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Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

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Magnetotransport, spin reorientation, and anomalous

ferrimagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic phase transition in epitaxial Mn2Sb
alloy thin films
Ting-Wei Chen a, b, Shiqi Liu b, Ying Zhang a, Fang Tang c, Jing-Shi Ying a, Shuang-Shuang Li a,
Lei Chen d, Fu-Sheng Luo e, Shu-Juan Zhang a, Yong Fang c, Shanming Ke d, Weiyao Zhao f, *,
Ren-Kui Zheng d, **
School of Materials Science and Engineering and Jiangxi Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Functional Thin Films, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
Key Laboratory of Spintronics Materials, Devices and Systems of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 311305, China
Jiangsu Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials, Department of Physics, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, China
School of Physics and Materials Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
School of physics and electronic information, Gannan Normal University, China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia


Keywords: High-quality ferrimagnetic Mn2Sb epitaxial thin films have been successfully grown on SrTiO3 (001) single-
Mn2Sb film crystal substrates via systematically optimizing the growth parameters using molecular beam epitaxy. Magne­
Anomalous Hall effect totransport and magnetic measurements reveal that a spin reorientation transition occurs in the 260–150 K
Antiferromagnetic phase
region where the direction of spins rotates from out-of-plane to in-plane upon cooling, resulting in the ferri­
magnetic(II) phase, followed by a giant magnetoresistance associated anomalous ferrimagnetic(II)-to-canted
Molecular beam epitaxy
antiferromagnetic (c-AFM) phase transition in the 150–115 K region, resulting in the c-AFM ground state,
both of which are completely absent and have yet not been previously observed in Mn2Sb bulk and thin films.
Temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction measurements reveal that the low-temperature c-AFM phase originates
from the contraction of the out-of-plane lattice constant c, which would increase the exchange interaction be­
tween neighbouring magnetic sublattices and thus stabilize the c-AFM phase. DFT calculations reveal that
substrate clamping is the cause of the unique c-axis contraction in Mn2Sb films. For the 24-nm films, there is
almost no out-of-plane magnetization in the ground state, but exists a weak in-plane remanent magnetization
(~0.4 μB/f.u.) and anomalous Hall effects, implying spin canting within the ab plane. With decreasing film
thickness from 64 to 8 nm, the out-of-plane saturation magnetization at 10 K increases by approximately 10
times, and for the 8-nm film, its saturation magnetization (4.8 μB/f.u.) is 2.8 times larger than that of Mn2Sb bulk
(~1.74 μB/f.u.), both of which are attributed to the interfacial strain effect. Our work demonstrates that Mn2Sb
films grown on perovskite oxide substrates show anomalous spin-charge-lattice coupling phenomena, which may
inspire more study of its basic properties and potential device applications.

1. Introduction 4] Recently, giant AHE was reported in hexagonal Mn3X (X=Sn, Ge, Ga,
and Pt) compounds, which are antiferromagnets with a noncollinear
The realization of stable and sizeable anomalous Hall effects (AHE) 120◦ spin coupling between the Mn Kagome lattice within their ab
at room temperature is important to achieve better performance of planes. Such a triangle antiferromagnetic (AFM) structure contains
electronic and spintronic devices. [1,2] For ferromagnetic materials, the geometrical frustration and induces noncolinear AFM coupling between
anomalous Hall current is generated in proportion to the magnetization Mn moments. [5–7] Due to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction,
below the magnetic ordering temperatures (Curie temperature, TC). [3, weak net magnetic moments have been observed in these compounds

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (W. Zhao), (R.-K. Zheng).
Received 1 August 2022; Received in revised form 10 July 2023; Accepted 14 August 2023
Available online 19 August 2023
1359-6454/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

