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What is the current GDP growth rate of

 Positive
 Negative
 Stable
2. How is Pakistan addressing its fiscal deficit?
 Austerity measures
 Tax reforms
 Increased borrowing
3.What percentage of Pakistan's budget is
allocated to education?
 Less than 10%
 10% - 15%
 More than 15%
4.Is Pakistan experiencing inflation?
 Yes, moderate
 Yes, high
 No
5.How is Pakistan managing its external
 Refinancing
 Repayment
 Debt restructuring
6.Are there ongoing efforts to improve tax
collection in Pakistan?
 Yes, significant reforms
 Yes, minor changes
 No
7.What measures has Pakistan taken to
enhance its foreign exchange reserves?
 Export promotion
 Foreign investment
 Borrowing
8.Is Pakistan implementing structural
reforms in its energy sector?
 Yes, privatization
 Yes, regulatory changes
 No
9.How is Pakistan's unemployment rate
 Low
 Moderate
 High
10. What sectors is Pakistan focusing on
for economic diversification?
 Agriculture
 Manufacturing
 Services
11. How is Pakistan addressing its trade
 Export promotion
 Import substitution
 Bilateral trade agreements
12. Is there progress in reducing
corruption and improving governance in
 Significant progress
 Some progress
 Limited progress
13. What social safety nets are in place to
protect vulnerable populations in
 Cash transfers
 Food assistance
 Healthcare subsidies
14. How is Pakistan's progress in achieving
the Sustainable Development Goals
 On track
 Some progress
 Behind schedule
15. Are there measures to enhance ease of
doing business in Pakistan?
 Regulatory reforms
 Tax incentives
 Infrastructure development
16. Is Pakistan taking steps to address
environmental challenges?
 Renewable energy investment
 Pollution control measures
 Conservation efforts
17. How is Pakistan managing its public
sector enterprises?
 Privatization
 Restructuring
 Subsidies
18. Is there progress in strengthening the
financial sector in Pakistan?
 Banking reforms
 Capital market development
 Risk management
19. What is the status of Pakistan's access
to international financial markets?
 Borrowing through bonds
 Bilateral loans
 Not accessing markets
20. Are there efforts to enhance
transparency in Pakistan's economic
 Publication of economic data
 Public consultations
 Anti-corruption measures
21. How is Pakistan addressing
infrastructure gaps, such as transportation
and energy?
 Investment in roads
 Power generation projects
 Public-private partnerships
22. Is there progress in improving the
quality of education in Pakistan?
 Curriculum reforms
 Teacher training
 Infrastructure development
23. What role does innovation and
technology play in Pakistan's economic
 Tech startup support
 Digital infrastructure
 Research and development
24. How is Pakistan promoting financial
 Microfinance initiatives
 Mobile banking services
 Rural banking expansion
25. Are there steps taken to improve
healthcare access and quality in Pakistan?
 Healthcare infrastructure
 Health insurance programs
 Disease prevention campaigns
Certainly, here is the modified questionnaire with the requested

1. What is your NAME?

2. How old are you (AGE)?
3. What CLASS are you in?
4. What is your GENDER?
5. Please provide your ADDRESS.
6. What is the current GDP growth rate of Pakistan? • Positive • Negative
• Stable
7. How is Pakistan addressing its fiscal deficit? • Austerity measures • Tax
reforms • Increased borrowing
8. What percentage of Pakistan's budget is allocated to education? •
Less than 10% • 10% - 15% • More than 15%
9. Is Pakistan experiencing inflation? • Yes, moderate • Yes, high • No
10. How is Pakistan managing its external debt? • Refinancing •
Repayment • Debt restructuring
11. Are there ongoing efforts to improve tax collection in Pakistan? •
Yes, significant reforms • Yes, minor changes • No
12. What measures has Pakistan taken to enhance its foreign exchange
reserves? • Export promotion • Foreign investment • Borrowing
13. Is Pakistan implementing structural reforms in its energy sector? •
Yes, privatization • Yes, regulatory changes • No
14. How is Pakistan's unemployment rate currently? • Low • Moderate
• High
15. What sectors is Pakistan focusing on for economic diversification? •
Agriculture • Manufacturing • Services
16. How is Pakistan addressing its trade balance? • Export promotion •
Import substitution • Bilateral trade agreements
17. Is there progress in reducing corruption and improving governance
in Pakistan? • Significant progress • Some progress • Limited progress
18. What social safety nets are in place to protect vulnerable
populations in Pakistan? • Cash transfers • Food assistance •
Healthcare subsidies
19. How is Pakistan's progress in achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)? • On track • Some progress • Behind
20. Are there measures to enhance ease of doing business in Pakistan?
• Regulatory reforms • Tax incentives • Infrastructure development
21. Is Pakistan taking steps to address environmental challenges? •
Renewable energy investment • Pollution control measures •
Conservation efforts
22. How is Pakistan managing its public sector enterprises? •
Privatization • Restructuring • Subsidies
23. Is there progress in strengthening the financial sector in Pakistan? •
Banking reforms • Capital market development • Risk management
24. What is the status of Pakistan's access to international financial
markets? • Borrowing through bonds • Bilateral loans • Not accessing
25. Are there efforts to enhance transparency in Pakistan's economic
policies? • Publication of economic data • Public consultations • Anti-
corruption measures
26. How is Pakistan addressing infrastructure gaps, such as
transportation and energy? • Investment in roads • Power generation
projects • Public-private partnerships
27. Is there progress in improving the quality of education in Pakistan?
• Curriculum reforms • Teacher training • Infrastructure development
28. What role does innovation and technology play in Pakistan's
economic strategy? • Tech startup support • Digital infrastructure •
Research and development
29. How is Pakistan promoting financial inclusion? • Microfinance
initiatives • Mobile banking services • Rural banking expansion
30. Are there steps taken to improve healthcare access and quality in
Pakistan? • Healthcare infrastructure • Health insurance programs •
Disease prevention campaigns

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