Physics Main Project Eddycurrent Brakes

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 Majority of braking system work on the principle of dissipation of

kinetic energy to heat energy
 Eddy current is created by the relative motion between a magnet and
a metal (or alloy) conductor. The current induces magnetic fields in
the conductor which opposes the actual magnetic field of the
magnet and results in the de-acceleration Of Motion (Lenz law).
 It is found that the larger thickness of disc, a greater number of turns
of electromagnet and higher electrical conductivity of conductor
influences the generation of greater braking torque.
‘Greater the speed greater the efficiency’.
 This braking system is frictionless, hence it’s advantageous over
conventional friction brakes in terms of performance and
maintenance. The proposed system is implemented in rear wheel of
 In conclusion, the eddy current brake is a compelling technology that
harnesses the principles of electromagnetic induction to provide
efficient and reliable braking solutions in various transportation
contexts. Its advantages, including reduced maintenance, precise
control, and energy regeneration, make it a valuable component in the
ongoing efforts to enhance the safety and sustainability of
transportation systems.

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The aim of eddy current brakes is to provide efficient and controlled

deceleration in various modes of transportation and industrial applications
by harnessing the principles of electromagnetic induction.
Some specific aims include:
1. Efficient Braking: Eddy current brakes aim to offer a highly efficient
braking system that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy
through electromagnetic induction, thus reducing energy wastage and
improving overall energy efficiency.

2. Reduced Wear and Maintenance: These brakes aim to minimize wear

and tear on braking components, leading to reduced maintenance
requirements and longer operational lifespans compared to traditional
friction-based brakes.

3. Precise Control: Eddy current brakes strive to offer precise and

responsive control over braking force, allowing for smooth
deceleration and enhanced safety in various transportation

4. Safety Enhancement: In railway systems and other modes of

transportation, the aim is to enhance safety by providing
supplementary or emergency braking capabilities that can operate
reliably even under extreme conditions.

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5. Regenerative Energy: Eddy current brakes aim to capture and convert
kinetic energy into electrical energy, supporting regenerative braking
systems in electric and hybrid vehicles, which contributes to energy
conservation and reduced environmental impact.

6. Diversity of Applications: These brakes aim to find applications in a

wide range of industries, from transportation (trains, roller coasters,
and automobiles) to industrial processes where precise deceleration
and control are necessary.

7. Adaptability and Innovation: Continuous research and development

in the field aim to make eddy current brakes more adaptable, efficient,
and suitable for emerging transportation technologies, such as
autonomous vehicles and high-speed rail systems.

8. Economic Viability: The aim is to make eddy current brake

technology economically viable by balancing the initial investment
costs with long-term savings in maintenance and energy efficiency.

In summary, the aim of eddy current brakes is to provide advanced and

efficient braking solutions that contribute to improved safety, reduced
environmental impact, and enhanced performance across various
transportation and industrial applications.

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A truly astonishing technological advancement, eddy current brakes are

used in everything from industrial gear to transportation systems. These
brakes use electromagnetic induction to stop or slow down a moving object
without making direct touch with it. This innovative braking system has a
number of benefits, including increased effectiveness, decreased wear and
tear, and exact control over the braking process.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the concepts, architecture, and
uses of eddy current brakes. We can fully comprehend how these brakes
work by digging into the science of eddy currents and their interaction with
magnetic fields. Additionally, this study will look into the variables that
influence braking performance, including the conductivity of the
conductor, the strength of the magnetic field, and the relative motion
between the conductor and the magnetic field.
Eddy currents (also called Foucault currents) are loops of electrical current
produced within conductors by a changing magnetic field in the conductor,
pursuant to Faraday’s law of induction. In conductors, eddy currents move
in closed loops in directions opposite to the magnetic field. A time-varying
magnetic field generated by an AC electromagnet or transformer, for
instance, or by the relative motion of a magnet and a nearby conductor,
might induce them within neighbouring stationary conductors. The size of
the current in a given loop is inversely proportional to the resistivity of the
material and varies with the magnetic field strength, loop area, and rate of
flux change.
Eddy currents reflect back on the source of the magnetic field because,
according to Lenz's law, they produce a magnetic field that is in opposition
to the magnetic field that caused them. A moving magnet, for instance, will
experience a drag force that opposes its speed when it comes in contact with
a nearby conductive surface because eddy currents are created in the
surface by the moving magnetic field. Eddy current brakes, which are used