below the Néel temperature (TN ≈ 420 K), however, DM interaction is The magnetic structure of Mn2Sb has been determined in previous
not responsible for their surprisingly large AHEs. [8–11] Instead, the reports [30,46]. Schematic diagram of the AFM and FIM(II) magnetic
nonvanishing Berry phase was proposed to explain the observed giant structure is shown in Figure S1, Supporting Information. Each magnetic
AHE in Mn3Sn and Mn3Ge. [8,12] With the presence of a strong sublattice of Mn2Sb contains Mn(II)-Mn(I)-Mn(II) triple layers, as indi­
spin-orbit coupling, the application of a small magnetic field leads to the cated by the dotted blue squares. Within a magnetic sublattice, there is a
realignment of magnetic domains below TN, thus changes the Hall re­ strong direct exchange interaction between the neighbouring Mn layers,
sistivity dramatically. [13,14] Another scenario of spin coupling in which induces the particular Mn(II)←Mn(I)→Mn(II)←, or Mn(II)→Mn
magnetic materials is the ferrimagnetism (FIM) in which there are two (I)←Mn(II)→ spin arrangement. Because the magnetic moments of Mn
magnetic sublattices with unequal antiparallel spins, resulting in net (I) and Mn(II) are different, each magnetic sublattice has a net magnetic
magnetic moments like a ferromagnet (FM). The ordering temperature moment. Whether the coupling between neighbouring magnetic sub­
of many ferrimagnetic materials are higher than room temperature lattices is FM or AFM depends on the indirect exchange via the Sb 5p
including rare-earth transition-metal alloy [15] and rare-earth-free states.
metallics [16], which enables potential room-temperature applica­ The aforementioned phenomena of Mn2Sb are observed in its bulk
tions. In recent years, ferrimagnetic materials are popular in the form in the last several decades. To realize device applications, a
research of spin-orbital torque (SOT), and are considered to support the comprehensive study of Mn2Sb thin films is highly desired. Unfortu­
application of the high-performance SOT-magnetoresistive random ac­ nately, there are only several literatures that reported the properties of
cess memory (SOT-MRAM). [15] Moreover, ferrimagnets possess unique Mn2Sb thin films grown on GaAs and Si substrates, [47–51] which may
properties, e.g., fast magnetic field-driven AFM spin dynamics at the probably be due to the high difficulty in growing high quality
angular momentum compensation point, [17,18] due to the interaction single-phase Mn2Sb films because their phase purity and out-of-plane
between magnetic sublattices. orientation are highly sensitive to growth parameters of molecular
Materials that show high temperature FM or FIM phase and low beam epitaxy (MBE) and have significant impact on the physical prop­
temperature AFM phase are of great interest in recent years. These erties, for example, the parasitic MnSb impurity phase [51,52] has
materials include magnetic alloys such as MnP [19], FeRh [20–23], stronger ferromagnetism than that of Mn2Sb phase. Therefore, precise
Fe3Ga4 [24], Gd5Ge4 [25], Nd5Ge3 [26], CeFe2 [27], and Mn2Sb [28,29]. adjustment of growth parameters is highly required to prepare highly
Among them, Mn2Sb is an interesting material that undergoes high (001)-oriented Mn2Sb films in order to eliminate the in-plane lattice
temperature FIM to low temperature AFM phase transition during which misalignment which usually results in the MnSb phase. The impurity
multiple physical quantities couple mutually, resulting in interesting phase, orientation fault, and other obstacles, e.g., high saturated vapor
phenomena. pressure of Sb and possible self-doping effect at the interface, [53] slows
Mn2Sb is a FIM material, which crystallizes in the Cu2Sb-type the basic and device research progresses of the Mn2Sb family. It is noted
centrosymmetric tetragonal lattice with P4/nmm space group (a = 4.08 that the growth of Mn2Sb films on lattice matched oxide single-crystal
Å and c = 6.56 Å), showing a paramagnetic-to-FIM transition at 550 K, substrates is missing until now. Another critical problem during thin
below which the spins of the two kinds of Mn atoms, namely Mn(I) and film deposition process is the good lattice match between the Mn2Sb
Mn(II) [Fig. 1(a)], aligns antiferromagnetically along the c axis, how­ (101) plane and perovskite (001) plane [e.g., SrTiO3 (STO)] [Fig. 1(c)],
ever, with unequal magnetic moments. [30] Upon cooling, a spin reor­ easily resulting in mixed out-of-plane orientations of Mn2Sb (001)
ientation (SR) transition occurs at ~260 K, where the direction of spins [Fig. 1(b)] and Mn2Sb (101) [Fig. 1(c)] films. Therefore, the growth of
of both sublattices rotates to the ab plane. [31,32] This transition is high-quality single phase Mn2Sb epitaxial films on perovskite oxide
sensitive to element substitutions, e.g., Co, Cr, Cu, Zn, V at Mn site, or Bi, substrates is highly challenging.
Sn at Sb site, [33–45] which consequently modifies the magnetic phase In this paper, we report the growth of high-quality single phase
transition temperatures, [33–37] magnetic domain structures, [38] Mn2Sb epitaxial films on perovskite STO (001) substrates via system­
magnetostriction, and inverse magnetostriction, [39–41] magnetore­ atically optimizing the growth parameters using MBE. The magneto­
sistance (MR), [42] magnetocaloric effect, [43] and topological Hall transport, anomalous Hall effect, and magnetic properties of the Mn2Sb
effect [44,45] of Mn2Sb. The multi-dimensional coupling and tunability (001) epitaxial films have been systematically studied. The detailed
of magnetism and other physical properties provides a good platform to results and discussion are presented in the following sections.
investigate the competing interactions among the spin, charge, and
lattice degrees of freedom and explore its potential device applications. 2. Experimental section

