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Journal Trainee

HSE Management

 Review all HSE Documentation, Implementation And

Evaluation In Relation To P3 Operational Activities

 Review all HSE Activities In The P3 Area

By : Gilang Aditya
Review all HSE Documentation, Implementation And Evaluation
In Relation To P3 Operational Activities

1.HSSE Plan

2.Dokumen JSEA (Jobs Safety Environment Analysis)

3.Matrix dokumen HSSE (Health Safety Security Environment)

4.MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Product

5.KIR (Kartu Identifikasi Resiko) Document

A HSSE Plan is a outlines the safety measures & procedures implemented in a
workplace made to secure the workers. It is also designed by the legislative
requirements covering the roles & responsibilities of the staff, the emergency action
plan, & so forth.

The contents of the HSSE plan are as follows

1. Explain and apply applicable laws and regulation and follow company regulation.
2. Ensure the level of employee awareness about occupational safety and health
3. To Protect equipment from damge and maintain and protect the surrounding
2.JSEA (Jobs Safety Environment Analysis)

Definition: WHO Made JSA:

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a 1. Site Officer/Site Officer
method to identify potential Shif
hazards from each stage of 2. Worker
work, so that steps to
3. K3 expert/ HSE Officer
prevent or control the
hazards can be identified.
Step to Creating JSEA

Analyze steps of the job ACTION OR
• Existing jobs where there • Potential/ Source of danger
are changes in work • The work is broken down into • Material, Equipmet, • Elimination
procedures or work steps several basic steps. • Reduction
• Danger targets
• High-severity work • Human, Equipment, • Engineering Control
• Avoid broad and not too Enviroment • Administrative Control
detailed explanations of work • PPE
Determining Job Identifying hazards
Example JSEA
3.Matrix dokumen HSSE
Composition of documents
which arrange in one folder/map
and the documents with same
issue will be placed in one map
together. The propose is make
workers easy finding required
4.MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Product
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a
document that contains information on
the potential hazards (health, fire,
reactivity and environmental) and how
to work safely with the chemical
product. It is an essential starting point
for the development of a complete
health and safety program. It also
contains information on the use,
storage, handling and emergency
procedures all related to the hazards of
the material
The color position will always be like a

Blue Yellow Each box contains a number between 0-4


(flash point):

0 = Tidak Terbakar
1 = > 930C Terbakar
2 = 370C-930C Terbakar
3 = 22.80C-37.20C Terbakar
4 = < 22.80C Terbakar

0 = Stabil
1 = Tidak Stabil Jika Panas

2 = Unsur kimia dapat berubah

3 = Benturan dan Panas menyebabkan ledakan

4 = Sangat Sensitif, Mudah Meledak

0 = Normal
1 = Sedikit Bahaya

2 = Berbahaya

3 = Sangat Berbahaya
4 = Mematikan
Pengoksidasi OXY
Alkali ALK
Corrosive COR
Tidak boleh pakai air W
Radiasi 
5.KIR (Kartu Identifikasi Resiko) Document
KIR is a sheet that made to create safety culture for the workers and to
increase awareness from accident and injury which related to safe and
unsafe condition by doing an observation and communication when
workers do some job to always work safe and reduce unsafe work.


1 Depo VHS BDMS 2-Nov-21 Unsafe Action High Human Behaviour Operator tidak memegang handrail saat menaiki tangga tangki timbun Menegur agar mematuhi SOP yang berlaku sesuai kegiatan yang akan dilakukan Closed

2 Depo VHS BDMS 7-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Medium Work Environment Lantai di sekitar dispenser fuel station tertutup oleh debu Melakukan pembersihan pada lantai tersebut Closed

