Preboard III Question Paper (IT)

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PRE-BOARD I (2020-2021)


Max. Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A &
Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective
type questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer

(5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.


Q. 1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills
(1 x 4 = 4 marks)
i. Which of the following is not the 7C,s of Communication? 1

1. Completeness
2. Clarity
3. Courtesy
4. Clear
ii. Stress always have negative effect.(T/F) 1
iii. Which of the following are the causes of Stress? 1

1. Physical
2. Mental
3. Financial
4. All of the above
iv. Which of the following is a myth of Entrepreneurship? 1

1. Need lot of money

2. Have great idea
3. Should know everything about business
4. All of the above
v. Amit’s Computer was running very slow , hangs and often restarts. 1
He is very confused and tensed as he was working on very
important assignment. Amit’s friend given him the following
suggestion. Identify who has given him a genuine suggestion.

1. Sonam : Restart your machine

2. Anil : Install genuine antivirus software and update
3. Ajay : Don’t use Pendrive
4. Suman : Install free antivirus from net
How many sustainable development goals are given by the United
vi. Nations?
1. 17
2. 18
3. 19
4. 20

Q. 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i Serial keys is an accessibility feature that assists people having 1
difficulty using _____

a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. Both Keyboard and Mouse
d. None of the above
ii Which of the following is not a web browser? 1

a. Safari
b. Internet Explorer
c. Google
d. Firefox
iii Strong password should contain __ _________________ 1

a. Only alphabets
b. Only numbers
c. Both numbers and alphabets
d. Numbers, alphabets and special characters
iv Which of the following is not type of hazards? 1

a. Physical
b. Biological
c. Financial
d. Chemical
v An unplanned event that happen all of a sudden is called ________ 1

a. Accident
b. Emergency
c. Hazard
d. None of the above
vi Qumana is a ________________ blog editors 1
a. Free
b. Offline
c. Free and offline
d. None of the above
Q. 3 Answer any 5out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i Which of the following is not an advantage of Database? 1
a. Reduce Data Redundancy
b. Sharing of Data
c. Enhance Data Inconsistency
d. Ensure Data Security
ii Tables in Base can be created in 1
a. Design view
b. Using Wizard
c. None of the above
d. Design View as well as Using Wizard
iii By default length of Integer data type is __________________ 1
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 50
iv _____________ uniquely identifies each and every record in table 1
a. Foreign Key
b. Alternate Key
c. Main Key
d. Primary Key
v ____________ helps to display data in summarized manner 1

a. Report
b. Form
c. Query
d. Table
vi Which command is used to delete one or more record from table? 1

a. Update
b. Select
c. Order by
d. Delete

Q. 4 Answer any 5out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i Which of the following style is not available in Styles and 1
Formatting window for Writer?

a. Character
b. Paragraph
c. List
d. Presentation
ii To cut a section of image is called __________ 1

a. Crop
b. Wrap
c. Scale
d. None of the above
iii Sameer open a new document in Writer and found that his 1
Company’s Logo is automatically coming on left top corner. Which
of the following feature can help to do so?

a. Styles
b. Template
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
iv By default Writer evaluates _________ levels of headings when we 1
create table of contents.

a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12
v Suman is celebrating her 14th Marriage Anniversary. She wants to 1
invite her friends and family members to the party. Which feature
will she use to send the same invite to many people with different
addresses without typing it again and again?

a. Wizard
b. Documentation
c. Mail Merge
d. Letter Merge
vi Shortcut to view non-printing character is : 1

a. Ctrl + F2
b. Ctrl + F6
c. Ctrl + F10
d. Ctrl + F11
Q. 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i Consolidate option available in _________ menu (in Calc) 1

a. Insert
b. Format
c. Tools
d. Data
ii Which of the following is more elaborate form of Goal Seek? 1

a. Subtotal
b. Scenario
c. Solver
d. None of the above
iii We can record Macro by clicking on ________ menu. 1

a. File
b. Tools
c. Format
d. Insert
iv Tool to solve “What-if” questions is _________ 1
a. Solver
b. Macro
c. Scenario
d. Goal Seek
v By default there are _______ sheets in Calc file. 1
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 2
vi Anil and Sunita created a list of their class in one of the sheet of 1
Calc in School. Now they want to complete the task from home.
Which option they should use to access the same Spreadsheet
from home.
a. Consolidate Worksheet
b. Link Worksheet
c. Merge Worksheet
d. Lock Worksheet


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability
Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks) Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.
Q. 6 Write four methods of Communication. 2

Q. 7 What do you mean by Entrepreneurship? Write two qualities of 2

Q. 8 Define the following terms: Virus and Worms 2

Q. 9 What do you mean by Goal and Goal Setting? 2

Q. 10 What do you mean by Sustainable development? 2

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each

(2 x 4 = 8 marks)
Q. 11 Write two ways of renaming worksheets. 2

Q. 12 What do you mean by Styles? Write two advantages of Styles. 2

Q. 13 How can you insert table of content in Writer? 2
Q. 14 What do you mean by Sorting data? Which clause of MySQL will 2
help to sort the records
Q. 15 Write four online transaction websites. 2
Q. 16 Expand the following terms : 2
a. DSL
b. ISP

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12

Q. 17 Define the following terms. 4
a. Text Wrapping
b. Anchoring
Q. 18 What do you mean by Scenarios? Write steps to create scenario. 4

Q. 19 Write four guidelines to manage strong password. 4

Q. 20 Define the following terms : 4
a. Data type
b. Tuple
c. Attributes
d. Primary Key
Q. 21 Write the queries (i to iv) for the following table “Product”. 4

i)Pid Pname Price Qty

101 Keyboard 350 10
103 RAM 3150 12
104 Mouse 350 5

Display all the records of table.

ii) Display the records of those product whose price is more than 2000
iii) Display product id of “RAM”
iv) Delete the record whose product id is 103

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