2.1. Thin film growth

Mn2Sb films were grown on one-side polished (001)-oriented STO (a

= 3.905 Å) single-crystal substrates with a size of 5 × 5 × 0.5 mm3 using
MBE, equipped with high purity Mn (Alfa Aesar, 99.995%) and Sb (Alfa
Aesar, 99.9999%) sources. The size of the hollowed part of the mask is
4.4 × 4.4 mm2, resulting in an effective area of films is approximately
4.4 × 4.4 mm2. The flux ratio of the Mn and Sb sources at fixed tem­
peratures are calibrated by quartz crystal microbalance. The MBE sys­
tem is operated in ultrahigh vacuum with a background pressure less
than 1 × 10− 10 mbar. STO substrates were cleaned with acetone,
alcohol, and deionized water in sequence to remove impurities, dried
with high purity nitrogen gas and further cleaned by Ar-O2 plasma.
Before the growth of Mn2Sb films, STO substrates were heated to 500 ℃
for degassing and decreased to a growth temperature of TS=330 ◦ C and
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the tetragonal crystal structure of Mn2Sb
with two kinds of Mn atoms [Mn(I) and Mn(II)] occupying different crystallo­ stabilized for 20 min, followed by the growth of Mn2Sb films. After
graphic positions. (b) Usual growth mode of Mn2Sb films along the [001] di­ optimizing the substrate temperature [Figure S2(a), Supporting Infor­
rection using SrTiO3 (001) substrates. (c) Mn2Sb (101) film could also be grown mation] and flux rates of Mn and Sb [Figure S2(b), S3, Supporting In­
on SrTiO3 (001) substrates via the domain matching epitaxial growth mode formation], the growth rate of Mn2Sb films is determined to be ~2.67 Å/
because the Mn2Sb (101) plane matches the SrTiO3 (001) plane quite well. min. Mn2Sb thin films with various thicknesses are employed to study

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

the electronic transport and magnetic properties, of which 68 to 64-nm (ZFC) magnetization and magnetic hysteresis loops of Mn2Sb films
films are discussed here. were measured using a superconducting quantum interference device
(SQUID) (MPMS3, Quantum Design). Note that the diamagnetic signal
2.2. Structure and composition from STO substrates have been subtracted.

The crystallographic properties of Mn2Sb films were characterized 2.4. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations
by X-ray reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) rocking curve (ω
scan), θ− 2θ and φ scans at room temperature using a Rigaku SmartLab DFT calculations are performed using the projector-augmented wave
X-ray diffractometer equipped with Cu Kα1 X-ray source (λ=1.5406 Å). (PAW) pseudopotential and a plane-wave cut-off energy of 500 eV
The low temperature XRD θ− 2θ scan measurements were conducted implemented in the QUANTUM ESPRESSO Package [54,55] and
after the Mn2Sb film was stabilized at each temperature for 5 min, using DS-PAW [56]. A Γ-centered Kmesh-Resolved Value of 0.03 (in Units of
a Bruker D8 X-ray diffractometer equipped with High-brilliance 6 KW 2*π/Angstrom) is used to generate the k-points in the Brillouin zone. The
rotational Cu X-ray source (λ=1.5406 Å). The elemental mapping of Mn maximum force is less than 0.02 eV A-1 per atom, and the energy is
and Sb elements were measured using an energy dispersive X-ray converged to within 10− 5 eV between two successive steps. Generalized
spectroscopy (EDS) attachment (Ultim Max 65, Oxford Instruments) gradient approximation (GGA) [57] of the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof
installed on a FEI focused ion beam system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, (PBE) [58] form to the exchange–correlation functional is applied
Scios2). The surface morphology of Mn2Sb films were measured via the throughout the theoretical calculation.
atomic force microscopy using a Cypher ES atomic force microscope
(Oxford Instruments Asylum Research Inc.). 3. Results and discussion

2.3. Electronic and magnetic properties XRR, XRD θ− 2θ, ω, and φ scan measurements were performed to
check the phase purity, out-of-plane and in-plane orientations, crystal­
The anomalous Hall effect and magnetotransport properties of linity, and thicknesses of the Mn2Sb films. As shown in Fig. 2(a), (00l) (l
Mn2Sb films were measured using a physical property measurement = 1, 2, 3, 4) diffraction peaks of a 16-nm Mn2Sb film and two strong
system (PPMS) (DynaCool-14, Quantum Design). The zero-field-cooled (00l) (l = 1, 2) diffraction peaks of the STO substrate are observed using

Fig. 2. (a) XRD θ− 2θ scan pattern for a 16-nm Mn2Sb film grown on a SrTiO3 substrate. (b) XRD rocking curve taken on the Mn2Sb (002) diffraction peak. (c, d) XRD
φ-scan patterns taken on the Mn2Sb (101) and SrTiO3 (110) diffraction peaks, respectively. (e) Laue oscillation of the Mn2Sb (002) diffraction peak. (f) XRD reciprocal
space mapping around Mn2Sb (002) diffraction peak. (g) RHEED pattern of the Mn2Sb film. (h) XRR pattern of a 20-nm Mn2Sb film. The red curve is the fitting of the
data. (i, j) EDS elemental mapping of the Mn and Sb elements. (k) Elemental spectrum of a Mn2Sb film.

