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McCormick Tractor MTX155 MTX175 MTX200 Parts Catalog

McCormick Tractor MTX155 MTX175

MTX200 Parts Catalog
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Format : PDF Language : English Brand: McCormick Type of machine: Tractor
Type of document: Parts Catalog Model: McCormick MTX Series MTX155
MTX175 MTX200 Tractor Contents: Attachments Brakes Electrical_system Engine
Fuel_system Hydraulic_system Power_train Steering_system
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17 The maid
therefore that
kept the door
saith unto
Peter, Art thou
also one of
this man's
disciples? He
saith, I am
not. 18 Now the
servants and
the officers
were standing
and he there, having
was sitting and sat with made 6a fire of
with the the officers, to coals; for it
officers, see the end. was cold; and
and warming 55 And when they were
himself they had warming
in the light kindled a fire in themselves:
of the fire. the midst of and Peter also
the court, and was with
69 Now Peter had sat down them, standing
66 And as was together, and warming
Peter sitting without Peter sat in the himself.
was beneath in in the court: midst of them.
the court, there and a maid 56 And a certain
cometh one of came unto maid seeing 25 Now Simon
the maids of him, saying, him as he sat Peter was
the high priest; in the light of standing and
67 and seeing the fire, and warming
Peter warming looking himself.
himself, she stedfastly upon They said
looked upon him, said, This therefore unto
him, and saith, Thou also wast man also was him, Art thou
Thou also wast with Jesus the with him. also one of his
with the Galilean. 57 But he disciples?
Nazarene, even 70 But denied, saying,
Jesus. 68 But he he denied Woman, I He
denied, saying, before them all, know him not. denied, and
I neither saying, I know said, I am not.
know, nor not what thou
understand sayest.
thou sayest:
and he went
out into the
porch; 3and 71 And
the cock crew. when he was
gone out into 58 And after a
the porch, little while
another maid another saw
saw him, and said,
69 And the maid him, and saith Thou also art
saw him, and unto them one of them.
began again to that were But Peter said,
say to them there, This Man, I am not.
that stood by, man also was
This is one of with Jesus the
them. Nazarene.
72 And again he
70 But he denied with an 59 And
again denied oath, I know after the space
it. not the man. of about one 26 One of the
73 And after a hour another 5
servants of
And after little while confidently the high priest,
a little while they that affirmed, being a kinsman
again they stood by came saying, of him
that stood by and said to Of a truth this whose ear
said to Peter, Peter, Of a man also was Peter cut off,
Of a truth truth thou also with him: for saith, Did not
thou art one art one of he is a Galilean. I see thee in
of them; for them; for thy 60 But the garden with
thou art a speech Peter said, Man, him? 27 Peter
Galilean. 71 But bewrayeth thee. I know not therefore
he began to 74 Then began what thou denied again:
curse, and to he to curse and sayest.
swear, I know to swear, I
not this man know not the
of whom ye man. And
speak. 72 And And straightway
immediately, and straightway
straightway the cock while he yet the cock
the second crew. spake, the cock crew.
time the cock crew. 61 And
crew. the
Lord turned,
and looked
75 And Peter upon
And remembered Peter. And Peter
Peter called to the word remembered
mind the which Jesus the word
word, how had said, of the Lord,
that Jesus said Before the cock how that he
unto him, crow, thou said unto him,
Before the cock shalt deny Before the
crow twice, me thrice. cock crow this
thou shalt And he went day, thou shalt
deny me out, and wept deny me
thrice. 4And bitterly. thrice. 62 And
when he he went out,
thought and wept
thereon, bitterly.
he wept.

Or, I neither know, nor understand: thou, what sayest thou?

Gr. forecourt.
Many ancient authorities omit and the cock crew.

Or, And he began to weep.

Gr. bondservants.

Gr. a fire of charcoal.

