Bo de Thi Hoc Ki 1 Lop 9 Mon Tieng Anh

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí


NĂM 2022 - 2023

Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 1 - Đề số 1

Vocabulary and grammar

I. Circle the word whose main stressed syllable is different from that of the others.
1. A. benefit B. impression C. importance D. advantage
2. A. traditional B. fashionable C. convenient D. compulsory
II. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. depend B. ethnic C. region D. impress
2. A. increase B. mean C. leak D. weather
3. A. worked B. lived C. washed D. stopped
III. Choose the best answer.
1. I wish today ................ my birthday.
A. am B. is C. are D. were
2. This book ................ in 2000.
A. wrote B. is written C. has written D. was written
3. What do you use the Internet for? - ................
A. Get information. B. Be got information,
C. To get information. d. Be getting information.
4. You should practise ................ English with your classmates.
A. to speak B. speak C. being spoken D. speaking
5. Buddhists often go to................ to pray.
A. pagoda B. church C. park D. mosque
6. The unit of currency in Cambodia is the ................
A. dollar B. peso C. baht D. riel
7. Everything is O.K, ................? - Of course.
A. is it B. isn’t it C. are they D. aren't they
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8. There ................ be a market here.

A. used to B. is using to C. use to D. is used to
9. I ................ English since 2014.
A. learn B. have learned C. am learning D. learned
10. It was very hot, ................ I opened all the windows.
A. because B. but C. so D. when
I. Choose one of the words given to fill in each gap. (1m)
And important editor games well-drawn news
The Daily Sun is a very good newspaper. It has all the latest (1) ..................... and there is also
an excellent sports page with well-written (2) ..................... interesting reports of football and
hockey matches. The middle pages contain two crossword puzzles and some very
(3) ..................... cartoons of famous people and events. Finally, there are always interesting
letters to the (4) .....................
II. Read the article about doing homework. Answer the questions. (1m)
Doing homework
It is a good idea to start your homework early. If you can do it before your evening meal, you
will have more time later to do things that you enjoy, like talking on the phone.
It is also better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you. Then,
if the homework is difficult and you need time to think about it, you will still have time to do it.
Always turn off your mobile phone and the television when you are doing homework. You will
work a lot faster without them. Make sure you have a quiet place to work, with enough light
and a comfortable chair.
1. Is it good to do homework late or early?
2. When is it better for us to do homework?
3. Why do we have to turn off our mobile phone and the television when we are doing
4. Do you enjoy doing your homework? Why? Or why not?
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

I. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning. (1m)
1. We should plant trees around the school yard.
Ò Trees……………………………………………………..
2. I don’t have a laptop
ÒI wish ……………………………………………………..
3. “Are you using my pencil, Ba?”, Hoa said.
Ò Hoa asked…………………………………………………………..
4. Study hard or you’ll fail the exam.
Ò If………………………………………………………………………..
5. I can’t speak English well.
Ò I wish ...........................................................................................
6. “Where do you live ? ” Nam asked his teacher
ÒNam asked……………………………………………………………….
7. “I will go to my village next year” Mr. Nam said.
Ò Mr. Nam said …………………………………………………..……………
8. My brother likes playing soccer every morning.
Ò My brother is interested………………………………………………………….
Đáp án
I. Circle the word whose main stressed syllable is different from that of the others.
1. A
2. B
II. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. C
2. D
3. B
III. Choose the best answer.
1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C
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Choose one of the words given to fill in each gap.
1. news 2. and 3. well-drawn 4. editor
Read the article about doing homework. Answer the questions.
1. It is good to do homework early
2. It is also better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you.
3. Because we will work a lot of faster withou them
4. Yes, I do. Because it helps me review my lessons
Complete the second sentence with the same meaning.
1. Trees should be planted around the school yard
2. I wish I had a laptop
3. Hoa asked Ba if he was using her pencil
4. If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail the exam
5. I wish I could speak English well
6. Nam asked his teacher where she lived
7. Mr. Nam said he would go to his village the following year
8. My brother is interested in playing soccer every morning

Đề thi học kì 1 tiếng Anh 9 - Đề số 2

Language focus.
I. Choose a correct word to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Your parents ________you one hour ago.
a. phoned b. are phoning c. have phoned d. phone
2. I wish that I ________her now.
a. can meet b. met c. could meet d. could met
3. The first man landed on the Moon ______21st July 1969.
a. in b. on c. for d. of

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4. He is _______in playing soccer.

