Essay On Status of Women in India

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The status of women in India has undergone many changes and developments over the past
few millennia. From a largely subjugated and oppressed status in ancient times, women in
India have come a long way and are now considered equal to men in many respects.
However, despite the many positive changes that have occurred, there are still many
challenges and issues that women in India face on a daily basis. In this essay, I will explore
the current status of women in India, highlighting both the progress that has been made and
the challenges that still remain.

In ancient India, women were considered inferior to men and were often treated as
property rather than as individuals. They were expected to be obedient and submissive to
their husbands and fathers, and were denied many rights and opportunities that were
available to men. This situation began to change with the advent of Buddhism and Jainism,
which emphasized the equality of all people and the importance of treating everyone with
respect and compassion.

As time passed, the status of women in India continued to improve, thanks in part to the
efforts of social reformers like Raja Rammohan Roy, Jyotirao Phule, and Mahatma Gandhi.
These and other leaders fought for the rights of women and worked to change societal
attitudes towards them. As a result, women in India are now able to access education and
employment opportunities, and are able to participate in the political process.

Despite these positive developments, however, women in India still face many challenges
and obstacles. One of the biggest issues is the widespread prevalence of gender-based
violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. This violence often
goes unpunished, and women who do come forward to report it often face stigma and

Another major issue facing women in India is discrimination and inequality in the workplace.
Despite the fact that women are now able to access education and employment
opportunities, they are often paid less than men for the same work and are often denied
promotions and other opportunities for advancement. This inequality is further
compounded by the fact that many women in India are forced to work in low-paying, low-
status jobs because they do not have the education or skills to secure better employment.

In addition to these challenges, women in India also face discrimination and inequality in
other areas of life. For example, women are often denied the right to inherit property, and
are often denied access to credit and other financial resources. This can make it difficult for
women to support themselves and their families, and can contribute to poverty and other
social problems.

Despite the many challenges that women in India face, there are also many positive
developments and changes taking place. For example, more and more women are now
accessing education and employment opportunities, and are starting to play a more active
role in the political process. This is leading to a greater recognition of the contributions that
women can make to society, and is helping to change societal attitudes towards women.

In conclusion, the status of women in India has undergone many changes and developments
over the past few millennia. While there have been many positive developments, including
the ability of women to access education and employment opportunities, there are still
many challenges and issues that women in India face on a daily basis. These include gender-
based violence, discrimination and inequality in the workplace, and discrimination and
inequality in other areas of life. Despite these challenges, however, women in India are
making progress, and are starting to play a more active and influential role in society.

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