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Reference: 231255-December 2023

Water recipes development


Water Science & Technology (E.TE.N.)

3 Ir. Polytechneiou Str., 15344 Gerakas, Tel.: 2106391986, Email:, G.E.C.R No.: 115021637000
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3

1.1. General Information .............................................................................................. 5

2. Technical Offer .......................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Development phase………………………………………………………………………………..………………5
2.2 Implementation phase ………………………………………………………………..…………………………6
2.3 Water analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

3. Financial Offer .......................................................................................................... 7

3.1. Cost calculation ................................................................................................... 8

3.2. Steps for a recipe ................................................................................................... 8

3.3. Commercial Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………….. .10

231255// RS Water
1. Introduction
Dear Sir,

Upon your request, we submit our technical & financial offer to inform you about the services
we provide. Our goal is to work on prevention, in terms of optimizing the production process,
developing existing products and new ones and, of course, tackling problems (if and when

Our multi-year of experience derives from the provision of services in projects, supply of
equipment and generally installations in respective production units in Greece and abroad.
The value added of our company in your project lies in the fact that, due to our absolute
specialization in respective issues, we act targeted to the cause and purpose of the issue.

Our team consists of experienced but also young engineers and the result is guaranteed
provided that all the proposed necessary steps of the protocols that we propose will be
followed and implemented.

In any case, we are interested, not only in starting a cooperation with your Company, but we
also hope for a long-term and beneficial professional relationship for both parties. We hope
our proposal meets your expectations and we remain at your disposal for any clarification and
Best Regards,
Evangelos Trogadis

231255// RS Water
They trust us:

231255// RS Water
1.1. General Information

Title Standard Proposal

Date DECEMBER 2023
Customer RS Water

2. Technical Offer

At the current phase of your project and as relayed we can assist you on the frame of the
following steps. First of all, we define a target/priority plant and its water treatment.

2.1. Development phase

1. Work on the raw water composition of your target plant to set the frame of the works.
The raw water quality and its particularities will lead us to suggest the optimum treatment. In
case there is already an established treatment, we will also work on the final water chemical
composition. With our simulation tools we will orientate you towards the optimum result by
also defining any constraints (i.e. solubility issues) to the recipe(s).

2. According to the raw/treated water particularities we will define together with you the set
target to prepare a remineralized water and suggest a recipe. We will receive certain
amount of water (quantity to be defined) and prepare samples in our laboratory and send
them to you for sensorial test. For every suggested recipe you will have the expected
composition and the annual quantity/cost of the additives according to the produced
quantities. According to our experience we can orientate you and customers by selecting the
optimum product in terms of cost, without compromising on the taste.

231255// RS Water
3. Establish sensorial test protocols. Train your team on recognizing the basic taste that is
sweet, sour, salty, bitter, neutral. Suggest you the drawings of a testing room that contains
testing cabins where the sensorial tests can be performed.

4. As an option, the next step is to go on site and adjust the recipe according to the
feedback from your people. The sensorial tests are better to be kept in a limited number of
persons (maximum 10) in the beginning for the development phase.

2.2. Implementation phase

Once the development phase is accomplished, we will go ahead with the industrial

1) Wide sensorial tests will be organized for the people in the market to get the
appreciation of the consumers. Statistical elaboration of the results and affine the
recipe accordingly.
2) Design the water treatment unit able to produce the selected drink recipe or any
eventual modification required to get to the target. Including P&ID, sizing, and all the
necessary information to be able to get an offer from your water treatment suppliers.
Evaluate the technical part of the offers and assist you on taking the correct decision.
3) Supply any equipment and installation of the water treatment equipment and assist
you on commercializing the selected product with our presence on site. Implement,
validate and follow-up all the necessary protocols to produce products according to
the engineering specifications.

2.3. Water analyses

At every step we can perform chemical water analyses in our internal laboratory to confirm
the recipe. Our laboratory integrates a portable unit which we can travel with, at any site. In
this case, our team is self-sufficient from A-Z to conclude on a recipe on site.

231255// RS Water
3. Financial Offer

For your better understanding of the commercial policy, we cut the projects in steps together
with technical description and cost each time. The description is done on table 1.

Table 1: Description and cost

Description Cost Estimated total working

Development phase
Know how transfer 1.500,00 Euro per one
Included 2 days in office
1) Work on raw water

2.250,00 Euro per recipe 3 days (per recipe)

2) Prepare a recipe

1.500,00 Euro 2 days in office

3) Sensorial protocol

3.800,00 Euro 4 days on site

4) On site -if necessary

Industrial implementation phase

1,500.00 Euro 2 days (only office work)
1) Wide sensorial tests

14.000.00 Euro Budget price

2) WT design

To be quoted
3) Equipment

1,200.00 Euro per day 10 days on site

4) Supervision

Water analyses
350.00 Euro Per set of analyses
1) Internal lab

231255// RS Water
3.1. Cost calculation

The cost is basically calculated for 950 Euro per expert per day working on the field
and 750 Euro per expert per day.
It is not included any traveling cost which is calculated to 450 Euro per expert per
It is not including any flight ticket, accommodation, and transportation and generally
any cost related to travel in any premises outside our office.
It is not included any mineral salt or other component.

Not included
• Transport, feeding, working group accommodation.
• Any supply of equipment.
• Any work not described in this proposal.

3.2 Steps for a recipe

On the tree diagram 1 are demonstrated the step of the projects on the left side. On
the right side is represented the cost at any step. The target is to make your decision
easy and by selecting the required assistance at any step.
By “recipe” we mean a total new water recipe containing different components. In
case we work to affine a selected recipe by adjusting the same component the “recipe”
is considered the same.
That make us a total cost for one finalized recipe:
1.500,00+1.500,00+2.250,00 = 5.250,00 Euro per recipe.

In case we select the option to go on site we have as a grand total:

5.250,00+3800,00 =9,050.00 Euro

231255// RS Water
About the on-site industrial implementation, the approximate steps are presented on
table 1 for your information. The precised works will be probably defined as a second

step and according to the real needs of every factory. In case we establish a permanent
collaboration, our company is flexible enough to review, discuss and work with you to
make a win-win collaboration for every industrial implementation you may require.

Tree diagram 1: decision tree on recipes development

1.500,00 €
Start first

Work on raw water to
check particularities

Define and prepare the

Sensorial protocol
recipe in the lab 2.250,00 €
1.500,00 €

Is recipe Adjust
acceptable? recipe


On site visit /sensorial 3.800,00 €


231255// RS Water
3.3 Commercial Policy

Definition of the final cost by a proforma invoice according to the selected steps.

50% down-payment by bank transfer.

100% payment after the end of the works.

Travelling, local accommodation, local transportation expenses either to directly charge

the customer or re-invoiced by adding 5% administration cost.

Mineral salts and other ingredients will be invoices upon prior agreement and according
to their commercial value and conditioning.

Offer validity 3 months.

Team availability to start the project between 2-4 weeks from the order.


231255// RS Water

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