a. interest b. interesting c. interests d. interested
II. Change these sentences into the passive voice.
1. They will hold the meeting before May Day.
2. They have found oil in the Antarctic.
3. People don’t use this dictionary very often.
III. Turn into Reported speech.
1. They said “We must go home now”.
2. I asked the children “ Who took part in your excursion to the city?”.
3. She asked me “ Do you have many friends?”.
IV. Read the text carefully then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)
Spending your free time on the Internet can be fun. You can chat, share photos with friends,
and play online games. But some people are addicted to the Internet. They just can’t turn it off.
Being online for many hours at a time does not mean you have a problem. The Internet is very
useful. Online, you can pay your bills, buy clothes, and read the news. There are many good
reasons to spend time online. However, people with an Internet addiction are online too much.
They don’t spend time with their friends and family. Instead, they spend their time chatting
with their Internet friends, people they have never met in real life. Some also play online games
all day or night. Some people with Internet addictions even leave their jobs so they can spend
even more time online! People with Internet addictions don’t just go online to shop, have fun,
or do work. People who have this problem often go online because they want to escape the
stress and problems in their lives. Many internet addicts stop caring about their real lives, and
focus only on their online lives.
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One way Internet addicts can get help is by using special software. This software controls how
much time someone can spend online. It tells the computer to turn off the internet after a
certain amount time. This helps people focus on real life. The software’s goal is to teach people
to use the Internet for good reasons and not just as an escape.
1. People with Internet addiction spend most of their free time on the Internet.
2. Paying bills online is a useful way to use the Internet.
3. Internet addiction causes problems in one’s daily life.
4. Most Internet addicts play online games all day or night.
5. Using special software is a way of helping people stop their Internet addiction.
V. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. (1m)
1. My brother started to work last year
My brother has……………………………………………………………….
2. My mother can’t speak English.
I wish.........................................................................................................................
Đáp án
I. Choose a correct word to complete each of the following sentences.
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d
II. Change these sentences into the passive voice.
1. The meeting will be hold before May Day.
2. Oil has been found in the Antarctic.
3. This dictionary isn’t used very often.
III. Turn into Reported speech.
1. They said that they had to go home then.
2. I asked the children who had taken part in their excursion to the city.
3. She asked me if/ whether I had many friends.
IV. Read the text carefully then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)
1. F - 2. T - 3. T - 4. F - 5. T
V. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning.
1. My brother has worked since last year.
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2. I wish my mother could speak English

ĐỀ 03
A> Pronunciation:
I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. out B. round C. about D. Would
2. A. baggy B. minority C. style D. Symbol
3. A. chair B. check C. machine D. child
4. A. exchange B. orange C. danger D. arrange
II/ Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differenly from the rest
1. A. academic B. reputation C. experience D. intermediate
2. A. primary B. official C. tropical D. language
B> Language focus:
I/ Choose the correct word(s)/ phrase(s) to complete the sentences.
1. Mai asked me……..could stay there.
A. he whether B. whether he C. he if D. though he
2. To reach the village they have to cross a small bamboo……………………
A. forestry B. bush C. shrub D. forest
3. They work…………as a waiter on Saturday and Sunday evenings.
A. part-time B. sometime C. full-time D. all the time
4. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____
A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages
5. The workers love wearing jeans because the material was very …
A.strong B. cheap C. soft D. fashionable
6. If you want to … the course, you must pass the coming examination.
A. collect B. visit C. attend D. make
7. She often goes to the ………… to pray because her religion is Islam.
A. church B. pagoda C. temple D. mosque
8. Have you ……been to Japan? Yes, I have ………been there.
A. already/ ever B. just/ever C. ever/ already D. just/ recently
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9. when she was young, she……do a lot of exercises.

A. used to B. wasn’t used to C. was used to D.was use to
10. I wish the children……………making the noise.
A. will stop B. can stop C. stop D. would stop
II. Choose the underlined word or phrase ( A, B, C or D ) that needs correcting
1. It’s time for Maryam to leave for home, but she wishes she has a longer.
2. It got colder and colder, because we turned off the air conditioner.
3. No one have gotten such high marks in writing compositions before
4. He said he can’t find his friend’s house in that square.
C> Reading:
I/ Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question
Clothes can tell a lot about a person. Some like colorful (1)________ because they want
everyone to look at them (2)________ they want to be the centre of attention. (3)________
people like to wear nice clothes, but their clothes are colorful and fancy. They do not want
people to look at them. Clothes today are very different (4)________ the clothes of the 19 th
century. One different is the way they look. For11 example, in the 19 th century, all women
(5)________ blouses with long skirts. But today, women do not always wear blouses with
long skirts. Sometimes they wore short skirts. Sometimes they wear pants. Another different
(6)________ the 19 th century and today is cloth. In the 19 th century, clothes were made
only from natural kinds of cloth. They were made from cotton , wool, silk or line. But today,
there are many kinds of man-made cloth. A lot of clothes are now made fromnylon, rayon, or
1. A. clothes B. suits C. shirts D. trousers
2. A. but B.or C. and D. so
3. A. Some B. Few C. The D. Other
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4. A. of B. from C. with D. on
5. A. wear B. worn C. were wearing D. wore
6. A. between B. among C. both D. in
II/ Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true IT), false (F) or no
information (N)
I lived in the Middle East for a while, and when I went out, I had to obey the local custom of
wearing something over my head and wearing a dress that covered my whole body. At first, I
found it a real nuisance, but after a while, I got used to it and even started to like it. You feel
really secure, and also you don't have to worry about what to wear all the time.
1. The writer lives in the Middle East now. _____
2. She was constrained to wear national costume. _____
3. She was very annoyed at the costume. _____
4. She felt confident and safe when she wore the costume. _____
5. She didn’t have to think of what to wear every day. _____
6. The writer is a Muslim. _____
D> Writing:
I/ Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given. (1m)
1. She said, “I’ll be here again tomorrow.”(Change into reported speech.)
 She said …………………………………………………………………………………
2. Mary doesn’t know how to use the Internet.(Rewrite, using “wish”)
 Mary wishes ……………………………………………………………………..
II/ Rewrite the sentences so that meaning stays the same (1m)
1. It took Jane many hours to surf the Net for needed information.
 Jane spent………………………………………………………………………..
2. This magazine is being read by both teenagers and adults.
 Both teenagers……………………………………………………………………
ĐỀ 04
A. Pronunciation:

