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Chapter 1 Basics of Agriculture 1-10
What is Agriculture?
Why is Agriculture Important?
Agriculture Impacting the Economy of the Country
Agriculture Impacting the Social Issues of the Country
Agriculture Impacting the Environmental Issues of the Country
Characteristics and features of Indian Agriculture
Issues in Indian Agriculture
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Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 2 Major Crops 11-20
What is a Crops?
Important Facts related to Crops
Geographical conditions and other facts related to Crops
Important Points related to certain Crops
Prelims Questions for practice
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(2013 - 2023) Mains Solved
Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 3 Cropping Pattern in India 21-40
What is cropping season?
What is cropping pattern?
Different types of cropping pattern
Factors affecting cropping pattern
Reason for India having multiple cropping pattern
Features of Indian cropping pattern

Success of current cropping pattern
Change in cropping pattern
General/specific issues with cropping pattern
What is crop diversification?
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(2013 - 2023) Mains Solved
Chapter at a Glance

Chapter 4 Different Types of Irrigation and Irrigation System Storage 41-78

What is irrigation?
Facts related to it
Importance of Irrigation
Issues associated with excessive Irrigation
History of irrigation development in India
Different Types of Irrigation Method in India
Other Irrigation methods
New Irrigation Method
Solar based Irrigation
Different factors affecting irrigation types
Prelims Questions : (UPSC 2020)
Irrigation system storage
Classification of Irrigation system
Storage Structure
Types of storage structure
Problems associated with irrigation in India?
Addressing the issue of irrigation in India
How changes in irrigation system can help in doubling farmers income?
Different government measures to improve irrigation system
Why North-East India with so much rainfall is facing irrigation issues?

What is water use efficiency and how can it be improved?
Traditional Water Harvesting System
Decentralised Irrigation System
Management of water Resource
Irrigation Projects
Watershed Development
National Watershed Project
Dryland Agriculture
Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)
Sir Mokhagundan Visvesvarary's role in Water Engineering
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Chapter at a Glance
Storage, Transport and Marketing of Agricultural Produce
Chapter 5 79-113
and Issues and Related Constraints
What is Agricultural Produce?
What is the Difference between Agriculture Produce and Industrial
Storage of Agricultural Produce
Prelims Questions : (UPSC PYQ)
Types of Warehouse
Organisations involved in the Management of food grains
Cold Storage
Various Issues in Storage of Agricultural Produce
Addressing the Issue of Storage
Various Initiatives taken by the Government
Transportation of Agricultural Produce
Means of Transportation and Issues associated with it
Steps taken by the Government to Address the Issue of Transportation
Making transport of Agriculture more Viable and more Efficient
Marketing of Agriculture Produce

Objective of Efficient Marketing
History of Marketing of Agricultural Produce
Agriculture Market in India
APMCs and the role they play
Middle men and How are they biggest Obstacles?
Various issue with Agriculture Marketing
Various reforms in Agriculture Marketing
Some of the Successful Government Initiatives
Measures taken by Government
Three Farm Laws
Contract Farming
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Chapter at a Glance
Issues related to Direct and Indirect Farm Subsidies and
Chapter 6 114-142
Minimum Support Prices
What is Subsidy?
Facts related to Subsidy
The Subsidy on Agriculture
Why do Indian Agriculture require Subsidy?
Benefits of Subsidy
Types of Agricultural Subsidy
Direct Subsidy
Indirect Subsidy
Subsidy based on Inputs
Impact of Agricultural Subsidy
Rationalisation of Subsidy
Subsidy in India Trend
Agricultural Subsidy reforms
Nutrient based Subsidy
Direct Benefit Transfer Reforms (DBT)

