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Document No.

: FM-OAD-022
: SAINTTLOUIS Revision No.: 00

TEST QUESTION Effectivity Date: May 20, 2022


Information Technology Education Dopartment
First Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024
Multiple Choices:Carefully analyze each item and ch0ose the letter that represents the best
answer. Shade the letter of your choice on your oSWer identifying the products/services he would like
1. John wants to have his own business venture. Before
greatly needed by the public. What
to offer, he conducted thorough research about what isscenario?
characteristic of a technopreneur is showcased in this
C. Profit-centered
A. Customer-centered
B. Static D. Calculative
gamers to fully understand how the COVID-19
2. Sander used Unity 3D to develop a game that allows development,
transmits and how it can be prevented. After its he uploaded it to the Google
virus Store.
Play What was technology's involvement when Sander used Unity 3D?
A. Technology as a Platform in Marketing
B. Technology as the Product or Service
C. Technology asa Tool in the Development, Manufacturing, or Production
D. Technology as a platform in Game Development
gamers to fully understand how the COVID-19
3. Sander used Unity 3D to develop a game that allows development, he uploaded it to the Google
virus transmits and how it can be prevented. After its finished product?
Play Store. What was technology's involvement in Sander's
Manufacturing or Production Process
A. Technology as a Tool in the Development,
B. Technology as a platform in Game Development
C. Technology as a Platform in Marketing
D. Technology as the Product or Service
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about timing in Technopreneurship?
A. Amediocre product can be turned intoa hit at the right time.
B. Timing iseverything.
C. Timing is the same as luck.
D. Allof the above
with one another?
5. Which business models in e-commerce allow customers to transact business
A. Business to Government C. Customer to Customer
D B. Business to Business D. Business to Customer
6. Which of the following is the essential element of a computer system? D. Connectivity
A. Hardware B. Software C. Peopleware
7. Which of the following statements does NOT descibe a technopreneur?
A. Someone who is intuitive in nature.
B B. Someone whose focus is on profit and livelihood. growth potential and
C. Someone who engages in a technopreneuial endeavor with a high
leverage of knowledge.
something new to make
D. A neW-age entrepreneur who uses technology to develop
8. Justin came up with an idea of a security system whereinthe if an intruder attempts to break inside a
cabinet where it is installed, it will automatically activate alarm and send an email and text
message to the owner. He then considers marketing the idea to the public for a possible business
venture. Which of the following terms describes Justin's way of thinking?
B. Traditional C. Profit-centered D. Passive
A. Innovative
constitutes the framework for a successful technopreneurial endeavor?
9. Which of the following
A. ldea, nnovation, Strategy, Manpower
B. ldea, Innovation, Inteligence, lnitiative
C. Plan, ldea, Resources, Technology
D. ldea, Core of the Business, Technology, Manpower
following is
10. As indicated in the framework forasuccessful technopreneurial endeaVor, which of the
present in all four components?


Smartphone for him to buy a new one.
Second Party transacts to buy the
D What E-commerce Model will
A. B2B likely transpire the transaction of the
24. First Party- Department of B. B2C C. B2G
D. C2C partes?
Second Party- The supplier Education, which
of stationery. announces
the need for stationery.
Wnat E-Commerce Model will most likely transpire in the
A. B2B B. B2C
transaction of the specified parties?
C. B2G D. C2C
25. First Party-The Bureau of Internal
Second Party- The grocery store that owns the POS. all POS peripherals.
Wnat E-commerce Model will most likely transpire in the transaction of the specified parties?
A. B2B B. B2C C. B2G D. C2C
26. First Party is the manufacturer of Romina Sardines.
Second Party is the distributor of Romina sardines Region 02
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire inC.theB2G
A. B2B
transaction of the D.specified
B. B2C
27. First Party is a viogger promotinga product.
Second Party is ashop with exclusive rights to distribute the product.
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire in the transaction of the specified parties?
A. B2B B. B2C C. B2G D. C2C
28. First Party is Lazada Philippines.
Second Party is an online seller.
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire in the transaction of the specified parties?
A. B2B B. B2C C. B2G D. C2C

