İngilizce V (A & B) Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

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Vocabulary: October 18th, 2011 1. Unlikely: smaller chance of occurring Although I love Turkey, it is very unlikely that Ill be returning next year. 2. More than likely: larger chance of occurring (more than 50%) The weather forecaster said that it was more than likely to rain today, so Ill bring my umbrella today. 3. Unfortunately: unluckily, sadly I tried my best, but unfortunately I couldnt pass my English Exam. 4. Miscommunication: misunderstanding Many relationship arguments are caused by miscommunication. For a successful relationship, great communication is essential (important). 5. Disgruntled: angry or dissatisfied; unhappy The disgruntled airplane passenger caused a commotion on the plane and the pilot was forced to land the plane. Once on the ground, the police arrived and arrested the disgruntled passenger. 6. Frustrated: expressing anger, disappointment, or annoyance I feel frustrated with this calculus problem set. I cant understand it. 7. Elated: ecstatically happy; in high spirits; joyful; euphoria When I saw my exam score, I was elated and relieved that my hard work paid off. 8. (Im)Practical / (Im)Pragmatic / (Un)Realistic: sensible, common-sense, businesslike Laila, you have to buy an electric water pot. Its more practical and convenient than waiting nearly 5 minutes for the water to boil on an ordinary gas stove. 9. Idealistic / Unrealistic: theoretical My brother is so idealistic and nave. He thinks that every human being is nice. Unfortunately, he learned the hard way that people can be cruel. 10. Unfeasible/ Impossible: cannot occur; very very difficult to deal with For a long time, people thought it was impossible to break the speed of sound. In 1947, Chuck Yeager, an American pilot, broke the sound barrier and flew at more than 670 mph. +Adidas has a commercial/ advertisement that says Nothing is Impossible. 11.Improvise: create or make something without preparations We werent ready to perform on stage, so once we got on stage we improvised our scripts.

12.Temporarily: for a brief moment; not permanent Sorry students, the electricity is temporarily down. Once it returns we can continue with our lesson. Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word: 1. Ahmet was the son of a farmer, so when he told his childhood friends of his dream to become a university professor everybody laughed at him. In fact, they told him his dream was ____________ and he had no chance. In the end, he succeeded and become a univ. professor. 2. Because of the heavy rainstorm, all flights at Ataturk Intl Airport have been ____________ grounded (cancelled). 3. The electricity went out in class, so the professor couldnt present his PowerPoint. So instead, he _________________ and adjusted his presentation without use of the computer. 4. When the Aegan Tour Agency offered me a job at their agency, I was so _______________. Ive never been that happy, except when my husband proposed to me. 5. I dont have enough money for the bus fare(ticket) to Mu, my hometown. Unless I can find money really quick, it is ___________________ that Ill be home for Bayram. 6. Recep, I am sorry to say this, but ________________ your brother was involved in a horrible car accident last night. 7. My mother was angry at me, because of some _______________. She thought I was going to come home and help her with preparing dinner, but I was busy studying for my Vize Exam. 8. I would buy a car in Turkey, but the high cost of gas (petrol) makes it _______________ for me to buy a car with my meager (little) salary. It is smarter just to take the bus around town. 9. Although Selma was being courteous (very kind) and nice, the ___________ bus passenger kept bothering (annoying) her and yelling at her. 10. While teaching my brother algebra I tried to be patient, but his laziness and slowness makes me very _______________. Im wasting my time helping him and he doesnt even try to study. 11. It has been snowing for the past 2 weeks, so it is ______________ to snow today. 12. My business professor told us that life is about risk. Sometimes, you have to be __________ and follow your dreams and hopes if you want to succeed and change the world. That is what Steve Jobs did at Apple.

Useful conversation phrases: 1. 2. 3. 4. How can I help you? Whats the matter? / Whats the problem? Itll (It will) be okay. Do you need anything?

Idioms: 1. Better to be safe than sorry. 2. Whatever goes around comes around. 3. Better late than never. 4. This is a piece of cake. 5. A blessing in disguise. ----Although Despite

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