Fertiliser Subsidy : Issues and Reform
Agricultural Subsidy and WTO
Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Important Committee related to MSP
Evolution of MSP
Objectives of MSP
Various Administered Prices
Crops under MSP
Determination of MSP
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Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 7 Food Processing and related Industry in India (FPI) 143-161
What is food?
What is Food Processing?
Facts related to FPI
Importance of Food Processing Industry
Evolution of Food Processing Industry in India
Food processing industry in India and Insight
Location Factor for Food Processing Industry
Supply Chain of Food Processing Sector
Upstream and Downstream Requirement
Various Constraints in the Supply Chain
Role of Super Markets in Supply Chain
Different Kinds of Linkages in Supply Chain
Scope/significance of Food Processing Industry in India
Opportunities/Potential to FPI in India
India's Strength in the Food Processing Sector
Various Bottlenecks in the Growth of FPI
Steps to Overcome this Bottlenecks

Some suggestions for robust FPI
Schemes for Food Processing Industries
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Chapter at a Glance
Public Distribution System,
Chapter 8 162-185
Issues of Buffer Stock and Food Security
Public Distribution System (PDS)
Facts related to PDS
Evolution of Public Distribution System (PDS)
Objectives of PDS
Importance of PDS
Functioning of PDS
Issues in the Functioning of PDS
Measures to address the loopholes in PDS
Advantages and Disadvantages of PDS
What needs to be done?
Buffer Stocks
What is Buffer Norms?
Objectives of maintaining Buffer stocks
Challenges in maintaining buffer stocks
What needs to be done?
Process of grain movement for Buffer Stock
Food Security
What is Food Insecurity?
Important Facts and Figures
Dimensions of Food Security
India's Nutritional Status
Importance of Food Security for india
India's Food Security Attempts
Obligations for Food Security in India
Challenges / Risk to Food Security

Government steps to tackle the issue with food security
Prelims Questions : (UPSC 2018)
What needs to be done?
Food Security and Climate Change
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Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 9 Economies of Animal Rearing 186-209
Economies of Animal Rearing
Importance of Animal Rearing
Animal Husbandry
Livestock Management
Important Facts and Figures (20th Livestock Census)
What is livestock census?
Challenges faced by Animal Husbandry Sector
Government initiatives in Animal Husbandary Sector
Dairy Industry in India
Facts and Figures
Importance of Dairy Industry
Challenges faced by Diary Industry in India
Government steps to address Issue in Dairy Sector
What need to be done?
White Revolution / Operation Flood
Need for a Second White Revolution
Poultry Sector India
Facts related to it
Potential of the Poultry Sector
Growth drivers for Poultry Industry
Challenges faced by Poultry Sector
What need to be done ?

Meat sector in India
Facts and Figures related to it
Potential of Meat Industry
Challenges of Meat Industry
Pink Revolution
Sericulture in India
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Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 10 Land Reforms in India 210-236
What is a land?
Why is land so important?
What were the land systems in India during British times?
What is meant by Land Reform (LR)?
Facts and figures related to it
Importance of Land Reforms (LR)
Objectives of Land reforms in India
Component of Land reforms in India
Legal Framework that supports Land Reforms
Implementation of Land reforms (LR)
Impact of Land Reforms
Role of Political factors in Land reforms
Critical Analysis of Land Reforms
Land Leasing
Model Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016
Land Acquisition
Importance of Land Acquisition
The right to fair compensation and transparency in land acquisition,
rehabilitation and resettlement act, 2013 (LARR Act)
Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill, 2015.
Land Acquisition and Adivasis

Tribal Land Rights
Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of
Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
Development Vs Displacement
Land Record Modernisation
Draft National Land Reforms Policy, 2013
Land reforms and Agriculture
Second Generation Land Reform
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Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 11 E-Technology in the aid of Farmers 237-245
E-Tech in the Aid of Farmers
Facts related to E-tech in the Aid of Farmers
Benefits of E-tech to the Farmers
E-Technologies and Government Initiatives in the Various Stages of
Agricultural Production
Upcoming Technologies in the Aid of Farmers
Precision Agriculture
Constraints in the implementation of E-tech in the aid of farmer
Improving E-Tech in the aid of farmer
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(2013 - 2023) Mains Solved
Chapter at a Glance
Chapter 12 Technology Missions 246-250
Technology Missions
Technology Mission on Agriculture
Success and Failure of Technology Mission to Agriculture
Possible Solutions / Wayforward
Chapter 13 Glossary 251-255
Agricultural Terminologies
List of Important Agricultural Revolutions in India


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