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I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
rest :
1. A trip B. river C. shrine D. city
2. A. reading B. learning C. speaking D. pleasing
3. A style. B. poetry C. lively D. symbol
II. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern .
1. A. notice B. comprise C. friendly D. peaceful
2. A. casual B. tunic C. subject D. design
3. A. inspire B. mention C. pattern D. different
B. Language focus:
I. Circle the best option ( from A, B, C, or D ) to complete the sentences .
1. What was he doing when you ………………………..?
A. come B. to come C. came D. coming
2. Hanoi is not very …….......from Kuala Lumpur
A. difference B. different C. differ D. differently
3. The ……………… language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia .
A. nation B. national C. nationally D. nationality
4. They ………………………… to Da Lat in summer when they were young .
A. use to go B. used to going C. are used to going D. used to go
5. My car ………… yesterday .
A. repairs B. is repaired C. repaired D. was repaired
6. The Ao Dai is the …………… dress of Vietnamese women
A. beautiful B. traditional C. casual D. polite
7. He was born …………………… 15th December .
A. in B. of C. at D. on
8. There is a bamboo ……………….. at the entrances to the village .
A. forest B. forestation C. forest ranger D. forestry
9. It rains heavily , …………………. I can’t go to the movie with you .
A. and B. but C. because D. so
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10. If he ………….. free time , he will go swimming .

A. has B. had C. will have D. is having
11. They enjoyed …………………….. football after school .
A. played B. to play C. playing D. play
12. They haven’t seen this film , ……………………… ?
A. do they B. have they C. don’t they D. they have
C. Reading
I. Use the word given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful passage

visited - got up - bookshop – dictionary – bus – speaking

Last Sunday, Nam went on excursion to Oxford. He (1)……………early and took a(2)
……………...,so he arrived there on time. In the morning, he (3)………………….the National
gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde park. In the afternoon, he bought a (4)………………… and a
small disc with the words “Oxford University”. He met some English students in the (5)
……………….. .He was happy to practice (6)………English with many foreigners. Although
he felt tired, he all had a nice day.
II. Read the passage then answer the following questions:
1. Where did Nam go last Sunday?
2. How did he go there?
3. Where did he meet some English students?
4. What did he do with some foreigners?
Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means exactly the same as the
sentences before it .

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1. I’m sorry I can’t speak English fluently .

 I wish ………………………………………………………………………………
2. “ Are you coming to the party tonight ?“
 Peter asked me ………………………………………………
3. I went to bed early because I was tired .
 I was tired …………………………………………………
4. Somebody has cleaned the room .
The room ………………………………………………………
ĐỀ 05
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. roofs B. tickets C. books D. chickens
2. A. prayed B. impressed C. designed D. arrived
3. A. city B. century C. official D. notice
4. A. gather B. healthy C. thirdly D. thankful
5. A. character B. chemistry C. school D. exchange
Choose the correct answer to complete each following sentence by circling A, B, C or D.
6. Her religion is Islam, so she often goes to the _________to pray.
A. church B. pagoda C. temple D. mosque
7. It’s very kind of you _________so!
A. to say B. saying C. say D. to saying
8. I wish Susan _________harder for her coming examination next week.
A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. would work
9. What were you doing when he _________?
A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming
10. I _________English here since I graduated from university.
A. teach B. taught C. have taught D. am teaching
11. Look! cattle and sheep are _________in the meadow.
A. cutting B. swimming C. grazingD. talking
12. It rains heavily, _________I can’t go to the movies with you.
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A. and B. but C. because D. so

