42 Lions Russia and Ukraine

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| | Ht | WHY Nero Has Become A Fins Pome Wim Russia tw | Ureainé Transatlantic all = JovaTHAN MASTER = tic alliance doubled its membership since she end of cold wars Patin draw a red tine in Ukraine» Summary Russia, deployed more thon 100,008 tops ia vurcine, nnd dermnding mejor seely Cancessions from NATO. pee allege What US. have broken promises made in 1890s to not expand eastonl Us. ond ware leaders suf 0 50th pledges were madey refused to discuss limitation cn niaro's expansion, howeser, open for secarity dinlegie Intropuction | Russian G NATo tension —> poink of ritis | Qassias demands seurity concession inl Us. and lato violated pledges nade ie early, 14906 into former Soviet unton blow with Russia on doors to naw member’ cease. to expanding eastward. | thot alliance would net | ond other matter expend rms control | | ato. ie open to nent dipomocy vowing te aiseast forever shubbing NaTol o wete Nato 7 | Wear ts Te Source oF Russin's Ospere Wr | Founding members 14"9 Begin — France Luxembourg | anda —teeland netherland | | Denmark Vealy gion ] Portugal united kingdom United states | cold war expansion 1952 Greece Turkey 1458 west germany 1962 Spain Posk- cold war ext 1999 cermany | taaq czech Republi, Humgary poland 2o0H — gulgariae Estenia, Labview | Lithuania, Romania slovakio slovenion 2004 Albania, — Croatior | aoa Monkenegare | 2020 © North Mocedloniow Neto Vuraine > ee pillar ot former soviek union, stmbegically important « shrong hetorig tae with Russians pining nwAT wns a red line | ] | “Me russian leader could stand idly by io the face of steps Leward aTD membership fer veraine. that would be hestile ack tonords Russion ” Ritin weed undersecretary fer political offairs william J. aurm, dincher of cia NATO's 2008 aucharest summit. © Alliance affiem thak, “ these countries will become member of NATO” formal invitation ko accession talk to Albania, and croobia —> member in 2008 Nam expended agai Nato’s Expanociny, Memaeesnr in -20tT end = 2020 © Faurding member © ead ear expantion post-celd wor ePemmsion | Dio THE US Promise THE Sover union Taar IT woued Freeze | Nato Expansion ° © | Russian official say uss. qrverement made a pledge to soviet leaders to rok expand the alliance's eastern borders. & cammitment during the Fluery of diplomacy follewing the fall of the Berlin wall in tata. amd surrounding the remnification oF Germany in 1990. US. secretary of state Somes a. Gaker said te Soviet lender maitheil Gorbachev in Feb, 490. “There would ne extension of NATOYs ju for forces of ware one inch in to the cask.” Repeatedly betrayed verbal commitment > ExpandeR western alliamee several Himes , stil expanding Baltic stoles. > | Came te Russia's dporstept in cose of | CTRaective view ak Y7 wtst germany alady member Focus of diplomacy sinter Tivo pls four > — z of soviet ask gumeny pork ne ee Disenetions were not abou NATE esl germany te / a tar westward parm | aihed crates y Soviet union tewg terre pla | sien! i | united Wingder —uorsany pack sevice union existed | United states nation tho they weld dissolve quickly | Ube did diesolve) | ° [in aot interview, Gorbachev said: “The fepic of ‘NATO expancion was never dicaced . Tb wat oot raised in those yeoré:” Diplomacy bebwsen Us and soviet leaders > Germany L discassion of potk-unificabron security Potential te beueme part of Warsow ot wal as ware Soviek leader insisted -> Germany wat neuer o part of NATO > Accepted Germany's right to dacide ited. UE chapped back From Saleer's initial lamguage “wares jurisdichon™ That he used only in the, discussion aheut whether NAT troops would bored in task Germany. | Sovick forces withdraw AG treaty does not mention ee fights and commitment toeyand JR oy mente foe R Foreign sare forces not allowed How bin Nato FEATRE Iv Dipromact BETWEEN US AND Posr SovieT Russian LEADERS ? Boris Yeltin = co ak intr Russian Government 1943 -1444 vs administralion erech Republic & poland | Discussion New security struchure, ip Serept: beeme park of NATO > \ es § fortify embinent's fledging Post - sevice democracies | | Expomsion rankle mssion tenders ot a pragite tramsitionah