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The Government's APS Bargaining Policy

Submission 159

I am writing to express my concerns over the delay in bargaining and the effects it has had on my
workplace and home life.

I feel that my morale in the workplace has reduced dramatically. The job that I do is very important
to me and I like to think to the Customers that I am in contact with. When an employer doesn’t seem
to place value on your role it is disheartening to say the least.

This role is often demanding, we deal with Customers that are extremely vulnerable and are more
frequently in Crisis Situations. People that are escaping from Domestic Violence, Financial Crisis,
Customers dealing with Mental Illness and some are even threatening self-harm. We also are
assisting Customers who have lost a loved one and are welcoming a new addition to the family. We
talk to Carers about changes in Custody and the effect on their payments. We are needing to give
these people support and aid along with an appropriate and timely Customer service Offer.

Now, Imagine going to your workplace and being told that you are not worthy of reasonable,
expedient pay reviews. That your rights and requests for negotiations are being ignored and that
they are seemingly unimportant and do not value time. For an employer to reduce your value is not
an encouraging feeling. All the while you are continuing on in your role, often starting before your
scheduled time, working through your breaks to assist and service Customers.

Part time contacts are being reviewed and may not even be on offer any more. As a parent I am at a
loss as to how I could function in this workplace and support my home life with 2 children on a full
time contract.

I recall recently watching a video on social media of MP **** presenting their support for our
requests and seeing that there were very few members in the audience. Our requests for reasonable
negotiation, do not even warrant many showing up.
The Government's APS Bargaining Policy
Submission 159

Please help us, to feel important, valued, worthy and needed by our employer as much as we are
needed by our Customers.

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