13. She said that she _________learning English a lot.
A. like B. liked C. liking D. to like
14. I asked Ann _________she knew how to use a computer.
A. whether B. unless C. if D. A&C
15. The church looks very old. When _________?
A. was it built B. is it built C. has it built D. did it build
16. We have never_________any experience of living in the city.
A. wish B. done C. had D. made
17. They have to take that English course, _________they?
A. haven’t B. don’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t
18. Nam cannot earn money_________he has no job.
A. unless B. until C. if D. without
19. This shirt is different _________the one I saw last Sunday.
A. from B. at C. on D. in
20. I wish that I _________how to mend this suit.
A. know B. knows C. knowing D. knew
Find one mistake in each sentence by circling A, B, C or D.
21. John used to going to school by bus, but now he goes by bike.
22. It has been a long time since I have visited New York.
23. A new school is going to build in my neighborhood.
24. He wishes that he has a radio to listen to the news.
25. The exercises were such difficult that no one could do them.
Read the text and then choose the correct answers by circling A, B, C or D.
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Singapore is an island city of about three million people. It’s beautiful (26)_______with lots of
parks and open spaces. It’s also a very clean city.
Most of the people (27)_______in high rise flats in different parts of the island. The business
district is very modern with lots of high new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice
older sections. In China town, there (28)_______rows of old shop house. The Government
buildings in Singapore are very (29)_______and date from the colonial days. Singapore is
famous (30)_______ its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most of
the goods are duty free. Singapore’s restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay and European food,
and the prices are quite reasonable.
26. A. district B. town C. city D. village
27. A. live B. lives C. are living D. lived
28. A. is B. will be C. were D. are
29. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully
30. A. in B. on C. at D. for
Read the text carefully and answer the questions below.
Last Sunday, Nam went on an excursion to Oxford. He got up early and took a bus, so he
arrived there on time. In the morning, he visited the National Gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde
Park. In the afternoon, he bought a dictionary and a small disc with the words “Oxford
University”. He met some English students in the bookshop. He was very happy to practice
speaking English with many foreigners. Although he felt tired, he had a nice day.
31. Where did Nam go last Sunday?
 _______________________________________________________________________
32. What did he visit?
 _______________________________________________________________________
33. Where did he meet some English students?
 _______________________________________________________________________
34. What did he buy ?
 _______________________________________________________________________
35. Was he tired after the trip ?
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 _______________________________________________________________________
Rewrite these sentences as directed
36. Mary said to Tim, “When will you finish your work?”
 Mary asked Tim__________________________________________________________
37. They have built two department stores recently.
 Two department stores____________________________________________________
38. I can’t go to his party, but I’d love to.
 I wish __________________________________________________________________
39. I last saw her 10 years ago.
 I haven’t _______________________________________________________________
40. Tuan often went fishing when he lived in the country.
 Tuan used ______________________________________________________________
Question I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1. Ba can’t speak English well.
 Ba wishes ……………………………………………………………………
2. They grow rice in tropical countries.
 Rice ………………………………………………...
3.“I will go to my village next week” Mr.Nick said.
Mr. Nick said ………………………………………………………………
4. My father likes playing soccer every morning.
My father is interested……………………………………………………………
5. She worked hard. She passed her exam .
 She worked ………………………………………………………………………
6.I don’t have a new car.
 I wish ................................................................................
7. They will build a new supermarket here.
 A new supermarket ....................................................................................
8. I don’t have a car.
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 Iwish ………………………………………..…………
9.People speak English all over the world.
 English ………………………………
10. Keeping the environment clean is very important
It’s ………………………………………..…………
11. Nam cleaned the room yesterday.
 The room …………………………………………........
12. They have just built a new bridge in the area.
 A new bridge …………………………………………………
13. How about going to the beach this weekend ?
Shall we………………………….....…………
14. He had a headache, but he still went to work.
15. She started working as a secretary five years ago.
She has…………………………………………
16. Because of his broken leg, he didn’t take part in the contest yesterday
Because his…………………………….……………
17. Despite the bad weather, we went out for a picnic.
18. People grow rice in tropical countries.
 Rice ..................................................................................................
19. I spend three hours doing my homework everyday.
Ò It takes ...........................................................................................
20.My father likes watching television every night.
Ò My father enjoys ……………
21.She dreams to spend her vacation in Ha Long Bay.
ÒShe wishes…………………
22. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn't.
ÒHe used………………………………………
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23.Scientists have discovered that there is water on Mars.

Ò It has been ………………………………………
24.We expect the professor will arrive this morning.
ÒIt is expected ……………………………………………………………
25.I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year.
ÒI used to ………………………………………………
ĐỀ 06
I Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence:
1. I was really impressed ………………….the beauty of Dubai.
A. On B. in C. to D. by
2. Should all the motorcyclists be …………………………to wear helmets?
A. interested B. compulsory C. dangerous D. impressive
3. He failed the test because he didn’t follow his teacher’s ………………………..
A. information B. instructions C. statements D. questions
4. What is the ………………..of your dress? Is it made of silk?
A. Design B. material C. clothing D. fashion
5. Tom …………………. in the bank for 10 years since he graduated from University.
A. Worked B. was working C. has worked D. works
6. We had an ………………student from Spain staying with us last year.
A. Exchange B. interchange C. university D. abroad
7. She was sick;…………………, she went to school yesterday.
A. So B. because C. therefore D. however
8. If Mary ………………….free tomorrow, I will invite her to the concert.
A. Will be B. is C. was D. has been
II. Read the passage, then write TRUE or FALSE for each sentence
It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent. Unlike children who are
flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. It is even the top, or smartest
adult students have difficulty with the pronunciation. There are several things that an
international students can do to improve his or her pronunciation.
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One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class. Studying pronunciation can help student to
understand the rules of English, but in order to practice speaking, student need to be exposed to
English outside the classroom as well. This is why that many students say that studying in an
English- speaking country greatly affects their English. Living with native speakers can help
students to learn new words as well as improve their accents. International students can also
learn important cultural information. This can help to prevent misunderstandings that can occur
when people from different cultures live together.
True or false?
9. Adult students of English can hardly change the way they speak.
10. The top or smartest adult students still have difficulty with pronunciation.
11. Living with native speaker can’t help to prevent misunderstandings.
12. To improve their pronunciation, students also need to practice reading regularly
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting
13. Many Vietnamese women today often prefer to wear modern clothing on work
14. Read the instructions on the bottle carefully before take these medicines.
IV. Complete the following passage by choosing the correct words or phrases
Mr Brown and some (15)…………………. conservationists are on a very dirty beach now.
Today they are ready to make the beach a clean and beautiful place again. After listening to Mr
Brown’s (16 )………………. , they are divided (17)………………….. three groups. Group 1
needs to walk along the shore, Group 2 should check the sand and Group3 has to check among
the rocks . Garbage must be put into the plastic bags , and the bags will be (18)……………
by Mr Jones . He will take the bags ………(19)……..the garbage dump. Each member will be
………(20)..……. a map to find the right place. They won’t eat the picnic lunch which was
provided by Mrs. Smith until the whole area is clean . Then, They are eager to work hard so as
to refresh this area again.
15. A. volunteers B. voluntary C. voluntarily D. voluntariness
16. A. instruct B. instructed C. instructor D. instruction
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17. A. on B. in C. from D. into