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

the θ− 2θ scan. There are no diffraction peaks contributed by impurity

phases, nor by other orientations of the Mn2Sb film, which indicates the
successful growth of single phase and c-axis oriented Mn2Sb films on
STO substrates. The XRD ω-scan measurements taken on the Mn2Sb
(002) diffraction peak yields a rocking curve with a full width at half
maximum (FWHM) of 0.1◦ [Fig. 2(b)]. This, together with the reciprocal
space mapping pattern around the Mn2Sb (002) diffraction peak [Fig. 2
(f)], reveals the excellent crystalline quality of the Mn2Sb film. The XRD
φ scans taken on the Mn2Sb (101) and STO (110) diffraction peaks yield
four-fold symmetrical diffraction peaks from the Mn2Sb film, occurring
at the same azimuthal angles as those of the STO substrate [Figs. 2(c, d)],
revealing the epitaxial growth of the Mn2Sb film on the STO substrate.
Another feature of the XRD pattern is the Laue oscillations on both sides
of Mn2Sb (002) diffraction peak [Fig. 2(e)], which originates from the
interference of reflected X-ray by the smooth film surface and film-
substrate interface, following the Bragg’s law [59]:
d= (1)
2(Sinθm − Sinθn )

where θm and θn denote the angle of two adjacent Laue oscillation peaks,
λ is the wavelength of X-ray. A film thickness d~16 nm can be obtained
using Eq. (1). The smooth surface morphology of the Mn2Sb film is
visualized by the AFM image shown in Figure S4 (Supporting Informa­
tion), in which the root-mean-square roughness of a 5 × 5 μm2 area is
~0.3 nm. The sharp streaky RHEED pattern [Fig. 2(g)] further indicates
high crystalline quality and smooth surface of the film. The fitting of the
XRR oscillation pattern obtained from a thicker 20-nm Mn2Sb film
(growth time: 75 min) [Fig. 2(h)] yields a surface roughness ~0.7 nm
and mass density ~7.1 g/cm3, which is close to the theoretical value of
7.05 g/cm3. The elemental mapping via EDS were performed on the
surface of the 16-nm Mn2Sb film within a relatively large area. As shown
Fig. 3. (a) Anomalous Hall resistivity vs. the magnetic field B for the 16-nm
in [Figs. 2(i, j)], the Mn and Sb elements distribute uniformly within the
Mn2Sb film. Inset I: Enlarge view of the saturated region of the Hall re­
measured area, with an atomic ratio of Mn/Sb=1.96 [Fig. 2(k)], close to sistivity curves. Inset II: Hall resistivity vs. B at T = 2 and 25 K. (b) MR vs. B in
that of stoichiometric Mn2Sb. All these results demonstrate that the the 2–300 K region for the 16-nm Mn2Sb film. Inset: MR vs. B curves in the high
Mn2Sb (001) film is high quality. field region.
Hall measurements were performed on the 16-nm Mn2Sb film at
various fixed temperatures. As shown in Fig. 3(a), AHE is observed at transitions of the Mn2Sb film. To study their relationships, we split the
temperatures ranging from 2 to 300 K. We firstly focus on the AHE at total Hall resistivity into ordinary and anomalous parts using:
300 K, where the saturated AH resistivity (ρAH ) is ~0.6 μΩ cm above ~1
T. The saturated ρAH increases slightly with cooling from 300 to 250 K ρxy = ρH + ρAH = R0 Bz + RS 4π Mz (3)
(~1.0 μΩ cm) and shows less temperature dependent behaviors upon
further cooling to 150 K [inset (I) of Fig. 3(a)]. From 150 to 100 K, the where ρH is the ordinary Hall resistivity, R0 is the ordinary Hall coeffi­
saturated ρAH decreases, which suggests a decrease in the saturated cient, RS is the anomalous Hall coefficient, B is the magnetic flux density,
magnetization. The AHE curves above 50 K show “S”-like shape, with Mz is the magnetization. R0 is estimated by the linear fitting of the ρxy vs.
negligible coercive effect. However, a significant change occurs at T = B curves in the high field region. R0 at 300 K is ~2.8 × 10− 12 Ω cm / Oe,
25 K, where the AHE changes its sign and show roughly squared shape. which is comparable to those of other magnetic alloy bulks and thin
At T = 2 K, the AHE keeps similar shape as that of the 25-K one, however, films. [60] The ordinary Hall effect term in Eq. (3) describes the influ­
shows a larger saturation ρAH . To evaluate the AHE in the Mn2Sb film, ence of external magnetic field on charge carriers, which follows R0 =
the anomalous Hall conductivity (σ AH) is calculated using: 1/ne, where e is the charge of an electron and n is the charge carrier
/( ) density. As shown in Table S1 (Supporting Information), R0 decreases
σ AH = ρyz ρ2yx + ρ2xx (2) with decreasing temperature from 300 K, implying an increase in the
carrier density. ρAH is obtained by subtracting the resistivity contributed
where ρxx is the longitudinal resistivity extracted from the MR data from the ordinary Hall effect. The magnetization Mz in Eq. (3) is ob­
shown in Fig. 3(b). The saturated σAH is 8.5 Ω− 1 cm-1 at 300 K, which is tained from the magnetic hysteresis loops which are shown in Fig. 4(b).
nearly three times larger than that of the Mn2Sb bulk. [46] |σ AH| at 300 Note that the diamagnetic background has been subtracted to obtain
K is comparable to the reported values of noncollinear Weyl antiferro­ these loops. The loops also show “S” shape with negligible coercive field,
magnet Mn3Sn (|σ zx| ~ 20 Ω− 1 cm− 1, |σ yx| ~ 30 Ω− 1 m− 1). [60] The which suggests the soft magnetic nature of the film [61]. The coercive
significantly large AHE in epitaxial Mn2Sb films at room temperature is field increases at low temperatures, e.g., T = 10 and 20 K [Fig. 4(b)],
favorable for its potential applications in electronic devices. As shown in which is consistent with the AHE curves shown in Fig. 3(a). For the
Fig. 3(b), the MR effect for T ≤ 24 K and T ≥ 175 K is rather weak while 16-nm Mn2Sb film with saturation magnetization (Msat) ~315 emu/cc at
for 25 K ≤ T ≤ 150 K it is much significant, which are closely related to 300 K, one can obtain RS ≈ 1.0 × 10− 10 Ω cm / G, which is 2~3 orders
the magnetic phase transitions that will be discussed in the following smaller than that of noncollinear Kagome antiferromagnets, [46,60] and
sections. about 11~50 times larger than usual metal ferromagnets (cf. Fe: |RS| =
Fig. 4(a) shows that ρAH and σ AH reach maximum values at ~200 and 7.3 × 10− 12 Ω cm / G, Co: |RS| = 2.0 × 10− 12 Ω cm / G and Ni: |RS| = 9.1
~150 K, respectively, which are probably related to the magnetic phase × 10− 12 Ω cm / G). [62]

