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1. (A) what is the water cycle? (1)
(b)The water cycle is powered by _____________________________. (1)
(c)The photograph shows a hydrological cycle. Name the parts labelled 1 to 5.

(d)The water cycle has 4 processes. Match the key words to their meanings. (4)

Infiltration This water is held in the rock underground

Surface runoff When water soaks down through the ground

Through flow Flow of water though the soil

Groundwater Rainwater flowing over the grounds surface

2. (A) what is the name for the beginning of the river? (1)

(b)Where does the water come from at the start of a river – name 2 places? (2)

(c) Put these features in the order you’d expect to find them in a river:

(d) Match the letter to the feature

Mouth Source Gorge
Meander Waterfall Tributary

e) Describe the features of a drainage basin. (4)

3. (A) Name two inputs and two outputs of the drainage basin cycle. (4)

(b) Describe how the shape and characteristics of river channels change from source to mouth.
You may draw a diagram(s) to help your answer. (6)

(c)Which river feature does this picture show?

i. A tributary
ii. A delta
iii. A mouth

(d)Ring the features that can happen at the end of a river:

Delta Meander Plunge pool Estuary
Mouth Tributary Lake Confluence

(e) State TRUE OR FALSE for each statement.

i. The drainage basin of a river is the bit at the end with a grill over it
ii. The drainage basin of a river is the area of land that drains into the river
iii. The edge of the basin is called a watershed
iv. The watershed can be worked out by connecting the lowest points of the basin
v. Only people who live on hills live inside a river watershed
vi. Everywhere is inside the watershed of a river
4. (A) Key words and definitions
In the table below, fill in the processes with their meanings, involved in river erosion and transportation. (8)
Erosion Transportation Deposition



(b). Fill in the table below to show the resulting landforms due to erosion and deposition. (9)
Erosion Deposition Erosion and Deposition

5. Use the words below to complete the sentences correctly.

Tributary Confluence Mouth Watershed Source Drainage basin

…………………: where two rivers meet

…………………: the area drained by a river and its tributaries
…………………: where a river flows into the sea
…………………: where the river begins
…………………: a smaller river which flows into a larger river
…………………: the imaginary line surrounding a drainage basin (6)
6. What is the difference between :
(a)A tributary and a confluence? (1)

(b)A source and a mouth? (1)

(c)A river basin and a river channel? (1)

(d)Remember we said the hydrological system was a closed system? What did that mean? (1)

(e)Do you think a drainage basin is an open or closed system? Why? (1)

(f)What do you think might make the flow through one drainage basin quicker or slower than another one? (1)

(g)Why do we might we need to know whether a river basin has a fast flow through or not? (1)

(h)What might help us find out which river system is likely to cause a problem and which isn’t? What would we have
to measure? (2)
7. Study the storm hydrograph below.

(a)Give the meaning of the following terms:

Lag time, peak discharge, rising limb, falling limb (4mks)

(b) Explain how the following factors influence the shape of the storm hydrograph. (4mks)
A: Drainage basin: LARGE or SMALL B: Bare Earth or Forest

C: Drainage basin: Sloping or Steep D: Permeable rock or impermeable

8. (A) what is?

● A watershed

• a confluence? (2)

8.Explain how each of the following affects the drainage network:

● rock type (2)

• land use. (2)

9a) What is meant by the term ‘lag time’? (1)

b) Describe how lag time is affected by each of following factors: (8)
● slope

• temperature

● precipitation

• vegetation.

