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Notice d’utilisation
User’s brochure

N 04.70 C
08 - 2006

Groupe de production d’eau glacée

pompe à chaleur
à condensation par eau

Water cooled
Heat pump
packaged chillers

Installation Installation
Fonctionnement Operation
Mise en service Commissioning
Maintenance Maintenance

1.1 Introduction 40
1.2 Receipt of the equipment 40
1.3 Identification of the equipment 40
1.4 Guarantee 40
1.5 Safety recommendations 40
1.6 Unit location 41 - 42
1.7 Weight and handling 42
1.8 Hydraulic connections / Frost Protection 42 - 43
1.9 AQUALIS operating readings 44
1.10 Selection of circulation pump speed 44
1.11 Electrical connections 45
1.12 Maintenance 46
1.13 Declaration of conformity 46

2.1 Technical characteristics 47
2.2 Electrical characteristics 47
2.3 Dimensions 48
2.4 Schematic diagram of the hydraulic module 49
2.5 Schematic diagram of the cooling unit 49
2.6 Graphs of available pressure 50
2.7 Operating limits 51
2.8 Water Flow Rates and Connections 51
2.9 Glycol/Water Mix Coefficients 51

3.1 General - Presentation 52
3.2 Structure 52-59
3.2.1 Control and display terminal 52-57
3.2.2 Main control board 58
3.2.3 Power board 59
3.3 Configuration 59-63
3.4 Parameters 64
3.4.1 Parameters common to all configurations 64

D e u t s ch
3.4.2 Parameters depending on type of configuration 65
3.4.3 Parameters accessible for reading only 65
3.4.4 Factory parameters 66
3.5 Further elements 66
3.5.1 Auxiliary systems 66-69
3.5.2 Outside fan 70
3.5.3 Switchover valve 70
3.5.4 Heater strip for condensate container 70
3.6 Functions 70

3.6.1 Winter safety systems 70
3.6.2 Circulation pump control 70
3.6.3 Automatic restart 71
3.6.4 Selecting the operating mode 71
3.6.5 Anti short cycle system 71
3.6.6 Self-adapting regulation 71
3.6.7 Flicker on electrical backup systems 71
3.6.8 "Low Noise" operation 71
3.7 Options 71
3.7.1 Additional board 71
3.7.2 Hot/Cold output - Domestic hot water production 72
3.7.3 Pool regulation 72
3.7.4 Piping tracer 72
3.7.5 Hygrometry control sensor 72
3.7.6 Typhone (Control over the phone) 72
3.8 Faults 73
3.8.1 Fault management 73
3.8.2 Fault table 73
3.8.3 Resetting faults 74
3.8.4 Sensor value table 74
3.9 Test mode 74

1.1 Introduction
AQUALIS air/water thermodynamic generators are one-piece items of outdoor equipment fitted as standard with:
- Low-noise scroll compressor.
- Heat exchanger with brazed plates.
- Air condenser.
- Axial flow fan or fans with speed regulation in cooling and heating modes.
- Hydraulic accessories.
- Complete electronic regulation system.
They are tested and checked in the factory and supplied filled with R410A refrigerant (models 20 to 65) or R407C refrigerant (model 75)..

1.2 Receipt of the equipment


Check the state of the unit and the conformity of the delivery when it arrives on site.
If the unit has been damaged or if the delivery is incomplete, express all necessary reservations on the delivery note.
IMPORTANT: You must confirm any such reservations to the transport company by registered letter within three days of receipt
of the equipment

1.3 Identification of the equipment

Each unit includes, in a conspicuous location, a legible and indelible identification plate giving the unit's characteristics.
These details (including the description and serial number) should be given in all correspondence.
D e u t s ch

1.4 Guarantee

For information regarding application of the CIAT warranty, please see the General Sales Conditions.

1.5 Safety recommendations

To avoid all risks of accidents at the time of installation, starting-up and adjustment operations, it is essential to take into consi-
deration the specific aspects of the equipment such as:
- Cooling circuit under pressure
- Presence of refrigerant
- Presence of electrical voltage
- Location
- Surface temperatures of up to 150°C
Only experienced, qualified persons can work on this type of equipment. It is essential to comply with the recommendations and
instructions to be found in the maintenance manuals, on specific labels or in specific instructions.
All standards and regulations in force must be complied with at all times.
IMPORTANT: before carrying out any work on the unit, make sure that the unit has been disconnected from the electrical power

1.6 Unit location
Before handling, installing and connecting the unit, the installer must check the following points:

- These units must be installed in the open air, close to the building, on a flat roof or in a garden.

They are designed to operate in the rain, but they can also be installed under a roof, with four sides open.

If the unit is dedicated to run more in heating mode than cooling mode, it is preferable to locate the unit in the sun. If the unit is
dedicated to run more in cooling mode, it is preferable to install the unit on the northen side of the building.
- The surface of the ground or the structure must be strong enough to bear the weight of the unit.
- Place the unit above the average snow depth for the region where the unit is being installed.
- The unit must be set perfectly level.
- The unit must be fully accessible to enable servicing and maintenance work to be carried out easily.
- There must be no obstacles preventing free air circulation around the air heat exchanger (intake and outlet).

Noise level: our units have been designed to operate at low noise levels. Nonetheless, it is necessary to make sure, at

the installation design stage, that the outside environment is suitable for radiated noise and that the type of building is
suitable for airborne and solid-borne noise (vibrations).

Have a study carried out by an acoustician if necessary.


4 fixing points for M8 screws

D e u t s ch
Specific details for sizes 50 - 65 - 75
Installation in a garden
Installation dans un jardin
Concrete pedestals
Socles béton


200 mm

Prévoiraundrainage channel with
caniveau d'écoulement avec litade
bed of gravel

Installation onune
Installation sur a flat roof

Socle béton
200 mm

The set of mounts

7018743 must be used

There must be no obstacles preventing free
air circulation around the air heat exchanger
(intake and outlet).
Avoid prevailing winds.

1.7 Weight and handling

Once the location has been selected for the unit, install the equipment. Take the weight and the overall measurements of the
unit into account (see the Technical characteristics table in chapter 2.1 and the measurements in chapter 2.3).
Attention: lift the unit carefully and keep it upright at all times.

1.8 Hydraulic connections


A sizing study must be carried out to ensure that the operating conditions are complied with (output - head losses).
The diameter of the tubes may differ from that provided for on the unit.

Outlet for condensate water in heating mode:

Attention, if you use this outlet when the outside temperature is
below 0°C, make sure that you take all necessary precautions to avoid
the risk of the water freezing in the outlet pipe. Diameter 25 mm

We recommend using a heating

cable in the event of negative


Connecting the distribution pipes:

Use 2 spanners to tighten the fittings

Diameter of the water connections

MODEL 20 28 35 50 65 75
D e u t s ch

Ø water connections (male pipe thread) Ø 1” Ø 1 ¼”

Installation of the filter 쒁! compulsory

Comply with the direction of fluid flow.
Insulate the filter unit or install it inside the building Filter:
(to avoid the risk of freezing).
400 to 500µm
Connect the kit / filter unit on the water Clean the filter
return pipe.
at least once a year.

The pipes must not transmit any forces. We recommend the use of [are] mandatory flexibles to connect the water pipes, to redu-
ce to the minimum the level of vibrations transmitted from the unit to the building via the pipes. They must be fitted if the unit
is installed on resilient mounts. The pipes must be insulated carefully to avoid heat transfer and condensation.