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to swiftly stop rotating power equipment when they are switched off, utilise
this phenomenon. Additionally, energy is lost as heat in the conductor's
substance as a result of the current flowing through its resistance. Thus,
alternating current (AC) inductors, transformers, electric motors and
generators, and other AC machinery all experience energy loss due to eddy
currents. To reduce them, unique design elements, like laminated magnetic
cores, are needed. In induction heaters and equipment, eddy currents are
also employed to heat items. Moreover, eddycurrent testing devices can be
used to find faults and cracks in metal components.
As we progress through this project, we will unlock the mysteries of eddy
current brakes, paving the way for innovations that could lead to safer, more
energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly braking solutions. The
potential impact of this research extends across various industries,
emphasizing the importance of understanding and harnessing the power of
eddy currents in the field of braking technology.

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Eddy current is the swirling current produced in a conductor which is
subjected to change in magnetic field. Because of the tendency of the eddy
current to oppose, it causes energy to be lost. It converts kinetic energy in
to heat. These are simple magnetic devices that consists of non-
ferromagnetic conductor that moves through a magnetic field. An example
is shown in fig1.0 where magnetic field is created in the gap of magnet with
diameter =D When a conductive disc rotates eddy current is induced at a
average distance R from axis of rotation.
The braking force in eddy current brakes is directly related to the relative
velocity between the conductor and the magnetic field. By controlling this
velocity, the braking force can be precisely regulated, making eddy current
brakes suitable for applications requiring fine-tuned deceleration.


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It works according to faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
According to this law whenever a conductor cuts magnetic lines of forces
a emf is induced in it. Magnitude of EMF is proportional to strength of
magnetic field and speed of the conductor. According to Lenz’s law the
direction of current is in such a way that it opposes movement of the disc.
In magnetic brake by using strong magnet which are connected on lever
and when we need to apply brake new can move the lever by moving the
lever magnet also move and magnetic field is produce around the disc now
this magnetic field is cut by rotor and the eddy current produce in disc
which is oppose the movement of the disc and hence kinetic energy of rotor
converted into heat disc is slow down and finally the disc is stop and wheels
of vehicle are connected to disc and hence vehicle is stop. In
electromagnetic brake by using armature coil we can set the armature coil
near the rotating disc now when we need to stop or reduce the speed of disc
or apply the brake we can flow the current in the wire due to flowing of
current in wire the armature is act as a magnet and it is produce magnetic
field and this magnetic field is cut by rotating disc now due to this action
eddy current induce in the disc and which is oppose the movement of the
disc here also kinetic energy is converted into the heat and finally the disc
is stop and wheels of vehicle are connected to disc and hence the vehicle is

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1. Metal Disc or Rail: A metal disc or rail made of copper or another

conductive material serves as the main structural element of an eddy
current brake. To achieve efficient braking, this conductor's surface
needs to be level and smooth. For effective braking, the surface of this
conductor needs to be level and smooth.

2. Coil Assembly: A magnet is put close to the metal disc or rail. An AC

power supply is attached to this coil. A changing magnetic field is
produced by current flowing through the coil.

3. Eddy Current Generation: A varying magnetic field is produced when

an alternating current (AC) current passes through a coil. Eddy
currents, which circulate currents known as circulating currents, are
induced in the metal disc or rail by this fluctuating magnetic field, in
accordance with Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The
magnetic fields produced by these eddy currents are autonomous.

4. Eddy Current Interaction: The magnetic fields produced by eddy

currents conflict with the coil's initial magnetic field. As a result of
this opposition, the metal disc and the coil experience a resistive force
that slows the velocity of the disc or rail.

5. Cooling system: When used in high-speed or heavy-duty

applications, eddy current brakes can produce a large quantity of heat
during operation. To distribute the heat and prevent overheating, they
frequently integrate a cooling system, such as fans or liquid cooling.

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6. Control electronics: Eddy current brakes frequently come with
control electronics to regulate the braking force. These electronics
control the coil's current and can modify the braking force's intensity
in accordance with the demands of the application.
7. Additional safety measures, such as emergency braking systems or
fail-safes to make sure the brake can engage or disengage when
necessary, may be included depending on the application.

