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Immediacy, Hypermediacy and Remediation


The concept of immediacy describes the idea that technology should closely reflect the real
world in order to create a sense of presence. It aims to get an experience without mediation
and also demands for transparency of the medium in which an image is presented. Virtual
Reality can be a great example, as it could come close to total immersion, a state in which the
medium itself is totally invisible.
The biggest VR arcade in the world also known as the VR Star Theme Park in Nanchang
Another example could be video calls which attempt to erase the mediation of the
technological devices, make it appear as if you are having a face-to-face conversation.
Video calls on Zoom
Hypermediacy, in the contrast, does not seek to erase mediation, it places greater value on
performance and process than the finished art object. It seeks to make the viewer aware of the
medium as a medium and to enjoy the experience of mediation. For example, the users of e-
readers are aware of the device as a medium and to desire that mediated experience, as e-
readers not only have the same content as a book, it can also contain multiple books on
device which is very convenient.
Remediation can emphasize a difference rather than erase it, which is pitched as an
improvement and refashion of the prior media forms while still attempting to remain true to
the original. It shows a tension between transparency and opacity embodied by the double
movement of immediacy and hypermediacy (Bolter and Grusin 1999). For example, the
artists of contemporary art absorbs older pieces’ inspiration and vision and mix it with their
own opinions.

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