Observe strictly
the curve radius.
R mini > 6 x Ø

L mini > 4 x Ø
Hoses :

1" : R 140 mm
1"1/4 : R 172 mm

Precautions :
As the hoses are insulated, sufficiently wide radius cur ve avoid to pinch the inner tube and avoid water flow
restricting troubles.

Frost Protection

To protect your installation and avoid any risk of frost in the event of a deliberate or accidental shut-
down of the heating system, you are strongly advised to:
either drain the hydraulic circuit (by disconnecting the unit's inlet and outlet).
or take the following precautions
Protect your indoor hydraulic circuit with a water/antifreeze/corrosion
inhibitor mixture (possibly a biocide).
To do this, you can use monopropylene glycol based heat transfer fluids or ones based on a natural compound
containing one or more corrosion inhibitors (never use monopropylene glycol alone without a corrosion inhibitor).
Do not use a monoethylene glycol based product (toxic product).
You can use either::
ready-to-use solutions
or products that have to be diluted
If you use a neat product that has to be diluted, observe the following precautions:
Never introduce the neat antifreeze and then the water separately.

Always prepare the correctly proportioned water/antifreeze/corrosion inhibitor mixture in the appropriate vessel
before introducing it into the system.

1- Preparing the installation to be protected:
At a minimum, thoroughly rinse the installation by hydraulic flushing.
Leaching with a suitable product is recommended (type of product depends on the materials used in the
After the final rinse, drain the installation completely.
L With a radiant floor, the water should only be flushed out of the hydraulic loops

with a pressurised neutral gas (compressed air, nitrogen).
2- Introducing the water/antifreeze/corrosion inhibitor mixture and pressurisation by hydraulic pump
Drain the installation completely.
Circulate the mixture throughout the installation for at least 2 hours before starting up the heat pumps.
Check the final mixture with a densimeter or a refractometre.

3- Check the pH using litmus paper or a pH-meter

4- Attach a label showing:

D e u t s ch
that the installation contains an antifreeze;
the name of the product and the supplier;
the proportion and the pH on first use.
L If a make-up is required, the mixture must be identical to the initial product.
L Annual maintenance: pH and proportioning check

Setting values of parameters P1 and P93 depending on the glycol rate

Chart of correspondance between : the basic outside temperature of the installation area.
: the Mono Propylene Glycol (MPG) rate.
The setting value of the parameters P1 and P93

Basic outside MPG rate Freezing Parameter P1 Parameter P93

temperature (*) to use temperature setting value setting value

-5°C 20% -8°C 1 0

-10°C 30% -15°C 1 -5 In the case of water
with added glycol, the
-15°C 40% -25°C 1 -10 valve must be connec-
ted to a recovery
* Basic outside temperature : minimum daily temperature noticed at least 5 times along the year. container.
The water must be analysed and treated if necessary (we recommend asking a specialist qualified in water treat-
ment to carry out this task). The analysis enables you to find out whether the water is compatible with the various
materials in the unit that are in contact with the water and avoid all phenomena of galvanic couples:
- Tubes made of 99.9% copper with copper and silver brazing
- Threaded bronze couplings or flat steel flanges depending on the types of unit
- Plate heat exchangers and connections made of AISI 316 - 1.4401 stainless steel with copper and silver brazing.
In the event of a major problem, electrolytic couplings are obtainable from specialist distributors.
To ensure correct operation of your installation, especially when your Aqualis is located at the high point,
it is essential to bleed the system when it is put into service. This can be done either by opening the
manual bleeder valve (located under the unit cover) when starting up, or by installing a water pipe and
into service: an automatic bleeder valve above the level of the Aqualis.

1.9 AQUALIS operating readings
Cold test
Example :
Date/Time Water 12/7
Air 35

Controls to be done only in

case of disfunctionning of

request of the after-sales

Intake pressure bar 7.8 ±0.3 6 ±0.3

the machine and on


Intake temperature °C 9 4

Condensation pressure bar 30 ±1 25 ±1

Condensation temperature °C 50 ±5 42 ±5

Heat exchanger

Gas inlet temperature 90 ±10 0.5 ±2



Liquid outlet temperature °C 40 ±2 -4 ±2

Air inlet temperature °C 35 7

Air outlet temperature °C 48 ±2 3

Water inlet temperature °C 12 30

Plate heat

Water outlet temperature °C 7 35


Liquid inlet temperature °C 4 ±2 75 ±10

Gas outlet temperature °C 5 ±2 36 ±2

Yearly controls

Nominal voltage V 400 400

Voltage at terminals V 400 400

Current absorbed by compressor A 5.8 7.5

D e u t s ch

Current absorbed by fan motor A 0.6 0.6

Antifreeze triggering temperature (protection +3 pure water
for plate heat exchanger on water side) P1=0
Mechanical inspection: tubes, fastenings, etc.

Check of tightness for electrical connections

Cleaning outside of battery


Check of regulation

Differential water pressure switch

These values are given for information only.

They can change in a significant way depending machine sizes, working conditions and temperatures

1.10 Selection of the circulation pump speed

On all the Aqualis models, the circulation pump provides a choice of 3
speeds. Determine the suitable pump speed, depending on the head
loss in the installation and the graphs showing the pressure available
for the unit.
To modify the speed of the circulation pump:
* Either turn the knurled wheel on the circulation pump,
* Or remove the cover of the circulation pump and reposition
the plug-in contact.

1.11 Electrical connections
QUALIS units are designed in conformity with the low voltage directive and more specifically international standards
EN 60335-1, EN 60335-2-40, EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 and EN 61000-6-4.
When making the electrical connections, disconnect the unit from the power supply before carrying out any handling work.
Open the top of the unit as shown in figure 1 and connect the power wires to terminal strip J1 on the power board (the one with
the contactor) in accordance with the wiring diagram below, and tighten the terminals carefully.
Fig 1

1 ) Remove the central 2 ) Unclip at each end 3 ) Remove the cover
screw (at the back)

- The electrical characteristics of the power supply available must correspond to the values shown on the manufacturer's plate.
- The electrical power supply must meet the following requirements:

+ 6 %
230 V -10 %
50 Hz for the single-phase models 20 to 35 + Earth.


+ 6 %
400 V 50 Hz for the three-phase models 35 to 75 + Neutral + Earth.
-10 %

- All the wiring installations must be made in accordance with the regulations in force for the location of the installation
(in France, NF C 15100) and are the responsibility of the installer.
The CIAT warranty will not apply if these standards have not been complied with.

You are responsible for protecting your system against voltage surges whether coming from the mains or of
atmospheric origin. Depending on the geographical location of the site and the type of supply network (buried
or overhead), a lightning arrester may be required under local regulations.

D e u t s ch
The cross-section of the cable must be selected depending on:
- The maximum current absorbed by the unit (see the electrical characteristics in table paragraph 2.2),
- the distance between the wiring panel and the AQUALIS;
- ambient temperature.

IMPORTANT : - Connect the earthing circuit before making any other electrical connections.
- The three-phase models must be connected to the neutral circuit.
- The installation must be fitted with a master isolating switch.

Cable way Cable way for installing the

electrical power cable
Water inlet

Water outlet

A cable way and a cable seal are provided
to facilitate installationof the power supply

1.12 Maintenance
Maintenance work on the unit
Before carrying out any maintenance work on the unit, disconnect it from the power supply.
Maintenance work on the fan:
The fan is fixed to the front panel by 4 plastic screws diameter M6x20.
Attention: when tightening these screws, the maximum torque to be applied is 1 Nm.
If you do not have a torque wrench, tighten the screws until you feel a certain resistance, and then tighten a further quarter-turn.
Maintenance work on the compressor:
The compressor is fixed to the platform by 4 screws diameter 8 mm.
Attention: when tightening these screws, the maximum torque to be applied is 13 Nm.
If you do not have a torque wrench, tighten the screws until you feel a certain resistance, and then tighten a further three-
quarters of a turn.
Maintenance work on the circulation pump:
On all the models, the circulation pumps are equipped with freeing screws. It may be necessary to use them if the installation

has been disconnected from the power supply for a long period.