An eddy current brake's fundamental design entails producing a magnetic

field, inducing eddy currents in a conductor, and using the electromagnetic
interactions that ensue to produce a braking force. Depending on the
requirements and limitations of the application where the eddy current
brake is employed, the precise design and components may change.

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1. Electromagnetic Braking :
Eddy currents are used for braking; since there is no contact with a brake
shoe or drum, there is no mechanical wear. However, an eddy current brake
cannot provide a “holding” torque and so may be used in combination with
mechanical brakes, for example, on overhead cranes. Another application
is on some roller coasters, where heavy copper plates extending from the
car are moved between pairs of very strong permanent magnets. Electrical
resistance within the plates causes a dragging effect analogous to friction,
which dissipates the kinetic energy of the car. The same technique is used
in electromagnetic brakes in railroad cars and to quickly stop the blades in
power tools such as circular saws. Using electromagnets, as opposed to
permanent magnets, the strength of the magnetic field can be adjusted and
so the magnitude of braking effect changed.

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2. Repulsive effects and levitation
In a varying magnetic field the induced currents exhibit diamagnetic-like
repulsion effects. A conductive object will experience a repulsion force.
This can lift objects against gravity, though with continual power input to
replace the energy dissipated by the eddy currents. An example application
is separation of aluminum cans from other metals in an eddy current
separator. Ferrous metals cling to the magnet, and aluminum (and other
nonferrous conductors) are forced away from the magnet; this can separate
a waste stream into ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal.

With a very strong handheld magnet, such as those made from neodymium,
one can easily observe a very similar effect by rapidly sweeping the magnet
over a coin with only a small separation. Depending on the strength of the
magnet, identity of the coin, and separation between the magnet and coin,
one may induce the coin to be pushed slightly ahead of the magnet – even
if the coin contains no magnetic elements, such as the US penny. Another
example involves dropping a strong magnet down a tube of copper – the
magnet falls at a dramatically slow pace.
In a perfect conductor with no resistance (a superconductor), surface eddy
currents exactly cancel the field inside the conductor, so no magnetic field
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penetrates the conductor. Since no energy is lost in resistance, eddy currents
created when a magnet is brought near the conductor persist even after the
magnet is stationary, and can exactly balance the force of gravity, allowing
magnetic levitation. Superconductors also exhibit a separate inherently
quantum mechanical phenomenon called the Meissner effect in which any
magnetic field lines present in the material when it becomes
superconducting are expelled, thus the magnetic field in a superconductor
is always zero.
Using electromagnets with electronic switching comparable to electronic
speed control it is possible to generate electromagnetic fields moving in an
arbitrary direction. As described in the section above about eddy current
brakes, a non-ferromagnetic conductor surface tends to rest within this
moving field. When however this field is moving, a vehicle can be levitated
and propulsed. This is comparable to a maglev but is not bound to a rail.

3. Attractive effects :
In some geometries the overall force of eddy currents can be attractive, for
example, where the flux lines are past 90 degrees to a surface, the induced
currents in a nearby conductor cause a force that pushes a conductor
towards an electromagnet

4. Identification of metals :
In coin operated vending machines, eddy currents are used to detect
counterfeit coins, or slugs. The coin rolls past a stationary magnet, and eddy
currents slow its speed. The strength of the eddy currents, and thus the
retardation, depends on the conductivity of the coin’s metal. Slugs are
slowed to a different degree than genuine coins, and this is used to send
them into the rejection slot.

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5. Vibration and position sensing :
Eddy currents are used in certain types of proximity sensors to observe the
vibration and position of rotating shafts within their bearings. This
technology was originally pioneered in the 1930s by researchers at General
Electric using vacuum tube circuitry. In the late 1950s, solid-state versions
were developed by Donald E. Bently at Bently Nevada Corporation. These
sensors are extremely sensitive to very small displacements making them
well suited to observe the minute vibrations (on the order of several
thousandths of an inch) in modern turbomachinery. A typical proximity
sensor used for vibration monitoring has a scale factor of 200 mV/mil.
Widespread use of such sensors in turbomachinery has led to development
of industry standards that prescribe their use and application. Examples of
such standards are American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 670 and
ISO 7919.
A Ferraris acceleration sensor, also called a Ferraris sensor, is a contactless
sensor that uses eddy currents to measure relative acceleration

6. Structural testing :
Eddy current techniques are commonly used for the nondestructive
examination (NDE) and condition monitoring of a large variety of metallic
structures, including heat exchanger tubes, aircraft fuselage, and aircraft
structural component

7. Side effects :
Eddy currents are the root cause of the skin effect in conductors carrying
AC current. Similarly, in magnetic materials of finite conductivity eddy
currents cause the confinement of the majority of the magnetic fields to
only a couple skin depths of the surface of the material. This effect limits
the flux linkage in inductors and transformers having magnetic cores.