29. First Party is a group conducting online bidding for artwork.

Second Party is a store that sells artwork.
What E-commerce Modelwill most likety transpire in the transaction of the specified parties?
A. B2B B. B2C C. B2G D. C2C
30. First Party is a Printing Prsse:
Second Party is a company that specializes in ink technologies.
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire in the transaction of theD.specified
A. B2B B. B2C C. B2G
31,Zanderthought of putting up a Milk Tea business, but instead of making it plain and straightorward.
he partnered with Food Panda. Into which of the following can Zander be categorized?
D. Innovative
A. Intuitive B. Entrepreneur C. Businessman
32. Zandro has a concrete planof how to run the business. Though it was his first tüme doing business
he attended several training programs to enhance his entrepreneurship knowiedge. Which of the
following is best possessed by Zandro?
A. Entrepreneurial Skill C. Entrepreneurial Inteligence
B. Entrepreneurial Creativity D. Entrepreneurial Knowledge
33.Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- More connections mean more potential for a company to succeed.
STATEMENT 2- You must have the patience to manage al possible scenarios and tackle the most
challenging difficulties of your business.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only statement 1is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Oniy statemernt 2 is TRUE.
34. San performed a benchmark to businesses similar to his idea. He visited at least ten pansiterias in
Tuguegarao. He noticed that all the pansiterias he saw were almost identical regarding the product
build a small room within the
and services. He thought of putting up a pansiteria too. He plans tocorner
pansiteria where customers can have photo sessions. Each room will be painted with scenic
places in Tuguegarao, like the Buntun Bridge, The Metropolitan Cathedral, The Pinacanauan River,
and the MadduloKamu arc. Do you consider San's idea innovative? Why?
focus for him to be
A. No- making his pansit more delicious than the others should be his
Considered innovative.
B. Yes- no pansiteria in Tuguegarao has applied this plan yet.
C. No- because many pansiterias are already operating in Tuguegarao.
D. Yes- this made other restaurants in Metro Manila successful.

evaluation below:
35. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choOse the best
STATEMENT 1- Online traffic outnumbers purchases. This is one of the most prevalent issues that
businesses encounter.
STATEMENT 2- Knowing what kind of customers you're dealing with will help you avoid these
C. Only statement 1is TRUE.
A. Both statements are TRUE.(
C. Risk and Compel
A. Technology D. Loss
B. ldea
SParty is an employee of the Philippine National specified parties?
Second Party is a grocery store. the transaction of theD. C2C
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire in
C. B2G
A. B2B B. B2C
12. First Party is an appliance center.
Second Party is a University. specified parties?
transaction of theD. C2C
What E-commerce MOdel will nost likely transpire inC.theB2G
A. B2B B. B2C
13. First Party is an event organizer handling a wedding in June 2022.
Second Party is a restaurant. transaction of the specified partiesr
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire inC.theB2G D. C2C
A. B28 B. B2C
14. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- With an existing idea, a businessman starts a company offering clients tems and
STATEMENT 2- An entrepreneur is a person who begins a business with a novel idea or concept
and then expands it to include commercial operations.
C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
A. Both statements are TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
15. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- The only thing a businessman and an entrepreneur have in common is that they
are both market players.
STATEMENT 2-Abusinessman is calculative, while an entrepreneur iaintutive.
statement 1 is TRUE.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
16. question?
In performing analytics in a technopreneurial endeavor, which of the folowing can be a crucial
A. What is the customers' feedback?
B. What are the professions of my customers?
C. Who are my customers?
D. All of the above
17. Whichof the following DOES NOT Constitute the Technopreneurial Mindset?
A. Plan and accomplish; even the slightest detail counts.
B. Be outcome-oriented.
C. Be profit-orieted.
D. Set and visualize your goal.
18. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choOse the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- Ás a result of automated processes, productivity sometimes decreases.
STATEMENT 2- Because of technctogy, companies can perform transactions more quickly, easily,
and efficiently.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only statement 1is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
A9. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- Acompany's technological infrastructure can impact its culture, efficiency, and
STATEMENT 2- Because of technology, companies can perform transactions more quickly, easily,
and efficiently.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
20. E-tech Consutancy Corporation specializes in creating technological solutions to ease tedious tasks
experienced by small to medium enterprises. What involvement of technology is best featured in the
Jatter statement?
A. Technology as a Platform in Marketing
B. Technology as the Product or Service
C. Technology as a Tool in the Development, Manufacturing or Production
D. Technology as the User Platform
21. Which of the following best pertains to online traffic in terms of e-commerce?
A. Online traffic refers to the number of users who visit your e-commerce site.
B. Online traffic pertains to the number of vehicles in an online game.
C. Online traffic refers to the number of users who availed of your product online.
D. Online traffic refers to the number of users who were given discounts.
22. First Party offers chopped and canved woods.
wood offered.
Second Party owns a funiture shop and buys chopped_and carved
What E-commerce Model will most likely transpire in the transaction of the specified parties?
A. B2B B. B2 C. B2G D. C2C