Make operating readings and checks as set out in the table (chapter 1.9) at least once a year.
To ensure correct operation of the unit and benefit from the guarantee: take out a maintenance contract with your
installer, or with an approved maintenance company.
Make a visual and auditory check of the installation as a whole while it is operating.
Check that there are no water leaks or traces of oil around the unit, and that the condensate water flows away correctly.

Compulsory annual inspection

Detection of leaks on the cooling circuit. Check the glycol content. Check the water filters for fouling.
Cleaning the battery:
- Remove the cover of the unit (see procedure chapter 1.11, Figure 1).
- Carefully clean the battery together with the whole of the ventilation compartment, with a vacuum cleaner.
- Put the cover back in place.
Clean the container.
Check to make sure all the electrical connections are tight.
D e u t s ch

1.13 Declaration of conformity

(Directive CEM 89/336/CEE)
(Directive BT 93/68/CEE)
(Directive DEP 97/23/CEE)

The manufacturer: CIAT Company

Avenue Jean Falconnier
Boite Postale N°14
hereby declares that the machine referred to below:


complies with the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive and

the various national legislations transposing it.

Frederic BRUYERE
Head of the Refrigeration Department.

2.1 Technical characteristics
AQUALIS 20 / 20 H 28 / 28 H 35 / 35 H 35T / 35 HT 50 / 50 H 65 / 65 H 75 / 75 H
Quantity 1
1,1 1,25 1,7 1.8
Oil capacity L
Ester oil
Refrigerant R410A
Refrigeration unit 1.25 1.45 1.42 1.42 2.4 3.1 3.0
Refrigerant weight Kg
Reversible unit 1.37 1.6 1.62 1.62 2.67 3.2 2.85
45W / 0,2A
Casing heater element power and current W/A
Type of battery Grooved copper tubes - aluminium fins

Water type heat

Water capacity L 1,04 1,24 1,62 2,38 2,76 3,7

Type Helicoid

Fan Number of fans 1 2

Rpm 718 897 718 897 897

Circulation pump 3-speed
Expansion tank L 5 8

Tank inflation pressure Bar 1,5

Maximum operating pressure Bar 4
Hydraulic module
Maximum installation capacity L 200 / 120 330 / 190
Pure water / Glycol water

Maximum installation capacity

Pure water, for optimum system per- L 35 48 61 82 95 123

Empty 73 79 82 120 139 142

Weight Kg
In service 82 88 91 135 150 153

D e u t s ch
* Compulsory in refrigeration mode at outside temperatures < 0°C
** For bigger volumes, plan for an additional expansion vessel

2.2 Electrical characteristics

AQUALIS 20 / 20 H 28 / 28 H 35 / 35 H 35T / 35 HT 50 / 50 H 65 / 65 H 75 / 75 H

Voltage 230 V - single phase 50 Hz + N + E 400 V - three-phase - 50 Hz + N + E

Maximum operating current A 12.9 17.5 22.2 7.6 10.3 11.2 14.3

Fans Maximum operating current A 0,47 0,74 0,47 x 2 0,74 x 2 0,74 x 2

Min : 50 Min : 80 Min : 180
Unit power W
Max : 140 Max : 190 Max : 400
Circulation pump
Min : 0,32 Min : 0,76 Min : 0,91
Nominal current A
Max : 0,61 Max : 0,92 Max : 2,02
Nominal unit voltage V 230 V - single phase 50 Hz + N + E 400 V - three-phase - 50 Hz + N + E

Current for complete unit A 14 19 24 9.3 13.3 14.7 17.8

Starting current A 58 82 97 48 64 74 101

Electrical cables not supplied ** mm 3G 4 3G 6 5G 4

Isolating switch Curve D Am 16 20 25 16 20

** Cable with 2 or 3 wires under load, in a cable way or in conduit assembled in visible position, for temperatures of less than 50°C, and for
a maximum length of 30 m.
Note: For different conditions, refer to standard NFC 15-100.

2.3 Dimensions
Aqualis series 20 to 75

OPTION: Resilient
D e u t s ch

Four M8 fixing points Four M8 fixing points


power supply


20 28 35 35T 50 65 75
20 H 28 H 35 H 35 HT 50 H 65 H 75 H

a Water inlet Ø 1” (28 mm) Ø 1” 1/4 (32 mm)

b Water outlet Ø 1” (28 mm) Ø 1” 1/4 (32 mm)

c Valve outlet Ø 1/2”

2.4 Schematic diagram of the hydraulic module



 Heat exchanger with brazed plates  Safety valve, 4 bars

 Manual bleed valve  Differential pressure switch

Circulation pump Temperature sensors
 Expansion tank  Screen filter

2.5 Schematic diagram of the cooling unit

Reversible version Version for refrigeration only



D e u t s ch



 Heat exchanger with brazed plates

 Compressor  Temperature sensors
 Suction accumulator  Dryer
 Cycle switchover valve Refrigerant tank
 High pressure switch Breather orifice
 Casing heater element (depending on model) Air/refrigerant heat exchanger

2.6 Graphs of available pressure (in pure water)

AQUALIS 20 - 20H AQUALIS 28 - 28H


Static pressure available kPa

Static pressure available kPa







0 0
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4

Water output cu. m/h Water output cu. m/h

AQUALIS 35 - 35 H AQUALIS 50 - 50H


70 110

Static pressure available kPa

Static pressure available kPa


40 70


20 40
D e u t s ch


0 10
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Water output cu. m/h Water output cu. m/h


AQUALIS 65 - 65H AQUALIS 75 - 75H

100 100

90 90
Static pressure available kPa

Static pressure available kPa

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

Water output cu. m/h Water output cu. m/h

2.7 Operating limits - Models 20 to 65
Models using R410A

2.8 Water Flow Rates and Connections

Minimum Flow

Nominal Flow

Nominal Flow
for cold water

Copper Tube
Rate (m3/h)

Rate (m3/h)
for hot water



Steel Tube


Rate (m3/h)




PE Pipe

28 x 1 26 x 34 DN25
20 0.7 0.9 1 DN26 1”
32 x 2.9
28 x 1 26 x 34 DN25

D e u t s ch
28 0.9 1.2 1.4 DN26 1”
32 x 2.9
32 x 1 33 x 42 DN32
35 1.1 1.46 1.72 DN30 1” 1/4
32 x 2.9
36 x 1 40 x 49 DN40
50 1.5 1.98 2.27 DN34 1” 1/2
40 x 3.7
38 x 1 40 x 49 DN40
65 2 2.7 2.8 DN36 1” 1/2
40 x 3.7
42 x 1 40 x 49 DN40
75 2.45 3.04 3.5 DN40 1” 1/2
50 x 4.6

Diameters calculated for an hydraulic connection of the machine 15 m far from the plant.