3 Depo VHS BDMS 8-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Work Environment Closed

Medium Parit di area fuel station internal tertimbun tanah Mengeruk tanah tersebut
4 Depo VHS BDMS 10-Nov-21 Unsafe Action Human Behaviour Closed
Medium Driver Fuel Truck tidak memasang safety cone ketika proses loading Memberitahu driver untuk memasang rambu tersebut sesuai SOP yang berlaku
5 Depo VHS BDMS 11-Nov-21 Work Environment Closed
Unsafe Condition Low Tempat sampah di area external sudah penuh Membuangnya ke TPS yang ada di lokasi
6 Depo VHS BDMS 14-Nov-21 Safe Human Behaviour Closed
High Crew kapal melakukan safety talk sebelum kegiatan pembongkaran Memberi apresiasi agar dipertahankan performa tersebut
7 Depo VHS BDMS 14-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition High Closed
Work Environment Terdapat genangan air di area fuel station external Melaporkan ke pihak customer untuk dilakukan pengeringan pada area tersebut
8 Depo VHS BDMS 15-Nov-21 Safe Medium PPE Operator memakai APD lengkap saat melakukan proses penyaluran Memberi apresiasi dan mensosialisasikan untuk menjadi contoh baik Closed

9 Depo VHS BDMS 15-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Medium Tools & Equipment Valve penyaluran di TDA dan TMR terasa berat saat diputar Memberi grease pada valve tersebut Closed

10 Depo VHS BDMS 16-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Medium Tools & Equipment Peralatan QQ tidak diletakkan di tempat yang telah disediakan Menaruh kembali peralatan sesuai tempatnya Closed

11 Depo VHS BDMS 21-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Low Work Environment Rumput pada sekitar area tangki sudah tinggi Memotong rumput tersebut Closed

12 Depo VHS BDMS 24-Nov-21 Safe High Human Behaviour Mematuhi protokol kesehatan (Memakai Masker, Menjaga Jarak, Mencuci Tangan) ketika bekerja Memberi apresiasi agar dipertahankan performa tersebut Closed

13 Depo VHS BDMS 24-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Medium Tools & Equipment Air pada eyewash tersisa sedikit Mengisi air pada eyewash tersebut Closed

14 Depo VHS BDMS 26-Nov-21 Unsafe Condition Medium Work Environment Jalan di area fuel station berdebu dan Water Truck tidak melakukan penyiraman Melaporkan ke pihak customer untuk dilakukan penyiraman Closed

15 Depo VHS BDMS 26-Nov-21 Safe Medium Human Behaviour Melakukan inspeksi mingguan pada setiap oil trap di area tangki Memberi apresiasi agar dipertahankan performa tersebut Closed

16 Depo VHS BDMS 30-Nov-21 Unsafe Action Low PPE Pada saat pengambilan sample, operator lupa memakai sarung tangan Menegur agar mematuhi SOP yang berlaku sesuai kegiatan yang akan dilakukan Closed

Monthly data recap KIR

Review all HSE activities in the P3 area

1.Safety Briefing

2.Monitoring APD Document

3.Monitoring APAR Document

4.Dokumen/Notulen Meeting Periodic

1.Safety Briefing
Safety briefings are to be held at the start of the work
shift, as work tasks or hazards differ from the original
briefing, and as additional personnel arrive at the job
site. One of the most important objectives of holding
job safety briefings is to simply raise awareness
among workers about the potential dangers associated
with their jobs

Every Monday we are doing refreshment activity SOP

and work instruction how to uses any equipment in
work area, to make all personel aware of the safety and
hazards in the work location
2.Monitoring APD Document
Used to monitoring
stock of APD in EPN
office, the condition and
to educate all workers
how important to use
APD in work area to
prevent accident that
will happen someday
3.Monitoring APAR Document
monthly checks are carried out on the fire
extinguisher because to ensure the condition of the
fire extinguisher and ensure that the fire
extinguisher can be used properly at any time when Checking physically APAR, noozle ,
needed. pressure gauge, hose clamp, and

We Must Check These Detail during Monthly

1. Confirm the extinguisher is visible,
unobstructed, and in its designated
2. Verify the locking pin is intact and the
tamper seal is unbroken. Examine the
extinguisher for obvious physical damage,
corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzle.
3. Confirm the pressure gauge or indicator is
in the operable range or position, and lift
the extinguisher to ensure it is still full.
4. Make sure the operating instructions on
the nameplate are legible and facing
4.Dokumen/Notulen Meeting Periodic

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