eroment detroct from audear arms contvol New NATO infiative Partnership for peace non-exclusive open to all worse pack member as wall at von aurepenn ceurtrita Nouunch in Samm, 1844 Twe dozen countries joined (eussiar vernine) Clinton in Prague said, " the question ie me longer whether Naro will take on new members but when and how.” Yeltsin warned western leader in December of that year , " Europe, even before has managed te shrug off the legacy of athe cal wary is risking encumbing ibeel® with a coll pence.” Clinton made efforts to aillag Yellin, concerns - Russian leader re-elected in 1446 inviting Russia, to join the group of + amd attablishing @ Formal, oon~ adversarial forum Gor NATe~ Russia, diplernacd « ng, wroke for war on the rocks, anor were a decade oF incuding \wosove in 1844) Tames Geldgeier yan expert on NATO “Russi rele “For mmamy €ussian, mest importantly Vladimir Patiny humiliahion , as Us ienposed its vision of order on furepe ¢ hie eussion could do nething but stand by and wate.” wary of NATO expansion in 0 Ailtances gues fastest in reo | Swe | EFfedkive in tocling security £ Rossian coe Balkic countries saw NTO | Ne : | chatlenge imemberthip as a shield againsh | international terrorism former soviek euler Conflick in Afghanistan saging at a High protile speech in munich in 2007, “ne te obvious that wnto expansion does nat hove any relation wth the mederaniaation of the alliance itself or with ensuring security im furepe. om the sontrany. ib | Fepresints a Serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual arask .” | iA 4 NTO", 2008 Sucharesk summit :t admit Georgia and veraine ershi © years later Kyiv stepped desert economit. partmerthiP Russia iovaded vkraine and annexed — Crimen “INuat Is Rossin DemanoinG Of NATO Ao THE UNITED | STATES Tooay 7 | Russia Put a death agreements Treaty: with the United ctabes (@ articles) Reticle 4 calls for NATO to end “We eastward expansion, deny future a soriek sted ships of exe goviek state. Ban US from establishing bases in former ah dah) i in areas outside | geticle 5 block Leth signatorict from deploying military esate in areas culite ational border that “could be perceived by che other party as a threat to | | its pational searity” . teary bombers and warships of amy types: Arkicle 6 calls for parties to eantine. depleymont , anly in areas where they | | could nok trike the other's teritory- frlcle. 4 iecking partes from deploying ruchau weapons euiside ‘heir vespechive territories. Agreement with NATO (4 articles) + wn NAT countries that were member 1 Divide NATO's eastern * [nae aa [eae ree Comcde ail exstorn counbrics) eee een 7 eglngng millary aeeel Pepleymemt only take place: only accep what has bean depleyed bepore in excephional cases © with ‘aoe Rarsio's coment Forbid slalioning missie | Ankle 6 | reat that could strike other partes Restrict NNTO from elegemt Mnrtice ¢ | txempting Ukraine 2 beume park of em [ne enters geksity mam in | Article 7] Ram chives in easlern turepe ) touth Ukraine eaucanus and cambral Bile. + | Bam on Future enlargement , are effectively nom-starker. + | mescon's dad duibrately excessive, demisead by western power avd serve | aS pretext for Qescin 4 escalate. (Bread vition) How Are THe Unrreo States And Nato Suppor TING Unenne? Hy + | Committed to restore territorial integrity and sovereign + | Pe mot recognize Russia's claim te Crimea + | Emourage eussian and deraine ‘© vetelve ‘the conflick via the mtinsk agreement, Signed in 2014 2015 brokered bry France &% Germany > fecords call for cease fire withdrawal of heavy weapons > Vkraine contre) over ite border with Russia, I elections and special political status for certain areas bo © | Wyle ab given al of gain member shi | Ki aFfinmed geal of gaining into membership | holol yearly milikary exercises with alliance Oerainian vilitary equipment § training provided by us > ds ison gear, vedare, evel] > Ineuding sper riples, grenade Teunchers, night ving asti-tank missiles, § petro) vessels * | In 2020, veeaine become one of 6 so-called anbonced opportunity parkners ied special tah given to NATO's clnest alien, such as Puabralion *

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