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5 GensRation WARFARE : Apropos Pakistan eo William Nemeth from US femy 5 jn 2002 a 2 Ceinect the term “hybrid warfare" also Calteol [105 Generation warfere (SQW) = *F o, multoneous employment of tailored mix ©F Conventional weapons 5 ivregular tactics, Kerrerison andl Criminal behaviour at the eC space bo achieve cerhain political objectives ” ~ Wiliam Nemeth & Concephrolisation | | @) Barry Buzan 5 in he arte | of Seuurity im 2187 Century ” catlined that | Concept — of Seasrity will multiply in this cen— | bury instead of being eliminated o Rdvancement of technology molded contours of war in the Gurent era —> shifted to bt generotion warfare »| Roe OF Meoza: « Becording to “Post modernism thesry of Interre.-| tloral Retations Gay’? > medita ploys an imp- | Ovtant vole In Creating a perception Amory | peeple ard is weed as a tool Of warfare | |- In ais Century, vole of medio hos became crucial — both internatly 4 externally - Hocking State from — multiple. fronts Ofter times , false and anti- state propogancla Used by media to chirect pubic Rosrakive Wuat Is HYBRsD Warrare ? & war fs um even bef ik *S ever fought - 7 wo" The Art of Wor” by gan TRU The above mentioned phenomenen 15 vey mach yelevant today og t traces the world 's parccligen chift fron conventional fe hybrid war e The term hybrid user was expanded by Gank Hoffman 5 Centre for Emerging Threats and Opportunities ak Quantico , and Lt: Gen James Mats in 20S s —sdeseribed it a8 Amolgametion of politicat, Canventinal , wregqulor § cyber warfare ; ‘volves tools of fake news and economic Ceertion 5 uktuising methods fuch at contrac Brg narratives through information technology Ord media , fupporing proxy militia , fureign electaral intervention , and diplomacy « + Mutipronged warfighting Approoch which o5 | to Abrupt and disable tHe | OdWversory le actions) witheuk any form of confrontation | (+ Today » oni literry fore iS used with iwegutar and cyber warfore tactics to initially — enfeeble the enemy internally 9 and then defeat him . 2 In modern era, most Counties use hybrid war- fore to destabilise and disintegrate vival - © 4 a“ 7 ; Supporting Prony Components of % hybrid worfere (Sqn) Leer Wareare IN- PaxtstaAN: + Medes of warfare shifted from Conventional to St generation warfare in Pakitan + + Blectronic and Social mediums , wit, paradives of international oy a ee boss Used by external ee to madi avian ; reading an nk — military — narrative : Country's Populoce . + Pakistan fares too kinds of hybrid threats? © External | © Tater nol Exteenac Hyaero THReats : \ |b Tnetion hybrid warfare activities in Pakistan: + Tnetiayx has been an ardy- yval of Pak: Since ite intlependerce. s Hbwever , the Status of both countries 06 Nuclear power has charged perception of wor between them + Tria has thus in Pakistan » waged 5% gen. warfore by funding and troining insurgent : > Seperatist grups and various terray- ‘SE ovganisotions . ° Tk hes alse poutidsed international boclies militia, ike Fete; 1€ had been claimed thot Indio ard itz western allies are behind the grey listing of Pode. « In 2020, @ yeperk by £u Disinfo Lob feb unearthed vast Indian network incl ved ‘in actively maligning Pakistan ound Pemoting disinformation +: - the Yepert highlighted hundreds of Organisations 5 tink tanks -, groups NGOs 5 medio channel , maga xines Curd other outlets Yeapensible for Spreaning misinformadion Vegarcling Pakistan - | ~ Prreng them EP Today (a fake European Pasliornenk magazine) 5 Times of Geneve | EU Chyonides » The Evonemic Tienes , wore Some Of the media outlets created by | ree ae for the purpose of makignieg - The report atio uncovered that TO fore mecla agmader 4 fuke persmalitied 4 fake editors Gnd Journalists And tot UN Qcereclited NGOs were odso used: Ff Kebbhushen Yesav , an Indian spy anested fren Batochislen 5 wes working with Seporatict Gorrs > Supporting —anti~ ttate militia. + India is also allegedly believe. fo sponser terrovism from Afghoristan in Pakistan . | « Main veaton for woging SU wart = enfeenie Pakistan's economy and politiat tabiuty —> portiuar focus om dlameging CAE project - damaging. fakistan's positon Inter nabinnaly - and jeoparcizing fak's Security & stability ty US hybrid warfaye in Palsistans + Poke current