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Sr No Employee ID Employee name Designation Basic Salary

1 1241 Sahil Managing Director 4500

2 1242 Abiha Sales Manager 3500
3 1243 Fathima Production Manager 3500
4 1244 Basit Supervisor 2800
5 1245 Hussain Supervisor 2800
6 1246 Naqash Accountant 3000
7 1247 Fayas Asst Accountant 2500
8 1248 Christy Sales Assistant 2500
9 1249 Khadija Sales Assistant 2500
10 1250 Nimisha Receptionist 2300

HRA _3% of salary=(basic salary*3)/100

Transport Allowance=AED 200
Gross salary=SUM(basic salary+HRA+TRA
GROSS PAYABLE+Gross salary?working days*(attandence+holidays)
Provident fund -2% of basic salery =basic salary*2/100
net salary =gross payable PF +

House Rent Allowence Transport Allowence Gross salary Working Days Attandence Holidays
135 200 4835 31 26 5
105 200 3805 31 25 5
105 200 3805 31 23 5
84 200 3084 31 26 5
84 200 3084 31 24 5
90 200 3290 31 20 5
75 200 2775 31 21 5
75 200 2775 31 25 5
75 200 2775 31 26 5
69 200 2569 31 26 5

Gross Payable Provident Fund Advance Salary Net salary
160.96774194 90 500
127.74193548 70
127.74193548 70
104.48387097 56 1000
104.48387097 56
111.12903226 60
94.516129032 50 200
94.516129032 50
94.516129032 50 500
87.870967742 46

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