How To Become A Data Scientist in Six Months

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How to

Become a
Data Scientist
in Six Months
“Every company has big
data in its future and
every company will
eventually be in the data

Thomas H. Davenport, co-founder of the International Institute for

Analytics and a senior advisor to Deloitte Analytics

College athletes and coaches use it to optimize questions about making a career switch to data
their performance. Matchmaking apps use it in science in six months or less. Here is what you can
their algorithms. Netflix used it to create House of expect to learn:
Cards, Bird Box, and more. Data science has
become an integral part of day-to-day life.

A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to
The global big data market is expected to reach a Data Science
whopping $103 billion in 2027. Currently sitting at
#3 on Glassdoor’s 50 best jobs in America list, data • What Skills Do You Need to Become a
science is now one of the country’s most Data Scientist?
sought-after careers. There’s virtually no industry • Finding a Mentor
that does not collect, analyze, and gain insights • Real-Life Case Studies
from data, which is why data science has become • Working on Real-World Problems
the most versatile skill of the 21st century. • Building a Network
• Becoming a Data Scientist
This e-book will answer some of the most pertinent
Chapter 1:
A Quick-and-Dirty
Introduction to Data Science
In this chapter, we’ll touch on the fundamentals of data science.

What is data science?

“The job of the data scientist is to ask the right links on this publisher’s site, can I predict how
questions. If I ask a question like ‘how many many people from France will read this in the
clicks did this link get?’ which is something we next three hours?’ that’s more of a data science
look at all the time, that’s not a data science question.”
question. It’s an analytics question. If I ask a — Hilary Mason, founder, Fast Forward Labs
question like, ‘based on the previous history of business, and economics 03
While data analysis is about extracting information from data, data science is about extracting
valuable insights and making meaningful predictions and business decisions with data.


Identify Data Last Mile Feature Engineering Machine Reporting Production

Business Collection ETL Learning
Use Case

Load Profile Validate Architect Hypothesize Implement Compute Select Non-linearize Train Validate Develop Reimplement Deploy
Data Data Data Data Features Features Features Features Features Models Models Dashboard Process Process

Source: dotData

In other words, data science is a wide spectrum of asking the right questions, collecting relevant
data, making informed hypotheses, building models, automating processes, visualizing the data,
and deploying refined processes.

Experts predict that we’ll have 175 zettabytes of data in the global datasphere by 2025. (To give you
some perspective, 1 zettabyte is 1 sextillion bytes.) This means companies are in increasing need
of people who can manipulate such large and complex datasets to help build their business
models, hire the best talent, and attract and retain their target audience.

Are companies still hiring data scientists? least 10,000 more professionals by the end of 2020.

“The hottest job and the scarcest talent.” Within the finance and insurance industry, data
science jobs have actually increased. Overall, data
- Deloitte
science job postings are declining at a much slower
In a post-COVID world, your first instinct might be to
think data scientists are among professionals who
are being laid off the most. And there are reasons to
Let’s not forget the huge role data science plays in
believe that. At least 63% of companies do not iden-
predicting the spread of the pandemic, creating
tify as data-driven. And some research suggests
projections, forecasts, and simulations, making
that 85% of big data projects don’t even see the
predictions about a post-COVID world and helping
light of day.
healthcare and governance professionals alike to
make sound decisions.
But this isn’t stopping big tech companies like
Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon from hiring
Every issue is a data science issue, and if anything,
data scientists. In fact, some tech companies have
the pandemic has only proven that the data science
become even more aggressive with their hiring.
field will continue to evolve.
Facebook, for example, has promised to hire at 04
What does the job landscape look like for data
1 Entertainment $1.2Lakh
A quick glance at LinkedIn shows that there are
2 Software & IT Services $1.2Lakh
more than 21,000 open data scientist jobs open in
the US. 3 Consumer Goods $1.2Lakh

4 Real Estate $1.1Lakh

In its comprehensive salary page for data scientists

5 Hardware & Networking $1.1Lakh
(a feat that is, in itself, possible thanks to data
science), LinkedIn says that data scientists earn Source: LinkedIn Salary

anywhere between $71,000 to $181,000. Different locations have different impacts on data
science salaries. Unsurprisingly, major tech hubs
Base salary Total compensation
like San Francisco and Seattle come out on top with
$ 105,000 /yr $ 110,000 /yr
Range: $70K - $150K Range: $71K - $181K impressive median salaries of $135,000 and
Median: $105,000
$120,000, respectively.