B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is is
has that miaht grab his attention because he
i K e s Osee what else Percent's Online Store Sander be categorizeu
Just naving a lot of fun browsina, Into what type of customers can
A. The Bargain Hunters C. The Buyers
B. The Lookers D. The Browsers
O7.Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation beow:
no matter how good it
STATEMENT 1- If a customer doesn't need or believe your product or service,
is, they won't buy it.
STATEMENT 2- Only if you know whom you're selina to and why they want it will you be abie to
persuade them to buy.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
38. San Jung Guk is fond of buying shoes online. He only buys shoes when the store he is loyal tO
offers a big sale. Into what type of customer is San Jung Guk categorized?
A. The Loyal Buyer C. The Bargain Hunter
B. The Sale Guru D. The Looker
39. Santino knows precisely what he wants and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Into what type
of customers can Santino be categorized?
A. The Buyer C. The Bargain Hunter
B. The Researcher D. The Looker
40. Santiago has a good idea of what he's searching for, but he'd like to examine the many options
before making any decisions.
A. The Buyers C. The Bargain Hunter
B. The Researchers D. The Looker
Carefuly analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
1- You're likely to obtain repeat business if your customers anticipate you to deliver on
time and you satisfy them.
STATEMENT 2- If you know how your clients regard your competition, you'll havea better chance of
D staying ahead of them.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE.
42. Which questions lead you to know your customer needs?
A. Where and when do your customers buy your goods or avail of your services?
B. Why do people buy your items or avail of your services?
C. What makes your customers feel comfortable purchasing yOur products or using your
D. Allof the above
43. Whiçh of the following statements best defines CUSTOMER PAIN POINT?
consumers before and after
A. Customer pain point refers to the assistance you provide to your interactions with you as
they purchase and use your products or senvices to make their
simple and joyful as possible.
customer pain point.
B. The consumer's impression of your product's or service's worth is acompany's current or
C. The term "customer pain point" refers to a specific issue that your
potential clients have in the marketplace.
D Aconcise statement that explains why a buyer would choose
your product or service is
known as a Customer pain point.
pain point?
44. Which of the following is NOT considered a customer
platform to address customers' inconveniences.
A. The development of an e-commerce
B. Long queue of customers paying bills.
C. Poor service.
D. Allof the above
needs to know what it is exactly called. He became
45. Sancho wants to purchase a product, but he on an e-commerce site, but it took him too long to
impatient when he needed to look for a product category of customer pain points is Sander
search for it; items are not placed into categoies. What
experiencing? C. Process Paint Point
A. Productivity Pain Point
B. Financial Pain Point D. Support Pain Point
Suddenly, it became his favVorite. He became
G 46. Sanjo discovered anew restaurant. whenever he visits because of their slow service. He
because this restaurant eats up a lot of his time
restaurant did not have a delivery service. What
even felt more disappointed knowing that the
N CcategoryProductivity pain point is Sanjo experiencing?
of customerPain C. Process Paint Point
A. Point
B. Financial Pain Point
D. Support Pain Point
internet service provider increased their charge for his
47. Sandhúcan't help but complain that his paint point is Sandhu experiencing?
mónthly subscription. What category of customer C. Process Paint Point
A. Productivity Pain Point
Prepared by: SANDER T. SEDANO, MIT and
B. Financial Pain
48. Sanfa started with a free D. Support Pain Point
of free
membership, membership with a professional
she was
in her job, so hesurprised that she had to payorganization she belongs to. After a
membership PHP 500. She needs
experiencing? has to pay. What
category of customer pain point isthisSanfa
A. Productivity Pain Point
B. Financial Pain Point C. Process Paint Point
49. Saldo emailed PLDT about the D. Support Pain Point
detailed the intemet connection internet connection loss he experienced five times in January. He
loss's date, time, and length. It took seven days for
respond. What category of customer pain point is Saldo experiencing? PLDT to
A. Productivity Pain Point C. Process Paint
B. Financial Pain Point Point
50. Santa is a loyal customer of a coffee shop. D. Support Pain Point
Santa works from home at night. The coffee shop
operates 24 hours, but Santa is disappointed that the delivery
available in the daytime. She needs to drive to buy her favoriteservice of the coffee shop is only
coffee at night. What category of
customer pain point is Santa experiencing?
A. Productivity Pain Point C. Process Paint Point
B. Financial Pain Point D. Support Pain Point
51. Sancho newly downloaded his Lazada app. Nhen Sancho last visited your store, he was
and returned to discover more about what you had to offer. impressed
A. The Loyal Customer C. The New Customer
8. The Returning Customer D. The Impressed Customer
52. San Goku is a loyal customer but was disappointed with his last purchase because the wrong color
of his order was sent to him. He then contacted you to learn how to return the item. Into what type of
customer can San Goku be categorized?
A. The Complaining Customer C. The Traditional Customer
B. The Dissatisfied Customer D. The Browser
53. Sacha has proven how trustworthy you are as a seller. She has provenyour willingness to assist and
cater to her needs. Sacha no longer visits other stores to check for better prices. She goes direcly
to your store to inspect and buy the needed product. Into what type of customers can Sacha be
A. The Loyal Customer C. The New Customer
B. The Returning Customer D. The Impressed Customer
54. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- A customer's need is a compelling reason for a product or service to be availed of.
STATEMENT 2- The most critical factor in selecting which product or service a customer would
purchase is what other businesses best sell.
A. Both statemernts are TRUE. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
55. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- You're likely to obtain repeat purchases if your customers anticipate you to deliver
on time and you satisfy them.
STATEMENT2- If youknow how your clients regard your competion, you'lhave a better chance of
A staying ahead of them.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
56. What customer pain point occurs when a few more process is added when a customer is
out a product?
C. Process Paint Point
A. Productivity Pain Point D. Support Pain Point
B. Financial Pain Point
57. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the best evaluation below:
STATEMENT 1- When businesses have a thorough grasp of their client's demands, they can easily
approach them effectively.
STATEMENT 2- Knowing how to conduct quantitative market research will help your company
address customer pain points. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
A. Both statements are TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
58. Which of the following statemets best defines Customer Demographics?
goals, such as
A. Customer demographics are groups of people essential to a company's
marketing and product development.
income, marital status,
B. Customer demographics relate to ethnicity, agelgeneration, gender,
3 education, and other relevant data about a customer.
C. Customer demographics are descriptive data about
individuals' unique identities and
D. All of the above
best evaluation below:
59. Carefully analyze each of the statements and choose the

