IO Employee Attitude

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College of Liberal Arts and Communication

Graduate Studies


Abraham, Keyrassen A.
Master of Arts in Psychology Major in
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
IO Psychology | A.Y 2023 – 2024 | 1st Term

I represent a particular hierarchy of attitudes in the workplace as the HR Manager of a

manufacturing company with at least 200 employees, which is consistent with my management
style and personal values. I am respectful, receptive to feedback from all organizational levels, and
very involved in every facet of the business. The following succinctly describes my methodology:

Generator (good Attitude): I have a good mindset and am enthusiastic about my work as an HR
manager. Creating a peaceful and productive work atmosphere for our staff is something I am
really enthusiastic about. I consider my position as a chance to come up with creative answers to
HR problems and support the company's development as a whole. My goal is to encourage others
to share our company's goals and principles by spreading my enthusiasm for change and

Good Soldier: I enjoy my job, but I also understand how important it is to follow the rules and
guidelines that have been set down. When it comes to following company policies and industry
rules, I am a "good soldier". This guarantees equity and uniformity in HR procedures, which is
critical in a manufacturing environment with a sizable workforce. There has always been an issue
with other employees not following the rules, especially when the HR personnel themselves do
not practice them.

Grudgingly Compliant: I may run against resistance from certain coworkers or employees when I
perceive the need for changes or improvements. Nonetheless, I handle this kind of resistance with
tolerance and compassion. I'm open to hearing different points of view and having fruitful
conversations. This strategy aids me in overcoming opposition in a way that promotes change and
upholds a productive workplace. I ensure that I am open to all sides before deciding. This helps
me construct a more reasonable judgment.
Actively Resistant: I try not to engage in an actively resistant manner at work. Constructive
criticism is, in my opinion, a really useful source of feedback and inspiration for improvement.
When coworkers or employees voice objections or resistance, I consider their input seriously and
seize the chance for improvement. My objective is to attend to their grievances and modify HR
tactics in order to improve the general quality of work. I am that kind of person who is open to
constructive criticism and opinion, for I know I still have more to learn and more to improve.

As the HR manager of a 200-person manufacturing company, my strategy is in line with the

hierarchy of attitudes at work. I am a positive force, I respect business principles like a good
soldier, I address resistance with consideration and an open mind, and I see criticism as a tool for
ongoing progress. I am able to support the company's growth and create a happy, productive work
atmosphere with this diverse approach.

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