18. A. collect B. colleting C. collected D. to collect
19. A. for B. from C. to D. in
20. A. giving B. given C. give D. to give
V. Use the correct form or tense of verb given in each sentence
21. After finishing my homework, my mom often has me (buy) ……….....some food for lunch.
22. For ages, ao dai (mention)……………………… poems, songs, and novels.
23. Tom promised he (not/ do ) …………………………… again.
24. Did you hear someone (cry)………………..outside last night?
25. Many accidents ……………..( cause) by careless driving every year.
26. ………..the report( finish)……………………by Tom yet?
VI. Supply the correct word form given in each sentence
27. Hội An is one of the most famous tourist ……………in Vietnam. (attract )
28. She can’t do the test well because it is …………………..difficult. (terrible)
29. .........................are working to find new kinds of energy for the future. (science)
30. He is a good student who know how to study.................................. (effect)
31. The ……………asked me some very difficult questions . (examine)
32. Trinh Cong Son is one of the most famous………………….. (music )
VII. Write the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one
33. We can’t make tea with cold water
 Tea…………………………………………………………………..
34. He worked so hard that he got promotion
 Because …………………………………………………………….
35. The last time I talked to him was 2 months ago.
 I haven’t ……………………………………………………………………..
36. They do not know what to buy for her birthday.
 They wish…………………………………………………………….
ĐỀ 07
I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:
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1. A. there B. thanks C. they D. those

2. A. parents B. ten C. when D. mend
3. A. around B. how C. bought D. found
4. A. seemed B. stared C. landed D. traveled
II/ Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. It’s _______to call anyone at night.
A. convenience B. inconvenient C. convenient D. inconvenience
2. Mary _______write to me last year.
A. used to B. is used to C. was used to D. uses to
3. I wish you _______here tomorrow.
A. come B. came C. will come D. would come
4. In summer my brother always wears shirts with short _______.
A. arms B. hands C. shoulders D. sleeves
5. He _______with his friends in an apartment in HCM C since last week.
A. lived B. live C. has lived D. living
6. I don’t like that dress; it’s out of _______.
A. order B. fashion C. luck D. date
7. Millions of Christmas cards _______ last month.
A. were sent B. send C. are sent D. was sent
8. A new bridge is going _______in the area.
A. to be building B. to build C. to be built D. be build
I/ Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage.
English is a very useful __(1)__. If we know English, we can go to any country we like. We
will not find it hard to make people understand __(2)__ we want to say. English also helps
us to __(3)___ all kinds of things. Hundreds of books are _(4)_ in English every day in
many __(5)__. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the
__(6)__. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better ___(7)__ and __(8)___
among countries of the world.
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1. A. language B. languages C. linguist D. linguistics

2. A where B. when C. what D. which
3. A learnt B. learning C. to learn D. learn
4. A write B. wrote C. written D. writing
5. A. countrified B. countries C. country D. countryside
6. A school B. class C. word D world
7. A to understand B. understanding C. understand D. understood
8. A friend B. friendly C. friendliness D. friendship
II/ Read the following passage carefully then choose the correct answer from (A, B, C or
The Olympic Games are important international sports events which take place every 4 years in
different cities. All sports men who take part must be amateur athletes. The twenty-second
Olympic Games were held in Moscow in the summer of 1980. On the first day of the Olympic
Games, Olga Iranov, the 18-years-old Soviet gymnast won the Gold medal.
1. What are the Olympic Games?
A. The Olympic Games are important international sports events.
B. The Olympic Games is important international sports events.
C. The Olympic Games is being important international sports events.
D. The Olympic Games were important international sports event.
2. Who can take part in Olympic Games?
A. Women can take part in Olympic Games.
B. All sports men can take part in Olympic Games.
C. Teenager can take part in Olympic Games.
D. Adults can take part in Olympic Games.
3. When were the twenty-second Olympic Games held?
A. They were held in the winter of 1980.
B. They were held in the autumn of 1980.
C. They were held in the summer of 1980.
D. They were held in the summer of 1984.
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4. Where were the twenty-second Olympic Games held?

A. They were held in London. B. They were held in Paris.
C. They were held in Moscow. D. They were held in Roma.
I/ Choose the correct answer.
1. It’s a pity that I don't have a computer.
A. I wish I didn’t have a computer. B. I wish I had a computer.
C. I wish I don't have a computer. D. I wish I have a computer.
2. They has just sold that old house.
A. That old house has just been sold. B. That old house have just been sold
C. That old house have just been sell. D. That old house has just been sell.
3. People built this church over 100 years ago.
A. This church which was built over 100 years ago
B. This church had been built over 100 years ago.
C. This church was being built over 100 years ago.
D. This church was built over 100 years ago.
4. Every day I spend 30 minutes watering the flowers
A. Every day it takes me 30 minutes to water the flowers.
B. Every day it took me 30 minutes water the flowers.
C. Every day it took me 30 minutes to water the flowers.
D. Every day it takes me 30 minutes water the flowers.

II/ Rewrite the sentences with the same meanings.

