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Rule 1: Gerund follows the verbs

A Admit Discuss Mention
Advise E Enjoy P Permit
Allow Escape Postpone
Anticipate F Fancy Practice
Appreciate Feel like Q Quit
Avoid Finish R Recall
Acknowledge Fear Report
C Consider H Hate Resent
Call I Imagine Recommend
D Delay Involve Risk
Deny K Keep S Suggest
Detest M Miss
Dislike Mind

Rule 2: Gerund follow the expression below:

 Can’t/ couldn’t help

 Can’t couldn’t bear
 Can’t/couldn’t stand

Rule 3: Used behind prepositions:

In, on, at, by, of, with, to…
Ex: By working hard, he earns a lot of money.
Rule 4: Used behind Adjs below:

 To be worth
 To be busy

Rule 5: Used behind the expressions:

 It’s no use
 It’s not good
 There’s no point

Rule 6: Used with the expressions:

 Have difficulty/ trouble

 Spend/ waste
 A waste of time/money

Rule 7: Used with “GO”:

Rule 8:
S + Imagine + O + V-ing


 Note:
 Passive form: S + V + being + V3.
 We can also use that after admit, deny, suggest.
 We normally do not use –ing after –ing.

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