Each of the four Gospels records three denials; but the details differ considerably, as must
always be the case where in each narrative a few facts are selected out of many sayings
and doings. We have seen (footnote on § 154) that there were three stages of the Jewish
trial, (l) before Annas, (2) before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin for informal examination, (3)
before them in a formal trial. Now John gives only the first of the three stages, Luke only
the last, Matthew and Mark give the second stage fully, and the third in brief mention. If
Peter's denials ran through all three (and Luke says in ver. 59 that there was an hour
between his second and third denials), then no one of the four Gospels could give each of
the denials precisely at the time of its occurrence; and so each Gospel merely throws them
together, as in another way we here bring them together in one section. There is no
difficulty about the substantial fact of the denials; and we must be content with our inability
to arrange all the circumstances into a complete programme.



Mark 15:1 Matt. 27:1 Luke 22:66-71
1 And straightway 1 Now when 66 And as soon as it
in morning was day, the assembly
the morning the chief was come, all the of the elders
priests with the chief priests and the of the people was
elders elders of the people gathered together,
and scribes, and the took counsel against both chief priests and
whole council, held a Jesus to put him to scribes; and they led
consultation, death: him away into their
council, saying, 67 If
thou art the Christ,
tell us. But he said
unto them, If I tell
you, ye will not
68 and if I ask you,
ye will not answer.
69 But from henceforth
shall the Son of man
be seated on the right
hand of the power of
God [see Ps. 110:1;
Dan. 7:13]. 70 And
all said, Art thou then
the Son of God? And
he said unto them,
Ye say that I am.
71 And they said, What
further need have we
of witness? for we
ourselves have heard
from his own mouth.

Or, Ye say it, because I am.
This ratification of the condemnation after dawn was an effort to make the action legal.
But no ratification of a wrong can make it right. Some modern Jewish writers admit the
illegalities and argue the unhistorical character of the narrative. But the hate of the
Sanhedrin for Jesus made them violate their own rules of legal procedure. See my book,
The Pharisees and Jesus.



Friday morning

Matt. 27:3-10 Acts 1:18, 19

3 Then Judas, which betrayed 18 (Now this man obtained a
him, when he saw that he was field
condemned, repented himself, with the reward of his iniquity;
and and falling headlong, he burst
brought back the thirty pieces of asunder in the midst, and all his
silver to the chief priests and bowels gushed out. 19 And it
elders, 4 saying, I have sinned in became known to all the dwellers
that I betrayed 1innocent blood. at
But they said, What is that to us? Jerusalem; insomuch that in their
see thou to it. 5 And he cast language that field was called
the pieces of silver into the Akeldama, that is, The field of
sanctu- blood.)
ary, and departed; and he went
away and hanged himself. 6 And
the chief priests took the pieces
silver, and said, It is not lawful to
put them into the 2treasury, since
it is the price of blood [see Deut.
23:18]. 7 And they took counsel,
and bought with them the
field, to bury strangers in.
8 Wherefore that field was called,
The field of blood, unto this day.
9 Then was fulfilled that which
spoken 3by Jeremiah the prophet,
saying, And 4they took the thirty
pieces of silver, the price of him
that was priced, 5whom certain of
the children of Israel did price;
10 and 6they gave them for the
potter's field, as the Lord
me [see Zech. 11:13; Jer. 18:2;
19:2; 32:6-15].

Many ancient authorities read righteous.

Gr. corbanas, that is, sacred treasury. Comp. Mark 7:11.

Or, through.

Or, I took.
Or, whom they priced on the part of the sons of Israel.

Some ancient authorities read I gave.


