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Precision Agriculture and Food Security

Robin Gebbers and Viacheslav I. Adamchuk

Science 327, 828 (2010);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1183899

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This would help overcome the breadth-versus- 10. Age-and-sex-group-specific minimum energy requirements 24. S. Horton, H. Alderman, J. Rivera, Copenhagen Consensus
depth trade-offs that presently limit the availabil- are set by a joint United Nations University/World Health 2008 Challenge Paper: Malnutrition and Hunger,
Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization of the
ity of suitable time series data at the individual United Nations expert consultation summarized in FAO/ Malnutrition_and_Hunger-1.aspx.
and household level. Finally, just as poverty re- UNU/WHO, Human Energy Requirements (FAO, Rome, 2004). 25. World Bank, Repositioning Nutrition as Central to
search is moving beyond static, snapshot mea- 11. FAO, Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Development (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2006).
sures to dynamic mobility ones, especially with Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context 26. C. B. Barrett, D. G. Maxwell, Food Aid After Fifty Years
of National Food Security (FAO, Rome, 2005). (Routledge, London, 2005).
respect to critical behavioral thresholds (28), so 12. One recent, limited exception is Mude et al. (30). 27. World Food Programme, Emergency Food Security
must the food security research community be- 13. FAO, More people than ever are victims of hunger Assessment Handbook (WFP, Rome, 2009).
gin developing measures based on longitudinal (2009); accessed 9 November 2009 at www.fao. 28. M. R. Carter, C. B. Barrett, J. Dev. Stud. 42, 178
data that capture the risk of food insecurity that org/fileadmin/user_upload/newsroom/docs/ (2006).
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respondents routinely voice in perceptions-based 14. S. Shapouri et al., Food Security Assessment, 2008-9 Outlook Agricultural Research, Stripe Review of Social Sciences in
measures. GFA-20 (USDA Economic Research Service, Washington, DC, the CGIAR (CGIAR Science Council, Rome, 2009), www.
15. FAO, Food Security Statistics, accessed 27 December 2009 Systemwide_and_Ecoregional_Programs/SSSR_for_web.pdf.
References and Notes at On the National Science Foundation’s Long-Term Ecological
1. Accessed 1 November 2009 at 16. G. Bickel, M. Nord, C. Price, W. Hamilton, J. Cook, Research Network, see
G8_Allegato/LAquila_Joint_Statement_on_Global_ Guide to Measuring Household Food Security, Revised 30. A. G. Mude, C. B. Barrett, J. G. McPeak, R. Kaitho,

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Food_Security%5B1%5D,0.pdf. 2000 (USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Alexandria, P. Kristjanson, Food Policy 34, 329 (2009).
2. C. B. Barrett, E. C. Lentz, in International Studies VA, 2000). 31. S. Chen, M. Ravallion, The Developing World Is
Compendium Project, R. A. Denemark et al., Eds. 17. L. C. Smith et al., Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa Poorer Than We Thought, But No Less Successful in
(Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2010). (International Food Policy Research Institute, the Fight against Poverty (World Bank, Washington,
3. C. B. Barrett, in Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Washington, DC, 2006). DC, 2008).
B. L. Gardner, G. C. Rausser, Eds. (Elsevier Science, 18. E. A. Frongillo, S. Nanama, J. Nutr. 136, 1409S 32. FAO, The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2009
Amsterdam, 2002), vol. 2B. (2006). (FAO, Rome, 2009).
4. P. Webb et al., J. Nutr. 136, 1404S (2006). 19. S. Chantarat, C. B. Barrett, A. G. Mude, C. G.Turvey, Am. 33. International Federation of the Red Cross and Red
5. P. Dasgupta, J. Econom. 77, 5 (1997). J. Agric. Econ. 89, 1262 (2007). Crescent Societies, World Disasters Report (IFRCRCS,
6. R. W. Fogel, The Escape from Hunger and Premature 20. FAO, The State of Food and Agriculture 2006: Food Aid Geneva, various years).
Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the for Food Security? (FAO, Rome, 2006). 34. FAO, FAOStat accessed 9 November 2009 at www.fao.
Third World (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 21. National Research Council, Measuring Food Insecurity org/economic/ess/food-security-statistics/en/.
2004). and Hunger, Phase 1 Report (National Academies Press, 35. A. Agrawal, J. Hoddinott, E. Lentz, P. Pinstrup-Andersen,
7. A. Sen, in Poverty and Famines (Clarendon, Oxford, Washington, DC, 2005). R. Stoltzfus, P. Timmer, P. Wilde, and P. Webb made
1981), p. 1; emphasis in original. 22. I. Darnton-Hill et al., Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 81, 1198S helpful comments on an earlier draft. V. Palladino
8. D. G. Maxwell, Food Policy 21, 291 (1996). (2005). provided excellent research assistance.
9. M. Arimond, M. T. Ruel, J. Nutr. 134, 2579 23. World Health Organization, Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition
(2004). Information System (VMNIS), 10.1126/science.1182768

emerged in the mid-1980s as a way to apply the

right treatment in the right place at the right time
(1–3). Increasing awareness of variation in soil