Location Median Range

base salary (min-max)
San Francisco Bay Area
$1,35,000 /yr $1Lakh - $1.8Lakh
1,131 salaries reported

Greater Seattle Area

$1,20,000 /yr $92K - $1.4Lakh
332 salaries reported
$70,000 $150,000
Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Area $1,17,000 /yr $75K - $1.5Lakh
66 salaries reported

Source: LinkedIn Salary New York City Metropolitan Area $1,13,000 /yr $80K - $1.5Lakh
775 salaries reported

Even among analytics professionals, data scien- San Diego County, California, United
States $1,12,000 /yr $69K - $1.5Lakh
tists are the highest-paid. 84 salaries reported

Source: LinkedIn Salary

Data Scientist salaries continue to
exceed others in analytics Will data scientists become obsolete in the
In the age of machine learning, artificial intelligence,
and automation, data science is exploding with new
$150,000 +30%
Predictive Analytics

and advanced technologies every day. Does this
Data Science

mean data scientists will be replaced by algo-
$0 rithms? This worry is unfounded.
IC-1 IC-2 IC-3 MG-1 MG-2 MG-3

As long as data scientists keep upgrading their

Source: Burtch Works
skills and staying on top of these updates in their
Almost every industry is now in need of skilled data field, they’ll continue to be indispensable. After all,
scientists. The top industry hiring data scientists even artificial intelligence needs professionals who
with the most pay is entertainment, followed by can design, refine, and wield it. As AI continues to
consumer goods. learn and grow, so will data scientists and their
skills. 05
Chapter 2: What Skills Do
You Need to Become a
Data Scientist?
Let’s get an important question out of the way first: Do you
need a college degree to become a data scientist?
Not at all!
“Data is useless
without the skill to
analyze it.”

Jeanne Harris, author of “Competing on

Analytics: The New Science of Winning”

As per IBM's data science skills competency Statistical and mathematical skills
model, a data scientist must possess the follow- First and foremost, data scientists are excellent math-
ing skills to be successful: ematicians and statisticians. But if you don’t have a
• Statistics, to model and summarize data sets background in these fields, don’t worry: data scientists
• Computer science, to design and use algorithms come from all kinds of backgrounds and their domain
to store, process, and visualize data knowledge makes them incredibly valuable.
• Domain expertise, necessary to formulate the
right questions and to put the answers in context While mathematics and statistics are theoretical
• Other skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and areas, data science is the practical application of
communication these concepts. A data scientist must be able to com-
fortably apply probability distributions, linear algebra,
In this chapter, we’ll closely examine the skills calculus, hypothesis testing, and regression.
most in demand for data scientists and how to go
about acquiring them.


Source: QuantHub
Technical skills parts of a data scientist’s job, such as cleaning data
by removing redundancies.

Skills That Affect

Data Scientist Salaries • Data visualization. Data visualization is the graphi-
Different skills can affect your salary. Below are the cal representation of data using charts, graphics,
most popular skills and their effect on salary.
maps, infographics, and more. A data scientist uses
tools such as ggplot, d3.js, and Tableau to visualize
Natural Language Processing (NLP) 6%
Algorithm Development 5%

Machine Learning 3%
Soft skills
Big Data Analytics 3%
Apart from a strong foundation in math, statistics,
Python 1%
and programming, data scientists are expected to
possess some interpersonal skills as well.
Source: Payscale