1. “Do you still live in Hanoi now?” Nam said to me.
 Nam asked me___________________________________________________________
2. Does your brother use the Internet every day?
 Your brother____________________________________________________________
3. They will have to change the day of the meeting again.
 The day_________________________________________________________________
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4. The boy can’t speak to the visitors because he doesn’t know French.
 The boy wishes________________________________________________________
ĐỀ 08
A. Pronunciation.
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. out B. around C. about D. could
2. A. watched B. stopped C.needed D. walked
3. A. government B. environment C. comment D. development
4. A. pollution B. information C. question D. invitation
B. Language focus.
Question I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1.Nam turned_______ the new job in New York because he didn't want to move.
A. on B. down C. off D. up
2.My father enjoys_________ English very much.
A. learning B. learnt C. to learning D. to learn
3.My car __________________ tomorrow.
A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. was repaired D. were repaired
4. Please turn _______ the light when you leave the room.
A. on B. off C.up D. down
5. He asked________ it was too early to apply for the course.
A. if B. for C. when D. that
6.If I _________________free time , I will go swimming.
A. have B. has C. is having D. will have
7.Men used ______ the bread winner of the family.
A. be B. to be C. to being D. to
8.They haven’t seen this film, _________________
A. do they B. don’t they C. haven’t they D. have they
9.I wish I _________ his name.
A. knew B. know C. will know D. would know
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10. I invited him to join our trip to Ha Long Bay , but he ______ down my invitation.
A. passed B. sat C. turned D. closed
11. They have moved to England ____________ 1999.
A. since B. at C. for D. in
12.You should _______ the shoes when coming into the Japanese houses
A. take off B. put on C. get off D. take on
Question II. Write the correct form of the verb in each bracket.
1. My brother often (go) _______ to school by bike every day.
2. My house (build) ________________________ yesterday.
3. My father enjoys (watch) _______________ television in the evenings.
4. He (live) ________________here for four years.
5. When I (come) _________home from work yesterday, my mother was cooking dinner.
6. I don’ know many English words. I wish I (know) _________more English words.
Question III. Give the correct form of the words given in brackets.
1. One of the ___________in my hometown is the traditional market, which is open every
Sunday. (ATTRACT)
2.These baskets are __________________ from strips of bamboo. (WEAVE)
3. Sydney, located in the state of New South Wales, Australia , is a city of national and
_____________ diversity. ( CULTURE )
4.In the old days, almost all grown up girls in this village learnt how to make these
_____________ hats. ( TRADITION).
Question IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
1. She said she will go to England the following week. …………………..
2. My brother enjoy going to the park on Summer evenings. …………………..
3. Nam wishes he can speak English fluently. …………………..
4.I used to listening to music when I was riding my bicycle to school. ………..………
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C. Reading.
Question I. Read the following text about Bill Gate, the co-founder of Microsoft, and
choose the best answer.
Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft, the world’s largest PC software company. He is
among the richest people in the world. Bill Gates’ interest in computers started when he was a
teenager. After high school, he was accepted to several top colleges in the USA: Harvard, Yale,
and Princeton. He chose to go to Harvard to study law. At Harvard, he focused more on his
interest in computer than on coursework. He often relaxed by playing video games in Harvard’s
computer lab. He left Harvard before graduating because he wanted to open a software
company with his friend Paul Allen. However, he later said, “ I don’t think dropping out is a
good idea.” In 2007, he received an honorary degree from Harvard. He began his speech by
saying this to his father in the audience. “I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this:
Dad ,I always told you I’d come back and get my degree.” Bill Gates is no longer working full
time for Microsoft. He is now, with his wife, running The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
which aims to improve healthcare, reduce poverty, and promote education around the world.
1. When did Bill Gates first develop his interest in computers?
A. during his teenage years
B. when he went to university
C. when he was at nursery school
2. What did he study at Harvard University?
A. computer science B. business C. law
3. What did he often do to relax while at Harvard?
A. play sports B. play video games C. go to parties
4. What did he receive from Harvard in 2007?
A. an honorary degree B. a job C. a company
Question II. Read the passage and answer the questions below.

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Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family. His parents
sent him to a private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Allen. When they were in
eighth grade, they were writing programs for business computers and making more.
In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They thought
he would get over his obsession with computers and become a lawyer like his father. Two years
later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen.
They worked eighteen hours a day in a dormitory room at Harvard. They were writing the
program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they created a company
called Microsoft to sell their product.
Allen became ill with cancer and left Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later and
started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at the age
of thirty-four, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the USA.
1.Where was Bill Gates born ?
2.Was Bill Gates the youngest billionaire in the history of the USA at the age of 34 ?
3.When was Gates accepted at Harvard University ?
4.Why did Bill Gates and Paul Allen create Microsoft in 1975 ?
Question I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1. I don’t have a new car.
Ò I wish …..………………………………………………………………….……
2. They will build a new supermarket here tomorrow.
ÒA new supermarket ………………………………………………..…………...
3.“I will go to my village tomorrow ” He said.
Ò He said ……………………………………..………………….…………………
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4. My brother likes playing soccer every morning.

Ò My brother is interested…………………………………………………………

5.They have to try harder so that they can pass the final examination.

 They have to try harder so as to …………………………………………….