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

Fig. 5. (a) Temperature dependence of the zero-field-cooled in-plane and out-

Fig. 4. (a) Anomalous Hall resistivity and Anomalous Hall conductivity plotted of-plane magnetization for the 16-nm Mn2Sb film. (b) Temperature dependence
against temperature for the 16-nm Mn2Sb film. (b) Magnetic hysteresis loops of longitudinal resistivity and magnetoresistance (MR) in various magnetic
measured at various temperatures for the 16-nm Mn2Sb film. Inset: Enlarge fields for the 16-nm Mn2Sb film.
saturated region of the magnetic hysteresis loops.
out-of-plane magnetization at 10 K is basically zero while there is a net
Fig. 5(a) and 5(b) show the temperature dependence of the in-plane in-plane magnetization of 0.56 μB/f.u., indicating that the direction of
and out-of-plane ZFC magnetization, longitudinal resistivity ρxx, and MR spins is canted within the ab plane. Namely, the low-temperature phase
for the 16-nm Mn2Sb film, respectively. At high temperatures (e.g., 300 is the c-AFM phase. The FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition is also re­
K), the Mn2Sb film is in the FIM(I) state, where the two Mn sublattices flected by the temperature dependent zero-field resistivity which in­
possess different moments along the [001] and [001] directions (see the creases remarkably below 150 K [Fig. 5(b)], induced by increasing
right inset of [Fig. 11(a)]. For the measurements of magnetization, the magnetic disorder and related carrier scatterings during the phase
magnetic fields of B = 200 and 500 Oe were applied along the out-of- transition. It is noted that the c-AFM phase has yet not been reported in
plane [001] [i.e., B⊥ab, lower inset of Fig. 5(a)] and [100] [B//ab, the undoped Mn2Sb phase either in the form of film or bulk before. [64,
upper inset of Fig. 5(a)] crystallographic directions of the Mn2Sb film, 65] Another feature is that the transition temperature (TFIM(II)− c− AFM ) is
respectively. At 350 K, sizeable magnetization values are obtained for sensitive to external magnetic fields. As shown in Fig. 5(b), TFIM(II)− c− AFM
both measurement configurations, in which the out-of-plane magneti­ can be shifted from 155 to 75 K by applying a 14 T magnetic field,
zation are slightly larger than that of the in-plane ones. Upon cooling, indicating that the c-AFM phase is suppressed by the magnetic field. In
two magnetic phase transitions occur, which are reflected by the vari­ this magnetic phase transition region (75–155 K), the magnetic scat­
ation of the magnetization with temperature. Specifically: 1) the SR tering plays a dominant role to the MR behaviors, e.g., negative MR up
transition approximately between 260 K and 150 K, where the direction to ~45% [upper panel of Fig. 5(b)].
of spins of each Mn sublattice rotates from out-of-plane to in-plane, The resistivity of all Mn2Sb films (8–64 nm) has been measured with
which causes an increase in the in-plane magnetization and a decrease field cooling and field warming modes to verify whether the FIM(II)-to-
in the out-of-plane magnetization within this temperature region, c-AFM phase transition is a first-order phase transition or not. Fig. 6
resulting in the FIM(II) phase [light green area in Fig. 5(a)], and 2) the shows the temperature dependence of the resistivity in magnetic fields
FIM(II)-to-canted AFM (c-AFM) phase transition between 150 K and 115 of B = 0, 1, 5, 9, 14 T, with the direction of B perpendicular and parallel
K [yellow area in Fig. 5(a)], where the in-plane magnetization shows to the film plane, respectively. In Figs. 6(c), 6(d), 6(h), and 6(i), the red
rapid decrease and the out-of-plane magnetization shows appreciable and black arrows are marked to indicate that the resistivity was
decrease. Within this phase transition area, the competing FIM(II) and c- measured by warming and cooling under zero magnetic field, respec­
AFM phases coexist, which may give rise to possible exchange bias ef­ tively. Regardless of the directions of the magnetic field, the thermal
fect, as has been observed in previous reports [63]. For B = 200 Oe, the hysteresis effects are observed for all films, which strongly indicates that
the FIM(II)-to-c-AFM magnetic phase transition near 150 K is of first

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of the field-cooling and field-warming resistivity of Mn2Sb films with various thicknesses. (a-e) Out-of-plane ρ-T curves of the 8, 12,
16, 32, and 64-nm Mn2Sb films, respectively. (f-j) In-plane ρ-T curves of these Mn2Sb films.