most important demographics Of your
STATEMENT 1- When it comes to marketing, knowing the
target customers may make or break your efforts. the company side to see if they re n
STATEMENT 2- It's essential to look at the demographics of
line with the demographics of the customers.
A. Both statemnents are TRUE. C. Only statement 1 is TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE. D. Only statement 2 is TRUE.
60. Which of the following is not an example of a business
C. Industry
A. Products or services provided
D. Company size
B. Company name

and answer the following questions in 5-7

Essay: Read and carefully analyze the scenario below

Filipino-Chinese community in Tuguegarao. It consists of

XhanTher Homes is a subdivision for the elite Despite the strict
precisely 100 mansions. The subdivision has thereits own active homeowners' The
are still few reports of theft in the
security and CCTV cameras on every street, technological solution to their homes.
homeowners' association decided to bring a
You are the chief developer of Louisian Solutions- the company tapped to present a technological
of having safe
the vision of the homeowners' association
that can address the problem and respond to
homes and zero crime in their community.
to the problem.
is for you to present an innovative solution exists, new
The challenge of the homeowners' association idea
in the market as much as possible. If the
They do not want a solution already existing willing to pay any reasonable amount that you will be charging.
features must be integrated into it. They are
homeowners' association is technologically inclined. He specified his desire for
The President of the be integrated into your technological
(Internet of Things) or Al (Artificial Intelligence) to
Wite yOur essay answer based on Solutionthe following questions:
Title of the Technological Technological Solution?
1. What name will you call your
First Paragraph your technological
Elaborate on the loT (Internet of Things) or Al (Artificial Intelligence feature of
Second Paragraph solution original.
Name and explain three features that willmake your technological

Title of the Solution 5 points

10 points cauet
ainld ke
Solution to the Problem
Innovation 10 points
Organization of Thoughts 5 points
cnochuihar ne
TOTAL un'ge

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