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Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Manaoag

Castro Street, Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan


Erica Flor E. Pascua

BSED III Values Education
Activity 17

1. What are the theories of religious?

 Functionalism Religion serves a purpose in society, providing social cohesion,
stability, and addressing psychological needs.
 Conflict Theory Religion can create and perpetuate social inequalities and
conflicts by supporting existing power structures.
 Symbolic Interactions Focuses on how individuals interact with religious
symbols and how these symbols shape personal and collective identities.
 Structuralism Examines the underlying structures and patterns within religious
myths, rituals, and symbols.
 Psychological Theory Explores the psychological aspects of religion, including the
role of beliefs and practices in individual well-being.
 Postmodernism Challenges the idea of universal religious truths, emphasizing
cultural diversity and individual interpretations.

2. What is the theory that all religions are connected?

Some people think that all religions are connected. This idea is like saying there’s a basic
set of important truths that you can find in every major religion. Even though the beliefs
and practices might look different, there’s a common core of spiritual ideas that all
religions share. This way of thinking suggests that, deep down, people from different
religions are all seeking similar things, like understanding the divine and finding meaning
in life.

3. What are the three theoretical perspective on religion?

Functionalism: Views religion as serving a purpose in society, providing stability and
addressing social needs.
Conflict Theory: Sees religion as a source of social conflicts and a way to maintain
existing power structures.
Symbolic Interactionism: Focuses on how individuals interact with religious symbols,
shaping personal and collective identities.

4. What is the theory of philosophy in religion?

The philosophy of religion explores big questions about God, existence, and meaning.
It’s a way of thinking deeply about beliefs, practices, and the nature of faith across
different cultures and traditions.

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