10a) What is the difference between ‘weathering’ and ‘mass movement’? (2)

(b) What made the landslide in Figure 10b into a serious hazard and
natural disaster? (4)

Fig. 10b a mudslide

11a) How does a river change when it leaves an upland area? (3)

b) Why is deposition greater along the lowland section of a river? (3)

12.a) What processes is responsible for the formation of a V-shaped valley? (3)

(b)In your own words, describe the differences between the two hydrographs in Figure 12. Try to explain those
differences. (3)
Figure 12: The impact of a dam and water abstraction on a river’s storm hydrograph

13. Study the figure 13 below.

Figure 13
The paragraph below explains how the above waterfall is formed by completing the paragraph using some of the
words in the box. (5)

14. Study the cross-section of the meander shown below.

(a) Label your cross- section.Use your knowledge of the characteristics of meanders; use the
following statements to label your diagram.
Bank on the outside of the bend being undercut by erosion., Slower water, faster water, deposited sand and
shingle on the inside of the bend, suspended material. (5)
(b) What is a meander? (1)

(c) Explain what happens on the inside of a meander bend. (1)

(d) Why does water flow faster on the outside bend? (1)

(e) Where does deposition occur and why? (2)

(f) What characteristics will the water have if it is erosive? (1)
(g) How do you think the water erodes the river bed and banks? (1)

15. Study Figure 15 below. It shows a section of a river valley.

Figure 15
(i) Describe the landforms A and B shown on Figure 15 (4)

(ii) Landform C shown on Figure 19 is a river-cliff. Explain how it was formed. You may use a diagram to help
your answer. (4)

16. (a)What is an ox-bow lake? (1)

(b)How does an ox- bow lake form? (4)

(c) Why does water follow the straight channel instead of the curved channel? (1)
17. Write a few sentences to explain how flood plains are formed. (4)

18. Explain the formation of a Levee. (4)

19. Describe the physical features of a Delta… (4mks)

20. (a)Compare estuaries and deltas in terms of the way they are formed. (2)

b) On your sketch map, show and label four features commonly found ina river estuary. (4)

c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of this estuary for shipping? (3)

21. Study the maps 21a and b below of River Tay. Draw accurate cross sections from A to B and from C to D (8).
Write down the characteristics of the two cross sections. (4)
Figure 21a: Part of the upland course of the River Toy
Figure 21b: Part of the floodplain and estuary of the River Toy

22.a) What are the five main uses of fresh water? (5)

(b)What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bottled water (4?)
c) What are the main sources of fresh water? (4mks)


How might global warming change this world water (3?)

Figure 23-The world’s water

24.Describe the global distribution of water surplus and deficit as shown on map 23 below. (6)

Figure 24- water surplus and water deficit areas of the world
25.Describe how water is used in the UK. (4)

Figure 25 – water use in the UK

26.(A) Describe the water demand and supply in England and Wales as shown on figure 26 (6)

Figure 26- water demand and supply in England and Wales

(b) It would be wrong to think that there are no reservoirs in the drier parts of England. For example, London has a
number of them on its northern and western outskirts. These are used both to collect water and store recycled
water. Research the names of some large reservoirs in ‘dry’ England. (2)

(a) Water stress can be a seasonal or temporary condition, as during a climate’s dry season or during
occasional droughts.
Conversely, water stress can be relieved temporarily by periods of unusually heavy rainfall.Analysefigure above to
show the levels of water stress. (6)

Figure 27- Levels of water stress

(b) Suggest some ways of saving water and using it more efficiently. (4)

(c)Can you think of ways in which recreation and tourism pollute water? (2)


Describe the population

which has access to clean
water (6)

Figure 28 Access to clean water

29.Why has the demand for water increased so much over the last 100 years? (4)

30. (A)Why is water quality so important? (2)

(b)What are the sources of water pollution as shown in the photograph below? (4)
This is a pretty good summary for an HIC

(c)Give four other causes of river pollution (4)

31. Draw a labelled diagram to show the stages in managing the supply of clean water. (6)
32. How does a river flood?
Sometimes after heavy ________ or a fast snow melt there may be too much water for the _________ to hold. The
river will then overflow its _________ and flow out onto the _________ either side of it. This is called a river
Usually when it rains the water will soak into the _______. However if it is unable to soak into the ground it will
flow _________ and into the river. This is the most common cause of ___________.

Word box Banks flood rainfall downhill land flooding Ground River
33. Flooding is a normal occurrence in the lower course of a river. It occurs when the river overflows its banks and
leaves the channel. River flooding helps to form several river features: Flood plains, ox-bow lakes and levees.