Precision Agriculture and and crop conditions, combined with the advent of
technologies such as global navigation satellite
systems (GNSSs), geographic information sys-
Food Security tems (GISs), and microcomputers, serve as the
main drivers (1, 2). Initially, precision agriculture
was used to adapt fertilizer distribution to varying
Robin Gebbers1* and Viacheslav I. Adamchuk2 soil conditions across an agricultural field. Since
then, additional practices have evolved, such as
Precision agriculture comprises a set of technologies that combines sensors, information automatic guidance of agricultural vehicles and
systems, enhanced machinery, and informed management to optimize production by accounting implements, autonomous machinery and pro-
for variability and uncertainties within agricultural systems. Adapting production inputs cesses, product traceability, on-farm research, and
site-specifically within a field and individually for each animal allows better use of resources to software for the overall management of agricul-
maintain the quality of the environment while improving the sustainability of the food supply. tural production systems.
Precision agriculture provides a means to monitor the food production chain and manage both Apart from field crop production, precision
the quantity and quality of agricultural produce. agriculture technologies have been applied suc-
cessfully in viticulture and horticulture, includ-
ing orchards, and in livestock production, as
o secure food supplies for the future ronmentally safe production, and the sustain- well as pasture and turf management. Applica-

requires adequate quantities and quality
of agricultural produce, intensive yet envi-
ability of the resources involved. In addition, the
ability to track food materials from production
through processing, storage, and retail provides
tions range from the tea industry in Tanzania
and Sri Lanka to the production of sugar cane in
Brazil; rice in China, India, and Japan; and
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Leibniz-Institute for added capability to respond to changing market cereals and sugar beets in Argentina, Australia,
Agricultural Engineering (ATB), Max-Eyth-Allee 100, D-14469 conditions, ensure proper food nutrition and safe- Europe, and the United States (4). Despite dif-
Potsdam, Germany. 2Biological Systems Engineering Depart-
ment, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 203 Chase Hall, ty, and affect national and international policies ferences in the types of technology and the areas
Lincoln, NE 68583–0726, USA. related to food security. of adoption, the goals of precision agriculture
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: Precision agriculture, or information-based are threefold. First, to optimize the use of avail- management of agricultural production systems, able resources to increase the profitability and

828 12 FEBRUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE

sustainability of agricultural operations. Second, such as water stress, lack of nutrients, diseases, Proximal soil sensing allows for a more di-
to reduce negative environmental impact. Third, weeds, and insects have been evaluated by rect detection of soil attributes than remote sens-
to improve the quality of the work environment visual inspection and laboratory analysis of ing (8). Three types of sensors are commercially
and the social aspects of farming, ranching, and plant tissue. The relatively coarse sampling/ available: electrical or electromagnetic sensors
relevant professions (3). Because of the diversity measurement density of these conventional strat- that measure electrical resistivity/conductivity or
of applications and scenarios, it is difficult to egies may not be sufficient to reveal variation capacitance; optical sensors that obtain visible
quantify the benefits of precision agriculture in (6). and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectra from within
general. In a review of 234 studies published the soil; and electrochemical sensors that use
from 1988 to 2005 (5), precision agriculture was Soil and Crop Sensing ion-selective membranes to detect the activity of
found to be profitable in an average of 68% of Remote and proximal sensing technologies have ions such as hydrogen, potassium, or nitrate.
the cases. been introduced to improve spatial resolution. Soil compaction sensors for site-specific tillage
Remote sensing relies on acquiring images via will also be available in the near future.
Variation in Soils and Crops optical and radiometric sensors installed on an Ultimately, the crop supplies the best in-
Important characteristics of the crop production aerial platform or a satellite, whereas proximal dicator of variable growing conditions, and
environment, such as water and nutrient supply, sensing systems are ground-based (mounted on yield maps are most frequently used to evaluate
often vary considerably over space and time with- a vehicle or carried by hand) and linked to a crop performance. Yield maps summarize the