• Programming languages like R and Python. • Problem-solving. Data scientists need to be able to
While developing software is not a priority for data see the big picture. With a rigorous data-driven
scientists, programming has become a necessary approach to problem-solving, they are able to figure
skill. Python is one of the most commonly used out the right questions and model solutions to the
languages for data mining, visualization, and problem.
predictive modeling. R is an integrated suite of
software facilities for data manipulation, calcula- • Communication. Data scientists excel at more than
tion, and graphical display. crunching numbers and building solutions. They must
also be able to communicate these solutions to key
Springboard offers a detailed guide to help you stakeholders across the organization, from top man-
learn more about data mining with Python. agement to their own team. Understanding business
needs, probing the right people for more data, and
• Hadoop platform. Hadoop is a collection of conveying insights are all crucial in the day-to-day job
open-source software utilities that allow data of a data scientist.
scientists to process large datasets across
clusters of computers using simple programming • Storytelling. Just numbers and data will not invoke
models. an emotional reaction and persuade the key people to
make the right decisions. Some amount of storytell-
• SQL databases. Creating the perfect SQL query is ing and creativity are required in bringing the data to
often the first step in any sequence of evaluation. life to create impact.
Having good SQL skills allows a data scientist to
dig into large quantities of legacy and list-based • Collaboration. Whether they work alone or in a team,
data and find the right kind of information. they have to collaborate across functions and work
• Machine learning and AI. Machine learning helps with several people in the organization, ranging from
analyze large chunks of data using algorithms and team leaders to other data scientists, data architects,
data-driven models. It can automate significant and data engineers. Gathering requirements and 07
feedback from everyone around them to improve their es. They might not give you the foundation in
work is important. mathematics, statistics, and other skills that you
might need.
• Learning. Data scientists must be continuous learn-
ers. With data science frameworks and methodologies • Bootcamps and short-term online courses, such
evolving rapidly, they need to keep up and grasp new as Springboard’s Data Science Career Track, help
skills every day. As such, being a self-starter and a fast you gain the right skills quickly. Bootcamps are
learner are critical. short, intensive programs that are built by active
data scientists. They equip you with the skills that
How to gain necessary data scientist skills are currently most in-demand in the job market.
Self-learning is the most inexpensive way to learn data Even college students take up bootcamps to
science. supplement their degrees with the right skills.

• Several Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can In just six months, Springboard’s data scientist
help you pick up the fundamentals of mathematics bootcamp gives you a rigorous curriculum, 1:1
and programming. mentorship, meaningful insight into the data
• There are books of varying depths for each of the science field from experts, career coaching, and a
skills you need. community. Plus, you get to build a strong, impres-
• Springboard has plenty of helpful blog posts, sive portfolio. Employers need to see that you’re
guides, and other resources you can use. well-versed in not just the theory, but also in apply-
ing your knowledge to real-world problems and
However, learning alone in six months can be can execute projects from start to finish.
challenging without the right guidance and resources.
Furthermore, with the field advancing at a lightning Most bootcamps are also transparent about their
speed, you need the right insights from industry success rates. Particularly, Springboard publishes
experts and the most up-to-date curriculum to help you its student outcomes every year. Springboard’s
become job-ready swiftly. data science graduates have gone on to launch
their careers at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and
• Certifications, which are offered by reputed organiza- LinkedIn, among others.
tions such as Microsoft, Google, Cloudera, Dell, and
IBM, can help you validate the skills you’ve gained and
also stand out in the job market. Some examples are:
• IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
• Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate
• SAS Certified Data Scientist
• Dell Certified EMC Track
• Google Data and Machine Learning

However, these certifications are typically about using

the organization’s technology for data science purpos- 08
Chapter 3:
Finding a
Let’s discuss why you need a mentor
to learn data science.

What is a mentor? Why do you need a mentor to learn data science?