2.9 Glycol/Water Mix Coefficients

Monopropylene Glycol Concentration 40% en poids
Concentration 30% by Weight de mono propylène glycol

Corrected cooling capacity 0.98 x pure water cooling capacity 0.98 x pure water cooling capacity
Corrected water flow rate 1.03 x pure water flow rate 1.05 x pure water flow rate
Plate exchanger Dp 1.35 x pure water Dp 1.55 x pure water Dp
Corrected heating capacity 0.94 x curve values 0.90 x curve values
Corrected cooling capacity 1 x pure water heating capacity 1 x pure water heating capacity
Corrected water flow rate 1.04 x pure water flow rate 1.07 x pure water flow rate
Plate exchanger Dp 1.30 x pure water Dp 1.40 x pure water Dp
Corrected heating capacity 0.95 x curve values 0.92 x curve values
The MICROCONNECT electronic regulation module is made up of:
• a control and display terminal (Chapter 3.2.1)
• a main control board (Chapter 3.2.2)
• a power board (Chapter 3.2.3)

Ce module de régulation assure les fonctions suivantes :

The regulation module provides the following functions:

• Chilled water temperature regulation (and hot water temperature regulation

for reversible units)
• Constant control of operating parameters
• Diagnostic and display of faults

• Set point drift depending on outside temperature (for cooling and heating)
• Dialogue with the remote control terminal
• Management of electric auxiliary heaters (3 floors at most)


3.2.1 - Control and display terminal

This is located in the unit, fixed on the cover protecting the electrical components.

The control terminal enables easy dialogue between the user and the unit. It makes it easy to check that it is operating

D e u t s ch

• Storage of parameters in the memory for 2 hours after electrical cut-off

• Digital display and blue lighted retro screen
• Maximum dimensions: 128 x 85 x 31 mm
• Wall fixing 1,50 m
• Protection type : IP 30
• Operating temperature from-15°C to +50°C
• Electrical supply 12V DC +/- 0.5V
• Maximum consumption: 25 mA
Mini / Mini
Mini 20 cm
20 cm
• Class II insulation

Fig. 1
Choice of the positioning
It is highly recommended not to leave the control box inside the unit.
Indoor, make sure to position the control box correctly.
In fact, the control box is also used as a room thermostat in case of cooling/heating
floor regulation type.
The recommended height is 1.5m in an accessible place, sheltered from heat sour-
ces (chimney, sun influence) and air draughts (windows, doors). (Fig. 1) 5
In order to mount the unit on the wall, the base must be removed as indicated on
fig. 2. Separated from the box, the base must be fixed to the wall by using
screws/pegs assemblies or on a recessed box (60 mm between axis) by using the Fig. 2
holes position (Fig. 2).
For doing that : Loosen the screw position (Fig. 3) ) in order to remove the 3
terminal cover position . Removable partitions position  (Fig. 3) are planned for Fig. 3
the passage of the connection cable if required.

DConnect the 2 wires to the terminal (Fig. 4).
2 1,5 mm2.
wires cable
maxi: 50 m
DPosition again the terminal cover  by immobilizing it
with the screw position (Fig. 3). Terminal J2

DPosition then the thermostat on the frame by

inserting the lugs position  (Fig. 3) on the frame first,
then pull down the thermostat until it fits into the frame.

DConnect the 2 wires between the thermostat and Fig. 4

the regulation board on the unit regulation board
terminal J2 (Fig. 5).

DCable length < 50 m maximum ; cable section:

Control card
AWG 16 to 24; i.e. 0.2 mm2 < S < 1.5 mm2. Fig. 5

Display unit Current day Display of the desired temperature, the time or the
fault code.  Profile of the daily program ( : Comfort, : Economy)
  Index of compressor operating status  Index of operating status for
the auxiliary electrical systems (option)  Index of boiler operating sta-
tus (option)  Index of operating status for a pool heating system

 (option)  IIndex of parameter access mode status (see detailed
 instructions)  Symbol of operation in test mode  Modification keys
 Display of the interior temperature, by combining the

  keys  Change of mode (comfort, economy, programmed), validation of
the choice or cancellation of faults.  Selector switch mark  Eight-
position operating mode selector switch.

Operation Display on unit

D e u t s ch
Cooling, comfort setting • index N° 6 (if compressor running)
• + setting for the air in RHP(Reversible heat pump)
Cooling, economy setting or cold water setting in UT

 • index N° 6 (if compressor running)

Heating, comfort setting
• +orsetting for the air in RHP zone 1
hot water setting in UT

 Heating, economy setting • + indication of operation for the auxiliary systems

index N°3,4,5 or burner symbol
 • --.--
• RHP Español
Setting for protection from freezing, for the air in

Building protected from

 freezing zones 1 or 2 or Setting protection from freezing
for the water in UT

L The setting shown on the display unit is the customer set point and not the setting calculated.

Index 6: Compressor operation

Index 5: Operation auxiliary electric heating 1st floor
Index 4: Operation auxiliary electric heating 2nd floor
Index 3: Operation auxiliary electric heating 3rd floor (replacing the compressor)
Index 2: Pool heating
Index 1: Access to the level 1 parameters (customer level)
Index 0: Access to the level 1 and level 2 parameters (installer level)

For a further information concerning display and programming of the terminal, see the
instructions supplied with the terminal

Selector switch position
A - Reversible units
Selector Keys
switch Mode Display
position + - OK

Incrementation Decrementation
of the minutes. of the minutes.
Setting the time and day,
Moving on to the next day
unit stopped
Clock Acceleration if Acceleration if
key held down key held down

Segment position on Segment position on PWeekly programming

Moving on to the next day
Programming comfort = sun economy = moon in cooling mode

Switch to Comfort,
Incrementation of the Decrementation of the Authorization for
cooling setting cooling setting operation in cooling mode
or Programming mode
Cooling mode

Display of Display of Stop and reset mode


4 segments 4 segments Permanent fault

On / Off

Protection from
reezing mode
Incrementation of the Decrementation of the
protection from protection from
Authorization for unit
Protection from freezing setting freezing setting
operation for hot water
freezing mode production
D e u t s ch

Heating mode
Switch to Comfort,
Incrementation of the Decrementation of the Authorization for
Economic or
heating setting heating setting unit operation for
Programming mode
Heating mode hot water production

Weekly programming
in heating mode

Segment position on Segment position on Authorization for unit

Moving on to the next day
comfort = sun economy = moon operation for hot
water production on
programmed settings

Pool heating
Incrementation Decrementation Authorization for unit
Displays the pool temperature
of the setting of the setting operation for hot water
Swimming pool production

B - Specific aspects for non-reversible cooling units

"Heating" selector switch position Display

Programming Swimming
Protection from Heating mode pool
freezing mode heating


2 unit control modes: A - Control using the control terminal

B - Control using the terminal and on/off inputs

A - Control of the unit using the control terminal: P2 = 0

A1 - Heating Mode A2 - Cooling mode

ter umpe
mi r b
ls 4 etwe
an en
on Con
ter trol
mi te
na rm
ls 1 ina

D e u t s ch
an l
- J2


In absence of specific parameterization (factory configuration P2=0 and P6=0) it is the terminal that controls
operation of the unit.

