answer the questionnaire since respondents
will be coming from the grade 10 level. There are four (4) sections with an estimated number of 120

After executing the planned activities, learners shall evaluate the whole experience using Google
forms based on how the program made an impact on their values formation. The researcher will use the
ECQ/MS as main criteria with corresponding rating scale that resonates to the agreement or
disagreement of the learners on a particular aspect of values formation. The following are the ESS
Institutional Moral Values:

Essential Character Qualities Megaskills

-Honesty -Motivation
-Reflection -Collaboration
-Respect -Confidence
-Responsibility -Problem Solving
-Gratitude -Initiative
-Perseverance -Creativity
-Caring -Focus

The researcher only focuses on perceived implications of the Kariton Klasrum Activity on
Setonian’s ECQ/MS Development. Thus, the main objective has to do with further improvement of the
said program by evaluating its effectiveness to the moral formation of learners as Setonian graduates.

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