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

order, which has yet not been reported in Mn2Sb bulk. panel of Fig. 9). The lattice mismatch between STO and Mn2Sb (001) at
To further study the reasons for the discrepancy in the electronic and the ground state (0 K) is only 0.28%, indicating that the two lattices can
magnetic properties between the Mn2Sb films and Mn2Sb bulk, we be perfectly matched. To avoid interlayer coupling induced by the
prepared Mn2Sb films with difference thicknesses t (8 ≤ t ≤ 64) on STO period boundary condition, we set at least 20 Å vacuum layer at the Z
(001) substrates using the same growth recipe. The XRD θ− 2θ patterns direction perpendicular to the XY contact interface. During the struc­
of these thin films are shown in Fig. S5 (Supporting Information), which tural optimization, STO substrate and the top three layers of Mn2Sb
indicates that all films are single phase and c-axis oriented. The XRD atoms are fixed, leaving the interfacial three-layer Mn2Sb (one period)
rocking curve, XRR, and AFM images of them are shown in Fig. 7. free to relax. The results show that the Sb and Mn atoms at the interface
FWHMs of the rocking curves taken on the Mn2Sb (002) diffraction peak have obvious position shift (right panel of Fig. 9). As a result, the
are 1.07◦ , 0.13◦ , 0.10◦ , 0.19◦ and 0.24◦ for the 8, 12, 16, 32, and 64 nm magnetic moments of the Mn atoms are no longer stay in the ab plane.
Mn2Sb films, respectively, which demonstrates that they have good The direction of moments has a certain inclination angle with respect to
crystallization quality. The XRR patterns indicate that the films with the ab plane (more than 0.5 μB along the Z direction), which is consistent
different deposition times have different thicknesses, ranging from ~8 with the abnormally large magnetization in the 8-nm film. As the film
to 64 nm. The atomic force microscopy images show that the roughness thickness increases, the magnetization due to the spin canting at the
of the 8, 12, 16, 32, and 64-nm Mn2Sb films are 0.97, 1.01, 0.30, 1.37, interface region will be diluted, resulting in the decreased magnetization
and 1.45 nm, respectively. We note that the 2θ angles of the XRD (00l) with increasing film thickness [Fig. 8(c)].
peaks of the thickest Mn2Sb film (64 nm) are close to those of the bulk. The thickness dependent lattice constant, ρAH , and magnetization
For thinner films (< 64 nm), the XRD θ− 2θ scan peak positions increase [Fig. 8(a), 8(b), 8(c)] suggest that the shrinkage of the lattice constant c
with decreasing film thickness, indicating a decrease in the lattice con­ significantly enhances the anomalous Hall effect and ferromagnetism,
stant c. The lattice constant c of the 8-nm Mn2Sb film at 300 K is 6.427 Å, implying strong spin-lattice coupling effects. Such effects are also
smaller than 6.56 Å of the Mn2Sb bulk [Fig. 8(a)]. Interestingly, we manifested by the variation of the in-plane and out-of-plane ZFC
found that the anomalous Hall resistivity (ρAH ) at 300 K is related to the magnetization with temperature, as shown in Fig. 10(a) and 10(b),
thickness of the films [Fig. 8(a)], namely, AHE in thinner film is quite where both the in-plane and out-of-plane remanent magnetization in­
significant, and decreases with increasing film thickness. Temperature creases considerably with decreasing film thickness. Since all films with
dependence of ρAH of Mn2Sb films with various thicknesses is shown in different thicknesses are single phase, the influences of impurity phases
Fig. 8(b). Here, ρAH is extracted from the anomalous Hall effect curves on the magnetic properties can be excluded. It is believed that the
shown in Figure S6 (Supporting Information). ρAH of the 8-nm film in­ thickness dependent remanent magnetization is due to the interfacial
creases near-linearly with the temperature and are significantly larger lattice strain. As the film thickness decreases, the contribution of the
than those of the other thin-film samples, and shows a maximum value magnetization from the strain layer near the interface becomes more
of 1.48 μΩ cm at 300 K. While ρAH of the 64-nm film has a maximum significant to the total magnetization, leading to an increase in the
value of 0.67 μΩ cm at 175 K, which is the spin reorientation transition remanent magnetization. Furthermore, the magnetization change near
temperature of the Mn2Sb film. Upon cooling, ρAH of the 64-nm film the magnetic phase transitions is more pronounced for thicker films, e.
decreases to almost 0 μΩ cm at 2 K [Fig. 8(b)], where the Mn2Sb film g., the 24-nm film in Fig. 10(a). We therefore plot the magnetization and