B - Control of the unit using the terminal and on/off inputs

B1 - Control of automatic operation and load shedding for the auxiliary heating systems
(Depends on the value of P6 and the status of the contact placed between terminals 4 and 5 of terminal strip J2)

The contact connector J2 terminal n°4 enables remote control of unit operation:
● either by overriding the system to stop it
● or by overriding the system to shed auxiliary heating system loads

Value Closed contact Open contact


of P6 status status

Unit operating
without control of
P6 = 0 Unit stopped
auxiliary electric
au Con
tom tro heating systems
a l
ter tic o of
mi pe
na rat
l 4 io
-J n

Unit operating with

control of auxiliary Electric heating
P6 = 1
electric heating systems stopped on the floors
ter Shar on three floors
mi ed
on Con
ter trol
mi te
na rm
ls 1 ina Unit operating with
an l Unit stopped
d2 control of auxiliary
D e u t s ch

- J2 P6 = 2 Electric heating
electric heating systems
stopped on the floors
on three floors

System ON with auxilia- Unit stopped

P6 = 3 ries by self-regulating Authorization for
boiler boiler operation

System ON with auxilia-

Unit and boiler
P6 = 4 ries by self-regulating

System ON with auxilia-

System OFF
P6 = 5 ries by Microconnect
Boiler ON enable

In factory configuration, the control is closed

B2 - Control of heating/cooling operation and dealing with absence
(Depends on the value of P2 and the status of the contact placed between terminals 3 and 5 of terminal strip J2)

The contact connector J2 terminal n°3 enables remote control of unit operation:

Value Closed contact Open contact

of P2 status status

Normal mode
Normal mode
hea ontrol
ti o Piloted by the
termng/coo f Piloted by the position of
ina ling position of the
l3 the selector switch on
- J2 selector switch on
P2 = 0 the Control terminal
the Control terminal
Normal display
Normal display
No contact influence
ter Shar No contact influence

mi ed
on Con
ter trol
mi te
na rm
ls 1 ina
an l Cooling override
- J2 Heating override mode
Piloted by outside
Piloted by outside
P2 = 1

D e u t s ch

Absence mode

Operation on heating

Presence mode setting for protection
from freezing
Piloted by the position of Piloted by outside
P2 = 2 the selector switch control
on the Control terminal
Normal display

3.2.2 - Main control board
Connector and terminal strip locations


1-2 Control terminal (12V) 1 auxiliary output 1
3 Heating/Cooling control - Absence 2 auxiliary output 2
4 Automatic operation control - Load shedding 3 auxiliary output 3
5 Shared 4-5 Shared
Provide a good quality contact with
certified current supply: Green LED flashing
10 mA at 24V (n° 5, 4 and 3) "Terminal/Control board" dia-

54 321 Red LED flashing

Position for Position for 54 3 21

- Temporary fault
10 kΩ sensor 50 kΩ sensor
Red LED on steadily
S1 - Permanent fault

1 ¤ Green LED
2 ¤ Red LED
1-2 Pool sensor
3-4 HP power board link 4

1-2 Output controller 2 4 TERMINAL 3-4 Outputs for alarm
Loading the program J15 1-2 Outputs for tracer
control valve for
TERMINAL STRIP J6 4 cycle switchover
1-2 Freon sensor for plate type heat exchanger 4 TERMINAL
TERMINAL STRIP J7 compressor
1-2 Water inlet sensor (water return) 3 STRIP 3 control
TERMINAL STRIP J8 J14 circulation
2 2 pump control
D e u t s ch

1-2 Water outlet sensor (water discharge)

TERMINAL STRIP J9 neutral for circulation
1-2 Outside air temperature sensor 1 1 pump control
1-2 Freon battery sensor 3 tracer control
TERMINAL STRIP J11 2 not connected
1 to 4 Daughter board 2 J13
Fan speed
1 1 variation control


N Ph

Correct operation of the dry contacts if: TERMINAL STRIP J12

Outputs () : at min 5V-10 mA max 230V-5A AC1 Control board powered by the
power board (Neutral and phase)

3.2.3 - Power board
This board brings together all the functionalities necessary for correct unit operation from the electrical power supply stand-
point. (For further information, see the electrical diagram glued on the underside of the unit cover).

Single-phase Board Three-phase Board

D e u t s ch

4 types of installation can be configured:

A - Floor Heating and Cooling 1 zone FHC P3 = 1

B - Fan Coil Unit UTR P3 = 0

C - Floor Heating and Cooling 1 zone + Fan Coil Unit FHC + UTR P3 = 2

> DUO module option compulsory

(Floor Heating and Cooling)

Compulsory FHC safety

automatic thermostat kit
Safety valve bleed valve
compulsory Room temperature
Option sensor and terminal

HEAT PUMP Hygrometric
sensor (option)



( ) Buffer cylinder if water capacity below the minimums

shown in the table on page 11

This operating mode is a Cooling mode and does not necessarily provide strict compliance
with the room temperature displayed.

A-1 FHC 1 Zone - COOLING A-2 FHC 1 Zone - HEATING

Operation active if the unit configuration is set to Operation active if the unit configuration is set to
FHC 1 zone FHC 1 zone
D e u t s ch

P03 = 1 and
P03 = 1 reversible mode
P99 = 1

Fixed setting. Regulation on the temperature setting for Regulation using the setting for the water return tempe-
the surrounding air (the outside temperature has no rature (the air settings correct the value of the setting

effect). The control terminal is used as a thermostat. Two calculated). Two air temperature settings, T1 Comfort
settings, C1 Comfort and C2 Economy, can be program- and T2 Economy, can be programmed via the control
med using the control terminal. terminal.
15°C < T1 / T2 < 30°C
18°C < C1 / C2 < 30°C by default T1 = 21°C / T2 = 19°C
by default C1 = 22°C / C2 = 25°C
It should be noted that access and modification of P15 are
obtained via the parameterization mode

Corrected P15 setting

P19 Max
setting at
end of drift P15
Set point

P18 End of Outside temperature

setting drift P17 Start of setting drift


(Fan coil units)

Compulsory FHC safety

automatic thermostat kit
Safety valve bleed valve
compulsory Room temperature
Option sensor and terminal




( ) Buffer cylinder if water capacity below the minimums
shown in the table on page 11

Operation active if the unit configuration is set to UT If P4 ≠ 0

This the air setpoint that enables compressor start-up.

D e u t s ch
The terminal acts as a room thermostat

Two setpoints, C1 Comfort and C2 Economy can be

programmed via the control terminal.
P03 = 0 or 2 10ºC < C1/C2 < 30ºC by default C1 = 22ºC / C2 = 25ºC


If P4 = 0
Line setting: as per parameters P10 to P14 and according to
Can be used in some manufacturing processes the outside temperature

Corrected P10 setting

This is the water return setpoint that enables compressor Max setting at
start-up. P10 end of drift
Set point
Min setting at
end of drift

Terminal Water Return

Temperature Outside temperature
Setpoint P12 Start P13 End of
of setting drift setting drift

Fan coil unit control displays and controls the ambient

temperature (following enabling in accordance with the set-
point fixed to the terminal)..

B - UT OPERATION (continued)

(Fan coil units)

B2 UT - HEATING Line setting: as per parameters P15 to P19

Operation active if the unit configuration is set to UT

If P4 = 0

The temperature setpoint is corrected by the outside

P03 = 0 or 2 and
reversible mode If P4 ≠ 0
P99 = 1

The temperature setpoint is corrected by the outside tempe-

rature, the air setpoint and the ambient temperature.

If P4 = 0 Corrected P15 setting

Can be used in some manufacturing processes Max setting at Point P15 or P16
end of drift

value (if setpoint 2)

This is the water return setpoint that enables compressor
Outside temperature

P18 End of P17 Start of setting drift

setting drift
Terminal Water Return
Display Temperature
D e u t s ch

If P4 ≠ 0

This is the air setpoint that enables compressor start-up..

The terminal acts as a room thermostat

Two setpoints, T1 Comfort and T2 Economy can be

programmed via the control terminal.

15°C < T1 / T2 < 30°C

by default T1 = 21°C / T2 = 19°C



(Floor Heating and Cooling 1 zone + Fan coil units)

DUO module and daughter board option compulsory for this operating mode.
Information concerning the cooling/heating operating mode must be forwarded to the DUO module by the CPU.

