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The COVID-19 outbreak was a sudden and terrifying experience for all people

around the world. I remember telling my friends that the virus would not last for a
long time and that we would all meet after two weeks of self-isolation. I did not
know how far it would go and what changes to my life it would bring. Sitting at
home and watching the news about millions of infected and fatal cases made me
realize how fragile human life is. The pandemic has both positive and negative
effects on people and their businesses. This paper addresses these effects and
provides my experience of the COVID-19 healthcare crisis.

The virus that is still ongoing has taught a valuable thing for all of us that is being
able to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. You will never know what is
waiting for you in the future, and you should be flexible and calm enough to
embrace the new reality. At the beginning of the pandemic, it was fun to sit at
home, watch TV series and chat with my friends. Yet, after some time, I realized
how my mental health was going downwards as I started to feel anxiety about the
world and my future. I also felt very sorry for people who lost their close ones
because of COVID. However, I somehow managed that stress due to mental
health support, podcasts, and books. I realized that being able to adapt to a
changing reality is the only way to keep doing daily routines. At a country level,
countries were also adapting and making new policies, and I think now many
political figures are more flexible being aware of sudden changes. There were
too many mistakes to realize the importance of effective and fast decisions that
take into account today’s reality.

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