enters into the c-AFM state. According to the out-of-plane magnetic magnetic phases of the 24-nm Mn2Sb film in the temperature range from
hysteresis loops of Mn2Sb films at various temperatures (Figure S7, 360 to 2 K in Fig. 11(a), where two magnetic transitions and three
Supporting Information), the out-of-plane saturation magnetization for phases can be identified as (1) the ferrimagnetic phase FIM(I) phase with
various film thicknesses are extracted and plotted against temperature in out-of-plane spin orientation (approximately > 260 K); (2) SR region
Fig. 8(c). One may notice that, the 8-nm film has an abnormally large (approximately 150–260 K) where the direction of spins rotates from
saturation magnetization (4.8 μB/f.u.), which is 5.5 times larger than out-of-plane to in-plane, as reflected by the rapid decrease in the out-of-
that of Mn2Sb bulk (~1.74 μB/f.u.) [32]. For the 16-nm Mn2Sb film, the plane magnetization below 260 K and increase in the in-plane magne­
saturation magnetization Msat increases with cooling in the high tem­ tization, resulting in the FIM(II) phase with in-plane spin orientation; (3)
perature FIM region (300 - 170 K), and shows a maximum value of 2.70 FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition region (115–150 K) where the in-
μB/f.u. at 170 K, and slightly increases to 2.71 μB/f.u. at 140 K. Upon plane magnetization decreases rapidly, signaling the formation of c-
further cooling, Msat decreases to 1.86 μB/f.u. at 10 K due to the tran­ AFM phase; (4) the c-AFM phase region (<115 K) where the out-of-plane
sition to the c-AFM phase. With increasing film thickness from 8 to 64 moment approaches zero at 10 K while the in-plane net moment is 0.39
nm, Msat decreases proportionally (especially at low temperatures, e.g., μB/f.u. at 10 K. The net moment is probably contributed by canted spin
10, 20 K) and evolves toward 0.5 μB/f.u. at 10 K for the 64-nm film moments within the ab plane of the Mn2Sb film, which is allowed when
[Fig. 8(c)]. Therefore, with decreasing film thickness, both Msat and ρAH an in-plane DM interaction occurs by interface mismatch at low tem­
increases in general. It is inferred that the abnormally large ρAH for the peratures. [66,67]
8-nm films should be derived from its giant Msat. In contrast, with The temperature dependent out-of-plane lattice constant c are shown
decreasing film thickness, the resistivity changes (ΔR) associated with in Fig. 11(b), to demonstrate the lattice behaviours of different phases.
the FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition near 150 K decrease (Figure S8, We focus on the anomalous FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition. Previous
Supporting Information), indicating a suppression of the phase transi­ work reported that this phase transition is only observed in transition-
tion, which may be due to the enhancement of interfacial strain effect metal-doped Mn2Sb bulk materials [68,69] and is accompanied with
with decreasing film thickness. the contraction of the lattice constant c. We measured the lattice con­
The enhanced anomalous Hall effect and remanent magnetization stant c of the Mn2Sb film via XRD in the 50–300 K region, and show the
with decreasing film thickness is probably related to the interfacial XRD patterns in the heat map format in the inset of Fig. 11(b). At T =
epitaxial strain which would modify the spin aligned at the interface 300 K, the lattice constants a and c are calculated to be 4.12 Å and 6.51 Å
region. Note that the epitaxial strain relaxes quickly in the thickness of by combining the out-of-plane and in-plane XRD pattern (Figure S9,
approximately a few nanometres due to the large lattice mismatch Supporting Information), respectively, indicating an in-plane expansion
(~5.7%) between the STO and Mn2Sb. The is evidenced by the increased by 1% and out-of-plane contraction by 0.8%, respectively. Upon cooling
FWHM of rocking curve for the 8-nm film [Fig. 7(a)] and a quick from 300 to 130 K, the lattice constant c decreases almost linearly with a
decrease in the lattice constant c with increasing film thickness [Fig. 8 coefficient of thermal expansion ~1.7 × 10− 5/ ◦ C, which is slightly
(a)]. We have carried out the first-principles calculations based on the larger than that (1.4 × 10− 5/ ◦ C) of Mn2Sb bulk. [70] In addition, we
DFT to demonstrate the effects of interfacial strain on the spin canting in have grown Mn2Sb films on (001)-oriented GdScO3 (ap=3.96 Å) sub­
thinner films. We simulate the interface between Mn2Sb and STO (left strates with larger lattice constants. The FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