*) Room temperature
( ) Buffer cylinder if water sensor and terminal
capacity below the mini-
mums shown in the table on
page 11


Module FHC safety
thermostat kit

C-1 FHC 1 Zone + UTR - COOLING C-2 FHC 1 Zone + UTR - HEATING

D e u t s ch
Operation active if the unit configuration is set to FHC 1 Zone Operation active if the unit configuration is set to FHC 1 Zone

P03 = 2 and
P03 = 2 reversible mode
P99 = 1 Español

Fixed regulation on the setting for the water return Fixed regulation on the setting for the water return
temperature: default setting 12°C temperature: default setting 40°C

A correction of the setting for the water return temperature A correction of the setting for the water return temperature
P10 or P11 can be done depending the outside temperature P15 or P16 can be done depending the outside temperature
and via the parameters P12 / P13 and P14 and via the parameters P17 / P18 and P19

Access to the parameters via the terminal
• "Customer" level ( ) : press the OK and + keys at the same time for 3 seconds
• "Installer" level: press the OK and + keys at the same time for 5 seconds
☛ Access to the "installer" level parameters is restricted to qualified staff
Output mode parameters: press the OK key for 3 s or wait for 1 hour without intervening on the system
Particular attention must be paid to parameter 1 (presence of glycol)

3.4.1 - Parameters common to all configurations (accessible for reading / writing)

Name Parameter value Factory
N° setting
0 = pure water
1 Presence of glycol 1 = glycol water: (30% in reversible systems) 0
(40% in systems for cooling only)
Piloting via terminal 0 = Local terminal
2 On/Off inputs 1 = On/Off inputs 0

Management of absence 2 = Terminal with management of absence

0 = UT 2 = FHC + UT
3 UTR / FHC 1
1 = FHC 3 = 2 FHC
0 = Standard 2 = Low Noise for heating
5 "Low Noise" operation 2
1 = Low Noise for cooling 3 = Low Noise for cooling and hea-
P6 = 0 HP alone - no auxiliary
P6 = 1 HP + 3-stage electrical auxiliaries enabled
(electrical auxiliary load-shedding possible)
P6 = 2 HP + 3-stage electrical auxiliaries enabled (HP
Validation and type of load shedding
6 load-shedding and electrical auxiliaries possible) 0
for the auxiliary systems

P6 = 3 HP + substitute boiler auxiliary enabled (HP

load-shedding possible)
P6 = 4 HP + substitute boiler auxiliary enabled (HP
and boiler load-shedding possible)
Exterior T° for authorization of operation
7 P9 at 24°C 5°C
concerning the auxiliary systems
0 = compressor operation not authorized
8 Compressor validation 1
1 = compressor authorized
9 Lower operating limit for (air) -10 to 24°C -15°C
D e u t s ch

20 Floor differential 0.5 to 5 °C 2°C

Differential between floors
21 0.5 to 10 °C 2°C
for auxiliary systems
P22 = 0 : No option
P22 = 1 : Control of swimming pool
22 Configuration option 0
P22 = 2 : Control of hygrometry sensor
P22 = 3 : Control of pool + hygrometry sensor
23 Pool water setting 20 to 35 °C 28°C
24 Self-adapting defrosting time 0 = No 1 = Yes 0

Battery T° triggering time -2°C if P98 = 1

25 -5 to 0 °C
delay before defrosting 0°C if P98 = 0
27 T° battery for end of defrosting 10 to 45°C 35°C
28 Frosting time 10 to 90 mn 30 mn
Validation of fan operation at 0 = Standard
29 0
end of defrosting 1 = Fan operation at end of defrosting
30 Mode essai 0 = Non 1 = Oui 0

31 Setting for protection from freezing Air setting of air: 8 to 15°C 10°C
Variation maximum heat temperature
32 From 0 to 5 °C 1°C
exchanger for antifreeze protection
Variation maximum water output tem-
33 From 0 to 1 °C 0.3°C
perature for antifreeze protection
P34 = 0 Circulator off if boiler on.
34 Boiler-dependent circulator 1
P34 = 1 Continuous operation
P36 = 0 Cooling mode inhibited
36 Cooling mode enable 1
P36 = 1 Cooling mode enabled

3.4.2 - Parameters depending on type of configuration (accessible for reading / writing)

Values of UT parameters Values of FHC parameters

Parameter Factory Factory
N° Name Adjustable value Adjustable value
setting setting

Indoor environment
4 0 to 5 0 0 to 3 2
compensation coefficient

-6 to 28°C if P1 = 1
10 Comfort water setting for cooling 12°C 20 to 25°C 23°C
10 to 28°C if P1 = 0

-6 to 28°C if P1 = 1
11 Economy water setting for cooling 12°C 20 to 25°C 23°C
10 to 28°C if P1 = 0

12 Ext. air T° at start of drift for cooling 10 to 40 °C 25°C (Not applicable)

13 Ext. air T° at end of drift for cooling P12+5°C to 45°C 35°C (Not applicable)

-6 to 28°C if P1 = 1
14 Max. setting at end of drift for cooling 15°C (Not applicable)
10 to 28°C if P1 = 0

15 Comfort water setting for heating 20°C to P19 30°C 20°C to P19 20°C

16 Economy water setting for heating 20°C to P19 30°C -20°C to P19 20°C

17 Ext. air T° at start of drift for heating -10 to 30 °C 20°C 17 to 25°C 20°C

18 Ext. air T° at end of drift for heating -15 to P17-5°C -7°C -15 to 8 °C -7°C

20 to 46°C if P06 = 0

D e u t s ch
19 Max. setting at end of drift for heating 20 to 55°C if P6 = 1 or 2 40°C 20°C to 40°C 35°C
20 to 60°C if P6 = 3

Minimum water return for P1 = 0: 25°C P1=0: 20°C

26 25°C 20°C
defrosting authorization P1 = 1: 10 °C P1=1: 5°C

3.4.3 - Parameters accessible for reading only

Parameter Parameter Español
N° Name N° Name

40 Water return temperature 41 Water return temperature

42 Setting calculated 43 Setting calculated

44 Freon temperature in exterior battery 45 Freon temperature in exterior battery

46 Anti-short cycle time delay 47 Anti-short cycle time delay

48 Outside temperature 49 Outside temperature

50 Pool temperature (Not applicable)

80 CPU version N° 81 CPU version N°

3.4.4 - Factory parameters (not modifiable)

N° Name Values

+3°C in pure water if P1=0

93 Limit antifreeze evaporator (water)
-10°C in glycol water if P1=1

-2°C in pure water if P1=0 and P98=1 or

94 Limit antifreeze evaporator (freon) -3.5°C in pure water if P1=0 and P98=0
-16°C in glycol water if P1=1

95 Upper operating limit for cooling (water) 40°C


96 Lower operating limit for heating (water) 10°C for pure water and 5°C for glycol water

98 Fluid used 0 = R407C, 1 = R410A - default setting = 1

99 Version cooling only / reversible 0 = Cooling only, 1 = Reversible - default setting = 1



3.5.1 - Auxiliary systems
Auxiliary systems are not authorized: 1 if P06=0 or if P99=0
2 if the machine is stopped due to a water flow fault (d3)
3 in the case of a water input sensor fault (d4.2)

are authorized: 1 80 seconds after the compressor starts

2 In the case of unavailability of the compressor other than in the above cases
D e u t s ch



Regulation on 3 levels (electric resistances) P6 = 1 or 2

- Maximum water return setting 55°C - The 3rd level is only activated as a substitute if the compressor is unavailable

