CS3304 As02

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Campus: - Mandawar, 22 Km Mile Stone, Roorkee - Dehradun Highway (NH-73)

ROORKEE- 247667 (Uttarakhand, INDIA)

(Odd Semester 2023-2024) Date:

Subject Name: Linux and open source

Subject Code: CS3304
Program/Branch/Year: B.TECH/CSE/2nd
Max Marks:30

1. When designing a server, what hardware and environmental considerations should be taken into
account to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and efficiency?

2. Explain the concept of server design and the factors that influence the choice of hardware
components, including CPUs, RAM, storage, and network interfaces.

3. What are some common issues and challenges that can arise when setting up a dual-boot system
with Linux and another operating system? How can these issues be mitigated or resolved?

4. Describe the methods of installing Linux on a system, including Live CD/DVD installation, USB
installation, and network installation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

5. Walk through the steps involved in installing Linux on a desktop or server. Include key
considerations during the installation process and any important decisions that users should make.

10. Discuss the methods and commands available for performing calculations in shell scripting.
Explain how arithmetic expressions can be evaluated within scripts and provide examples of
mathematical operations.

6. Describe the evaluation of expressions in shell scripting, including arithmetic, logical, and string
comparisons. Walk through examples of how these evaluations are used in decision-making and
branching within scripts.
7. Focus on the "if" statement in shell scripting and its role in making conditional decisions. Explain
how "if" statements work, how they are structured, and provide real-world examples of conditional

8. Explore the topic of string comparisons in shell scripting. Explain the various string comparison
operators and their usage, with examples demonstrating how they can be applied in scripts.

9. Discuss file checks in shell scripting, including file existence checks, file type checks, and file
permission checks. Describe the commands and techniques used to perform these checks and
provide examples.

10. Explain the fundamental concepts and usage of loop constructs in shell scripting, including the
"while" loop, "until" loop, and "for" loop. Provide examples and use cases for each type of loop in
script development.

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