Fig. 7. XRD rocking curve, XRR, and AFM images of Mn2Sb films with various thicknesses. (a-e) Rocking curve of the 8, 12, 16, 32, and 64-nm Mn2Sb films,
respectively. (f-j) XRR patterns of these Mn2Sb films. (k-o) The AFM images of these Mn2Sb films.

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

Fig. 9. The DFT calculation model for Mn2Sb/STO structure. Left panel:
structure before optimization. Right panel: structure after optimization.

Fig. 8. (a) Thickness dependence of lattice constant c and anomalous Hall re­
sistivity at room temperature for Mn2Sb films. (b) Temperature dependence of
anomalous Hall resistivity for various film thicknesses. (c) Temperature
dependence of the out-of-plane saturation magnetization for various film

transition of Mn2Sb films on these substrates can still be observed at

similar temperature region (Figure S10, Supporting Information). Fig. 10. Temperature dependence of zero-field-cooled magnetization for
Since the thermal expansion coefficient of STO oxide is much smaller Mn2Sb films with various film thickness. The magnetic field of 500 Oe is applied
than that of Mn2Sb alloy, the already expanded in-plane lattice of the along (a) the in-plane direction and (b) the out-of-plane direction.
Mn2Sb films at the growth temperature (330 ◦ C) will be partially
clamped by the STO substrates. This clamping effect will prevent the
film’s ab plane from shrinkage freely as the temperature decreases from

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

Fig. 13. The DFT calculation model for strain free Mn2Sb lattice (left panel).
The model for ab plane expansion and c-axis contraction (right one). The lattice
constants are the optimized results. The calculation results show that the
ground state of stain free one is FIM, and of strained one is AFM.

the contraction of the lattice constant c will enhance the indirect ex­
change interaction via Sb 5p states -between neighbouring magnetic
sublattices, and thus converts the coupling from FIM to AFM of adjacent
magnetic sublattices [30,46,68,69]. Since the growth temperature for all
films is the same (330 ◦ C), the lattice expansion during thin-film growth
Fig. 11. (a) Schematic diagram of the magnetic phases, together with the out- process would be similar, and moreover, the clamping effect can be
of-plane and in-plane magnetization in the temperature region below 360 K, as maintained over hundreds of nanometers thickness [71,72]. Therefore,
measured in the zero-field-cooled mode with B = 500 Oe. (b) The ut-of-plane the clamping effects of the 8–64 nm Mn2Sb films are similar, which may
lattice constant c plotted against temperature. Inset: XRD 2D contour plot. lead to similar FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition temperatures for
Mn2Sb films with different thicknesses and even on different substrates.
the growth temperature to room temperature, meanwhile the out-of-
plane lattice constant c would shrink more significantly to maintain its 4. Conclusions
lattice volume, as schematically shown in Fig. 12. Upon further cooling
from room temperature to lower temperatures, the lattice constant c In summary, high quality Mn2Sb epitaxial films are grown on
continues to shrink and show rapid shrinkage below 130 K where FIM perovskite STO (001) single-crystal substrates via precise control of the
(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition occurs. Note that our computational re­ growth parameters using molecular beam epitaxy. Magnetotransport,
sults show that, compared to the antiferromagnetic order, the ferro­ anomalous Hall effect, and magnetic measurements demonstrate that
magnetic energy of free-Mn2Sb in the ground state is slightly lower, upon cooling, a spin reorientation transition from the FIM(I) phase with
indicating that the magnetic moment arrangement is ferrimagnetic out-of-plane spin configuration to the FIM(II) phase with in-plane spin
without clamping effect. However, taking into account the substrate configuration occurs approximately in the 150–260 K temperature re­
clamping effect, we apply a strain on the a and b axis of Mn2Sb to stretch gion. Below 150 K, a giant magnetoresistance accompanied anomalous
the lattice by 1%, and then optimize the structure. The optimized FIM(II)-to-c-AFM phase transition occurs, resulting in the c-AFM ground
structure does have a clearly decreased lattice constant of the c-axis state, which is completely absent and has not yet been observed in
(Fig. 13), and the ground state becomes antiferromagnetic order because Mn2Sb bulk and thin films grown on other substrates. The stabilization
of the low temperature c-AFM phase is attributed to the enhanced in­
direct exchange interaction via Sb 5p states between neighbouring
magnetic sublattices, arising from the shrinkage of the lattice constant c
by substrate clamping, below the phase transition temperature. In the c-
AFM ground state, the 24-nm Mn2Sb film shows almost zero out-of-plane
moment and appreciable remanent in-plane moment and anomalous
Hall effect, implying spin canting within the ab plane of the film. Both
the anomalous Hall resistivity and saturation magnetization increases
with decreasing film thickness from 64 to 8 nm. The low temperature
saturation magnetization of the 8-nm film is 2.8 times larger than that of
Mn2Sb bulk and 10 times larger than that of the 64-nm one, both of
which are attributed to the interfacial strain effect. Our systematic work
on the growth and electronic and magnetic properties of Mn2Sb films
provides useful reference for growing high quality Mn2Sb-based films on
Fig. 12. Schematic of the substrate clamping effect. (a) The lattice constant a, perovskite oxide substrates and the exploration of its potential device
b, and c of Mn2Sb films expand at the growth temperature of 330 ◦ C due to the applications.
thermal expansion effect. (b) Upon cooling from the growth temperature to
room temperature, the in-plane lattice is clamped by the STO substrate. This
will prevent the film’s ab plane from shrinkage freely, meanwhile the out-of- CRediT authorship contribution statement
plane lattice constant c would shrink more significantly in order to maintain
its lattice volume. R.K.Z. and W.Z. supervised the research. T.W.C. prepared thin films

T.-W. Chen et al. Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119257

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