inclination towards Ona , Created Pareotign sift in velations of both counties * Gowing claseness of fasistan with Cina due to Cec poses threat +o US —> thad US slanted € 5% Gen. wore in collaboration with Tnoia. Pakistan put info grey list in Fate during , the US presidenyy of FATE —> PotReising ha Wlerrational oyanisation to premurite Panistan ° Jn 209, @ top Cuinese offival adtated that | I China would nok atlew politicisation of FATE > this ¢tatement delineates how US is trying to tosment Pode 2 Jn 28 5 OS ako pressurised Pakistan by worning Tue against gramming ® bailouk Package to Pakistan 6 US alto maligns Paketan by acwsng ik of hewbouring Various terravists in aiddition to Supping Agra Tadiban iil) Tsraet's hybrid worfare in Poseistan: * Pok's support of Palestinian Cause 1S uth knoum thus i€ hoy not accepted Israel 0d 0 Stabe © Although 7 the later hay not ockce, one Pred against fak y it is aWleged to hove colluded sith Indian 4p attad Pa tn pose . \° Recenty > Pegasus » & Surveilance software macte by Israel » Shewed O& number its leaked Uist that wos Used by PM Ik. Wy Western Media and NGOs: © Abti- Pakestan Campaigns ef Western media by BBC, CNN and other media outlets ” Propeganda for fuctled by Jeska ottlets arcing Asad Toor care made headlines in the West —> atletts to the selective Jourrabisns ottemptedl to madign Pakistan - | Th 206, GSeverat int: N@Os were banneaf were und operati 19 anh ~ Stake he et Sone a onus “Leo collaborated wilh CIA to Propagate. anki- chose o.ckuitien 2y| InTeenar tHyeero THaents = |) Potrticat Peat Lines: + Many politttans » for ‘their Personal Joins 5 have made Claims that jeopardised the Security Of the county — ey Nowax Shoyif 's claim Against Security ogendes of the state - + “Memog ate Scandal” — another example + Christophe Jafferlot in Ws book Pakistan Ob the Croseroac mentioned how People's Party awerted a military Coup sith US 'c hetp in return for 0 “US~ frierelly ” national Security team 5 ard abolishnant of IsL's ex- kernal operations wing © Down Leaks scandal — Onother example ° The > Politicians - infenttmally or unintentionally Contibute to SGN in Pou. ti) Unprofessional Journalism & Sodal edie: + Journaditem & mestia hay achreved some form of freedam since Musharraf era. . Penentoy > ank=state and anti- establiykment narrative ic chongly Proi’ed and we seen ad way 4 become fours interradrmally - ° Attack on Asad Toor hag deen a lotg of traction in the int: Meotua-—> the ablegations howe been Used to matign the image of the country * Ank- sate vhebric hod become vife © Fate accounts involving anti~ ak activities operating vothin € outhicle Pade © Lome joumatists debiberntely involveet in sprea-| ing anti- date views of loehast of Tndila, Termmet & US. iii) Sectarianism = Pax hor faced direct impatk of Sandi - Tran vift WH foron Of rising bectarianism - + Both counbies howe fought proxy wort ir Pole along wat with yvelevant sect: © THis Cectarian divide will weaken the roticral] integration € coheslon Of county — Yreoting CviL diterder & Chaos © Example: Recent Peshawar suicide attack in ao Ga mosque (4% Morch) W) Non- State Actyg : + Terrorist groups Uke TTP, LeT (lashkor @- Tatba) » Al- Qaeda ete. howe been Used by external hpctile nations to weaken Pakistan >» Hane been ‘involved in moss kildinge > futcide Attatks and targetted killings bosed on Yeligion and ethnicity - Concussion = * Pox's Geostrakeqic & Jeegmphical Location i an cveag Of interest to 2 incumbent Superpowers 2 US and China: + Th cadition, its clase Prosimity to ibs arch- vival Srdia j ard the Kashmir iScue > dleng with an itredentist claim of Afgnanistan in te herthwest oven of the county has critically jeeparetised the Sovereignty 4 Security of the County ° The use of technology and 5° generation war- fore hes manipulated the geneal peputace » Chpecially the youth in blaming the. state for ewery bad Situation - e the Same youth thor glorifies athe. Ho Waysood ond Botty wood crevices — 1albng. “ Dixistani- bared terrevi sts “need +o vealssre the chang ex of 3S Gen warfare - Grd must vejec the cutt- Stoke nobhons- | | & Similarly » Crate institutions € juotictary ‘ | ae appropriate Steps te Sop Spreacl of anti~ Sake norrakives by meclia outlets = journalists. | | | a |

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