Example of operation Limits of operation Max return temperature

to the heat pump

Stopping Heat Pump and auxiliary systems

Water return temperature in °C

55˚C 55˚C
pump Auxiliary Heat pump off Heat pump off
Heat systems only Auxiliaries Auxiliaries
enabled inhibited
Heat loss in KW

Max temperature
authorizing operation
Heat pump + Heat pump + of heat pump
Auxiliary Heat Auxiliary
Auxiliary system system pump systems only Auxiliary
system Heat pump only

Outside temperature in °C -15˚C -4˚C Outside temperature

1st electrical stage pointer

Terminal display 2nd electrical stage pointer
when outdoor temp. < P9 3rd electrical stage pointer Physical limit of the Programmed threshold for
(replaces compressor) heat pump function triggering the auxiliary systems


Preliminary remarks
Corrosion of the boiler's parts:
Some boiler's parts, like steel body, could be damaged by the corrosion.
In that case, please contact a trade representative of your boiler to be sure about the compatibility between your boiler's parts
and the microconnect regulation.
Advices :
- No simultaneous operation of Heat pump and boiler if the water temperature is less than 40°C. If P6 equal 5, in case of doubt,
set P7 and P9 at the same value.
- Don't shunt the anti-corrosion safeties of your boiler (eg : circulation pump stopped until the burner temperature
rises above 40°C).

B1 Boiler controled by its own regulation P6 = 3 or 4

Standard application : boiler with an advanced electronic regulation.
If P6 equal 3 or 4 the Microconnect regulator gives only to the boiler a contact of operation authorization.

This contact (terminal strip J1 - terminals 1 and 5) is closed when the outside temperature goes under the P9 value or when the
Heat pump is in default. When the contact is closed the boiler's burner is controlled by the boiler's regulation.
Details of the Heat pump and boiler operating ranges :

Limits of operation
Stopping Heat pump and Boiler

70˚C 70˚C
Water return temperature in °C

Boiler Heat pump stopped Max return temperature

only Boiler not authorised to the heat pump

Max temperature
46˚C authorizing operation
Boiler Heat pump of heat pump
only only

Time delay = 80 s
when changing

D e u t s ch
-15˚C -4˚C P48

Nota : Stopped boiler and Heat Pump if exterior temperature > P9 and if water return temperature > 46°C

Closed contact status Open contact status

Value of P6
Connector J2 - Terminals 4 et 5 Connector J2 - Terminals 4 et 5
Heat pump stopped and boiler operating
P6 = 3 Normal Operation
(for instance: limiting of peak demand facility)
Heat pump and boiler stopped (eg : remote standby
P6 = 4 Normal Operation
of the global heater system)

Other items:
• Possibility to stop the circulation pump using the parameter P34
P34 = 0 : circulation pump stopped if boiler operation.
More, we consider that a default d3 (water flow default) must not forbide the boiler operation. Then, on the
apparition of this default, the boiler is always authorized to operate.
P34 = 1 : factory setting - continuous operation of the circulation pump
• Maximum water return on boiler overhaul : 70°C
• If P6 = 3 or 4 and if outside temperature < P9
Display "CHAU" + symbol flame on the terminal in case of boiler operation.

Symbol of boiler
operation status

B2 boiler controlled by the microconnect regulation : p6 = 5
Standard application : Boiler with simple regulation

By setting P6 equal 5, the burner and the heat pump are controlled by the Microconnect regulation based on the water law
put on the terminal (parameters P15 to P19).

The Microconnect terminal controls the room temperature.

Details of the Heat pump and boiler operating ranges:

Limits of operation

Stopping Heat pump and Boiler

70˚C 70˚C
Heat pump stopped Heat pump Max return temperature

Boiler stopped to the heat pump

Boiler authorised
Water return temperature in °C

only Boiler not authorised

Max temperature
Heat pump authorizing operation
+ of heat pump
Boiler Boiler Heat pump
only in 2nd stage only


-15˚C -4˚C
Physical limit of the Programmed threshold for
heat pump function triggering the auxiliary systems
D e u t s ch

Closed contact status Open contact status

Value of P6
Connector J2 - Terminals 4 et 5 Connector J2 - Terminals 4 et 5

Heat Pump stopped and boiler operating

P6 = 5 Normal operation at first regulation stage (for instance: limiting of peak demand)

• If P6=5 the parameter P34 is override to 1 (continuous operation of the circulation pump) and can not be modified.
• Display on the terminal if auxiliary heating systems by a boiler operating.

Symbol of boiler
operation status

Connexion example on boiler overhaul
The heat pump must be installed on the return of the installation. Use a four connexions water tank.
For more information, see the user's brochure "On boiler overhaul" N05.108B

Control of automatic operation

and load shedding Boiler control

Terminal strip Customer

J2 J1

Terminal strip Terminal strip

J2 J1
5 4 5 1

AQUALIS Regulation Control board


Room temperature

D e u t s ch
Heat emitters
(fan coil unit type)

By pass valve
(obligatory if radiators
with thermostatic valves)


Buffer tank
(with 4 connexions)



3.5.2 - Outside fan
In cooling mode
1 - The fan operates at max speed for 5 s before the compressor starts up.
2 - Regulation of the fan speed depending on the outside air temperature and then the freon temperature.
3 - Post ventilation after the compressor stops (30 s).

In heating mode
1 - The fan operates at max speed for 5 s before the compressor starts up.
2 - In standard version (P05=0) maximum speed.
3 - In Low noise version ( P05=2 or 3) or in pool heating mode, speed variation if the outside temperature is ³ 11°C..

3.5.3 - Switchover valve (only on reversible models P99 = 1)

1 - Supplied during heating operation as soon as the compressor starts up.
2 - Valve supply cut off after the compressor has been stopped for 30 minutes.

3.5.4 - Heater strip for condensate container


Only on reversible unit.

Powered if: compressor operating and outside temperature < 0°C and freon battery temperature < P25 and heating mode

3.6.1 - Winter safety system
A - Protection from freezing mode for the building
Function only active with:
- 1 reversible unit (P99 = 1)

- 2 terminal dial on frost protection symbol or go/no go input activation, J2 terminal 3 if P2 = 2

- 3 outdoor temperature < 10ºC
- 4 minimum water return temperature (P96) 10ºC, pure water or water/glycol mix
In RFH mode: maintain an ambient air temperature of + 10ºC
In TU or RFH + TU mode: ensure a minimum water return temperature of 30ºC

In RFH mode: - firstly by auxiliaries
- secondly by the HP if the installation uses glycol
D e u t s ch

- thirdly by the HP but in heating mode with economy setpoint and if the installation does not use glycol
In TU or RFH + TU mode: firstly by the HP (but the auxiliaries are enabled)

3.6.2 - Circulation pump control

Circulator Operating Mode
Cooling Heating by boiler alone
Off mode
or (Compressor off)
HP or Building winter protection
Frost protection mode

electrical heating
or Time setting
P34 = 1 P34 = 0
Swimming pool

Pure water : (P01=0)

Circulator on if outdoor temp : T ext. < 2°C
and water supply temp. (P41) < 30°C
Circulator off:
after min. 3 minutes' operation
and if P41 > 35°C On if
or outdoor temp > 4°C outdoor temp < 10°C
Continuous operation
at 230V Water/glycol mix: (P01=1) Off if
Circulator on if outdoor temp < -10°C outdoor temp > 12°C
and Twater supply temp. (P41) < 30°C
Circulator off:
after min. 3 minutes' operation
and if P41 > 35°C
or outdoor temp > 8°C
In whatever operating mode, the seizing protection function activates the circulator for 1 minute after it has been off for 7 conse-
cutive days.