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in a single agricultural field (Fig. 1). Spatial var- GNSS receiver. The advantage of remote sens- overall impact of natural conditions, such as
iation in crop performance can be caused by soil ing is that images of the entire field can be weather and soils, and of management activ-
as well as by diseases, weeds, pests, and previous captured in one shot, whereas proximal soil sen- ities. The observed spatial variation in quantity
land management. Variability over time arises sors have to be moved across the landscape to and quality of the harvest obtained by yield
from weather patterns and management practices. create high-density measurements that can be maps is directly related to the locally defined
In particular, lack of nutrients, water stress, or mapped. profitability.
plant diseases may form spatial patterns that There is an enormous diversity of remote In intensive crop production, the input of
change from year to year. sensing data (7). The ground resolution, number water, nitrogen, and agrochemicals for plant
Relevant properties of soil productivity are and width of spectral bands, and timing of data protection is usually regulated during the grow-
soil moisture, clay content, organic matter con- collection differ among different service pro- ing season. Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy
tent, nutrient availability, pH, and bulk density. viders. Although remote sensing is useful for is used to estimate plant biomass, chlorophyll
Traditionally, these properties have been mea- evaluating crop conditions, it provides a poor rep- content, and/or nitrate stress (9). Detection and
sured by soil sampling and offsite laboratory resentation of the root zone environment, because identification of weeds via machine vision sys-
analysis or by on-the-spot measurement (such the data represent the reflectance of the surface tems is also feasible, whereas other crop-status
as measuring cone penetrometer resistance). material, which might be bare topsoil, plant sensing techniques, such as laser fluorescence,
Seasonally varying crop growth conditions material, or a mixture of both. thermal imaging, and ultrasonic proximity sens-
ing, are still in the research stage (10). A recent
application of imaging spectroscopy has been
used to detect fungal infection in wheat, which,
Aerial photograph Barley yield
by allowing selective harvesting, may help to
reduce the concentration of harmful mycotoxins

A typical cropping cycle that involves precision
agriculture is shown in Fig. 2. Differentiated
treatment of an agricultural field can be pursued
using either a predictive or a reactive approach.
In the predictive approach, information from
yield history, thematic soil maps, field topog-
raphy, and other spatial data records is used to
predict variable crop performance and input
needs. If a particular soil treatment can eliminate
a yield-limiting factor that occurs in specific areas
of the field (such as low soil pH or compaction),
variable-rate technology can be used to solve the
SL problem, at least temporarily. If the yield-limiting
factor is expensive or impossible to remove (such
Elevation model
as poor water-holding capacity in a non-irrigated
field), it makes sense to reduce the quantity of
100 m inputs applied because they will never be con-
sumed by the crop and will most likely be wasted
in the environment.
Soil electrical conductivity Soil survey
In the reactive approach, rates of agricul-
Fig. 1. Within-field variability in a ground moraine landscape (Wilmersdorf, Germany, 13°49’E, 53°09’N). tural chemicals are varied according to the crop
The legend for the soil survey is as follows: P, peat soils; lS, slightly loamy sand; Sl, loamy sand; SL, status at a given place and time. This requires
sandy loam. real-time sensing and online application. It is SCIENCE VOL 327 12 FEBRUARY 2010 829

GNSS low monitoring of the behavior and well-being of
individual animals.

Standardization and Food Traceability

Weed sensing Recently, most of the agricultural industry has
Data transfer agreed to follow the International Standard Or-
Yield mapping ganization binary unit system (ISOBUS) as a
universal protocol for electronic communication
Data exchange with
suppliers, advisors,
between implements, tractors, and computers (16).
Plant protection ISOBUS ensures data transfer between equip-
resellers, authorities
ment from different manufacturers, which will
Crop status sensing allow farmers to control all implements with just
Results GIS
one universal onboard computer.
Data storage
and processing A similar common information exchange
protocol is needed to trace the food chain from

the farm to the grocery store. This is accomplished

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Field history
Fertilization Soil survey using variants of the Extensible Markup Lan-

