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Hîrța Ștefan

Clasa a XII-a A
Descriere Catedrala Mitropolitană
The Orthodox Cathedral of Cluj-Napoca, located in Avram Iancu Square, was
built in the 1920s-1930s, immediately after the union of Transylvania with
Romania. It is one of the main religious buildings in Cluj-Napoca. The initiative
to raise it belonged to bishop Nicolae Ivan. The consecration of the cathedral
took place in a festive setting on November 5, 1933, being officiated by the
Patriarch of Romania, Miron Cristea, together with the Metropolitan of
Transylvania, Nicolae Bălan and the bishop of Cluj, Nicolae Ivan. Construction
work was initiated on September 10, 1923, and on October 7, 1923, the
foundation stone of the cathedral was laid, a celebration attended by Crown
Prince Carol of Romania and Prime Minister Ion I. C. Brătianu. The
construction took ten years. Works of a high specialty for those times were
carried out, such as the construction of the 4 towers surrounding the central
spire, the carving of the 18 huge columns in the rotunda of the great spire, stone
carved medallions, stone arches on the side facades. The cathedral was endowed
with 4 bells, brought from Hungary, the largest of them weighing almost 2 tons.

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