A mentor is: Learning with a mentor helps you build vital job
A resource. A mentor helps you navigate through skills quicker and more efficiently.
data science tools, technologies, learning resourc-
es, and jobs. • Personalized learning. Everyone learns differently.
An advisor. A mentor gives you advice and guid- With a mentor by your side, you get advice tailored
ance based on their own professional experience. to your specific needs, delivered in a way that will
A critic. A mentor gives you constructive feedback help you the most.
on your work, including projects. • Industry insight. The data science industry chang-
A sounding board. A mentor lets you bounce ideas es every day. It might seem like an endless sea of
off of them and brainstorm with them. tools, technologies, and languages. A mentor would
A career coach. Your first point of contact in the help you focus on what’s current, relevant, and
data science field, a mentor can put you in touch important. They can also give you crucial informa-
with contacts, refer you to jobs, and even help you tion that keeps you on your toes, such as industry
prepare for interviews. best practices.
• Networking. Your mentors direct you to the right
On the flip side, a mentor is not a manager or super- opportunities best suited to your strengths and give
visor. you networking and career advice.
• Motivation and accountability. Learning with a
Fun fact: Only 1 in 12 applicants is chosen professional who is passionate and great at their
to become a Springboard mentor. job will only motivate you to do your best. Plus, they
keep you accountable and in check. 09
Chapter 4: Real-Life
Case Studies
TechCrunch recently reported an interesting trend in hiring
data scientists: employers are no longer quizzing applicants
with statistical or coding brain teasers and puzzles. Instead,
candidates are being asked to analyze real-world data
provided by the company.

What do real-world case studies mean for aspir- Where can you find real-life case studies?
ing data scientists? GitHub, StackExchange, Kaggle, and other data
In a world of readily available data, a data scientist science communities routinely have several
must be able to find the right problems to solve and open-source projects that you could learn from and
create simulations and solutions to any such prob- participate in.
Springboard has a handy list of data science
The first step to learning data science is developing projects. Unsure where to start? Check out this
an intuition for data. This means being capable of beginner’s guide to data wrangling.
looking at data from different perspectives, asking
incisive questions, and digging deeper in ways that
are not immediately apparent.

You cannot develop these skills unless you start

looking at data and solve real-world problems.
Exploring live case studies in different areas such
as governance, finance, business, and more, also
helps you understand the role of data science in the
bigger picture. 10
Chapter 5: “Portfolios are extremely

Working on critical to have, because

when you’re in the inter-

view it shows your
real-world experience, so

you can explain to an
employer from A to Z the
entire data science

David Yakobovitch, data scientist,

instructor, and Springboard mentor

Now that you’ve explored several data science build one on GitHub, LinkedIn, or even Medium.
projects and observed other data scientists at work,
it’s time to apply your knowledge to your own • Where to start? There are several public datasets
projects. that you can use for your projects. Large, complex
data from various open-source platforms such as
Why you need completed projects Kaggle, GitHub, and Our World in Data give you a
To truly grasp the nuances of data science, you good starting point. When you identify problems
should be able to work on a project (or two or three) from these datasets and build innovative solutions
where you execute every stage from data collection from scratch, you showcase not just your skills,
and wrangling to visualization and deployment. but also your ability to ask the right questions.

Working on projects reinforces your skills and helps • Write a business case for your projects. In a
you feel validated. Completed projects are a huge competitive job market, you want your prospective
milestone in your learning journey. employer to be able to understand the whole prob-
lem and the business case for your project, no
Your projects need to be impressive and worthy of matter how complex it is. In data science, you can
conversation—having at least two projects will give accomplish this using Markdown. After key lines
you enough to talk about at your data science inter- of code, add a thoughtful interpretation that
view and show your employer that you’re serious covers the meaning of your analysis and how it
about data science. relates to your customer. This would be especially
helpful when you revisit your project later and need
Building a portfolio to remember at a quick glance.
Plenty of studies suggest that a portfolio is more
valuable than a resume for data scientists. A portfo- Learn more about how to build a great data
lio is nothing but a collection of projects. You can science portfolio in 6 steps. 11
Chapter 6:
Building a

