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Class XII

Practical List -Computer Science

1. Write a program to input any number from user and factorial of that
2. Write a program to input any number from user and find whether
number is prime or not.
3. Write a program to check whether number is Armstrong or not.
4. Write a program to find the frequency of any word in a string.
5. Write a python program to read a text file line by line and display
each word separated by #.
6. Write a python program to read a text file and display the number of
vowels, consonant, uppercase and lowercase characters in a file.
7. Write a python program to read text file and the lines that contains
the character a write in another file.
8. Write a python program to create a binary file to store a rollno, name
and marks of 10 students.
9. Write a python program to update a marks of student in above file
by taking input of that student’s rollno.
10.Write a binary program to store book information
[bookid,bookname,price] of 10 books then search any book by
bookid. If book is found display message book is present otherwise
book is not present.
11.Write a function to create a csv file by entering user id and password
then write another function to search userid if userid is present
display appropriate message and vice versa.
12.Write a function to implement stack using list.
13.Write a program to generate a random number(1-6) till user want. If
user enter ‘N’ then stop to generate numbers.
14.Create a table
d) and Branch(branched,branchname) and insert records.( At least
15.Display the unique city from customer table and display in ascending
16.Find average amount ,minimum amount,maximum amount, sum of
amount and total number of rows from customer table.
17.Display total amount of according to each acctype.
18.Use the natural join on customer and branch table.
19.Write a program to connect the database ‘School ’from sql using sql
20.Write a program to insert student
record[sid,sname,percentage,contact,city] in student table using
21.Write a program to search a student record in student table by
entering sid.if student not found than display appropriate message.
22.Write a program to update student marks of entered sid using
23.Write a program to delete a student record of entered sid from
student table using connectivity.

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