Jerusalem. Friday, early morning

Mark 15:1-5 Matt. 27:2, 11- Luke 23:1-5 John 18:28-38

1 and bound 2 and they 1 And the 28 They lead
Jesus, and bound him, whole company Jesus therefore
carried him and led him of them from Caiaphas
away, and away, and rose up, and into the 2palace:
delivered him delivered him brought him and it was
up to Pilate. up to Pilate the before Pilate. early;
governor. and they
entered not into
the 2palace, that
they might not
be defiled,
but might eat
the passover.
29 Pilate
went out unto
them, and saith,
2 And they What accusation
began to bring
accuse ye against this
him, saying, man? 30 They
We found answered and
this man said unto him,
perverting our If this man
nation, and were not an
forbidding to evil-doer, we
give tribute to should not
Cæsar, and have delivered
saying that he him up unto
himself is thee. 31 Pilate
Christ a king. therefore said
unto them,
Take him
and judge him
according to
your law. The
Jews said unto
him, It is not
lawful for us
to put any
man to death:
32 that the word
of Jesus might
be fulfilled,
which he
spake, signifying
by what
manner of
death he should
die. 33 Pilate
again into the
palace, and
2 And Pilate 11 Now Jesus called Jesus,
asked him, stood before 3 And Pilate and said unto
the governor: asked him, him,
and the saying,
governor asked
him, saying,
Art Art thou the Art thou
thou the King King of the Art thou the King of the
of the Jews? Jews? And the King of the Jews? 34 Jesus
And he Jesus said unto Jews? And he answered,
answering him, Thou answered him Sayest thou this
saith sayest. and said, Thou of thyself, or
unto him, sayest. did others tell it
Thou sayest. thee concerning
me? 35 Pilate
answered, Am
I a Jew? Thine
own nation
and the chief
priests delivered
thee unto me:
what hast thou
done? 36 Jesus
My kingdom
is not of
this world: if
my kingdom
were of this
world, then
would my
servants fight,
that I should
not be delivered
to the Jews:
but now is my
kingdom not
from hence.
37 Pilate
therefore said
unto him, Art
thou a king
Jesus answered,
Thou sayest
that I am
a king. To
this end have
I been born,
and to this end
am I come into
the world, that
I should bear
witness unto
the truth.
Every one that
is of the truth
heareth my
voice. 38 Pilate
saith unto
him, What is
4 And truth? And
Pilate said when he had
unto the chief said this, he
priests and the went out again
multitudes, I unto the
find no fault Jews, and saith
12 And when in this man. unto them, I
3 And the he was accused find no crime
chief priests by the chief in him.
accused him of priests and
many things. elders, he
4 And Pilate 13 Then saith
again asked Pilate unto him,
him, saying, Hearest thou
Answerest not how many
thou nothing? things they
behold how witness against
many things thee? 14 And he
they accuse gave him no
thee of. 5 But answer, not
Jesus no more even to one
answered word: insomuch
anything; that the
insomuch that governor
Pilate marvelled
marvelled. greatly.
5 But they were
the more
urgent, saying,
He stirreth up
the people,
all Judea, and
beginning from
Galilee even
unto this place.
Or, an anointed king.

Gr. Prætorium.

Or, officers: as in verses 3, 12, 18, 22.

Or, Thou sayest it, because I am a king.

The Roman Trial also comprised three stages, (1) the first appearance before the Roman
procurator Pilate (§ 159), (2) the appearance before Herod Antipas, the native ruler of
Galilee appointed by the Romans (§ 160), and (3) the final appearance before Pilate (§


Jerusalem. Friday, early morning

Luke 23:6-12

6 But when Pilate heard it, he asked whether the man were a
Galilean. 7 And when he knew that he was of Herod's jurisdiction, he
sent him unto Herod, who himself also was at Jerusalem in these

8 Now when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was
of a long time desirous to see him, because he had heard
concerning him;a and he hoped to see some 1miracle done by him. 9
And he questioned him in many words; but he answered him
nothing. 10 And the chief priests and the scribes stood, vehemently
accusing him. 11 And Herod with his soldiers set him at nought, and
mocked him, and arraying him in gorgeous apparel sent him back to
Pilate. 12 And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that
very day: for before they were at enmity between themselves.
Gr. sign.

See § 71.


Pilate slowly and reluctantly and in fear surrenders to the demand of

the Sanhedrin for the crucifixion of Christ.