It’s important to have a community so that you can Competitions and hackathons are another way to
continue to learn from your peers, keep yourself hone your data science skills as well as grow your
abreast of the latest trends in data science, and network. Kaggle, Tableau, and several other
even find career opportunities. platforms and companies host competitions in
which you can flex your newly earned skills.
If you have a mentor, that’s half the problem solved.
Your mentor helps you grow your network and Plenty of major names in data science host confer-
points you to the right avenues where you can ences and seminars where experts discuss the
showcase your skills and meet other data scien- latest trends and share insights about the future of
tists to work with. data science. Although some of them were
canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19, many of them
Bootcamps like Springboard’s Data Science Career went virtual, making it more accessible for data
Track give you a ready-made community, with scientists from all over the world. A few examples
whom you can stay in touch long after the end of are:
the course.
• Rise, hosted by Springboard
There are several online data science communi- • Global Women in Data Science,
ties. Kaggle is the largest data science, machine hosted by Stanford University
learning, and AI community. You’ll also find that • Data & Analytics Summit, hosted by Gartner
data scientists from all over the world frequently • Think Digital, hosted by IBM
connect on places like Slack. 12
Chapter 7:
Becoming a
Data Scientist
With all the requisite skills and a powerful portfolio,
you’re ready to tackle the job market.

What kind of jobs does a data scientist qualify For every job you apply for, you should create a
for? resume that matches their description. Your
Depending on your domain interests and skill level, resume should demonstrate that you fit the job
you could qualify for jobs such as: description in experience, skills, location, and other
• Junior data scientist
• Big data consultant Make sure to follow the company or recruiter’s
• Decision scientist requirements when preparing and sending your
• Data architect resume.
• Business analyst
• Data journalist Research, research, research
Employers do not just want candidates who simply
You could also take up teaching or mentorship to fit the job description by ticking all the right boxes.
give back to the community. They want candidates who:

Preparing your resume • Understand exactly what the company does

“A tailored resume separates applicants who • Whose values align with the company
just want any job from those who want this • Who are a great culture fit
job.” • Who bring strengths, skills, and perspectives that
— Jon Brodsky, country manager for the company needs but probably doesn’t have
To be the right employee, you need to do your It’s a good idea to have the answers ready to some
research on the company. Read their website, of the frequently asked questions at data science
follow them on social media, check out the compa- interviews. Plus, virtual interviews on Zoom and
ny blog, and study their products and offerings. GoToMeeting are commonplace now, so you want
This would also help you weed out companies that to ensure you have a strong internet connection
do not suit your goals. and the correct technical settings.

Update your LinkedIn profile, portfolio, and Continue your learning journey
website Even after you land that perfect data science job,
Your online presence is the first part of your back- your learning curve does not end. With newer, more
ground that recruiters and hiring managers check. powerful technologies emerging every day, it’s
Therefore, you need to polish your social media necessary to update your skills frequently. Once
profiles and other web profiles to create the best you’ve entered a specific domain, you can also
first impression. become a subject matter expert and move into
management or strategic roles in your organiza-
Practice interviewing — online and offline tion.
Interviewing is an acquired skill. Even the most
common questions, like “Tell me about yourself”
could trip you up if you aren’t prepared.

Launch Your Data
Science Career
Springboard’s Data Science Career Track is a comprehensive bootcamp that is structured
to fit your life, so you can learn at your own pace. With a job guarantee and deferred
tuition, Springboard lets you focus on gaining all the requisite skills.

The curriculum is designed by data science experts. You’ll work with a one-on-one
mentor to learn about data science, data wrangling, machine learning, and Python—and
finish it all off with a portfolio-worthy capstone project.

Explore Springboard’s Data Science Career Track today to find out if you’re eligible.

Need More Prep for the Data Science

Career Track?
Springboard also offers a Data Science Career Track Prep that gives you the foundational knowledge you
need to qualify for the Data Science Career Track. Brush up on Python programming, statistics, and introduc-
tory data science concepts in this mentor-led course. In just 4-6 weeks, you’ll be ready to pass the Data
Science Career Track admissions skills survey. No prior coding experience required!

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