Soil sampling guage (XML) [such as agroXML (17)] that allow

Soil sensing Field topography seamless data interchange between farmers,
Remote sensing
Planning suppliers, service providers, authorities, proces-
sors, and resellers of agricultural produce. Theo-
retically, this makes it possible to trace back food
Ancillary data production to virtually each square meter of a
Tillage and seeding farmer’s field. Food traceability and quality con-
Fertilizer and seed costs trol via agroXML have been demonstrated in
GIS Resource availibilty research projects such as IT FoodTrace (18). Soft-
Data transfer ware companies have already started to use
agroXML in their information technlogy products
for agriculture and the food industry.
Decision making Ultimately, using data feeds regarding pro-
Prescription maps duction, processing, storage, and retail sale of our
foods will enable us to optimize production with
Fig. 2. Precision agriculture information flow in crop production [after (19), modified]. minimum waste and cost. Thus, farm managers
will not only detect unnecessary treatments but
also discover opportunities for boosting produc-
often used for the application of nitrogen fer- However, safety and liability are the main tion output. Public agencies can obtain data for
tilizers, for plant protection agrochemicals, and factors halting their adoption. It is currently yield statistics, the calculation of subsidies, and
for water management. For instance, a relative- unclear whether machinery will continue to monitoring of the agroecosystem, while they
ly low chlorophyll content, which can be de- grow in size and power or whether crews of supply farmers with up-to-date information such
tected by real-time analysis of crop canopy smaller robots will conduct certain field oper- as the boundaries of water protection areas or the
reflectance in the Vis-NIR spectrum, may in- ations in the future. latest pest warnings. Post-harvest industries and
dicate the need for additional nitrogen or ir- food retailers will be able to use various marketing
rigation (9). Precision Livestock Management mechanisms to ensure proper supply and quality
Several countries, including the member states standards. Together these streams of information
Precise Application, Guidance, and Automation of the European Union, have established reg- will contribute to the main goal of achieving food
Implements for site-specific management are ulations for compulsory electronic identification security in a constantly changing world.
available for most tasks, including tillage, saw- of cattle, swine, sheep, and goats to prevent the
ing, mechanical weeding, and the distribution of spread of diseases and improve food safety (13).
References and Notes
fertilizers and other agrochemicals (Fig. 2). To In dairy production, radiofrequency identifi- 1. P. C. Robert, Plant Soil 247, 143 (2001).
date, GNSS-based vehicle guidance has been cation (RFID) tags are already used to identify 2. J. V. Stafford, in (4), pp. 19–56.
the most widely used precision agriculture tech- cattle in computer-controlled self-feeders and 3. F. J. Pierce, P. Nowak, Adv. Agron. 67, 1 (1999).
nology (12). It allows the operation of agri- milking robots (14). Automatic milk feeders for 4. A. Srinivasan, Ed., Handbook of Precision Agriculture
(Food Products Press, New York, 2006).
cultural vehicles along parallel tracks or on calves customize the milk supplement, measure 5. T. W. Griffin, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, Rev. Polit. Agric. 4,
predefined paths, which results in less stressful body weight and body temperature, and gen- 20 (2005).
driving, along with significantly fewer gaps and erate reports. Milking robots ease the work of 6. A. McBratney, B. Whelan, T. Ancev, J. Bouma, Precis.
overlaps. Originally, navigation aids were used dairy operators and allow cows to schedule milk- Agric. 6, 7 (2005).
7. B. E. Frazier, C. S. Walters, E. M. Perry, in
to assist operators to steer agricultural vehicles ing. Additionally, these robots can be adapted to The State of Site-Specific Management for Agriculture,
using visual feedback such as light bars or conduct online analysis of milk composition, F. T. Pierce, E. J. Sadler, Eds. (American Society of
graphical displays. Recent auto-guidance sys- including cell counts (an important index of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil
tems steer agricultural vehicles without direct hygienic condition), fat, protein, and lactose (15). Science Society of America, Madison, WI, 1997),
pp. 149–160.
input from operators. Field robots (autono- Knowledge of milk quantity and quality allows 8. V. I. Adamchuk, J. W. Hummel, M. T. Morgan,
mous agricultural vehicles) are the next logical for individual feeding of animals (15). Outdoors, S. K. Upadhyaya, Comput. Electron. Agric. 44, 71
step in the automation of crop production. GNSS receivers working with other sensors al- (2004).