Friday toward sunrise (John 19:14)

Mark 15:6-15 Matt. 27:15-26 Luke 23:13-25 John 18:39-

6 Now at 1the 15 Now at 1the
feast he used feast the
to release unto governor was
them one wont to release
prisoner, whom unto the
they asked of multitude
him. 7 And one prisoner,
there was one whom they
called would. 16 And
Barabbas, they had then
lying bound a notable
with them that prisoner, called
had made Barabbas.
men who in the
had committed
8 And the
went up and
began to ask
him to do as
he was wont
to do unto
them. 13 And Pilate
called together
the chief
priests and the
rulers and the
people, 14 and
said unto
them, Ye
brought unto
me this man,
as one that
perverteth the
people: and
behold, I,
examined him
before you,
found no fault
in this man
touching those
things whereof
ye accuse him:
15 no, nor yet
Herod: for he
sent him back
unto us; and
behold, nothing
worthy of
death hath
been done by
him. 39 But ye
17 When a custom, that
therefore they I should
were gathered release unto
9 And together, 16 I will you
Pilate answered Pilate said unto therefore one at the
them, saying, them, Whom chastise him, passover: will
Will ye will ye that I and release ye therefore
that I release release unto him.5 that I release
unto you the you? Barabbas, unto you the
King of the or Jesus King of the
Jews? which is called Jews?
10 For he Christ? 18 For
perceived that he knew that
for envy the for envy they
chief priests had delivered
had delivered him up. 19 And
him up. while he was
sitting on the
his wife
sent unto him,
saying, Have
thou nothing
to do with that
righteous man:
for I have
suffered many
things this
day in a dream
because of
11 But the him. 20 Now the
chief priests chief priests
stirred up the and the elders
multitude, persuaded the
that he should multitudes
rather release that they
Barabbas unto should ask for
them. Barabbas, and
destroy Jesus.
21 But the
answered and
said unto them,
Whether of
the twain will
ye that I
release unto
you? And
they said, 18 But they cried
Barabbas. out all together, 40 They
saying, cried
Away with out therefore
this man, and again, saying,
release unto us Not this man,
Barabbas: 19 but Barabbas.
one Now Barabbas
who for a was a robber.
made in
the city, and
for murder,
was cast into
1 Then Pilate
therefore took
Jesus, and
scourged him.
2 And the
soldiers plaited
a crown of
thorns, and put
it on his head,
and arrayed
him in a purple
garment; 3 and
they came unto
him, and
said, Hail,
King of the
Jews! and they
struck him
with their
hands. 4 And
Pilate went
out again, and
saith unto
them, Behold,
I bring him
out to you,
that ye may
know that I
find no crime
in him. 5 Jesus
therefore came
out, wearing
the crown of
thorns and the
12 And Pilate 22 Pilate saith purple
again answered unto them, garment. And
and said unto What then 20 And Pilate Pilate saith
them, What shall I do unto spake unto unto them,
then shall I do Jesus which is them again, Behold, the
unto him called Christ? desiring to man!
whom ye call They all say, release Jesus; 6 When
the King of the 21 but they therefore
Jews? 13 And shouted, the chief
they cried out Let him be saying, priests and the
again, Crucify crucified. Crucify, officers saw
him. 14 And crucify him. him, they cried
Pilate said unto 23 And 22 And he out, saying,
them, Why, he said, Why, said unto them Crucify him,
what evil hath what evil hath the third time, crucify him.
he done? he done? Why, what evil Pilate saith
hath this man unto them,
done? I have Take him
found no cause yourselves,
of death in and crucify
him: I will him: for I find
therefore no crime in
But But chastise him him. 7 The Jews
they cried out they cried out and answered him,
exceedingly, exceedingly, release him. We have a
Crucify him. saying, Let law, and by
him be crucified. that law he
ought to die,
because he
made himself
the Son of
God. 8 When
Pilate therefore
heard this
saying, he was
the more afraid;
9 and he
into the 3palace
again, and saith
unto Jesus,
Whence art
thou? But Jesus
gave him no
answer. 10 Pilate
therefore saith
unto him,
Speakest thou
not unto me?
knowest thou
not that I have
power to
thee, and have
power to
thee? 11 Jesus
answered him,
Thou wouldest
have no 7power
against me,
except it were
given thee from
he that

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