AI English

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1. AI : facts and figure. What’s in Europe doing? (Europarl.europa.

2. Advantages and disadvatages of AI (

Work to do -> argumentation on the pros and cons of AI

Att : interaction + argumentative expressions

Oral :

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a transformative technology,

revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. While AI presents numerous advantages that
contribute to progress and innovation, it also brings certain challenges and concerns that
need to be addressed.
Let's start by its advantages. We find that AI minimizes mistakes caused by human factors through
automation and precise algorithms, improving accuracy and reliability. Also AI assumes the role of
risk taker, sparing humans from potential harm or danger that could arise in certain tasks. AI
operates 24/7, providing continuous availability and support, it excels in handling repetitive tasks,
offering assistance through digital platforms. AI enables faster decision-making processses and finds
applications in various daily tasks and activities.

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages such as high costs, AI development can be
expansive. Potential human laziness, over reliance on AI may reduce human initiative.
Unemployment risk, automation by AI can lead to job displacement. Lack of emotions, AI lacks
human empathy and emotional understanding. And limited creativity, AI may have limited out of the
box thinking capabilities.

In conclusion, while AI offers significant advantagess such as automation, efficiency and data
analysis, it also poses challenges such as job displacement, lack of human qualities and ethical
concerns. Finding a balance and responsible approach is essential to maximize the benefits of AI
while mitigating its drawbacks.
Ai is the development of intelligent machines that imitate human behavior and perform tasks
requiring human-like intelligence. It involves algorithms and models for learning, problem-solving
and decision-making. However, as any powerful technology, it has carries both advantages and
disadvantages that we must consider.

AI offers a range of advantages that have significant implications for various industries and society as
a whole. One key advantage of AI is its ability to enhance efficiency by performing tasks with speed
and precision. AI systems streamline processes, leading to increased productivity. Additionally, AI's
automation capabilities allow for the automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up human
resources to focus on more complex and creative work. Furthermore, AI's data-driven analysis and
decision-making support enable organizations to make informed and strategic decisions by analyzing
vast amounts of data and extracting valuable insights. These advantages of AI contribute to
improved productivity, decision-making, and innovation in various domains.

Alongside its advantages, AI also presents certain challenges and drawbacks. One major concern is
job displacement, as AI automation may lead to unemployment or require significant workforce
deskilling. Ethical considerations arise with AI, including issues related to privacy, data security, and
algorithmic biases. The lack of human judgment in AI systems can result in errors or biased decision-
making. Reliability risks are present as well, as AI systems may fail or produce incorrect results if not
properly designed, tested, and maintained. There is also the potential for AI to be misused, such as
in cyberattacks or privacy breaches. Furthermore, AI implementation may exacerbate existing
inequalities and widen the digital divide if not approached with inclusivity and accessibility in mind.
These cons of AI necessitate careful consideration and proactive measures to address the associated
challenges and mitigate potential negative impacts.

In conclusion, while AI offers significant advantages such as automation, efficiency and data analysis,
it also poses challenges such as job displacement, lack of human qualities and ethical concerns.
Finding a balance and responsible approach is essential to maximize the benefits of AI while
mitigating its drawbacks

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