Explain the Causes of flooding: (9)

Name your case study!!!

34. Identify the following methods of controlling floods in Bangladesh

Use the photographs above to answer the

following questions.
(a) Photo A
(I)Why is it important for
families to have at least
oneradio? (1)

(ii) How can people

prepare themselves
before a flood? (2)

(iii) What can people do during a flood to help them cope with flooding? (3)

(iv) What can people do after a flood to help cope with flooding? (2)

(b) Photo B
(i) How will it benefit the people of Bangladesh if theyhad cheap electricity? (2)

(ii) Why is irrigation important for people? (2)

(iii) If the dam collapses what problems will that cause for the people? (3)

(c)Photo C
(i)Why is it important for people to save their possessions? (2)

(ii) If people lose their livelihood what problems will that cause? (2)

(d)Photo D
(i) If people can’t earn money through fishing whatProblems will that cause? (2)

(ii) Embankments can be expensive to build why is this problem? (2)

35. The completed three gorges dam.

(a)In what ways will the Three Gorges Dam project help
the growth of industry in China? (3)

(b)Make a list of the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam project. (4)

36. (A) Suggest reasons why floods in HICs are often more costly than those in LICs. (4)
(b)It is important that you are clear about:
• The difference between hard engineering and soft engineering (2)

• Why soft engineering is more environmentally friendly. (2)

In your own words, suggest a definition for the term ‘flood
management (1)

(b).How does these mud embankments

control floods? (2)

Mud embankment being built by hand

38.For each of the scenarios decide if they will cause the river to flood or not flood.
The soil is very dry so the The slopes are really steep
water stays on the surface. and the water runs quickly to
the river.
There are lots of trees
to take up and catch the
water on their leaves.

___________________ There river runs There is

through a city where the wat
there are lots of
concrete surfaces.
The soil is al
wet so no mor
A river is more likely to flood when_____________________________________________ go int
Photograph 39

39. Study Photograph 39 below. It shows an area in Alicante, Spain that has been flooded.
(a)State two immediate effects of this flood event on the people of Alicante. (2)

(b) State two long-term effects of this flood event on the people of Alicante. (2)

(c) Describe the effects of floods such as this on the economy of the area. (4)

(d) Describe one human cause that can increase the number of floods in an area. (3)
Named cause Description

(e) Explain how human actions may have increased the risk of flooding in areas such as this. (3)
40. Study Photograph 40 below. It is an aerial photograph of the confluence of the Ohio River and the Mississippi

Photograph 40

(I) Describe one other technique of hard engineering used to manage rivers such as the Mississippi. (3)

Named technique


(ii)Levees are constructed to protect areas from flooding.

Suggest why levees sometimes fail to prevent flooding. You may draw a diagram to help your answer. (4)
41. Study Figure 41 in the Resource Booklet. It is a flood risk map for Salisbury in Wiltshire.

Figure 41
(a) Describe how a population may be protected from flooding. You may use evidence from your own case-
study of river management (4)

(b).For a river that you have studied explains why some areas are more at risk of flooding than others. (6)
Named River

42. Study Figure 42.

Figure 42 – Changing global water consumption, 1910 – 2010

(a) Describe how the use of water for agriculture changed between 1910 and 2010. (2)

(b) Describe how one human activity can result in a decline in water quality. (2)

43. (A) for a named location, explain how human actions have increased flood risk. (6)
Named location

44.Study Figure 44

(a) Suggest two benefits of large scale

water management projects such as
the Tarbell Dam. (2)

(b) Describe one impact of water

shortages on people. (2)

Figure 44 – A satellite image of the Tarbela Dam (Pakistan)
(c) Using an example(s), explain why small scale solutions to managing water suppliesare often sustainable. (4)

45. Study Figure 45.

(a) Name the method of flood management shown in Figure 45.

Named process

Figure 45

46. Complete the following crossword.

47. Study the photograph above and describe the effects of floods. (3)

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