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Revised PA 3 Syllabus Cum Date Sheet

Session: 2023-24
Grade -VIII
Date/Day Subject/ Syllabus
Teacher’s Name
20.11.23 French Ls-3: C’est ma ville
(Monday) Ms. Nupoor Ls-5: Mon argent de poche
Ls-6: Les loisirs de Nathalie

ु तक-
पाठ-9: पर्यावरण रक्षका:
Sanskrit पाठ-10: लोभ: पापस्य करणम
Ms. Vaishali Kaushik पाठ-11: भारतीया: नार्य:
पठन -
अपठित गद्यांश

(Tuesday) Computer Ch-5: Let's Learn Photoshop
Ms. Shweta Ch-6: More About Photoshop
Ch-6: Algebraic Expressions and Identities
22.11.23 Maths Ch-7: Factorisation
(Wednesday) Ms. Ekta / Ms. Rashi
23.11.23 English Course Book-
(Thursday) Ch-8: A Cry Against Exploitation
English Ch-12: Media:Then and Now
Ms. Simmi / Ms. Suman Ch-13: The Heart of the Tree (Poem)
English Grammar-
Ch-6: Determiners
Ch-13: Active and Passive Voice
Ch-15: Prepositions
Writing Skills:
Advertisement, Argumentative Essay
24.11.23 History-
(Friday) S.Sc. Ch-9: The Making of the National Movement 1870 -1918
Ms. Mithlesh Geography-
Ch-6: Manufacturing industries
Ch-5: The Judiciary
Ch-6: Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
25.11.23 Ch-1: Crop Production
(Saturday) Science Ch-5: Coal and Petroleum
Ms. Kiran Ch-7: Conservation of Biodiversity
Ch-14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
(Tuesday) Hindi पाठ्यपस्
ु तक-
Ms. Anuradha/ पाठ-10: ताई
Ms. Poonam पाठ-11: धप
ू बत्ती : बझ
ु ी जली
पाठ-12: गिरधर की कंु डलियां
पाठ-13: क्रिया
पाठ-14: काल
पाठ-15: वाच्य
पाठ-16: अव्यय
पाठ-17: शब्द भंडार
पाठ-25: मह ु ावरें एवम ् लोकोक्तियाँ
लेखन कौशल-
पत्र लेखन
अनच् ु छे द लेखन
29.11.23 Ch-13: Paper cutting and folding
(Wednesday) Reasoning Ch-14: Puzzle Test
and Ch-15: Numbers
Aptitude Ch-16: Series
Ms. Vanshika Ch-17: Simple Mathematical Operations
Ch-18: Age

Ms. Suchika
● Poster making

General Instructions :-
● Exam will be objective type i.e. MCQ based.
● Maximum marks for all subjects will be of 30 Marks except Computers and Arts. The Aptitude
question paper will be of 25 marks for reasoning & aptitude and 5 marks for G.K. that are already
shared on whatsapp group and students are doing daily in school.
● Maximum Marks for computer will be of 30 Marks that is bifurcated as (20 Marks for Pen Paper +
5 Marks for Practical + 5 Marks for Viva).
● Art exam will be graded on the basis of a 3 point (A-C) grading scale.
● Exam time duration will be 1 hour for all subjects.
● The School will follow the regular timings.
● PTM will be on 02.12.23 (Saturday).

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