830 12 FEBRUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE

9. H. J. Heege, S. Reusch, E. Thiessen, Precis. Agric. 9, 115 13. European Community, Council Regulation (EC) 16. Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation,
(2008). No 1560/2007 (European Commission, Brussels, (accessed 20 November 2009).
10. E. J. van Henten, D. Goense, C. Lokhorst, Eds., Precision 2007). 17. For agroXML, see (accessed
Agriculture '09 (Wageningen Academic Publishers, 14. Ipema et al., in Precision Livestock Farming ’09, 20 November 2009).
Wageningen, Netherlands, 2009). C. Lokhorst, P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp, Eds. (Wageningen 18. IT FoodTrace, (accessed 20 November
11. E. Bauriegel et al., in (10), pp. 203–210. Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2009), 2009).
12. J. A. Heraud, A. F. Lange, Agricultural Automatic pp. 135–142. 19. M. Moore, thesis, Silsoe College, Cranfield, UK
Vehicle Guidance from Horses to GPS: How We 15. E. Maltz, A. Antler, I. Halachmi, Z. Schmilovtich, (1998).
Got Here, and Where We Are Going. ASABE Distinguished in Precision Livestock Farming ’09, C. Lokhorst, 20. We thank D. Simpson for his help with the text and
Lecture Series 33 (American Society of Agricultural and P. W. G. Groot Koerkamp, Eds. (Wageningen S. Palme for providing the data for Fig. 1.
Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI, 2009), Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2009),
pp. 1–67. pp. 17–23. 10.1126/science.1183899

PERSPECTIVE tions for local problems in Africa (3), and links

with regional programs and international research
centers, foreign universities, and other scientific
African Green Revolution organizations are supporting this effort. Research

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collaborations between African scientists and
Needn’t Be a Mirage foreign agencies have already yielded important
results, for example, the biological control of
Gebisa Ejeta major insect pests of cassava, the development
of rice varieties suitable for Africa, and drought-
Africa missed out on the scientific breakthroughs that revolutionized agriculture in Asia. However, with and parasitic-weed–resistant sorghums. Un-
locally developed and locally relevant technologies, a built-up human and institutional capacity, and fortunately, the growth attained in agricultural
supportive national policy and leadership, an African Green Revolution can be a reality. education and research (4) has not been matched
by a concomitant advance in public and private
technology transfer (5) institutions, and results
ub-Saharan Africa remains the only region Over the next two decades, investments were of successful research have not yet been scaled

S in the world where hunger and poverty

prevail. In the past 20 years, the number
of Africans who live below the global poverty
made from both internal sources and through
foreign development assistance for building key
institutions, including those of higher education,
up to the level of the continent.
In addition to the formidable “nature-based”
constraints such as prevalence of drought, diverse
line ($1 per day) has increased by more than agricultural research, and technology-transfer agro-ecologies, poor soil fertility, and unique pests
50%, and more than one-third of the population institutions such as the agricultural extension and diseases, African agricultural development
of the continent continues to suffer from hunger services and seed-distributing agencies. Tens of also has to overcome persistent institutional and
(1). This is of even more concern to African thousands of young African men and women programmatic challenges. African higher edu-
agricultural development as climate change were sent to pursue graduate education in the cational institutions still lack the faculty strength
impacts economies largely based on rain-fed agricultural sciences at European and North and infrastructure to regularly produce high-
agriculture (2). Crop adaptation to climate change American institutions. quality graduates and postgraduates in numbers
requires rigorous research and a multifaceted Today, there is a developing, although not needed to promote change. Capacity-building and
technological approach that will be much harder yet robust, human capacity base and agricultural strengthening of local institutions are the areas
to practice on a continent in which agricultural research infrastructure focused on seeking solu- in which foreign assistance is badly needed.
science is in its infancy and the culture of looking
to science for solutions to local problems is not
well established. However, I believe that Africa
has the capacity to feed itself and become a net
exporter of food.
In the 1960s, when the Asian Green
Revolution was launched, independent Africa
was born. Much of the human and institutional
capacity essential for an agricultural revolution
in Africa was weak or nonexistent. The discov-
eries of the miracle crop varieties that ignited
the Asian Green Revolution were in wheat and
rice, two globally important crops, but not in
sorghum, millets, maize, or cassava, the critical
crops for Africans. That notwithstanding, Africa
was not then ready for a science-based devel-
opment campaign.

Department of Agronomy, Lilly Hall of Life Sciences,

Fig. 1. Among agricultural pests unique to Africa is the giant witchweed, Striga hermonthica. Striga’s
Purdue University, 915 West State Street, West Lafayette,
IN 47907–2054, USA. E-mail: purple flowers are visible among the damaged sorghum (left). For his work in producing genetically
Based on a keynote address at the 2009 World Food Prize engineered sorghum resistant to the parasite (shown at right), the author was awarded the World Food
Laureate Luncheon, 16 October 2009, Des Moines, Iowa. Prize. SCIENCE VOL 327 12 FEBRUARY 2010 831

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