Kelompok 1 - Fundamental of Computer Design

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Fundamental of Computer Design


23206051016 WAHYU AL HADI
● The concept of stored program computers first appeared in 1945 when John von Neumann
drafted the first version of EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer).
● Those ideas have since been the milestones of computers:
1) an input device through which data and instructions can be entered
2) storage in which data can be read/written; instructions are like data, they reside in the
same memory
3) an arithmetic unit to process data
4) a control unit which fetches instructions, decode and execute them
5) output devices for the user to access the results.
● A few thousand dollars PC today has more performance, main memory, and disk capacity than
one that cost millions in the 50s-60s.
● Four lines of evolution of computers
1) Mainframes : In term of size, it is a very large computer
2) Minicomputers : Smaller than Mainframes, thanks to the development of integrated circuit (IC)
3) Supercomputers : Dedicated for scientific purpose
4) Microcomputers: Modern computer that we use today. The term micro refers to the physical size,
not the performance
How to know that one computer is faster than the other?

● Response Time/Latency/Execution Time

Time between start and completion event/task/program (n seconds)
● Throughput/Bandwidth
Rate processing of work (n jobs/seconds)

Response time, execution time and throughput are usually connected to

tasks and whole computational events. Latency and bandwidth are mostly
used when discussing about memory performance.
Respon Time/Execution Time
Respon Time/Execution Time
CPU Performance

● CPU Performance equation shows how to improve performance

● Unfortunately factors are interdependent -> trade-off

Designing a computer is a challenging task
Designing a computer involves software, and hardware as well at all levels: functional organization, logic
design, implementation.

A. Qualitative aspect
-Functional requirements; ranging from app area to the OS and networking aspect
-Balancing software and hardware
-Predict the future market

B. Quantitative aspect
-Make the common case fast: The designer has to make a tradeoff favor the frequent case
over the infrequent one.
Qualitative Aspects of Design
Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements
Balancing Software and Hardware
● After selecting some requirements, now have to optimize the design
● To discuss about an optimum you have to choose some criteria to quantize the design, such
that different versions can be compared.
● The most common metrics (criteria) are cost and performance
● Other requirements are important and must be taken into account: reliability and fault tolerance
is of paramount importance in military, transaction processing, medical equipment, nuclear
equipment, space and avionics, etc.
Design Today for The Tomorrow’s Markets

● The design of a new system may take from months to years, the architect must be aware of the
rapidly improving implementation technologies.
● Here are some of the major hardware trends:
1) Inegrated circuit technology
2) Semiconductor RAM
3) Disk technology
● The designer must also be aware of the software trends:
1) The amount of memory an average program requires has grown by a factor of 1.5 to 2 per
2) Increased dependency on compiler technology:
Quantitative Aspects of Design
In summary, the quantitative aspect should prioritize the optimization of
frequently occurring operations or scenarios, we can enhance the overall
efficiency and performance of a system. However, it's essential to strike a
balance in general-purpose systems to avoid degrading performance for less
common cases.
Amdahl’s Law
● Amdahl’s law is used to find the performance gain that can be obtained
by improving some portion or a functional unit of a computer
● Amdahl’s law defines the speedup that can be gained by using a particular
Amdahl’s Law
Amdahl’s Law gives us a quick way to find the speedup from some
enhancement, which depends on two factors:

1. The fraction of the computation time in the original machine that can be
converted to take advantage of the enhancement—For example, if 20
seconds of the execution time of a program that takes 60 seconds in total
can use an enhancement, the fraction is 20/60. This value, which we will
call Fractionenhanced, is always less than or equal to 1.
2. The improvement gained by the enhanced execution mode; ie how much
faster the task would run if the enhanced mode were used for the entire
program. Speedupenhanced is the time of the original mode over the time of
the enhanced mode and is always greater then 1
Amdahl’s Law
Amdahl’s Law
Amdahl’s Law
Locality of reference
The 90/10 rule of thumb says that a program spends 90% of its execution
time in only 10% of the code. There are two aspects of reference locality
● temporal locality: refers to the fact that recently accessed items from
memory are likely to be accessed again in the near future; loops in a
program are a good illustration for temporal locality;

● spatial locality: items that are near to each other in memory tend to be
referenced near one to another in time; data structures and arrays are
good illustrations for spatial locality.
Summary A. The concept of computer is first appeared in 1945
when Neumann drafted the first version of EDVAC.
Since then, the size of the computer becomes smaller
and smaller and can handle much more complex

B. Performance of the computer is based on its ability to

complete more jobs per unit time. It involves response
time and bandwidth.

C. When designing a computer, the creator should

consider qualitative and quantitative aspect as
both aspect are important.

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