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Let's use the FocusVu case study to answer these questions:

# FocusVu Business Description:

1. What products or services does the business offer?

- FocusVu provides private, secure video conferencing software designed specifically for
product demos. Users can preload their demos, test them in advance, prepare meetings, and
invite participants using unique, single-use links.

2. What type of business model does the business follow?

- FocusVu operates as a B2B (business-to-business) software service. It caters to businesses
that require video conferencing solutions for product demonstrations.

3. Is the business brick and mortar, online, or both?

- FocusVu is an online business. Users can access and utilize the video conferencing
software through the internet.

4. What contextual information is needed to connect the business description to SMART Goal
and KPIs?
- FocusVu is developing a new classroom feature and preparing for a feature launch. This
contextual information is crucial as it indicates a significant development within the business.
The SMART Goal and KPIs should align with the introduction of this new feature and the
subsequent launch.

For example:

# SMART Goal for FocusVu:

Specific: Successfully launch the new classroom feature within the next three months.

Measurable: Achieve a 20% increase in user engagement with the new feature compared to the
previous engagement levels.

Achievable: Based on the development progress and user feedback during testing, a 20%
increase is realistic.

Relevant: The goal aligns with the business's focus on improving its product offering by
introducing a new feature.

Time-Bound: The launch is set to occur within the next three months.

KPIs for FocusVu:

1. User Engagement Metrics for the New Classroom Feature:

- Metric: Time spent on the new feature, number of interactions, and frequency of use.
- Rationale: Measures the success and adoption of the new feature.

2. Conversion Rate of Feature Usage to Subscriptions:

- Metric: Percentage of users of the new feature who convert to premium subscriptions.
- Rationale: Determines the impact of the feature on business revenue and customer

3. User Satisfaction Score for the New Feature:

- Metric: Rating provided by users for the new classroom feature.
- Rationale: Assesses the feature's perceived value and user satisfaction.

Connecting the business description to the SMART Goal and KPIs ensures that the objectives
are aligned with the business's current focus and development efforts.

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