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"Getting Brand and Distributor Approvals in Amazon FBA Made Simple

Getting approvals from brands and distributors on Amazon FBA Wholesale can be tricky, especially
in the UK and US markets. But fear not, as there's a smart approach to tackle this challenge.
Step 1: Brand HuntingInstead of relying solely on tools like Keepa and Helium 10, you can
manually explore Amazon within your niche. Identify products, find their brands, and check if they
allow wholesale on their websites. Assess the product's Best Seller Rank (BSR), reviews, and the
brand's presence on Amazon to gauge their size and importance.
Step 2: Finding SuppliersUse Google to search for wholesalers associated with specific ASIN,
UPC, or EAN codes. When reaching out to brands, some will readily share distributor info, while
others might require a polite inquiry.
Step 3: CommunicationSuccessful brand approvals require more than just email. Use a two-step
approach: email and phone contact. Send an email expressing interest, then follow up with a friendly
phone call. Building a good rapport with brands is key. If you're not a great communicator, consider
hiring someone with the right skills. This approach often leads to sharing catalogs and future
business opportunities.
#AmazonFBA #WholesaleSelling #BrandApprovals #DistributorApprovals #Ecommerce #OnlineRe
tail #AmazonSellers #WholesaleBusiness #BrandHunting #EffectiveCommunication

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