6.They expect the professor will arrive this morning.
ÒIt is expected ……………………………………………………………………
Question II. Rearrange the word or phrase in the right order to have meaningful sentences.
1.My brother / to / usually / goes / work/ by / bus.
2.I / study /, / harder / I / pass / will / the / written examination / If.
-> ……………………………………………………………………………………
3.wishes / well / Ba / could speak / English / he /.
-> ……………………………………………………………………………………
4.that / suggests / we / play sports / Nam / everyday / should.
-> …………………………………………………………………………………….
ĐỀ 09
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. listened B. stayed C. opened D. wanted
2. A. frustrated B. relaxed C. embarrassed D. depressed
3. A. multicultural B. conduct C. stuck D. fabulous
4. A. what B. where C. whole D. why
5. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. convenience B. resident C. vehicle D. skyscraper
2. A. metropolitan B. university C. organization D. multicultural
3. A. affordable B. environment C. variety D. indicator
4. A. development B. intelligence C. facility D. education
5. A. expensive B. fascinate C. restaurant D. difference
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III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. We ……………. . in Kuala Lumpur ten years ago.
A. were living B. have lived C. use to live D. lived
2. “I wish you …………………. . longer” Lan said to Maryam at the end of the week.
A. could stay B. stay C. will stay D. can stay
3. Last weekend, Nam had an ………… trip to the countryside.
A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoyable D. enjoyed
4. Did he …………………………live in the country when he was young?
A. use to B. used to C. get used to D. be used to
5. Jame wishes his father ………………. here now to help him.
A. is B. were C. will be D. would be
6. The Ao dai is the ………… dress of Vietnamese women.
A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. trade
7. If you want to improve your English, we ………… help you.
A. would B. can C. could D. must
8. Nowadays, it is easy to ………… to the Internet because it is available almost everywhere.
A. keep in touch B. take inspiration C. get access D. take part
9. We have lived in this city ………… 1999.
A. for B. since C. ago D. in
10. ………… French with native people yet?
A. Did you learn B. were you learning C. do you learn D. have you learnt
IV. Read the situations and write wishes you want to make for them.
1. Many schools are overcrowded because there are so many children in Viet Nam.
I wish _______________________________________________
2. My school has no playground equipment or extra activities.
I wish _______________________________________________
3. In the Mekong Delta, small children go through some foot bridges in order to get to school.
I wish _______________________________________________
4. Kindergarten teachers don’t have training courses in making handmade teaching materials.
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I wish _______________________________________________
5. Children from poor families can’t go to school because they have to earn money to support
their families.
I wish _______________________________________________
V. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choose A, B, C
or D:
1. Tom uses to wear glasses, but he does not now.
2. She wishes she can speak English as fluently as her brother.
3. Malaysia is divided in three regions.
4. My father asked us not to spending too much time playing computer games.
5. Ba can play the piano better more than his friends can.
VI. Read the passage and do the task that below.
It was 1944. The world was at war. It was hard to buy food and clothing.
One day a man broke his leg and went to the hospital. At the hospital the nurse said , “We are
going to cut off your jeans. It will hurt to much to pull them off. “No, please don’t cut them!”
the man said. “Levi’s jeans are too hard to find. Pull them off!”. So they did. The man had a
few minutes of pain, but he still had his jeans. The people at the Levi Strauss Company heard
the story and sent the man a free pair of Levi’s jeans. They were glad he loved his jeans.
Why do people love their jeans so much? Jeans are very comfortable. They are made of cotton
denim material. Every time you wash denim jeans, they get softer and more comfortable.
Some companies make other kinds of clothing with the dark blue denim material. It makes
the clothing more comfortable. Shorts, overalls, jackets, skirts, hats and suits are all made of
denim. Even formal clothes, like tuxedos and evening gowns, are sometimes made of denim.

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All over the world people love jeans. Tight jeans, baggy jeans, striped jeans plaid jeans; it
doesn’t matter. From Europe to Asia, from North America to Africa – people buy millions of
pairs of jeans every year. In one year, they bought 453 million pairs. Put all those jeans in a
line and they will go around the world 12 times.
Are these sentences True or False? Find the answers in the reading. Put a tick in the
right column.
True False
1. A man broke his arm. 
2. It was easy to find jeans.
3. They cut off his jeans.
4. The Levi Strauss Company sent the man some money.
5. Jeans make you feel pleasant to wear.
6. many kinds of clothing are made of denim.
7. People buy millions of pairs of jeans every year!

ĐỀ 10
I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. school B. food C. tooth D. flood
2. A. go B. got C. note D. so
3. A. life B. wife C. mine D. dinner
4. A. this B. there C. think D. though
5. A. invited B. visited C. wished D. rested
II: Choose the best answer.
1. Pressure _____ children to get into top schools has reached a crisis point.
A. at B. under C. on D. with

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2. Perhaps what you’re reading or hearing is boring, which makes it hard to _____ on the book
or the conversation.
A. concentrate B. rely C. depend D. notice
3. A great way to improve _____ skills is to keep trying new things.
A. reason B. reasoned C. reasoning D. reasons’
4. As children move toward _____, they are less likely to ask for advice.
A. dependent B. dependence C. independent D. independence
5. Taking good notes _____ students to evaluate, organize and summarize information.
A. requests B. requires C. allows D. offers
6. Susan needs someone to show her how to _____ her anxiety and depression.
A. empathise B. try C. succeed D. manage
7. Craft village are becoming popular in Viet Nam.
A. tourism attractions B. tourist attraction C. tour attractiveness D. physical
8. Vietnamese traditional______ is done with a simple hammer and chisel.
A. sculpture pieces B. sculpture C. Sculptured feature D. sculptor
9. Now, at the age of over 80, the artisans is leaving the craft to his descendants with the desire
to_____ this ancient craft.
A. preserve B. reserve C. change D. consider
10. For that artisans, making the paintings is a career ______ it supports the life of many
generations of the family.
A. so that B. because C. because of D. although
III. Give the correct form of the following verbs:
1. I_________(go) to school by bicycle every day.
2. When I(come)_________ home from work, my mother was cooking dinner.
3.The children ( play)_________________football at the moment.
4. If you (study )_________harder, you will pass the exam.
5.I wish he (not leave) _________________ here
6.He (live) __________________in Australia for 10 years.
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7.Ba enjoys (play)_________________ football in the morning.

