WC 23 October Grade 8 Assessment

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Grade 8 Summative Assessment



1. Explain what weather is? (2 mark)

Short-term day to day change in the atmosphere. Accept 2 marks for

development which could include examples.

2. Explain what climate is? (1 mark)

Long-term conditions in the atmosphere.

3. Match up the following terms so that they are correctly defined.

Precipitation When water changes

from liquid to gas.

Evaporation The gap between the

highest and lowest

Prevailing wind Rain, snow, sleet and hail.

Temperature range The direction most of

the wind comes from.

4. Explain what a barometer is? (1 mark)

A barometer is a scientific instrument that is used to measure air pressure

5. Explain what an anemomter is? (1 mark)

An anemometer is an instrument that measures wind speed.

The figure above shows convectional

rainfall. The first stage of the

process is shown below. Put numbers from 2 – 5 to indicate the order of the

other statements.

 _1__The sun is the driving force behind the process of convection which
is the main process behind the creation of rain.
 __3__As the air is warm, it rises up into the atmosphere, taking the
water vapour with it. As it does so, it cools as it gets further away from
its heat source (the sea).
 __5__Water droplets within the clouds collide and join together to form
rain drops, which fall back down to the sea / ground.
 __4__Eventually, the air and vapour cool to the point where the vapour
(gas) condenses, making it visible as clouds.
 _2___The sun heats up the ground and this in turn heats up the air. The
sun cannot directly heat the air. When the water is heated, it turns to
water vapour – a gas!

6. Finish the sentences to describe the conditions of a low-pressure system.

(4 marks)

In a low pressure system the air is…warm

This means that it…rises

This means that the water vapour condenses and forms…clouds

This leads to weather conditions such as …..a storm

7. Describe the features of either a depression or an anti-cyclone. (4


Depression: A depression is a weather system made up of two fronts, one

warm and one cold. It brings wet weather.

For 3-4 marks, this should include detail of the warm air rising, and the

explanation of the clouds forming, leading to precipitation.

Anti-cyclone: An anticyclone is an area of high pressure caused by

descending air. This means that there are fewer clouds as the water vapour

is falling to ground level.

For 3-4 marks: should include explanations as to why no clouds form as well

as the high pressure weather system and weather conditions associated with







8. How are the conditions of summer anticyclones different to winter

anticyclones? (2 marks) You should describe 1 difference.




Must state the characteristic for the summer and one for the winter as a


Fine settled weather

• Light winds

• Hot, Sunny weather with clear skies, often heat wave conditions.

• Some times morning dew (water vapour condenses on ground)


 Clear skies
 Low temperatures (because of a lack of cloud cover).
 Frost
 Fog (because water vapour condenses at ground level)

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