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Kerernne Okeanizarion lv The Context OF Pxistan ° | Ursanizarion Nadeem khorshidl | | antecemctent of socio pelitical, catual 4 econmmia tremnprmation sf ony seeiety yas opposed) ~ > pestle niding within o geopepticed beumdlany - | Mlobatly — densigicabion agglomuabion “beneyits ~| developing countries necemenily purwote sproul andl congestion intpyicteme’ © pack apetiol foot prints tt in primary sector | prcwdenil tz uabam comburs ccording report ‘ odd 3-2. bullon According 40 UN_rupert + ““descdeping coumtaten ore eapechedd te | urban venidunts ey 2060." | ateistem —tronoall population qowth rab. say. , fastest orbemising county | wr South, Mie 10 cities have ove we million poplabion (Ueber heavy weights) Popul comparison Grow'h vali of top 0 cikes trom 103 -20r7 epee ctakpemecinenatfxiden & 2 ee Be » 2or Fo«@ 8 3 aan 2 Cowittions ) Grewte vate (7) Population 4 gd Rete Fad Rng ir ih Mot hyd so elie a3 44 ajramoaa Myduabed Quite. > ~ > > > > WHY Corse Uesnnization 2 Curse BAD Mawacementt hemizakin sum ak @ cone in duclping worl becnae snibies Sikes lack guernance capacities to turn urbanization challenges inte oppertoniti Urbanization im developed world Urban centres in Pale global benefits outweigh disadvantages 61090 i206 parton [ngs | sane + person |: n Pakistoni ikies turned There ig hove vrsuetainchly and unlivable with such tow densi grwing vom med of housing and Umited Financial resources. infrastruclure while muneipaliies alobal warming Cermmoling inefficiencies informal £qvatter cetHement to Pakistani cihies environmental abion Aegrad, al Sikvedion aggravates: Siminiching gfabal green Frotprints Sy rite in spahal Gridvon marred teenemic performance hewsing © plight challenges mamitest viewing rhanizabion Spatial regulations that ue Rpebawe omigrabing to large chee inclines ty task ot Lring in urhan areas. \nformal fxomples are arochi- Hlerahad , Lahore - lanjramurnbas- Cacrak «Rana 26 er ential curse rather eppertunity. *) aetdamsily Werte. gine) pre single use SSI In ahha region dow be high eeiternents cluster areund bebe. Rehewar~ Nowthehre, Laheres shel Hhepuras ~ Feuisalahad , indi orem resgions - The cament detinibin appear Hawed , st it exclude Gub-urbam areas thak did oot aeelity for 01070 + Lemchmark of Pepulabion. Gest ae ik intenti I) 4 keep inrastruchere, ond municipal spring bill low. Upon declaration Financing will be veges We madies cities deprive of renee and ther ceonemiz. opperkunibien Developing ceunlries athiiebly converting vrboanicahion inte ecenomie growth vblining luster talenk being | mutually inkerack 4p cokalyee economic growl. | Aaleidam hae largest frachion of youth 130 million Need to desice sound) policy | Viilice 4 drigger economic. growth ‘y > > ~ > > Resteverveing Oksanization Management Tou : over stressed WarFoeward Redefine Urban Govt. Develop, Me least these. Assess Nature, Formulation — of Aioble. qualty Substantive Undertomd) nature, Develop o we Necessitate, Contemporery localized urban stresses more objective, veprecentalive, inclusive « rumbers constitutional amend ment manage amd direck spatial, econemic Mosk be mulhi~ hele mecessibilty | abil , \Wrommen) [Resiiens | Inewave > Detision makers =| + poor Niet conditions cco-systemn ~ sound poling OF orbanization extent 4 magnitude S Febust policy and management regime EVISE Sum-NaTioNAL Poxicies - Urbenieation Pregreine erhan ening Aescapmment and geernance reqine 4» centecl social, eeenomic , Kneneial annie > inercosedl borden of disease | Wwreaeate | Rosust Ae corrtboratey enaly ee, and extrapolate volumelric asseement fined je provincial exclude, many settlement which by funchion are ne more rural: aind molhfacetes) approach areas where primary empleyment it mek agriculture should mak consider rural Significance , mognituele § Distribution of Urbanization the siluakion § Loca, Deverormenr Plans subject: 5 merphalogicad dimension ‘relucle spatial planing , eet + trvironmental ,ecelegical, trantpert resilience dimentions ok whan gre nt city gevemanee model Urable 4 Resilient cihes > — Faure £ commmoniby > | Must be able to rettore back te nomal Dener crries Ecovorme Devetopmenr Key objeckive to trigger economic destloprment Lecal economic. development policy fe the missing ink Embrace bread strakegi¢e to lerecage the potential regionally Keroem isnt rienar Go VERN ANCE Robuit and capacitobed inchitutions shone ie the Key He success: Anke mtver bea cape te dd . , ; with chellenges - Med te anderstand dynamic. of city qgevernance grnoth prepesiion ae ee te harneee the \otroducing cllaborahve edacing cllaborabive approach tor Lenekite of urbenitalion improved guiermance: | Gender § Youth inclusive Urban develop ment Ftistuy 210 million population comprises Sz women y ba]. belmw age oF 80 women share in workforce iy, creake srwandship sf both segment Flam must remeuin gender ond youth sensitive Beilding Urben Resilience, N chy 4 rectdemte must calaboratively able 42 suttain and cape with dinaster funchion within the shortest possible Hime, Aakishom expec 40 recaive more social ond esonomlc: lnsaee by climate change Cities are exposed to heat waves, Flach pieede, lore of qream caver water psacrocly » epidemics, finametal shvesses , terrorism, sechariam iolence and mich more Comrmurities and gevernenumbs must collaborate, 4

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