3.6.3 - Automatic restart
Automatic restart in the case of a power supply failure or cut-off after a 3-minute stop, and in the same operating mode as befo-
re the power supply failure or cut-off.

3.6.4 - Selecting the operating mode

All changes of mode lead to prior stopping of the compressor.

3.6.5 - Anti short cycle system

Restart authorization for the unit after a minimum compressor stopping time of 3 minutes.

3.6.6 - Self-adapting regulation

This function adjusts the compressor operating time or the level differential to adapt unit operation to the installation in the best

possible way.

3.6.7 - Flicker on electric auxiliary systems

To avoid voltage fluctuations on the electric power line, the triggering time delay between the electric levels is set at 80 seconds.

3.6.8 - "Low noise" operation

If you find that your unit makes too much noise, you have the possibility of reducing the fan rotation speed.

To do so, and depending on your operating mode, you can adjust parameter P5.

Attention: this operating mode can lead to a reduction in unit efficiency under certain temperature conditions.


3.7.1 - Additional board

The following functions involve the use of a daughter board:

D e u t s ch
• Pool control
• Hygrometry sensor control
• Domestic hot water
• Piloting the regulating thermostat during operation in 2 zones

The Additional board, supplied as an option, must be installed above the main board and connected to J11.


3.7.2 - Heating / cooling output - Production of domestic hot water
Output available on the daughter board (as an option)
This output is necessary to operate:
a) the regulating thermostats during use in 2-zone modes
(see the schematic diagram "OPERATION 2 x FHC 2 zones" Chapter 3.3 section D)
b) the 3-way valve in Domestic Hot Water mode
(inclusion of the DHW circuit in the heating loop)

Contact open: operation under way for heating (modes: heating, pool, protection from freezing, production of DHW)

3.7.3 - Pool regulation

Contents of the kit: • A specific pool kit installation manual (with set values for the parameters)
• A 3-way valve

• A 10 kΩ sensor with its thimble

• A table showing the recommendations for the type of heat exchanger to install
(heat exchanger costs to be met by the customer)

3.7.4 - Piping tracer

An output on the CPU board (terminal strip J15 - terminals 1 and 2) enables you to power your piping tracer (not supplied):

a1) Installation without glycol: P1=0

the tracer is powered if:
-3°C ≤ Exterior temperature < +2°C and water return temperature < 30°C

or :

Exterior temperature < -3°C

a2) Installation with glycol: P1=1

D e u t s ch

the tracer is powered if:

-15°C ≤ Exterior temperature < -10°C and water return temperature < 30°C


Exterior temperature < -15°C

☛ Attention : during operation in cooling mode, with Ext. T < +2°C for an installation without glycol or Ext. T < -10°C for
an installation with glycol, tracer operation can heat up the water. For major lengths of tracer, the added heat can reach

noticeable levels.

3.7.5 - Hygrometry control sensor

The hygrometry sensor (supplied as an option) can be used to:
• limit the risk of condensation on cooling floors
• lower the set value

3.7.6 - Typhone (control by telephone)

This control mode (supplied as an option) enables you to pilot your thermodynamic unit over the phone.

The inputs J2 - terminals 3 and 4 - can be activated using the TYPHONE mode (supplied as an option) to pilot your
thermodynamic unit over the phone.

3.8 - FAULTS
3.8.1 - Fault management
2 levels of faults: temporary and permanent

Temporary faults lead to operation of the unit in degraded mode with a flashing display of the type of fault on the terminal
display unit. No memorization of temporary faults or permanent closing of the fault relay (except for terminal link faults).
Permanent faults lead to stoppage of the unit, and triggering of the auxiliary systems (if authorized) with steady display of the
type of fault on the terminal display unit. Memorization of the faults in the case of a power failure and permanent closing of the
fault relay. Fault management remains active in test mode.

3.8.2 - Fault table

Fault type Fault level Fault number
No display possible
because no
Opening of the link with the terminal Temporary
power supply

for the terminal
Temporary (time delay 3 min) if
Compressor rotation number of faults < 6 in 24h
or water flow rate too high Permanent if number of
faults ≥ 6 in 24h
Temporary (30 minutes) if
number of faults ≤ 4 in 24h
HP fault on cooling circuit d1.2
Permanent if
number of faults > 4 in 24h

4-way valve blocked open or closed Permanent d2
if stopping time < 6 min
Absence of water - Circulation pump failure d3
if stopping time > 6 min
Temporary for cooling
Opening or short-circuit of
the exterior temperature sensor
Permanent for heating
Opening or short-circuit of the

D e u t s ch
Permanent d4.2
water input temperature sensor
Opening or short-circuit of the
Permanent d4.3
water input temperature sensor
Opening or short-circuit of the
Permanent d4.4
freon battery temperature sensor
Opening or short-circuit of the
Permanent d4.5
freon temperature sensor at heat exchanger input
Opening or short-circuit of the terminal sensor Temporary d4.6

Opening or short-circuit of the
Temporary d4.7
pool temperature sensor
On water temperature ≥ P95 in cooling
Outside limits of use
On water temperature ≤ P96 in heating
(See operating limits table chap. 2.9) On external temperature ≥ 43°C and if P98 = 0 d5
On external temperature < P09 in heating
Return water temperature < P26 Permanent
defrosting forbiden
Temporary if
number of faults ≤ 2 in 24h
Freezing of heat exchanger using water waiting until water output > P93+6K d6
Permanent if
number of faults > 2 in 24h
Temporary ( 15 min ) if
number of faults ≤ 2 in 24h
Freezing of heat exchanger using freon d7
Permanent if
number of faults > 2 in 24h
Freezing of heat exchanger using freon and water Permanent d8
EPROM fault in terminal Microconnect card Temporary d9

3.8.3 - Resetting faults
After diagnosing and dealing with the cause of the fault, it can be reset using the following keys on the terminal

Keys on keyboard
Selector switch Mode Display
+ - OK

Press for 3 seconds Machine

to reset the fault in fault status

3.8.4 - Sensor value table

The sensors are of CTN type 10 K Ω at 25°C

Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensor

(in °C) resistance in kΩ (in °C) resistance in kΩ (in °C) resistance in kΩ

-40 345.3 15 15.58 70 1.724

-35 247.6 20 12.37 75 1.456

-30 179.6 25 10 80 1.236

-25 131.8 30 7,958 85 1.053
-20 97.78 35 6.446 90 0.901
-15 73.27 40 5.252 95 0.774
-10 55.44 45 4.305 100 0.667
D e u t s ch

-5 42.33 50 3.548 105 0.577

0 32.6 55 2.94 110 0.501
5 25.29 60 2.449 115 0.436
10 19.77 65 2.05 120 0.381


This mode is validated when P30 = 1 and cancelled after one hour (P30 returns to 0).

In this case:
• P9 and P7 are cancelled
• The anti short cycle (minimum stopping time) = 30 seconds, starting + stopping time = 0.
• The 30-minute waiting time following an HP fault (or freon battery sensor fault) are reduced to the value of the anti short
cycle time, i.e. 30 s.
• The frosting time delay is counted in seconds.
• The time delay for triggering of the auxiliary systems is reduced from 80 seconds to 5 seconds.

Notes :



D e u t s ch
........................................................................................................................................................ Español

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Compagnie Industrielle d’Applications Thermiques
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d’améliorer son matériel, CIAT se réserve le droit de procéder sans préavis à toutes modifications techniques.

SYSTEME QUALITE CERTIFIE ISO 9001 Non contractual document. With the thought of material
CERTIFIED ISO 9001 QUALITY SYSTEM improvement always in mind, CIAT reserves the right, without notice, to proceed with any technical modification.

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