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Other applications :
• Rock Climbing Auto Belays
• Zip Line Brakes
• Free Fall Devices
• Metal detectors
• Conductivity meters for non-magnetic metal
• Eddy current adjustable-speed drive
• Eddy-current testing
• Electric meters (Electromechanical Induction Meters)
• Induction heating
• Proximity sensor (Displacement sensors)
• Vending machines (detection of coins)
• Coating Thickness Measurements
• Sheet Resistance Measurement
• Eddy current separator for metal separation
• Mechanical speedometers
• Safety Hazard and defect detection applications

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An eddy current brake, often referred to as an induction brake,
Faraday brake, electric brake, or electric retarder, is a tool that
generates eddy currents in order to dissipate kinetic energy as
heat and slows or stops moving objects. The drag force in an
eddy current brake is an electromagnetic force between a
magnet and a nearby conductive object in relative motion
because eddy currents are caused in the conductor through
electromagnetic induction. This is in contrast to friction brakes,
where the drag force that stops the moving object is provided
by friction between two surfaces pressed together.
According to Faraday's law of induction, a conductive surface
travelling past a stationary magnet creates circular electric
currents called eddy currents that are produced in it by the
magnetic field. According to Lenz's law, the circulating
currents produce a magnetic field of their own that resists the
magnet's field. As a result, the magnet resists the motion of the
moving conductor with a drag force that is proportional to its
velocity. The heat produced by the current passing through the
conductor's electrical resistance dissipates the kinetic energy of
the moving object.
A permanent magnet or an electromagnet can produce the
magnetic field in an eddy current brake. By adjusting the
electric current flowing through the electromagnet windings, it
is possible to switch the braking force on and off in an
electromagnet system. Since the brake does not operate
through friction, there are no wearable brake shoe surfaces, so
replacement as with friction brakes is not necessary.
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A downside is that while the braking force is proportional to
the relative velocity of the brake, the brake has no holding
force when the moving object is stationary, as provided by
static friction in a friction brake, consequently in cars it must
be supplemented with a friction brake.
In some cases, energy in the form of momentum stored within
a motor or other machine is used to energize any
electromagnets involved. The result is a motor or other
machine that rapidly comes to rest when power is removed.
Care must be taken in such designs to ensure that components
involved are not stressed beyond operational limits during such
deceleration, which may greatly exceed design forces of
acceleration during normal operation.
Eddy current brakes are used to slow high-speed trains
and roller coaster, as a complement for friction brakes in semi-
trailer trucks to help prevent brake wear and overheating, to
stop powered tools quickly when power is turned off, and
in electric meters used by electric utilities.


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➢ No contact, therefore no wear or tear.

➢ No noise or smell.
➢ Adjustable brake force.

➢ High brake forces at high speeds.

➢ Also used as service brake.

➢ It uses electromagnetic force and not friction Nonmechanical (no

moving parts, no friction).

➢ Can be activated at will via electrical signal

➢ Low maintenance

➢ Light weight

➢ No grating misfortune.

➢ Less warmth misfortune.

➢ Less wear of segments.

➢ Fully electronically controlled.

➢ Great braking proficiency potential to recover vitality lost in


➢ Potential to recapture vitality lost in braking.

➢ Potential danger of tire crumbling and blasts because of grinding is

disposed of.

➢ No need to change brake oils consistently.

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➢ No oil spillage.

➢ Problem of brake liquid vaporization and solidifying is dispensed


➢ Less support cost.

➢ Longer life traverse contrasted with ordinary brakes.

➢ Can be utilized as a part of industry to stop or decelerate turning


➢ Fast Response Time

➢ Longevity

➢ Customizability

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