8. My house ( build)__________________ in 2004.
9. If the weather gets worse, we (not go) ________________ to the beach.
10.I wish I (live) ________________ near my school.
IV. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. One of the __________________________ in my hometown is the traditional market,
which is open every Sunday. (ATTRACT)
2. What are the differences between Dong Ho ________________ and Sinh ones? (PAINT)
3. This is a very beautiful piece of______________________ (EMBROIDER)
4________________________ is one of the biggest problems in this city. (EMPLOY)
5. Photography is strictly ________________ in this museum. (FORBID)

V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank to make a meaningful
Today, computer companies sell many different programs for computers. First, there are programs
for (1)______ math problems. Second, there are programs for (2) _______ studies. Third, some
programs are like fancy typewriters. They are often used by (3)_______ and business people.
Other programs are made for courses in schools and (4)_______. And finally, there are programs
for fun. They include word games and puzzles for children and (5)_______.
There are many wonderful new computer programs, but there are other reasons to like (6)
_______. Some people like the way computers hum and sing when they are (7)_______. It is a
happy sound, like the sounds of toys and childhood. Computers also (8) _______ lights and
pretty pictures. And computers even seem to have personalities.That may (9) _______ strange,
but computers seem to have feelings. Sometimes they seem happy, sometimes they seem
(10)_______ . It is easy to think they are like people.

1. A. doing B. working C. writing D. making

2. A. normal B. scientific C. lower D. training
3. A. workers B. farmers C. writers D. teachers
4. A. houses B. factories C. countries D. universities
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5. A. boys B. adults C. men D. women

6. A. computers B. programs C. puzzles D. games
7. A. watching B. seeing C. working D. finding
8. A. are B. used C. draw D. have
9. A. sound B. ask C. tell D. make
10. A. clear B. polluted C. amazed D. angry
ĐỀ 11
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. fo rbidden B. metro politan C. po lluted D. affo rdable
2. A. playgrounds B. crowded C. mountain D. countryside
3. A. inst itutes B. feat ure C tradit ion D. stat ue
4. A. multicultural B. su rface C. condu ct D. stu ck
5. A. combi ne B. tiring C. hi king D. promi se
II. Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences.
1.Adolescence is the period ________ child and young adulthood.
A. for B. between C. and D. from
2.Your body will change in shape and________.
A. height B. high C. tall D. taller
3.Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and_______ skills.
A. housekeeping B. reasoning C. social D. emotion control
4.They can’t decide who _______ first.
A. go B. to go C. went D. going
5.The girls are making fun ____ me so I’m very embarrassed
A. to B. for C. with D. of
6.Physical changes are different for every, so you don’t need to feel embarrassed or______
A. frustrated B. tense C. confident D. delighted
7.I wish my parents could put themselves in my ______
A. situation B. shoes C. feelings D. heart
8.Do you need to be that stressed______?
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A. on B. in C. out D. with
9.My mother is a strong person. She stays_____ even in the worst situations
A. calm B. healthy C. tense D. confident
10.You’ve been a bit tense lately so you need to _____ a break.
A. get B. take C. has D. let
11.His father wants him to get the_____ score in this exam
A. high B. higher C .highest high as
12.She has ______because she has a big assignment to complete
A. frustration B. frustrated C. frustrating D. frustratedly
13. We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It’s _________
A. Social skill B. Self-care skills C. Housekeeping skill D. Cognitive skills
14.I’ve won an essay contest. ---- _______________!
A. Congratulations! B. It’s interesting C. Oh poor! D. Good!
15.Your friend stayed up late studying for an important exam.
A. Well done! C. I know how you feel
B. Stay calm. Everything will be all right. D. A really great job.
III: Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written
1. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.
2. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial
cities today.
3.These televisions are quite popular in Europe, but those ones are not.
4. Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play in the tennis tournaments.
5. Many people believe that New York is the most great city in America.
IV. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D for each blank to complete the passage.
What will the city of the future look like? This question has been asked so many times over the
(1) _______________ 500 years – and answered inconsequentially an equal number of times –
that we can be sure of one thing only: no one can predict (2) _______________ how cities will
look 50 or 500 years from now.
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The reason is simple. Cities change continually. For over fifty years they have changed so
rapidly that the oldest (3) _______________ will remember a time when their city seemed to
belong not just to another era but to a different dimension.
This is true both of planned and unplanned cities. Planned cities such as New York and Paris,
which are closely (4) _______________ on a grid or diagram of streets and avenues, have
effectively burst at the seams this century, while unplanned cities such as London, Tokyo and
Los Angeles have grown just as dramatically. (5) _______________ their centres might remain
much as they were many years ago, their suburbs have spread like the tentacles of an octopus.
1. A. last B. few C. previous D. next
2. A. correctly B. suitably C. accurately D. acceptably
3. A. dwellers B. occupants C. tenants D. residents
4. A. arranged B. organized C. planned D. designed
5. A. Because B. Although C. Since D. However
V. Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one.
1.He had a lot of money, but now he doesn’t. USED
2.The boys want to win the football match. WISH
3.Did you always eat sweets when you were small? USE
4.She dreams to spend her vacation in Ha Long Bay. WISHES
5.They didn’t use to drink coffee when we lived in Japan. NEVER
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